• Published 26th Jun 2012
  • 2,996 Views, 74 Comments

Time, Space, and Paradoxes - Christophe

Powerful undead meets Equestria will he save it or be cast out?

  • ...

Prison Break-in

A/N: This chapter is gonna bring in a new OC that I'm looking forward to doing a spin off for. So look forward to that.

Paradox burst through the door of The Doctor's clock shop. He could feel the full moon behind him as if Luna had made it into the Eye of Sauron. He pushed forward into the incessant ticking of the many clocks and up to the bedroom. Strange enough The Doctor was actually sleeping in his bed tonight and he was clutching something. Paradox crept closer being sure to muffle his steps. He looked over The Doctor and nearly burst out laughing. Behind The Doctor was Ditzy Doo and between the two of them was Dinky Doo with her head pressed against The Doctor's chest.

Paradox could feel both his hearts nearly break as he The Doctor in the side and covered his mouth. The Doctor jerked slightly but only enough to make Dinky roll over. Paradox pulled The Doctor out of bed and into the Tardis. He set The Doctor on a bench and handed him the letter. The Doctor read over the letter and with a steely look in his eye he nodded. They started up the Tardis, Paradox disengaged the break to silence the noise.

The Tardis disappeared out of sight without making a sound with Paradox and The Doctor expecting to be back before morning. Ditzy opened her eyes and stared at the spot. She sighed to herself and she snuggled back into the warm bed with thoughts of the brave adventurers.


"Alright Doctor, I'm going in, getting Trixie, and then I'm gonna deal with Celestia and Luna." Paradox left his usual clothes with The Doctor and in favor of black pants and his robe with nothing else.

"Be careful Paradox I have no idea how this field will effect you once your away from the Tardis." Paradox nodded as he pulled his hood up and strode out of the Tardis.

Paradox stepped out of the Tardis and looked around. A giant door blocked the exit to the cave prison. The prison itself was a huge sloping spiral with cells on either side. Paradox could see very little with only faintly glowing crystals to light the area but he could make out silhouettes in some of the cells. Only some of the cells had these shades others were barren. Paradox concluded the higher the threat the lower they must keep them.

Paradox started walking away from the Tardis. About twenty feet from it he left the Tardis' protective field and the full magnitude of this place crashed down on him. It was as if all his life force was sucked away in an instant. He became cold and could barely feel the ground beneath his feet. He looked at his hands and saw that they were gaunt and pale. He brought his hands to his face and with the little sense of touch that remained he traced his features. His features had changed drastically, his hair was stringy and limp, his skin was cold and leathery with large holes in his cheeks, his teeth were fanged and tongue forked, but most of all he feared his eyes for they were gone but he could feel the flame burring in the socket and he knew it was blood red.

He inspected the rest of his body for changes. His joints had decayed to the point of only showing grey muscle. The bones in his fingers and toes extend into sharp claws. His chest was open with shriveled black lungs, because who needs to breathe when you're dead. He got a good look at his hearts now without an agonizing pain or disembowelment. The natural human heart on the left was black as night and the other on the right was pure white. Paradox hastily redressed himself and went about his task. He preferred the illusion of life over the abomination he was now.

Paradox moved along the stone corridors checking each of the cells as he moved. The lich eyes (DnD term for those who don't know) actually assisted his vision in the dark, allowing him to see into each cell. He saw everything from demons to a diamond dog shaman. One prisoner approached his cell door and called out to Paradox.

"-sniff- Hey, I know that smell. How could I ever forget… the smell of fresh decay," said a dark red pegasus with a black mane and tail.

"And who are you?"

He is unbalanced, but may prove useful.

"Ah, sorry where are my manners, Hehe. They called me Gnash, the Corpse eater. Good to meet you…?"


"Neat name friend. Now what brings you to our humble hell hole?"

"I'm looking for a blue unicorn that was brought here today."

"Oh, I remember her kept yellin somethin about it being an injustice to lock her up. Kept me in stitches till little Celly came by and a guard jabbed me good in the side."

"Wait… little Celly? She has to be double your size and older than you."

"Oh, she may be double my size now, but she's not older than me thats for sure."

"Thats not possible…"

"Oh, but it is friend, just look at yourself. Not even death can touch us here. Hehe, I remember when she was born. The king and queen were so proud."

Paradox's eyes (holes?) widened in shock. How is that possible? This place was even worse than he imagined. A place where they lock away offenders so they can live in anguish for all eternity. A prison for the soul.

"Where… where did they take the unicorn?"

"Ah, I'm gonna need some payment for that one friend. I don't want out, I don't want anything but something good to eat. So, I'll tell ya but it'll cost you an arm and a leg." Gnash wore a devilish grin.

They probably won't grow back here…

Paradox reached up to his left arm and pulled it off at the shoulder. He did the same with his left leg after sitting down. They came off easy like tearing a roll of paper towels. He tossed them over to the cell and Gnash eagerly pulled them into the cell. Paradox could hear him tearing into the flesh as he waited for his own limbs to regenerate. When they did he almost didn't notice, there was no pain, no discomfort, just the sickening sight of his hand and foot reforming.

"Thanks friend. As for the unicorn they took her down to the bottom with the rest of the occultist. Little Celly sure was upset at having to put her down there."

"Thanks… I hope you like your meal."

"No, thank you friend… hope to see ya again, HAHAHAHAHA."

Paradox continued down the corridor with renewed purpose. He swept past all the cells only giving passing glances until he came to the bottom. At the bottom were at least twenty cells. The biggest draw of Paradox's attention was the massive black pit in the center. Paradox stared into the darkness and felt as if he was looking directly into the abyss. (Realm of infinite darkness) Paradox silently prayed to the void that Trixie hadn't been thrown in there. Paradox only needed to check about ten before he found her curled up sleeping with dried tears on her face.

Paradox picked the lock much like he had on the elements door. He tenderly picked up Trixie and cradled her in his arms. He took off back up the ramp running the whole way. Undeath did have the advantage of not getting tired. Once back within range of the Tardis Paradox returned to the flesh and took Trixie inside. Paradox nodded at The Doctor as he set her down and returned outside.

Paradox moved over to large doors just near enough to the Tardis to use magic. With inhuman strength Paradox thrust open the doors. Just as the doors swung open the Tardis started it's exit and Paradox saw a very unhappy Celestia next to a sad looking Luna. Celestia fired a bolt of energy but Paradox thought fast and dipped into the shadows. He rushed Celestia in the form of a shadow dodging her blasts. Once under her he sprung up grasping at her neck. Celestia wasn't fast enough to dodge Paradox when he gripped her neck and slung around onto her back. Paradox wrapped his right arm around her neck to squeeze while his left siphoned her magic.

Luna joined the battle now and pulled Paradox off, throwing him away from the doors. Paradox hit his head on the floor in the fall and something jarred in his mind. Suddenly he felt… giddy. He felt unimaginably bubbly and happy like he had never known such… Joy.

Paradox started giggling and bouncing uncontrollably. Celestia fired another shot but Paradox was nowhere to be seen. Celestia felt a pain in her gut as she was thrust upwards. Luna fell on her face as her legs were swept out from under her and was pushed under the now falling Celestia. The two lay in a heap while Paradox started bouncing around them still giggling like a school filly. His mirth left him exposed and the combined might of the princesses thrust him back behind the threshold of the doors. Upon striking his head again his giddiness faded.

"Why are you fighting us Paradox! You are supposed to keep the peace not incite anarchy!" Celestia had picked herself up and was furious.

"Because Trixie did nothing wrong! Especially not anything to deserve this horrid place as a punishment! She was helping me do your will! How could you punish her for that!"

"Those arts are forbidden Paradox. Our father decreed time magic was too dangerous for mortal hands and all those that know it must be punished." Luna said with sadness in her voice.

"No doubt that if we recaptured her you would break her out again," Paradox nodded, "then Luna and I will make you a deal… You take her place at the bottom of the pit and when you escape you go free and resume your duties," Celestia had regained her composure now.


We should have just destroyed them!


The three stood at opening of the pit. Luna and Celestia had nearly brought back up their dinner when they smelled Paradox in the corridor and then again when he showed them all of the changes. Luna only hugged him and sobbed silently and Celestia patted him on the back with a sad look in her eye. Paradox pushed Luna off and stared at the darkness before him. He stepped forward and plummeted.

I hate the dark.


Paradox fell for what seemed like an eternity in the inky blackness. Eventually the magic dampening aura disappeared and an aura of evil permeated the air. Paradox finally hit dirt, or so he thought. The ground felt more like sand but when he looked he knew it was ash. He pushed himself up and looked around. In every direction the horizon glowed red and as did great red gashes in the sand beneath him. Paradox jumped at the sound of a voice.

"I've never seen you before. Who are you?" The voice was timid like a male Fluttershy.

Paradox turned to the voice and was stunned at what he saw. Before him was a black coated alicorn with a grey streak in his mane and tail. His entire eye was red, no white and no pupil, just sanguine. He had a pair of black demon horns that wrapped around his ears and one brilliant white horn just like Celestia in the center. His back held a pair of black bat wings along with a similar pair of white wings, again, just like Celestia. Paradox gulped as he felt the magnitude of this creatures power. His magic was both dark and light filled with love and malice.

"Paradox… who are you?"

"My name is Scourge. I've never seen a demon like you before."

"Thats 'cause, contrary to popular belief, I am not a demon."

Paradox explained his situation to Scourge. He explained everything from arriving to his adventures with Luna and so on. Scourge was fascinated to hear about a time-lost creature and even more so to hear that Luna had made a real friend. However, hearing about the use of the prison he was deeply saddened.

This place… I have not been here in some time.

"Where are we Scourge?"

"Oh… that hole you jumped in leads to Tartarus which is where we are now. This is specific place is called The Dead Sands. The demons don't come here anymore, they are too afraid."

"Tartarus huh? Well, that is just brilliant… Scourge I need to get out of here do you know a way?"

"I do but… It has been so long since I had a real friend. Would you… would you stay for a little while?"

"… Ya, I'll stay but I would like for you to tell me your story."

A/N: Next Chapter is gonna be first person from Scourge explaining his origin and fall to Tartarus and him aiding Paradox in his escape.