• Published 27th Sep 2016
  • 1,419 Views, 43 Comments

Demonic Brother - kurusagi16

After the events of Angelic Vampire, Fluttershy has enjoyed the new and happier life she has with her new friends, and has even begun to explore her feelings toward Discord. But, all of that changes, at the sudden appearance of...her brother?!

  • ...



Twilight and Alistair and returned to the clearing to search for clues, but found very little that could help. They found that some of glasses of cider and some of the apples had been spiked with some kind of sleeping brew, but other than that, they didn't have much else to go on. This frustrated Alistair very much, as he then began to see each and every Pure Blood Vampire that had attended, and questioned them about Fluttershy. And all replied that they weren't really paying attention, or that they saw her leave the clearing by herself. He let out a sigh, as he and Twilight stepped out of the home of one of the vampires, and were preparing to head back and see if Discord could dig up anything they couldn't find.

"Do you suppose this is the work of Eldra?" asked Twilight, tapping her chin as she thought.

Alistair's mind raced, as he considered this and answered, "Normally I'd say yes, but...I'm not too sure. If Fluttershy had been kidnapped by my sister like last time, then surely she would've gloated about it, or left some kind of calling card behind to rub it in my face." He lowered his head down, looking quite depressed. "This is twice now that I've allowed this to happen. And both happened because of my neglect to Fluttershy."

"What? Alistair, it's not your fault!" protested Twilight.

"Isn't it though?" he replied. "I made a promise to Maia that I would protect our daughter, and for many years, I thought I had. When all I did was made her feel lonely and neglected, giving others the ample opportunity to snatch her away from me without my notice." he closed his eyes tightly, holding back the tears that threatened to escape. "If anything bad were to happen to her now, as with Eldra, it'd be all because of me. Because I'd failed her...and failed Maia."

Twilight had been listening carefully to what he had to say. She couldn't help but feel pity for the poor stallion as she told him, "You shouldn't place all the blame on yourself though. While it's true you might not have been there for Fluttershy all the time, she still loves you nonetheless. And what you're doing right now, blaming yourself and wallowing in self-pity, isn't going to do anything to help the situation. The best thing we can do for Fluttershy is to track down the culprits who kidnapped her and bring her back safe and sound."

Alistair stared silently at Twilight and then sniffed. "You're right. feeling sorry won't help, will it?" he wiped his eyes and put on a determined expression. "Let's hurry back to Discord, and see what he's found."

"Yes." said Twilight with a smile. "With him on our side, I'm sure he's bound to have come up with something."

"I've got nothing." said Discord aloud as he slumped his whole body over the study's sofa in defeat.

He'd considered the possibility that Eldra was behind this trick like she had before, and had gone to locations where he'd last seen her to search for clues. When that didn't work, he made himself turn to the magistrate for help, asking them to check records for anything that sounded suspicious or could've been related to the kidnapping. But, nothing turned up. It was maddening. Simply maddening! What was he supposed to tell Alistair and Twilight when they got back?

Right at that moment, the two ponies he'd been thinking about had returned. 'Oh crud.' he thought. "So, any luck?" he asked then anxiously.

The two shook their heads. "No, we were hoping you might've come up with something." said Twilight.

Discord gulped and looked away. "I loathe to admit it...but, I wasn't able to find anything either."

Alistair stamped his hooves in anger. "Damn it!"

Twilight gasped a little. Alistair looked at her apologetically. "Pardon my language, but...this is just infuriating! We've searched all over for some hint as to where Fluttershy could be or who took her, and have come up with nothing! It's almost as if she's disappeared completely."

"Like Eldra." Discord couldn't help but mutter.

The three of them were interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door. "I'll get it." said Alistair. When he returned, he was holding an open letter, his eyes wide as he stared at it.

"What is it?" asked Twilight.

"It's...it's Eldra." said Alistair. "They've found her."

Meanwhile, in Zecora's shop, Fluttershy was sitting quietly on a futon, sipping some tea that the Zebra had offered her.

"Um...you're probably wondering why I'm here." Fluttershy began as Zecora took a seat across from her.

"Yes I am, but please, tell me if you can." replied Zecora.

"Alright." said Fluttershy, taking a deep breath. She then explianed who she was to Zecora and how she'd been kidnapped by Drake's servants. She then concluded with how Drake told her to come here and seek her help.

"Ah, young Drake, I can see he is eager to undo this mistake. It seems not too long ago when he first came here, and even now he's still a pony most queer." said Zecora thinking back on the memory. "After a mistake he made on that day, he has done what he can to try and repay. I have forgiven him already of course, but he still tries, the stubborn horse."

"Oh my." said Fluttershy said softly. "What did he do?"

Zecora waved a hoof at her words. "That is of no concern to you, for now, let me see what I can do."

"Do?" she asked.

"You are welcome to stay here, as my guest. That Drake sent you here, shows that it's best."

"Stay here? I don't know, I'd hate to impose."

"Nonsense, I say!" said Zecora. "There is no reason for me to object to your stay. And besides, I admit, it can be quite lonesome living by oneself. With no pony to talk to but the masks on my shelf."

Fluttershy glanced over at peculiar masks. She then looked back to the Zebra and smiled politely saying, "In that case, I thank you for letting me stay here for the time being. And I promise that I'll try not to be too much trouble for you."

"It is no trouble dear filly, for you to think so is really quite silly." said Zecora. She got up from her seat and headed for the back of the shop, motioning for Fluttershy to come with her. "Come and we shall get you all settled in, after which I think dinner shall begin."

Fluttershy followed, taking one last look behind her at the decorum of the shop, and wondering what sort of things awaited her now in this strange place.

Author's Note:

I'm trying my best with Zecora's rhyming. In the next chapter, things start to brew in more ways than one. Stay tuned!