• Published 18th Sep 2016
  • 1,216 Views, 45 Comments

A Ghost in need - Bronycommander

March 1946. Germany is close to victory. A young recruit at Castle Wolfenstein finds something he would never expect

  • ...

Chapter 4 Rudi Jäger

Chapter 4: Rudi Jäger

She awoke when someone splashed ice cold water in her face. “You are alright there?” A male voice asked. Then he gently putted her head up. “Ah, I was a little bit worried we had lost you. Maybe you can help me. One of my men saw you with the escaped prisoner.” Ruby whimpered a little and trembled in fear. Her interrogator had blond hair and was muscular, he showed lightly rage, yet stayed calm as he grabbed a box with a button in it.

“My father died of electrocution. Such accidents were not unusual in the coalfields of Ruhr Valley. I remember my uncle telling me that he was standing in water when it happened. Water is a conduit for electricity. And what is in our bodies? That is right. Water.
When I press this button, electricity will flow through your body carried by this water and it will cramp up and you will feel the most intense pain you have ever felt in your life.
If you do not want to feel this pain, which is completely understandable, you need to answer my question without hesitation. So… Who is the contact in the village?”

This reminded Ruby of her painful death, the suffering. But she managed to gather her courage, not wanting to be responsible for the death of someone she didn't knew. "I don't know."
Jäger just titled his head, "You were seen in the company of a American, Mr Blazkowicz I believe, a known fugitive. What did he tell you?"
"Nothing, he refused to tell me anything, that it wouldn't matter."
The muscular man looked at the box almost contemplatively. "I'm not entirely sure why I don't believe you. No matter, we'll know in a moment." His finger slowly reached for the button.
No, Wait!" She yelled, "I-I only know that the contact is a man named Kessler. That's all he told me! Please I have been tortured and suffered before. Please don’t hurt me.” She wimpered the rest.

“That was the answer I was looking for. Commander Karl, prepare your men. This American will pay for killing my dog.”

"What about her?” Karl pointed at Ruby.

Jäger looked at the frightened ghost filly. “Throw her into the prison cellblocks. I will deal with her later.”

“Yes, Sir!” Two Elite Soldiers grabbed her.

She was too scared to do anything. She knew that she had no chance against the Soldiers. “Prisoner incoming!” They threw her into a cell and she curled up and cried.

The guards were stopped by Hans, Helmut and Bernd. “We take from here.”

“We only take orders from Herr Jäger personally.” The Elite Soldiers were not convinced by Bernd’s order.

“Then you leave us no choice.” Just when Bernd was finished, Hans and Helmut knocked both Elite Soldiers out with the butts of their weapons.

She panicked as the door opened a few minutes later. “Please don’t feed me to the dogs!”

“Shh, it’s me. Did he hurt you?” Helmut checked if she was harmed.

“No I’m alright. Who are those men?” Helmet picked her up and patted her back.

“Those guys are the Elite Soldiers of the Paranormal Division. They are feared and respected for being brutal and merciless. But don’t worry; we will protect you from all harm.”
"H-he wanted to t-torture me and feed me to his dogs!" She cried, burying her head into the solider's chest.
He rocked her, "Shh, calm down, he won't hurt you anymore. Now, we're here."
"Ruby, we keep you save, no matter what, promise by our honor as soldiers." Bernd gave her a smile to let her know he was honest.

Ruby cried herself to sleep. “I suggest you bring her to your home in Wulfburg. She will be a lot safer there.”

"You’re right, Hans. My mother will be happy to have a guest. If I get my hands on Jäger…”

“I have the feeling that that American will deal with him.” Bernd added after he saw the many dead Soldiers.

“Okay, see you later.”

It was a bit difficult to get off the Castle, as the cable car connection was destroyed, but he did find a way. He had no own car, but Bernd gave him a Kübelwagen until he could afford his own car. Now, I need to find a way, how I explain this to my mother.

Helmut thought after he got Ruby in and drove to Wulfburg.

Author's Note:

A little bit short but the next chapter will be longer.
I don't like torture, I am a merciful person.
And what Ruby meant that she has been tortured and suffered before, wasn't her death like torture?

As the Wolfenstein Wiki hasn't any entry about the Elite Soldier, Here is how they look ingame for those who don't know.

I'm convinced Helmut's mother will like Ruby.