• Published 15th Sep 2016
  • 1,794 Views, 20 Comments

Sci-Twi's Letter - Marwile

While moving into her new student dorm room, human Twilight writes a letter to Sunset.

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Moving in

Twilight “Sci-Twi” Sparkle stood before the wooden door trying her best –but slowly failing– to balance the huge amount of bags and suitcases on her frail body. Of course most of them contained books, which made them, despite being only light reading, pretty heavy. Carrying all at once just seemed to be the most efficient way.

She regretted this decision.




“Hey, ehh… your new roommate is here~”


“You know, I could really use some help here.”


“Is anyone even in there?! Whoa… Whoa... Eeep!!”


“Ouch! Now I hope nobody is in there.”

Slowly Twilight managed to resurface from the pile of bags. And now, after quite literally a weight has been lifted from her shoulders, it became pretty easy to take out the key and open the door to her new dorm room.

What she found was an empty room except for empty tables, empty shelves and two beds, only one of them being empty. The other bed held a suitcase and more bags, which all probably belonged to her new roommate.

So she really isn’t here, Twilight thought, glad that she didn’t just ruined her first impression on her still unknown roommate.

She basically knew nothing about the girl she was supposed to live with, but that didn’t stop Twilight “Egghead” Sparkle from making at least one dozen possible scenarios for her possible roommate and going crazy, because most of them were worst-case scenarios.

That someone told her “I’m sorry for you” while getting the keys definitely didn’t help. The bespectacled girl also realized that she forgot to ask for the name of her roommate and cursed herself for this.

And so it happened that Twilight stood alone in the nearly empty room and wondered what she could–


“OUW!” came a sudden shout from the other side of the door. “WHO LEFT HER LUGGAGE ON THE FLOOR!?”

“Maybe I should bring my things inside,” Twilight quickly decided.


After carrying in all her stuff –due to recent experiences only one at a time– Twilight found herself again alone and with nothing to do. Of course she could have started to unpack her things and place them in the room, but what if she put it somewhere wrong. And what if her roommate would then get angry at her. And then she would throw a huge tantrum. And then both would be thrown out of college. And then she would have to live on the streets. Or worse, her parents are so disappointed in her, that they send her back to kindergarten. Or–

Twilight stopped herself when she realized, that no one was there to stop her. Not even her trusty companion was there, the talking dog –yup, still sounds odd– Spike, whom she had left at home for the moment, because someone there could be allergic to him (Worst-case scenario #7) or not take the whole “talking” part very well (#7.5).

After spending at least five more minutes trying to find something to do, she decided to distract herself with the most obvious solution, reading books. Right now she didn’t have a book she was particularly interested in reading, so she just started looking through her bags hoping something would catch her interest. And indeed there was one that did it.

An old, brown book. Nothing was on it to make it really stand out besides the emblem of an red and yellow sun. Of course this ordinary looking book was in no way ordinary.

“Sunset’s journal,” Twilight voiced her thoughts.

Right away Twilight remembered the day she and her friends received this journal. And how couldn’t she? The day they would graduate from Canterlot High was supposed to be the happiest day in their lives, though no one did suspect, that her closest friend, Sunset Shimmer, would come with such a twist.

To Twilight’s credit she did notice something was off with the redhead, as during the previous week Sunset tried everything to spent every free minute with their friends. It was almost like in one of those movies in which someone finds out he’s going to die soon and then does everything he ever dreamed of. But she just shrugged it off as Sunset being happy about graduation.

They really enjoyed the graduation-party (it was a Pinkie-party after all) in the school’s gymnasium with friends and families. That was until Sunset asked her friends to meet her at the statue in front of the school’s entrance. The same statue that housed the portal to the home dimension of Twilight’s pony princess doppelganger –yup, still unbelievably weird– and Sunset, although the girls hadn’t given it much attention at that moment.

The girls expected some kind of pep talk for the future or a late friendship lesson, but when they saw Sunset standing before the statue with a backpack slung over her shoulders and a sad look in her eyes, they quickly realized what their friend wanted to tell them. It was “goodbye”.

Despite knowing it was futile, they still tried their best to convince Sunset to stay, but soon accepted they couldn’t change it and went on to saying their goodbyes to their friend. Of course tears were shed. Many tears.

Finally there was only thing left to do for Sunset. She handed her friends one last present. It was a brown book with a red and gold sun imprinted on it. Her journal. The journal she kept with her since her arrival in this world. The journal she used to write with the other Twilight. The journal she wanted to leave with her human friends to stay in contact with them.

With the final promise, that they will see each other again, she stepped through the portal vanishing from the world without a trace.

During the following summer the girls passed the book around, so everyone got the chance to write with Sunset and ask her about the pony world. Every girl got her questions about Equestria answered.

Every girl except one Twilight Sparkle, who had actually tried to avoid the book. Not that she had ill feelings towards Sunset, after all she introduced her to friendship, but Twilight was just too nervous and afraid to write something. But when her friends finally found this out, they forced her to take the journal until she wrote something in it.

So it came that Twilight sat on her (probably) new bed with the journal on her lap and was about to finish her mental recap of the most important moments, that led to this moment. Ironically just thinking about Sunset finally gave Twilight the necessary strength to overcome her insecurities.

So she pulled out a pen, searched for the first free page and started to write. She also decided (better or worse still unclear) to follow her friends’ advice by just writing what comes into her mind.

Dear Sunset Shimmer.
Here is Twilight Sparkle.
The human one. Not the pony princess from the other (or rather your) world. The one you always called “Sparky”. I think it’s obvious, who is writing now.
You probably already heard this questions a few times, but how is your life in Equestria? Do you have fun? Enough to eat? Are these pony counterparts really like the girls here? Did you made amends with your former teacher? Was the last question maybe a bit too personal?
Maybe I should write more about me. My life is currently really good. I mean I’m going to College soon. Right now I’m sitting in my new dorm room and waiting for my new roommate. And I’m really looking forward to going to college with our friends. Look what you did to me.
Jokes aside, you know I’m still a bit skeptical about actually calling it “magic”, but just the fact, that we not only got accepted in the same college, but also our dorms being so close to each other, is pushing the limits of probability very far. It’s as if some kind of higher force wants us to stay together. It seems friendship really is magic.

Anyways, maybe I should apologize for not writing you sooner. I could try to come up with excuses, but in the end I was honestly just afraid.
I was afraid, that you may have forgotten about me, because you now have another Twilight to spend time with or went on one of those adventures you told us about. But because I got bored of waiting, I started reminiscing about our time together and realized you wouldn’t forget about me. Or at least face it head on.
Even if you are alone at the moment, just knowing to have friends, which always support you, can give you the necessary strength to carry out every task.
This does sound like a fitting friendship lesson, right?
I think I wrote more than normal, but it feels good to let it all out.
So, that only leaves to wish you to have a nice day (or whatever time you have) and fun at those crazy adventures.
And I really hope, that you reply soon.
Your friend from another world
Twilight “Sparky” Sparkle

Twilight finished writing, double-checked for grammar mistakes and closed the book to magically send the message to her friend. She was just starting to get bored again, when the sound of the door’s lock caught her attention. The door opened and a girl entered, whose appearance completely stunned Twilight.

Finally realizing she wasn’t alone, the red-haired girl took the initiative to speak.

“So you’re my roommate, huh?” she said in a familiar voice, “I can tell you right away I’m not into this best-roomie-friends-stuff, so if you just leave me alone, I think we can get along– Why are you staring at me?”

Author's Note:

My first fanfic ever and my first author's notes. And I have no plan, what I should write:twilightsheepish:
Maybe start at the beginning: This fic is just a mix of a few headcanons and the results of asking myself "What would the post-credit scene of the last EQG-movie (with Sunset) look like?"
Maybe I'll write more soon, maybe not, who knows (I don't:derpytongue2:)
But I can say it was too much fun to mess around with Sci-Twi's personality (she's so much like me, it's scary)
Oh, and the usual leave your opinion in the comments and point out every grammar mistake and typo.
And have nice day fellow bronies

Comments ( 19 )

Well, people did wonder where the human world's Sunset Shimmer was and, let's face it, fate does love her jests at mortals' expense! Just as Sunset helped this world's Twilight Sparkle (as her world's Twilight Sparkle had helped her), now it is Sci-Twi's destiny to help her own world's Sunset Shimmer in turn.

I couldn't have said it better:twilightsmile:

This was a great little fic, I would love to see a more from this idea. The only uncertain part I saw of it was why did Sunset leave? A quick line during Twi's reflection stating 'Sunset has things to take care of in Equestria, but she will be back one day' would help, it doesn't need to be elaborated, but just having a goodbye feels rushed.

Thanks for the critic:twilightsmile:
To be honest, I intentionally made this part rather vague so that people could insert their own headcanon about this moment, because this has already been done so often on this site. I just wanted to focus on the other parts more.

Not gonna say I called it...

...but I totally called it at the "I'm sorry for you" :ajsmug:

Poor Human Sunset though, with all the mane six going to that school! At least Sci-Twi had a magical catastrophe to break the ice!

Nice little piece. Like how you write Sci-Twi. :twilightsmile:

I would totally read a full story in which Pony Sunset goes back to Equestria, and the humane 6 meet another Sunset. :raritywink:

I wish I could go through and point out the errors for you—as there are many—but I really don't have the time. :ajsleepy: That aside, this was a nice piece. I know the 'alt-Sunset and alt-Twilight meeting each other' trope has been used many times, but you pulled this one off nicely. Upvote earned! :twilightsmile:

Heyo! Did a reading of your story, I hope you like! ^_^

After spending nearly an hour just walking in a circle and screaming internally (I wish I was joking) I just watched it and I love it:heart::heart::heart:
Thank you:twilightsmile: Thank you:raritystarry: Thank you:rainbowkiss: Thank you:yay: Thank you:pinkiehappy: Thank you:ajsmug:
Thank you for this early christmas present! I'm not even sure I deserve it...

“So you’re my roommate, huh?” she said in a familiar voice, “I can tell you right away I’m not into this best-roomie-friends-stuff, so if you just leave me alone, I think we can get along– Why are you staring at me?”


Sure thing!! :D I'm so glad you like it! I loved this story it was very good! ^_^


Well written, Marwille. I heard this story read by Wubcake. Maybe you’d like to read my stories. Two of which is “Sunset’s Yoga Time” and the follow up, “Namaste, Rainbooms”.

Hello, I'm Jacob M. Keene, a voice actor and narrator. I just wanted to let you know that I did a dramatic reading of this fanfic on my YouTube channel with music and sound effects included, I narrate the story and voiced the person who tripped over Sci-Twis luggage, MuseScript voices Sci-Twi, and SpinelStar voices Sunset Shimmer. I hope you enjoy: https://youtu.be/ARpnNtAgx2g

Thank you so much!:twilightsmile:
I can't even express how happy (and mind blown) I am. And I really liked, too, of course.
Thank you!:heart:

Fantastic stuff. A lovely little emotional journey and a great way to open the door to rich possibilities down the road. Thank you for it.

Despite this story was short I liked it, not to mention the ending surprised me but I liked the ending very very much :twilightsmile:

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