• Published 18th Sep 2016
  • 4,030 Views, 121 Comments

Rise of the Wholesome - Masterweaver

With the arrival of magic on Earth, some people have found themselves with new powers... and new responsibilities.

  • ...

Donating to the Needy

"Always lend a hand; if you lose it, take another's when offered.

"...and my visit with mister Discord certainly put a new light on things. As it turns out, I have a rather unique aspect--apparently my genetic matrix is in a form of flux, which has the side effect of producing some chemicals or other that can be rather destructive to fabrics if they build up. Apparently most clothing I purchase simply isn't breathable enough for it all to, ah, evaporate, at least around the limbs. Which is why, of course, I came to you for advice." Chrysalis smiled warmly, leaning down to look the teenager in the eyes (and shifting her arms just a touch). "I hear you are one of the most... skilled at working with unique clothing needs."

"And this has nothing to do with me being one of Sunset's inner circle."

"Must you be so suspicious?"

Rarity sighed. "Miss Chrysalis, just this week I have had to deal with no less than seven Shimmerists trying to beseech me for blessings. It's only Tuesday. I suspect I'll get more supplicants this afternoon." She narrowed her eyes. "I am very much aware that people might view me as a method of gaining her favor, and given the current level of power she has they would be entirely too willing to do anything for that."

"Are you suggesting that I would use to to further my own goals?"

"You are standing in a very provocative position that would fluster any girl above a 1.2 on the Can-say Scale, assuming they were not aware of such posing and the methodology therein, and as a clothing designer I am very much aware of that sort of pose and the way it works. And don't pretend you 'just happened' to end up standing like this, I saw you move your arms."

Chrysalis quirked an eyebrow. "Hmm. You are good. Okay, how about this: I can shapeshift."

Rarity rose a brow of her own. "Your genetic flux, I assume?"

"Mmmhmm. And even if I'm not available, my children can change their color. On. Command."

"...You're offering me a potentially infinitely versatile group of people to serve as models, in exchange for me making you some clothes."

"An artist's dream, isn't it?"

"It would be quite useful...." Rarity sighed. "Oh very well. But you are not to try to sway the conversation toward Sunset or any favors she could perform, am I quite clear?"

"Of course." She straightened up. "Should we start with measurements, then?"

The teenager rolled her eyes, nodding toward the mirrored stage. "Yes, yes. You'll actually be the first unique aspect I've worked with."

"Really now?"

"Mmhmm. Well, I assume you're unique." Rarity's picked up a sketch pad and lit her head gem, looking at the glow surrounding various tape measures as they levitated over. "Sunset did say that there were a few, although she couldn't tell me with certainty who ended up with what."

Chrysalis held out an arm. "I suppose you mean something more unique than Lulu's dream-scheme."

"Well, yes. Principal Luna's certainly talented there, but she's still a unicorn aspect." Rarity shrugged, noting down a few numbers. "You used to date her, didn't you?"

Something flashed briefly over Chrysalis's face. "...Well. That was before I started working for Gladmane."

"Ah." The tape measures lowered. "Yes, I can see how working for that... particular scumbag could sour a relationship. I don't know if you heard about the scandal--"

"Oh, believe me, I have. He actually approached the Wholesome, trying to leverage my former affiliation with him to get help."

"Really now?"

"Of course, I couldn't turn him away. We are all about completing the incomplete." A smile as dark as her skin formed on the woman's face. "And one thing Gladmane was lacking was empathy and humility. I'm sure he's learning a lot of that in his prison complex."

Rarity lowered the sketchpad she was holding. "The judge specifically sentenced him to a jail where most of his suspected victims reside."

"I'm quite surprised."

"Somehow, I think you knew that already."

"No, I mean I'm surprised you knew about that jail's reputation." Chrysalis examined her fingernails. "It's just... you seemed like such a high-standing young lady when I entered this store."

"Me, Pinkie, and Rainbow had a conversation about Las Pegasus a while back, which ended in us wondering what would happen if we got arrested for a night of wild debauchery. You really had to be there." Rarity cleared her throat. "Still, I quite agree that whoever arranged for those files to go public probably did the right thing. Some people should never have that much power..."

She trailed off, tapping her pencil idly on the sketchpad.

"...Tauros." Chrysalis nodded. "You're worried about Tauros."

"Who isn't these days? Tirek is a modern Fuhrer Lebensraum, only without the self-sabotaging stupidity." She frowned, biting her lip, then visibly sagged. "Don't tell anyone this, but... I asked Sunset if she could get him out of power."

"I take it she said no."

Rarity nodded. "Part of it was, well, the necessity of Sunset staying neutral in most global affairs, but... Well, she told me he had a unique aspect. That he could... literally, take somebody's magic. Make it his own." She shook her head. "That's bad enough with ordinary people, but if he got his hands on Sunset--"

Chrysalis hissed. "Yeah. That could be bad. Really bad."

"...I've been donating to the relief fund. It's not much, but... surviving the Crystal Crusaders, that's not easy." She stamped with a growl. "I wish there was something more I could do! I helped save the world three times before magic was commonplace, I--I just can't stand being over here, safe, while some tyrant is wrecking the other side of the world!"

"I know the feeling. I... well." Chrysalis took a breath. "I have a few of my children operating there. Eyes in enemy territory. And every morning I wake up, reach out, and hope none of them have...."

She trailed off.

"Oh dear lord." Rarity put down her pad, reaching out to her arm. "I... I didn't realize. I was just worried in abstract, but... you actually have people you care about out there."

"It's... a bit scary." Chrysalis barely acknowledged her touch. "I pretend that I know what I'm doing, for most of them. The ones that are directly connected to me know better, but... I didn't know it was going to get this bad when I sent them there."

"...Chrysalis. Look, if there's anything I can do--"

"Besides the relief fund? There isn't. There really, really isn't."