• Published 18th Sep 2016
  • 3,628 Views, 78 Comments

Miracles - awesomesauce4

Two best friends end up in Equestria. But are they stranded on a new planet... or a familiar one?

  • ...

Chapter 11 - The Sleepover

They elected to sleep over at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight being delighted to finally have a sleepover with her mentors. So delighted, in fact, that she was quite literally bouncing off the walls, pronking in a most Pinkie-like manner as she listed out all the things they were going to do. Clockwork seemed into it, but Miracle simply yawned. Luna picked up on this almost instantly, and pointed a commanding hoof at a nearby bedroom.

“To bed with you,” she ordered.

“No, it’s okay, I can… stay up…” Miracle answered, stifling another yawn and shaking himself awake.

Luna appeared uncertain. “Alright, but at the first sign of being tired, you’re going to bed, mister,” she gave in.

“I’m always tired,” Miracle grumbled, but said nothing further.

They entered the dining hall to find the Elements of Harmony, Starlight and Spike had converted the room into a sleepover space. An inordinate amount of pillows were strewn about the room, and Miracle quietly suspected that every pillow in the castle had been rounded up for this sole purpose. Blankets and mattresses joined the fray, one half of the massive dining hall table being host to the majority of these. Finally, a number of books were present near Twilight’s claimed mattress, the most notable of which was “How to Host a Sleepover: Extended Guide.” Miracle smirked as he spotted this, and pointed it out to Clockwork, who stifled a chuckle.

“So, are we all ready?” Twilight asked excitedly.

“Twi, didn’t ya try usin’ that book before?” Applejack prompted, as Twilight began leafing through the pages.

“That was the regular edition,” Twilight answered without looking up. “This is the extended edition - it has over twenty new ideas for games we can play!”

Starlight shared a knowing look with Spike. “Alright, how about we start off with… a game of Truth or Dare?”

Rainbow grinned evilly, revealing a bottle she had been holding. “Wayy ahead of you, Starlight. Alright, let’s get this party started!” she exclaimed, placing the bottle on the ground as they gathered in a circle.

Rainbow spun the bottle with a hoof, and everyone watched as it spun around, before finally settling to point at Rarity. Rainbow looked at her with a secretive grin.

“Truth, or dare?” she asked.

“Truth,” Rarity answered daintily.

“What did you say to me about Miracle Matter when you saw him?” Rainbow asked, shaking with laughter.

Rarity blushed, and looked away. “I… oh, fine! I said… ‘I wouldn’t mind taking him into my private dressing room,” she admitted, scrunching up her face in dismay as she looked at Miracle.

Surprisingly, Miracle gave no reaction, simply shrugging.

Rainbow looked at him in consternation. “You’re not…” she began.

“Nah,” Miracle answered.

“Hrmmm,” Rainbow mused thoughtfully, narrowing her eyes at him.

“My turn, darling,” Rarity interrupted, spinning the bottle with her magic. It settled on Miracle Matter, who gazed down at it impassively.

“Truth or dare, Prince?” Rarity inquired innocently.

“Truth,” Miracle automatically answered.

“Of the seven of us, which would you rate the most attractive?” Rarity asked. The others leaned in to hear his answer.

Miracle Matter paused a moment to think. “Aesthetic beauty isn’t really my thing, so I’m going to have to go with Twilight. She’s cool,” Miracle noted.

Twilight blushed scarlet. “T-thanks,” she mumbled.

“Oh? What about Twilight attracts you?” Rarity asked curiously.

“She’s nerdy and not afraid to do some mad science,” Miracle answered with a straight face.

Luna raised an eyebrow. “So you find intelligence attractive?” she queried.

Miracle shrugged. “Sure, I guess? It doesn’t exactly turn me on, but it usually makes for an easy topic to talk about,” he explained.

Rarity seemed disappointed, but made no further comment. Miracle reached out a hoof and lazily spun the bottle, barely managing a single revolution before it landed on Starlight.

“Truth or dare, Starlight?” Miracle inquired.

“Dare,” Starlight said bravely.

Miracle thought for a moment. “Hmm… Kiss the pony in the room you like the most.”

Clockwork looked over at him angrily. “Miracle!” he exclaimed.

“Whaat?” Miracle complained.

“Stop shipping your new friends!”

The entire circle burst into giggles.

“Do I have to?” Starlight asked, after the giggling had died down.

“Nah, I’ll think of a new one. Uh… sing the silliest song you can think of,” Miracle Matter suggested.

Starlight blushed, muttering “that’s not much better…” under her breath. She breathed in, steeling herself, and began singing. “I’m a little teapot, short and stout, here is my handle, here is my spout!” she sang, and Miracle tried very hard to keep himself from laughing.

After she had finished, Starlight sat down with a thump, hurriedly spinning the bottle with her magic. It landed on Princess Celestia, who regarded it with some amusement.

“Truth or dare… Princess?” Starlight asked, smiling uncertainly.

“Dare,” Celestia answered to gasps all around the room.

Starlight swallowed nervously. “Dance,” she answered. Miracle cracked up, and Luna looked at her sister devilishly.

“Well? Time to put those yoga lessons to use,” she teased her older sister, and Celestia blushed.

“Well, if you insist…” she muttered, before standing up.

What followed next could only be described as the most inspired short dance any of them had ever seen. Celestia gracefully kicked through the air, twirling with her wings as she effortlessly balanced on one hoof. She spread her wings next, launching herself through the air and flipping over before landing silently into a bow and twirling around three times, wings flaring out as she finished.

“How was that?” she asked her audience, all of whose jaws had hit the floor.

“Whoa…” Rainbow muttered.

“Ya’ll never told us you were that good, Celestia!” Applejack cheered.

“Oh, stop, that wasn’t that good,” Celestia mumbled, blushing and looking away. She spun the bottle with her magic, blushing and hiding her face behind her voluptuous mane.

The bottle landed on Luna next, whereupon Celestia smirked and stuck out her lip at her older sister. Luna eyed her suspiciously.

“Truth or dare, Lulu~?” Celestia inquired innocently.

“Truth!” Luna answered imperiously.

“Did you or didn’t you steal the last cookie from the royal bakery yesterday?” Celestia asked.

The room fell silent, waiting on bated breath for Luna’s answer.

“Oooohhhh snap,” Clockwork quietly commented.

“I did not,” Luna answered, and Celestia looked surprised.

“Oh? Then who did?” she asked.

Luna smirked. “One question per turn, Celestia,” she replied, and Celestia pouted as Luna spun the bottle.

Luna turned to Miracle. “My captain of the guard did it for me,” she whispered, and Miracle grinned.

The bottle landed on Fluttershy next, and Luna appeared nervous.

“Truth… or dare… Fluttershy?” she asked carefully.

“Oh, my… um… can I pass?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Sure,” Miracle Matter answered. Luna appeared relieved.

“Only if you want to lose!” Rainbow Dash objected. “Come on Fluttershy, you can do it!”

Fluttershy looked between her and Miracle, seemingly making a choice in her head. She looked over at Luna. “Dare,” she answered bravely.

Luna regarded her appraisingly. “Say something unkind about me,” she finally decided, and Fluttershy swallowed nervously.

“Um... you have a long… face?” she squeaked, hiding under her mane.

Miracle laughed. “Yeah, Luna, why so blue?” he teased, and Luna giggled, Fluttershy looking surprised.

“What was the point of that?” Starlight asked.

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t the whole point of ‘daring’ someone to make them do things they rather would not?” she answered. Starlight considered this, finally accepting it with a shrug and a roll of the eyes.

Fluttershy reached out and gently tapped the bottle, somehow managing to provide enough force to shift it one pony over to Pinkie.

“T-tru-truth… or…” Fluttershy trailed off. She didn’t seem to be able to get the words out.

“Perhaps we may move on to another game?” Celestia gently prompted.

Twilight nodded. “Right, right! Okay, the next one is… scary stories! Anypony want to go first?” she offered.

“Miracle, don’t you know a lot of scary stories?” Clockwork prompted.

Miracle raised an unamused eyebrow at him, recalling the many fanfics he’d read. “Not ones that can be spoken in polite company,” he answered pointedly.

“Oh, come on, this isn’t ‘polite company’!” Rainbow whined.

“Yes, dear, go ahead!” Rarity encouraged.

“Oh, fine,” Miracle answered, rolling his eyes. He wasn't about to recant any of the darker fanfics he'd read, that would just be weird. So, instead, he opted to tell a story he'd first heard back when he was a tiny little Cub Scout.

“…When they found the body, in the morning, the physician pronounced that he had been strangled. But something was off about the marks on his neck. The physician declared ‘Why, it looks like he’s been strangled by a skeleton!’ But the judge knew better. Those claw marks on the man’s neck… they reminded him of that dead, chained black hand. And sure enough, when he looked over to the spot on the wall where the hand had rested, enchained… it was gone,” Miracle dramatically finished.

Everypony in the room screamed, laughing it off a second later as they realized the story was over.

“Wow, that was a good one!” Applejack remarked.

“Ugh, now I’m scared of hands…” Starlight muttered.

“Good luck finding one on this continent,” Miracle reminded her, and she chuckled.

“So, what’s next?” Clockwork asked.

Twilight consulted her books. “Pillow fight?” she suggested.

“Yeah!” Pinkie agreed enthusiastically, pulling out a pillow and smacking Rainbow Dash in the face.

Luna and Celestia smiled at each other.

Clockwork shrugged. “Sure, why not?” he answered, trying to pick up a pillow with his teeth. When that didn’t work, he tried to use his horn, succeeding only in making a spark at the tip. Finally, he gave up, and sat down in frustration. “…Or not,” he muttered.

“Don’t worry bro, I got this,” Miracle announced, levitating a pillow lazily in front of him. With a flick of his horn, he tossed it at Fluttershy, barely managing to lightly caress her hooves with the pillow.

There was a moment of silence as everypony observed the poor attempt at a throw.

“No offense, but, um, that was weak,” Fluttershy pointed out.

Miracle simply smiled at her. A moment later, the pillow shot up, lifting her off the floor with a floomph before settling back down, Fluttershy gently floating down with her wings and looking startled.

“Gotcha,” Miracle drawled, and Fluttershy gave him a surprisingly competitive smile as she grabbed the offending pillow in her mouth.

The pillow fight was brief, but intense. Celestia and Luna mostly focused on each other, barrages of pillows appearing from seemingly nowhere as they weaved and dodged. The others mainly fought amongst themselves, Rainbow and Applejack paying special attention to each other until Rarity interrupted the two with dainty pillows of her own, applied directly to their faces. Starlight and Twilight were locked in a battle of their own, pillows teleporting around the room as the two contested. Pinkie popped out at random, surprising everyone with an unavoidable smack of cotton before disappearing into mundane objects like conveniently placed cups like a Whack-a-Mole. To everyone’s surprise, Miracle wasn’t demonstrating his usual lethargy, fending off attacks in all directions as Clockwork sat behind him. Occasionally, he would slip and get hit, but anyone who tried to land a hit on Clockwork found themselves blocked, even when approaching from behind. Luna, who had been watching this, made a mental note of it before resuming her fight with Celestia.

As the pillow fight finally wound down, everypony was lying exhausted on the floor.

“Wow… that was the most awesome pillow fight I’ve ever had…” Rainbow commented.

Spike laughed. “You should see what happens when Shining Armor gets into it. He takes it seriously.”

Celestia smiled. “I’d expect nothing less from my former Captain… which reminds me. Miracle, you were… well, I hate to phrase it in such a manner, but you were surprisingly good at blocking and parrying.”

Miracle shrugged, an impressive feat considering he was laying down. “Meh. I don’t think it was any real skill. I just… knew where the pillows were, and where they were gonna be.”

Luna looked over interestedly. “Spatial memory is a possible outlet of your talent, so that is not out of the question…” she mused.

“Anyway… anything to do next, Twilight?” Clockwork spoke up.

Twilight sighed. “At this point, I think we might as well go to sleep,” she reluctantly admitted. “Most studies say that continuing the sleepover past this time of night results in adverse events due to sleep deprivation.”

Rainbow grumbled. “Can you say that again, in regular speak?” she demanded.

“Ponies get tired and then they start acting weird,” Miracle translated.

“Oh. Yeah, that seems about right. G’night, everypony,” Rainbow announced, rolling over and promptly falling asleep.

Twilight doused the chandelier that had been lighting the room, plunging the converted dining hall space into darkness. Miracle laid back on his bed, closing his eyes.

As soon as the lights turned off, a figure outside the house blinked, staring at the now-dark window. Without another word, it flitted away into the shadows, intent on completing its report.

It arrived at the designated meeting space. “As the moon flies,” it spoke into the shadows.

“The sun flees,” came the reply, the correct countercode causing the drone to relax slightly. “What news?” the voice demanded without further preamble.

Important news. The suggestion worked – I have information on his romantic preferences.”

Two viridian eyes opened, slanted in contemplation. “And?” it prompted.

“He does not prefer aesthetic beauty, instead opting for personality-based choices. Intelligence is not a turn-on, but he seems to prefer it nonetheless. It seems at least one of the Elements is attracted to him, possibly more, though he does not share their feelings. He does not shy from innuendo, even about himself. Indeed, he seems rather lax to the topic of romance in general, much like his usual attitude.”

The eyes bobbed up and down, which the drone took as nodding. “Anything else?” it asked.

“My Queen… there was a glamour spell over him, a very strong one. It took me some effort, but I managed to look through it.”

One eye became wider than the other. “Is he still attempting to look ‘human?’” she hissed.

“No… my Queen. He is… er…” the drone trailed off nervously.

“Well? Is he ugly? Flawed? Insecure, perhaps?” the Queen suggested.

“No…” the drone answered, scuffing a hoof.

“Out with it,” the Queen demanded.

“My Queen… it is far worse than we feared.”

“He’s super hot.”