• Published 18th Sep 2016
  • 2,041 Views, 37 Comments

Dance of the Fae - Yinglung

A magical fairy came and pledged her loyalty to Spike. He still didn't know exactly why.

  • ...

Bustle of the Brownie

"A baby dragon!"

Fluttershy suddenly burst in delight, her coy all but disappeared. Pushing aside her face-shielding mane, she looked to Twilight and said. "Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before. He's so cute!"

The gentle cooing voice of the pegasus would have cheered Spike up. However, after a whole day of being pointedly addressed as a 'baby dragon', he had grown a bit sore.

Since he could not, for the life of him, get worked up with the soft-spoken mare, he elected to simply stay quiet and gaze forward with a bored expression.

However, his silence was probably taken the wrong way, because he was suddenly swept up into Fluttershy's embrace. Squeezed out of his breath by her unexpectedly strong hug, he could only let out a pitiful squeak, which was again mistakenly treated as a cute yap.

"Aww, such an adorable little dragon! Look at him, giving me that perky look with those pretty, big green eyes!"

Fluttershy rubbed her face on Spike, who was growing purpler and purpler as time went by. Twilight, on the other hand, simply stared at the side helplessly. She was not quite sure what to do to extract Spike and get it over with, without yanking Spike forcefully from Fluttershy's hooves and giving the shy mare a scare again.

Spike turned and gave his caretaker a pleading look. When he realized that prompt help was not coming through from Twilight, his gaze and attention swam towards Polytima.

However, the fae did not exactly look right. As Fluttershy continued her full-frontal assault, Polytima's blue light pulsated irregularly. And when Spike focused whatever left of his conscious mind on her, a series of mantra could be heard. It sounded like some sort of self-assurance, but Spike was not sure what she was reassuring herself about.

As the oxygen level in his brain dropped, his survival instinct kicked in and shut down his wandering thought. With renewed vigor, he desperately cried out to Polytima in his mind. "Help, Polly!"

Polytima suddenly snapped back to reality, and gasped in near-panic. "O- Oh dear! Spike! I- I-"

With a short sound of breath, she dashed towards Fluttershy. After a moment of random wriggling, she finally broke through her apparent hesitation and chanted with a shrill voice. "M- Mitesce!"

Fluttershy suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of soothing calmness wash over her. As if her hooves had turned into marshmallows, she let go of the dragon, and buckled down onto the road with a blissful, relaxed look.

Spike briefly went cross-eyed, and gasped for air for a moment. He then gave Twilight a hurt look, silently questioning her indecision.

The purple mare looked apologetic, but she was also confused about the turn of events. She looked at the dazed pegasus on the ground, and softly asked with some uncertainty. "Fluttershy...?"

"Aou-" Fluttershy simply blinked her half-closed eyes, and let out an indecipherable noise.

Spike, on the other hand, massaged his forehead and said to the fae. "Phew, you saved me, Polly."

"G- Glad to be of service, Spike."

"You look a bit nervous, what's wrong?"

Polytima sounded as if she took in a sharp breath and fidgeted. "Um... uh... I- It's nothing."

She added glumly with a minuscule voice. "I can't even keep to it, it seems..."

Spike could scarcely believe that it was really nothing, especially after her cryptic mumbling. But before he could ask further, he noticed that the snuggly pegasus was groggily trying to climb up from the ground without much success. He sighed and instead asked. "Polly, what was that spell? Why's she looking like a cider-addled klutz?"

"It's just a simple calming spell to suppress her intensity of arousal. I had made absolutely sure that it's harmless."

Polytima sighed, and then paused with thought. "Hm... Since her emotional valence was abruptly decoupled, it's naturally that she felt only paralyzing bliss and became somewhat disoriented. Its effect should be transient, however... I hope."

"P- Pard-"

Before he could ask Polytima to clarify her jargon, he noticed that Fluttershy finally managed to shake off her stupor and stand up. What's more, the pegasus was again approaching him.

Spike gulped and hurriedly pre-empted. "Um Fluttershy, I know this is the first time you've seen a dragon as young as me, but there's no need to-"

The yellow mare blinked several times. She stopped in her track and said with some shock. "O- Oh my, you can talk. I don't know..."

Twilight interjected. "Are you okay, Fluttershy? I mean, you kind of collapsed onto the ground all of a sudden..."

Fluttershy let out a small 'eep', and hid her face behind her mane again in embarrassment. She muttered something under her breath, but neither Twilight nor Spike could hear it.

However, an audible gulp could instead be heard through the mental link from Polytima. Spike immediately asked. "Polly, did you hear what she said?"


"You did, didn't you?"


Spike huffed somewhat impatiently. "Say it, Polly. We can't hear her."

Polytima quivered. After a good while, she said hesitantly. "She just said she felt really, um, good holding you, and she's lamenting why it lasted so short."

"Oh. Well, I know I'm very huggable. It's nothing out of ordinary."

The fae sounded a bit flustered. "I- I'm just afraid that she's mistaken the effect of my spell as the effect of hugging you. She looks a bit... too fond of that, being the calm-loving mare that she is."

Spike blinked, and then coughed awkwardly. "Um... That would be weird, but surely we can figure out a way-"

Their conversation was interrupted by the yellow pegasus herself, who looked at him with a mixed expression. "Um, mister dragon, may I... know your name?"

"My name's Spike. I'm Twi's as-"

Spike gulped hard at the intense attention from the fae, and changed course mid-word. "-ssociate. Yep."

Twilight looked on and interjected again with concern. "Fluttershy, so are you-"

"I, um, I'm fine. Thank you, Twilight Sparkle."

Fluttershy replied, but her gaze never left the small dragon. "So, um, Spike, c- can I again hu-"

She suddenly shook her head and blushed deeply, and then quickly blurted out. "I- I mean, can I know more about you? I've always wanted to know more about dragons."

"Uh, sure, of course."

Spike gave a look to Twilight, who did not seem to be too happy to be ignored by the yellow pegasus. He said diplomatically. "But I think we've gotta make sure that the bird choir's properly prepared first. Right, Twi?"

Twilight nodded blandly. "Of course."

Fluttershy hurriedly said. "They're all properly trained, Twilight, Spike."

The purple mare crossed her hooves and lightly sighed. "Well then. I suppose we can wrap things up and go back to the library, now that all the formal duties are done. See you at the Celebration, Fluttershy."

Twilight then almost dragged the dragon away from the scene, until Fluttershy caught up to them from a distance.

"W- Wait, Spike... Um, you haven't told me about yourself yet!"

Fluttershy then caught a glimpse of the unamused Twilight, and gasped slightly. "I- I mean, if that's okay with you two..."

Twilight merely pouted. She shrugged, almost turned heel and left by herself, until Spike tugged at her with a small frown and whispered into her ears. "Twi, I know she acted a bit strangely back then, but a hoof is a hoof when it comes to fighting Nightmare Moon, especially if we can't convince Princess Celestia in time. She seems to be a nice pony as well, don't you think so?"

Polytima merely quipped with derision. "Such pettiness over a few seconds of inattention."

Spike almost facepalmed, until Twilight sighed and huffed. "Fine, Fluttershy, follow us and ask him on the way. He's always eager to tell his life story to any passers-by."

"Thank you, Twilight." Fluttershy beamed.

Polytima, on the other hand, sounded irritated. "Ungrateful ingrate, what's that purple know-it-all implying? Doesn't she realize how fortunate it is for her to hear the glorious steps of growth for our magnificent Spike? I would push a boulder from the foot of Everhoof to its peak back and forth a thousand times just to have a chance at it!"

Spike sweat-dropped. "Okay, okay, Polly. To be fair, I used to always use my story as a castle dragon as a conversation opener. Twilight heard the same story for goodness know how many times, and it's natural that she would feel bored."

Polytima huffed with obvious annoyance. But then she nervously added. "A- Ah, Spike, I'm not huffing at you!"

"I know, I know, don't fret."

Spike cooed despite his developing headache, until Fluttershy chimed in. "So, um, Spike."

"Uh, yes, Fluttershy, right away. So you see, I'm born from a purple egg..."

Night had descended on the so-far peaceful town of Ponyville.

Spike gave a careless gaze to the yellow lights emanated from the windows of town homes. He then looked at the two mares trotting in front of him, and suppressed his incoming sigh. "Polly, I don't think that Twi and some of her to-be friends are getting along as well as I want. Is my action causing more harm than good?"

"O- Of course not! Spike, you're my flawless champion! If there's anyone who's screwing things up, it's..."

The fae's voice turned low. "... It's probably the unworthy me."

"Don't be silly. The moment we bonded in the Ivory Tower, Polly, we're in this together."

Polytima let out a breathy sound, and Spike continued. "And no matter how this turns out at the end, you're not to blame."


"I know you don't like Twilight a bit."

Polytima gulped. "Um, I-"

"You don't need to deny that. It's more obvious than the midday sun. I don't know why or what exactly do you not like about her, being the lovable dork she is."

Spike chuckled to the flustered fae. "But I'll still quote her on this though: she said that while I might not be book-smart, I still have some sense about the good or bad within someone's heart; I know very well that you're trying your hardest to help me, and to help with the current situation."

"S- Spike..."

"You said you know all about Ponyville, the magic of harmony, and can see into the future... sort of, anyway. This must be super stressful, knowing that you yourself have the foresight to make the future pretty much perfect based on them. I don't even know if I can do it. That's why I'm always grateful for your help."

The fae let out another breathy, shaky sound. Spike immediately extended his arms and stroked Polytima gently with a grin. "You don't have to be so fidgety, Polly. Everything's gonna turn out alright tomorrow, and if not, we can at least say we give it our all."

"I- I see, Spike. I felt much better already, thank you." Polytima softly replied, visibly calming down with his physical contact.

"You're welcome... Oh, here we are."

The old oak tree that served as the town's library entered their view. Lights were dimmed, and the windows and balcony could barely be seen in the distance.

"A moment, Polly."

Spike ran up to Twilight and whispered to her again. "Hey Twi, should we invite Fluttershy in?"


Twilight yelped with a nonplussed tone. When she noticed that Fluttershy could hear her, she suppressed her own voice. "... I don't need another strange pony messing around in the library when I'm researching about Nightmare Moon!"

"I think at least a simple cup of tea should be offered to her, since she's walked so far from her home. That's also part of the manners you used to teach me about, no?"

Twilight raised her brows, and then breathed out. "... Well, that's true. But a cup of tea only, then she's back to home, okay?"

Spike suppressed his desire to ruin Pinkie Pie's party surprise, and nodded briskly. He then turned to Fluttershy and said. "Fluttershy, so... no more questions about me, right?"

"Um... No, I don't think I have more for you... You've been most kind to answer all my questions, thank you." Fluttershy added smilingly.

"You're welcome, so would you care for a cup of tea in the treehouse?"

"Oh my, I... wouldn't that be too much trouble?"

Moving himself strategically in front of the mumbling Twilight, he replied. "Not at all, it would be just a simple cup of tea. You know, wetting your lips after such a long walk."

Fluttershy hesitated, but when she met the gaze of the dragon, she finally nodded. "Thank you... Yes, I'd want something to drink. A- and possibly some more time to chat other things with you too."

"Wait, but Spike, we jus-"

Spike pre-empted the complaining purple mare again, and dashed towards the entrance to the treehouse. He quickly yanked open the door to shut down Twilight's incoming objection.


The library lit up in a second, colorful displays and confetti immediately blew out into his face.

Inside the door, Pinkie Pie stood up next to her party cannon, and she waved enthusiastically at the trio. "Hiya, Spike, Twilight, and ohhh, Fluttershy too! This is a party I throw for the two newest po- I mean, pony and dragon in Ponyville! Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh huh huh?"

"Wow, I mean, this is, like, very surprising, and stuff." Spike tried his darnedest to appear amazed, but it came out completely stilted.

The pink mare, however, did not seem to suspect a thing. She brightly grinned and said. "I'm glad! What about you, Twilight?"

The purple unicorn frowned. "Very surprised. Library is supposed to be quiet, uh... Pinkie Pie."

"Duh! Parties can't be quiet! 'Cos it would be bo-ring! And a boring party is not a fun party! See, since you two are new in the town, you don't have friends here, and it would be really really really sad! So I've invited absolutely everypony in the town so you can make friends with them! Isn't that superduperliciously fantastic?"

Twilight loudly groaned, but Spike immediately reminded in a small voice. "Making friends and allies, Twi. This is a golden opportunity!"

"But Spike, how can I work on research when there're so many cra- grr, ponies around the library?!"

Thinking back to Polytima's earlier words, he comforted. "Twi, we'll have time later. Everypony, us included, will stay up till morn when Princess Celestia comes to raise the sun, and we should have some time and space before that upstairs. We can use that time to do any research you need. Don't worry, I'll keep awake for as long as you want."

"Thanks to your wonderful spell, Polly." He added mentally to Polytima's bashful chuckle.

Twilight widened her eyes, and then carefully nodded. "Well, it's indeed quite remarkable that you're not rushing into your bed after a whole day's work, or look at all sleepy."

Spike proudly grinned. "Everything for Equestria. And especially for you, Twi."

The purple mare blinked and blushed for some reason. She looked visibly more amenable to the partying ponies inside the library.

Spike observed with a grin, and said with a louder voice just audible by Pinkie and Fluttershy. "So Twi, let's go and greet everypony inside, shall we?"

Twilight touched her forehead with her hoof. After a while, she smiled diffidently in defeat.

"... Alright then, since you insist... Don't you try to get away from work later, huh? I'll really need your help on this."

Spike saluted playfully. "Aye, aye, Twi. Definitely."

"Heya! What're you all waiting for? If you wanna chat, we have a whole night and a whole town of ponies to chat to, right, right?!"

Pinkie finally could not keep her quiet. She jumped up and down with excitement and pushed the three into the door frame.

She brightly grinned. "Let's come in and par-tay!"