• Published 29th Nov 2011
  • 8,261 Views, 114 Comments

Mysterious Mare Do Well:Rise of the Shadowbolt. - Phoenix Kitten

An alternate ending to Mysterious Mare Do Well chronicling the dark path.

  • ...

So this is your choice?So be it. pt.3

Today it begins....the home stretch.

Rainbow Dash looked around. Trixie and Gilda were playing a card game on the table behind her while she looked out the window.
Pinkie had already left for Ponyville, to act as a double agent among the Mare Do Wells.
Rainbow went over what had been done to Pinkie's repaired costume.
They had dyed it to mimic the patterening on their Shadow costumes and Trixie had done no less than three magical modifications, placing a pair of enchantments on the back of the costume that she only said 'would help.' and removed some sort of device that would limit the amount of innate magic Pinkie could use at a time.
She turned to look at her teammates.
"Trixie! Gilda! Stow those cards for now and get everything ready for tomorrow! I want this to go off without a hitch."
The unicorn and griffon nodded, shuffling the cards back into the deck and sticking them in Gilda's travel bag.
Rainbow watched before moving to make her own preparations.


Pinkie trotted back into Ponyville, somehow bypassing the four pony search team of her friends and heading straight for SugarCube Corner.
"HI there Mr and Mrs. Cake!" She greeted the stores owners as she moved behind the counter.

"Well hello there Pinkie. Where have you been?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Just out for a stroll in Whitetail woods." Pinkie shrugged. "Sorry I didn't tell you both first, I just had a lot on my mind after talking to my friends."

"That's quite alright Pinkie. We can't have our favorite employee working in a sullen mood now can we?" Mr Cake said as he carried a tray of muffins over to the display and sat them under it.

"Certainly not dear." Mrs. Cake agreed.

Pinkie smiled as she put on her apron and moved into the kitchen to start baking. "I'll put in some overtime tonight to make up for it."


"Oh...umm excuse me, Storm Front?" Fluttershy asked,

"Yeah that's me. What's up?" The pegasus stallion asked.

"Oh...I was just wondering if you've seen Pinkie Pie is all..."

"Last I saw she was in the kitchen at SugarCube Corner."

"Oh is that where she is? Thank you ever so much!" Fluttershy smiled softly. "Thank you." With that she turned and flew down towards a trio of ponies waiting below.

"Any luck Fluttershy?" Applejack asked.

"Oh yes. Storm Front said he saw her working at SugarCube Corner." Fluttershy responded.

"So she just went back to work. Ah told y'all it was nothin' to be worried about." The farmpony smiled.

"But if she's at work then why haven't we seen..." Twilight was cut off by a grey pegasus hovering lazily down the street with a paper bag on her back.

"Muuuuuffiiiiins." The pegasus mare said slowly as she hovered past them.

"You were saying dear?"


Applejack crossed her right legs in front of her left and leaned on a nearby wall. "Ah told y'all not to get your tails in a twist. Y'all should remember, it's like Pinkie to just vanish like that."

"Uh... Applejack, we asked some ponies who had just come out of SugarCube Corner if they'd seen her earlier and no pony said they did." Twilight reminded her.

"Yeah. And that colt up there just said that she was in the kitchen. You don't normally see into the kitchen of your favorite restaurant or eatery now do you?" Applejack smiled, complacent with her logic.

"Well... no but you'd think at least one other pony would have seen her at least go in."

"Twi... this is Pinkie we're talking about."

"Applejack has a point there darling." Rarity chimed in.

"Fine...fine. We'll ask her about it more tomorrow, it's getting kinda dark out."

"Oh...I need to go feed my animals." Fluttershy realized before she flew off.

"And Ah better go help Big Mac start dinner. Otherwise we'll end up eatin' Big Mac's Big Mac&cheese plate again. Not something you want to have twice in a row." Applejack chuckled as she trotted off towards the town outskirts.

"Well then. Sweetie is off staying with our parents again, and I always give Opal enough food to last her through the day. But I do have a rather important outfit to finish." Rarity mused as she headed towards her boutique.

With a small sigh Twilight turned and head towards the library. Eager to get some sleep.


The next day the five friends trotted through town.
"It's quiet lately. Far too quiet. I don't like it." Twilight said as she scanned the skies.

"Relax Sugahcube." Applejack smiled. "Enjoy the peace while we got it."

"Yeah!" Pinkie smiled as she bounced along before muttering. "It'll be very loud in a few minutes."

"What was that Pinkie?" Rarity asked.


"The birds seem really restless today. Like somethings about to happen." Fluttershy said as she watched a group of birds start squawking and take off from the plaza.

A few seconds later a group of ponies came charging down the street shrieking. "The Shadowbolt! The Shadowbolt!"
The rest of the ponies in the plaza looked up and charged in the same direction as the first group, leaving the five bearers of Harmony.

"Looks like enjoying the peace is no longer an option." Twilight smirked. "Ready girls? Let's make this quick."

"Looks like the rodeo's come early. Yeeehaaa!" Applejack reared up in preperation.

"I was hoping the peace would last just one more day." Rarity flicked her mane back and glared down the street. "But I will take up arms if I must."

"Oh dear oh my..." Fluttershy repeated as a dust cloud became visible.

"Oh goody. Fun time!" Pinkie bounced excitedly.

"Let's go! AMDW!" They all chanted at once, Pinkie leaping back during her costumes activation.

"Aaaah! Argh!" The four Mare Do Wells cried out in pain as electrical currents danced across their costumes.

"What the hay?" Twilight groaned as she cast an insulating spell between the costumes and their wearers.

"Mah display is fried Twi. Ah can't see a dang thing."

"As is mine. My gem meter is still functioning... sort of."

"Seraphim meter.... opereational. Everything else is fried."

"I don't know what you're all on about, my display is working perfectly." Pinkie said as she trotted past the group and turned to face them in front of the Mayor's hall.

Twilight looked up, her eyepieces widening to match her eyes. Infront of her stood Pinkie in her costume, twisted with the colours and patterns of the Shadowbolts costume. With her were three more figures in similar costumes.

"Fairs fair, don't you think Izayoi?" Shadowbolt smirked.

To be concluded...

Home stretch ponies!One more part then the epilogue.