• Published 19th Sep 2016
  • 3,154 Views, 43 Comments

Rara's Reality - Gear Works

Rara decides to reboot her career with a rising singer from Earth. But in order to do so, they have to be a couple. Looks like someone forgot to read the fine print on the contract.

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Twilight's plan

Rick was able to get his demo tape done and sent to the talent show team. It wouldn’t be until a week later when he would get the letter saying that he was one of the artist to perform at the talent show. What was better was that it was being held in Nashville, making it easier to drive down there and back. All he had to do was play the same song that he submitted at the talent show. But he would have to come in days before the event to practice with band members to make sure he was ready to perform at the show.

Applejack and her friends also learned about the contest and made plans to attend and support Rick, knowing that he was able to get his foot in the door. There were dozens and dozens of artist performing at the event, and it was going to take several hours for all of the artists to perform. Rick was able to perform during the third hour, and his performance was better than they expected. Once he performed, it turned into a waiting game for several more hours.

Each artist that performed after him sounded just as good as him, or even those that performed before him. This brought back memories of how he couldn’t get far in past singing contests. But his pony friends were there to support him no matter what happens.

Night had fallen outside, and the last artist performed their song. And it was now up to the judges to decide which artist would go to the final round tomorrow. Rick was with his seven pony friends, waiting for the judges to announce the finalist.

“So, how many do they select to the final round?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I believe it to be twenty,” replied Rarity.

“I will say this, but there were some good singers that performed today,” Applejack explained, “but I know you’ll get picked, Rick.”

“Thanks. At least I’m not going through round after round like the other contests,” replied Rick.

Twilight saw someone walking across the stage with a mic and a piece of paper. “Look. I think Sapphire Shores is about to announce the finalist.”

Sapphire Shores spoke into the mic and said, “Thank you for coming to the Equestria Talent Search. Our judges have made their selections on the twenty finalists to perform tomorrow.” Sapphire Shores started to read off the list of the selected artist and their picture was displayed on the video screen at the back of the stage. As each name was read, Rick hope his name was one of them. But sadly it wasn’t. It was after nineteen names were called that it came down to the last one. The ponies had their fingers crossed, hoping that it would be Rick as the last name called.

“And our last artist to perform in the finals is…Rick Barns!”

The mares around him cheered with him and exchanged hugs with each other. Well, except Pinkie Pie. Twilight warned her about squeezing him too hard like last time.

“Will all finalists report to the back of the stage so that you can prepare for tomorrow’s finals. Thank you all for coming.”

“Well, I better go down and find out how the finals will be played out,” said Rick.

“We’ll wait for you outside,” said Applejack.

While all seven ponies made their way outside, Rick made his way to the back of the stage to meet with the other finalists on what needs to be done for tomorrow.

Sapphire Shores had some papers with her to pass out to the finalists. “OK. Congratulations on making it to the finals. What I have here is the song selection for each of you to perform in the finals, divided by what type of singer it’s for and what style it is. Now you have to chose which song you wish to sing tomorrow morning so that you can practice with the band members, and you can not use the song that you sung today. We want to see how well you can perform on the spot. So take your time and report to me tomorrow morning. Good luck.”

Sapphire Shores left the area, and all the artists were looking over the sheet and had ideas on what to select for their final song. But Rick looked through the list and wasn’t sure which song to pick. As the others made their way out of the building, Rick decided to do the same and join up with the other ponies waiting for him.

“So, what do you have to do for the finals?” asked Pinkie Pie.

Rick let out a sigh and said, “I have to perform a new song from the list given to me.”

“That doesn’t sound so hard,” said Twilight.

“So why is it that you don’t sound excited about this?” asked Applejack.

“I’m not sure what song I feel like singing,” Rick explained. “Most of these listed are the popular ones out there, and most of the ones that I have heard that are listed are from female artists. Most of the ones that had a male artist would be from the band and not a solo artist, so I’m not sure which one to pick.”

The mares looked at the list and were able to make out some of the songs listed from their times they had to come to the human world. Well, except for Starlight Glimmer. She hadn’t had a chance to hear the music this world had to offer except for what was performed today.

“Perhaps the band members are familiar with the songs listed on here,” said Starlight.

“You might be right, since they had to look up the songs that were selected by the artists in advance,” explained Rarity.

“So what’s wrong with these songs?” asked Starlight.

“I think it has to do with how you feel about what you want to sing,” Applejack explained. “Like some of the songs from Kelly Clarkson. I heard that she started to write her own music based on what she wants her fans to listen to, instead of what her former manager wanted her to sing.”

“So it’s more about what the artist wants to describe instead of what the fans like to hear, right?” said Starlight.


Starlight started to think before she had an idea. “Couldn’t you make an exception in choosing a song?”

“If I had my own band, then it can be possible,” replied Rick. “But I don’t, so that’s out of the question.”

It was then that Twilight had an idea. “Say, can any of you girls play any instruments?”

The mares looked at each other before any of them could respond.

“Well, I did play piano to help Sweetie Belle with her singing back then,” explained Rarity.

“And I still have my guitar stored away back on the farm,” explained Applejack. “Any reason why you asking us this?”

“Well, remember that time when I had to return to the mirrored world to face the sirens?” asked Twilight. The other mares, except for Starlight, nodded. “Well, we had to use music to defeat them, and your human counterparts played certain instruments in the process. Applejack and Rainbow Dash played different guitars, Pinkie Pie played drums, Fluttershy played the tambourine, and Rarity played some kind of portable piano, I think.”

“It’s called a keytar,” Rick said. “It’s a small, electric piano with buttons that helps set the octaves to the device. I learned about it when a female artist who goes by Lights use one for some of her songs back then.”

“Anyway, if they were able to play instruments in their world, then maybe you can do the same,” explained Twilight.

“Well dud. Playing drums is easy,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Um, I don’t know if I can help out,” said Fluttershy.

“Don’t worry. I don’t expect you, me, or Starlight to help out on stage this time,” Twilight explained. “We just need the others to help…that is if Rainbow Dash can play guitar.”

“Well, Spitfire did give me a guitar, which I have played a bit,” Rainbow Dash explained. “She wants me to take part in the Wonderbolts own band, since she doesn’t have any time to perform with them as well.”

“You mean the Wonderbolts have a band as well?” asked Rick.

“Yea. It’s something Spitfire created long ago as a side job for the group. You know, to get a few bits on the side. She even got Soarin on drums for the group.”

“Well, it looks like we have our own band to help Rick out,” said Applejack. “But how in the hay do you plan to get us to play with Rick in all of this?”

“Glad you ask,” replied Twilight. “You, me, and Rarity are going to see Sapphire Shores and see if she can make an exception to tomorrow’s performance for Rick. The rest of you will go back to Rick’s place and see if there’s a song that Rick feels like singing for tomorrow. I’m sure you would want to use a song from some of the albums that you have, right?” Rick nodded. “Well, let’s see what we can do to help Rick out.”

Rarity knew where Sapphire Shores was staying for the night and took Twilight and Applejack to see her. Rick took the others back to where he parked his car and drove the group back to his place in Franklin. When they arrived, he was able to pull out his CDs to show the others what he had so that they can get an idea on what might work for tomorrow.

“Alright. Let’s get Rick rolling here.”

Rick just stared at Pinkie Pie.

“Oh come on, Rick. You know we’re never going to-”

“Say it and I’m tossing you out of the window,” Rick said, cutting Pinkie off. “Pray that the laws of physics don’t apply to you like it does back in Equestria.”

“So, what song would you like to sing?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

“I’m not sure. There’s too many to chose from,” replied Rick.

Fluttershy said, “Maybe, something lite?”

“Or maybe something funky,” said Pinkie Pie.

“I don’t think those ideas will work if we want to impress Rara and the other judges,’ said Rainbow Dash.

But Starlight saw one CD case with the words “Lostprophets Start Something” on it and took it out. She went to look at the back of the case to learn more about it.

“Hey Starlight. What you have there?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“A case with lost prophets start something labeled on it.”

“Oh, that’s the band Lostprophets,” Rick explained. “First album I got from that group. Haven’t heard from them in years and I only have that album and the next one from them.

Starlight was curious. “Is it one word or two?”

“One,” Rick replied. “They released a couple of songs on the radio, but had one hit that got me hooked.”

He pointed to the song “Last Train Home”, and this made Starlight more curious.

“Think we can listen to it?” asked Starlight.

But before Rick could answer, a small portal opened, and Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack came through the portal before it closed behind them.

“So, what happen?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Good news. As long as he picks a song of his choosing, and we can play with him, she’s going to allow it. But we have to let her know what song it will be so that she can listen to it first,” explained Twilight. “Have you chosen a song yet?”

“Well…” He stopped for a moment and remember the CD that Starlight had out and thought of an idea. “I think this one will do. Last train home.” He took the CD from Starlight to show it to the others. “I’ll let you borrow the CD so that you girls can listen to the song and see if you can play it. I can look it up online and make sure I know the lyrics again, since I haven’t heard this song in a while.”

Applejack said, “You sure?”

“Yea. I’m sure it will come back to me when I hear it. Comes naturally to me.”

“Well, we better get started,” said Applejack.

Twilight opened the portal so that the others were able to travel back to Equestria and make the preparations for tomorrow’s performance.

Twilight and Rarity went to see Sapphire Shores in the morning explaining to her what song Rick plans to sing, while Applejack was able to get in touch with the boss of Legends Corner to see if they can use his bar for them to practice while it was closed, since it was Sunday and there wouldn’t be and there wouldn’t be anyone around to disturb them. Rick, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash brought their own guitars, while a drum set and electric keyboard were provided for Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Twilight and Rarity showed up to the bar to meet up with the others to explain more about their performance.

“OK. Talked with Sapphire Shores and she said that she will allow that song to be played tonight. But you will have to play last in the finals,” explained Twilight.

“Good,” replied Applejack. “The boss here was able to provide us with a drum set for Pinkie Pie and a keyboard for Rarity.”

“The keyboard is just like your piano, so I can get you set up on the features for the song,” Rick explained to Rarity.

“Thanks Rick. Twilight told me a bit about those that she saw in the mirrored world, so I think I can catch on quite quickly. But I must say, Sapphire was very pleased with this decision that we’re making.”

“Yea, maybe too pleased,” Twilight added.

“Let’s just focus on tonight while we still have this chance,” said Applejack.

So the group went to practice with Rick leading the group. He and Rainbow Dash played lead guitars while Applejack played bass guitar. Rick was able to show Rarity what settings to have the keyboard on, so she was able to play it with ease. And Pinkie Pie was able to adjust with the basic drum set. They spent a few hours on the song while taking breaks, getting it polished for his performance tonight.

When evening came, the finals were in full swing. Rick was a bit nervous because he had to play last on the show. Hearing each artist play made him more nervous, but Applejack was by his side, making sure he felt calm before his performance. As the artist before him finished playing and left the stage, the band members also left the stages as well. That was when Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, each wearing clothes that helped them blend in with the stage, went up and got their gear set up and ready before Rick went on to get his gear ready.

The announcer went out and said, “And now our last artist for tonight. Singing ‘Last Train Home’ by the Lostprophets, here is Rick Barns!”

Up in the judges’ booth, Rara leaned over to Coco, who was helping out with the supplies for the judges. “Isn’t that AJ with him?” she whispered.

“Yea. And I think Rarity is there as well. I wonder why?” whispered Coco.

As the song ended, there was a big applause from the audience. Rick felt hopeful that he did his best tonight, and that his friends were able to help him make this happen. Now it was left to the judges to decide who Rara’s partner would be.

The judges went through each artist and made their top picks to be tallied together. As Sapphire Shores went through the list, Rara went backstage with Coco following her.

“So, you think you have an idea of who your partner would be?” asked Coco.

“I think so,” Rara replied. “I mean, I know who my top five are, but that would depend on how the other judges made their picks as well. So it may not be the top pick I made.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, but what did you think about Rick? You know, Applejack’s friend,” asked Coco.

“Well, he sounds good. They all do. But Rick…there’s something about him that I can’t put my finger on it. I hope he makes it far, even if it’s not with me,” replied Rara.

“Well, that might be hard to say. Rarity said that this might be his last chance to make it big in music,” explained Coco.

Rara stopped for a moment. “You sure?”

Coco turned around to look back at Rara. “He’s 38 in Earth years, which is kinda old for a human. He thinks that it might be time to move on, if he’s able to do so.”

Rara continued walking to the backstage area, wondering if she made the right picks on her list.

Sapphire Shores finished looking over the judges’ picks and started to make her way to the stage to announce the winner. The finalists walk across the stage, lined up next to each other. Rick was nervous because this was his last chance to get into the music business. His friends were watching him from the side of the stage, hoping he would be picked.

Sapphire Shores spoke into the mic once again. “Thank you everyone for coming to the Equestria Talent Search finals. Let’s give a round of applause to our finalists one more time.” The audience responding with cheers and clapping. “Now, our judges have made their picks and we have tallied their results. The winner of this contest will have a contract with our record label and perform with Countess Coloratura. Now, I would like to announce our winner.” A drum roll was heard from the speakers. “The winner…of the Equestria Talent Search…is…”


Rick’s eyes went wide in shock. He wasn’t sure if he was dreaming or not. But it was the other finalist who went up to him and congratulate him for his win. Rick knew that this was real and walked up to Sapphire Shores to shake her hand for winning. Everyone was cheering and clapping, even his pony friends.

The building was finally empty as everyone started to go home. Rick got a few more thanks from some of the finalist, which he returned offering them his support if they were to continue to pursue their music careers. His pony friends were still around, hoping to talk to him before heading back to Ponyville.

“Well, looks like you finally made it big time,” said Applejack. “We’re all proud of you.” The other ponies nodded in agreement.

“You told me to give it a shot, and I did. Now I finally have a music career that I’ve been wanting all this time,” explained Rick.

“We better head back home. Just let us know if you still need any help,” said Twilight.

“I will. Just make sure you visit when you can,” replied Rick.

Twilight went to open the portal, and all seven ponies went through and headed back to their own world.

“Mr. Barns! Mr. Barns!”

Rick looked over to see Sapphire Shores walking up with Rara and Coco next to her.

“Mr. Barns. I’m glad you are still here,” said Sapphire.

“Please, call me Rick.”

“Certainly. I’m sure you’ve met Coco Pommel before.”

“Yes I have,” Rick replied. “She was able to help me out while Applejack was on a friendship mission.”

“And this is Countess Coloratura, who you will be performing with later on.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” replied Rara as she extended her hand to shake Rick’s.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Miss Coloratura.”

“Please, you can call me Rara, since we’re both friends of Applejack. Both her and Coco have told me about you, and I’m glad that you won the contest. Must have been hard getting into the music career.”

“It has been, but I’m glad to finally be in the music career,” replied Rick.

“Speaking of which, I was hoping that we can get the contract details out of the way,” said Sapphire. “It’s a joint contract and Miss Coloratura has already looked it over and signed her part. I wanted to make sure you look it over before you sign it.”

Rara explained, “It’s a two year contract, which allow us to work together on a new group album. It will also allow us to tour together in both Equestria and in the United States. Part of the money earned will be split between us and any other party members that will tour with us.”

Rick looked over most of the details of the contract, looking for any catch to this. “Is it two Earth years or Equestria years?”

“Two Earth years,” replied Sapphire. “But we are still trying to compare the difference between the two worlds. I’m sure Princess Twilight Sparkle is still getting trying to solve that part, but she believes that we follow with your world’s time than ours for now.”

“Good enough with me.” Rick made sure there wasn’t any other catches and decided to sign the contract. “So when do we start working on music?”

“I was hoping you can move in with Coloratura soon. Then we can see about getting to work on music,” explained Sapphire.

“Well, I’m sure Twilight can get something worked out for me to come to Equestria,” said Rick.

“I don’t think we have to worry about that, now that both of you are a couple.”

Rara and Rick were confused as to what Sapphire Shores was talking about.

“You mean us as a duo,” Rara clarified.

“No, a couple. Says so in this part right here.” Sapphire pointed to a section of the contract to the others that had some kind of seal next to it. Coco was able to recognize the seal.

“Is that…Princess Celestia’s Seal?”

“Sure is,” Sapphire replied. “She helped me with parts of the contract, since it’s a part of human/pony relations.”

Coco took a moment to gather her thoughts before she could explain. “That means both of you are…married.”

Rick and Rara looked at each other, and only one response came to mind.


Author's Note:

And so it begins.

:pinkiehappy: And for those who caught on to the story earlier...