• Published 20th Sep 2016
  • 1,209 Views, 46 Comments

Dragon Our Love 'Till the End: Zog Strikes Back - The Lord Thunder

Spike and Sapphire have saved the ponies of Buckington, and things seem peaceful. But a vengeful Zog launches a counterattack, and an even more fearsome foe appears. Spike and Sapphire's love will be put to the ultimate test.

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Chapter 5

A stone stairway, large enough for a full grown dragon to navigate with ease, twisted deep within the mountain.

The stairs came to a sudden end, joining with a wide hallway, the length of it so great that the end of the hall was beyond Spike's sight. The further down the dragons went, the more Spike saw signs that a great struggle had taken place here. There were claw marks gouged into the walls and globs of stone that had melted and re-hardened, looking like melted wax on the side of a candle.

At the end of the great hall was a large chamber, mostly empty aside from a lit candelabra resting on a table and, in front of it, a twenty foot statue of some sort of fairy-like entity, its arms stretched out and palms facing upward, as if accepting an offering.

"What is this place? Sapphire wondered out loud.

"What are you doing here?"

Spike and Sapphire wheeled around at the new voice, finding that a sagely-looking old female ice dragon had come up behind them. Spike looked up at her wrinkled face, noting her size and backed up a few steps.

"I'm sorry if I'm intruding," Sapphire said to the colossal figure. "I just saw the ruins of the temple I used to go to when I was little, and I saw the staircase. I was curious where it went."

"I see," the old dragon said in a raspy, almost hissing voice. She then dropped to her haunches, a less intimidating posture. "Forgive me if I startled you. My name is Crysta. I was once the keeper of the ice temple above."

For a moment, Sapphire regarded Crysta, probably judging whether or not she was a threat."I've never seen you before," she said, tilting her head. "I'm Sapphire."

"I'm Spike!" said Spike.

"It is nice to meet you, Sapphire and Spike. I'm not surprised you didn't know about me before. I stayed here, in my domain, much of the time."

"I didn't even know this place was here," Sapphire said. She twisted around, observing the room. "I'm not even sure what this place is."

"You stand now in the inner sanctum of the ice temple," Crysta explained. "It was intended to be hidden from prying eyes, for it once held the sacred treasure of the ice dragons."

"Once?" Spike echoed. "What happened?"

Crysta closed her weary eyes as she conjured up painful memories. "A group of dragons, scales as dark as the night, came here looking for it. When we denied them entry, they began tearing the temple apart until they found it."

"What was this relic were they looking for?" Sapphire asked, the flicker in her eyes showing that the pieces were starting to come together in her head. It was no coincidence, Spike knew, that the avalanche happened at the same time the dark dragons invaded. All he could do was brace himself for the inevitable explosion of anger from Sapphire once she finished putting the pieces together.

“As I said, it was the sacred treasure of the ice dragons, the Glacial Orb. Its power helped the Ice Spirit keep this mountain cold enough to suit our needs. With it gone, I'm afraid it is only a matter of time before our realm is doomed.”

Spike laughed on the inside. He'd learned a lot about science after so many years living with a unicorn whose favorite pastime was studying. It wasn't magical relics or mythical beings that kept this place cold, it was the elevation. “I doubt that, Crysta.”

“And why is that, young one?”

“It's cold here because we're so high up. It's the same with all mountains.” Spike instantly winced at the words when Sapphire elbowed him in the chest. He took a step back on instinct, fearing that Crysta might lash out in a violent scathing for trying to poke holes in her beliefs.

However, nothing about the old ice dragon changed. She barely even blinked. “That's what pony science explains,” she said, her voice calm; perfectly modulated. “Which means nothing to us dragons. Look at that statue." Crysta pointed a claw at the strange stone figure. "An effigy of the Ice Spirit. Notice how its hands are empty? We ice dragons fought valiantly to protect it from the Shadow Dragons' vile clutches, but as you can see, we have failed." Crysta hung her head, shut her eyes and shook her head in shame. "I failed. The Ice Spirit has surely forsaken us now, and the blame falls squarely on my shoulders."

Something within Sapphire flashed. It was like a torch shining light on an area that had always been obscured in shadow, illuminating it for the first time. The realization made her gasp. "Wait. The temple was attacked and destroyed by black dragons. Then the temple collapsing must have caused the avalanche!"

"No doubt," Crysta said.

"Then the Shadow Dragons..." Sapphire's voice trailed off in thought.

Spike winced, bracing himself for an outburst. Here it comes...

"I know what you're thinking, and you'd do well to leave the idea alone, young one," Crysta said. "Even with our combined strength the other, younger Defenders and myself could not stop them."

Ignoring Crysta's warning, Sapphire broke into a dead sprint down the huge hallway. Crysta only hung her head and shook it sadly. “Foolish child. She means to die.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it!” Spike yelled back as he started down the hall after Sapphire, following her back up the winding staircase and through the temple's great hall. Sapphire finally stopped on the edge of the cliff.

The view seemed to steal the breath from Spike's lungs. He thought he could see the entire world from this high up--the jagged spires and curving slopes of the mountain, Equestria's lush green plains dotted with ponds and lakes far, far below and the treetops of forests, all lit by the orange rim of the setting sun. Looking beyond the cliff just past the temple, Spike realized Crysta was right. A trail of destruction, fallen boulders and broken ice led all the way down to the base of the Frozen Spires, and Sapphire's former home was in the direct path of the devastation.

"So it's true," Sapphire said, and her face hardened. Sapphire clenched her hands so tight they shook at her sides, her eyes fierce and unblinking.

"Sapphire, are you okay?" Spike asked. He'd never seen Sapphire so angry.

"It's their fault!" she screamed. "It's all their fault my parents are gone! The Shadow Dragons did this!"

Spike put a gentle claw on Sapphire's shoulder, hoping it would help soothe her. "Sapphire, take it easy."

"I'll make them pay," she growled.

"You said yourself there's nothing we can do."

"Then we'll find a way. What if we found whatever it is Zog is looking for, and use it against him?"

Spike sighed through his nose as he considered the possibilities, given the danger. Thinking about tangling with the Shadow Dragons again made his stomach twist into painful knots. Of course, he'd follow Sapphire through the gates of Tartarus. His racing thoughts rested on Ponyville. On Twilight Sparkle. Spike hadn't seen her or the rest of his friends in the week since he'd left Ponyville to stay with Sapphire, and he felt a sudden longing to see them again. A few friendly faces would certainly make him feel better.

“Let's go see Twilight,” Spike said, gripping Sapphire's hand in his own. “She's bound to have some ideas, and if not she'll find some.”

“You think so?”

Spike shrugged. “There's nopony I'd rather have by my side at a time like this. She always knows just what to do, always comes through for me.”

“Ok,” Sapphire nodded. “We'll go back to Ponyville and figure out what to do from there. We should get going. My cold protection spell will wear off soon and I won't be able to cast it again for a couple of days.”

Spike gave an understanding nod, smiling at Sapphire, quietly assuring her they'd figure something out. She returned his smile, then beat her wings and took to the air for the long descent down the mountain, with Spike following close behind.


The moon had begun rising in the night sky, a sight Celestia welcomed with a smile, for it meant wherever Luna was, she was safe, and probably intent on returning home soon. A sleepy yawn forced its way out of Celestia's chest. Sleep had scarcely come to her since the recent dragon activity, but there probably wasn't any harm in resting her eyes for a bit. She shut her eyes, allowing the tranquil silence of the throne room to overcome her. She'd nearly fallen asleep when her alicorn senses detected an incredible surge of power.

Celestia's eyes flew open. That dark presence she sensed... overwhelming! "Who's there? Show yourself!"

There was no time to wait for a response. Celestia channeled magic energy into her horn, ready to strike. She saw a small, round metal object shoot just above her head, and then, the energy in her horn sputtered out.

A huge cloud of black mist formed in the center of the throne room and materialized into a massive bipedal shape. Celestia thought it looked like a dragon, only it had six legs instead of four, four great wings, two heads and eight eyes that glowed red like hot coals.

"Ah, Princess Celestia. It is an honor to meet She Who Controls the Sun," the apparition said in a grating baritone voice, both heads speaking as one.

No matter how hard she scraped at it, no matter how much energy she tried to summon, the ring wouldn't budge, no magic glowed in her horn. No doubt it was a null-ring, powerful enough to block even her magic.

"Don't bother. That null-ring is bound to you by my power. It won't come off unless I decide it does, or my lifeforce is extinguished."

Spearhead and Claymore, the two guards flanking Celestia, drew their weapons and started their approach, stopping only at Celestia's extended foreleg warning them to stay back.

“Who are you?” Celestia demanded, cocking an eyebrow at Veroth. “Better yet, what are you?”

“I am Veroth, the Shadow Dragonlord.”

Celestia felt a cold shiver work its way up her spine. Was this the same Veroth who led the Shadow Dragons during the Dragonwars? “It cannot be. Not even you could live that long.” Indeed, the Dragonwars were ancient, even by her standards.

A wry, wicked smile appeared on Veroth's two faces. “Being put in stasis in Tartarus for a million years does tend to keep one such as myself rather preserved. Of course, given the number of creatures you've sent there, I'm sure you already know that.”

Celestia studied the strange dragon for a while longer, suddenly feeling her stomach twist into painful knots.“What are you here for?”

Spearhead spun his weapon into a ready position. “Step away from the princess!” The guard thrust his spear at the two-headed dragon. Veroth sidestepped and tore the weapon free from Spearhead's hooves and, with only his thumb, bent the steel shaft into a worthless “u” and tossed it aside.

As Spearhead backed off, Claymore charged forward and struck the monstrous form in the side. The sword clanged off Veroth's scales as if Claymore had struck solid rock, the weapon jarring and clattering to the ground. Claymore backed off as well, swallowing a hard lump in his throat.

The fools. Celestia had told them to back of for a reason. She stared at Veroth, refusing to let any fear shine in her eyes. "What do you want?"

"Oh, come now, your highness, I just want to make a deal with you."

Celestia raised a wary eyebrow. "What kind of deal?"

"Look outside your window."

The sight in the sky out her window made Celestia's ears droop. She couldn't fight the gasp. Hundreds of pitch-black dragons, darker even than the night sky, loomed over Canterlot like a swarm of bats, blotting out the moon and the stars. With that many dragons, Equestria's demise would be swift and sure.

Veroth stood tall, both pairs of arms folded across his chest with the confident air of one who was sure there was no way he could lose. "Turn your country over to me. We can end this peacefully, your highness. That's my deal."

For a moment, Celestia's tongue could form no words. Without her magic there was no good way to end this. "And if I refuse?"

"Then we do this the hard way; we start smashing every one of your towns to pieces until you're ready to cooperate or there's nothing left, whichever comes first. Starting with your beloved Canterlot."

It took a few moments for the alternative to sink in Celestia's mind. The average ponies didn't stand a chance of stopping a full-scale attack, but she couldn't just hand her country over. "I... I can't do that."

"You, who would never any harm befall your precious subjects?” Veroth nodded towards the window, regarding his army. “My forces stand ready. All I have to do is say a single word."

Celestia glanced over her shoulder. Surrender her country or watch it be destroyed. What was the right choice? WAS there a right choice? The dragons had her powers nullified. She wouldn't be able to protect her subjects this time. Luna, however, hadn't returned from her mission to gather allies. Equestria still had the Princess of the Night. There was also Spike and Sapphire, who'd already beaten the Shadow Dragons once. Cadance and Shining Armor would surely lend their aid as well once they learned of the invasion, and if somehow none of them were able to defend Equestria, there was one other ace-in-the-hole Celestia could count on.

Indeed, it was a mistake for the Shadow Dragons to underestimate Equestria. For now, she could only do her part in keeping it safe. "I have one condition. My subjects must not be harmed. No towns destroyed. Nothing like what you did to Buckington."

“Very well. You have my word.”

Veroth snapped his fingers and, in an instant, the windows of the throne room shattered inward in a burst of flying glass. Celestia shielded her face with her foreleg to keep the glass from getting in her eyes and, when she dared to glance around again, a dozen Shadow Dragons in their smaller bipedal forms had already surrounded her, and Veroth had seated himself on the throne of Canterlot.

“Take her to the dungeon,” he ordered. “As of this moment, this castle is under our control!”

Hanging her head, Celestia reluctantly allowed the dragons to guide her out of the throne room, broken glass crunching under their feet. They led Celestia down the royal hall, where other dragons were already standing guard. Though the Shadow Dragons had stripped her of her powers and were now preparing to lock her up in her own dungeon, Celestia knew the ponies would endure. They would find a way. They always did.

She knew, this was far from over.