• Published 14th Aug 2012
  • 2,498 Views, 37 Comments

Siblings - Undermine

The CMC are kidnapped, and Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are determined to bring them home.

  • ...

Chapter 1


Chapter 1

"Aw come on, you guys," Scootaloo said with frustration, "we just got out of school! We have all the time in Equestria to get our Cutie Marks now!"

"Sorry Scootaloo, but Rarity was planning a special afternoon with me," Sweetie Bell replied, "she said 'I will be happy to spend time with you when you finish school, and when I finish my order of hats.' School done, and that means that her order is done, too."

"Yeah, mah sister also wants to spend time with me," Applebloom chimed in, "she wanted me to help her get stuff for this year's cider...and she wants to make s'mores."

Scootaloo stomped her little hoof on the ground and said, "But who the hay am I going to hang out with? All I got planned was to go crusading with you guys!"

"I'm sorry, Scootaloo, but I've been waiting for this day for a few weeks now."

"A few WEEKS?" shouted Scootaloo.

"Ahm sure you can find some way to pass the time. You could...ride your scooter...or practice flying...or..."

"You know what, forget it!" Scootaloo shouted. "You guys have fun with your sisters." She whipped around and ran away from the two.

"Jeez, Scootaloo seems really rustled all of a sudden." Sweetie Bell commented.

"I wonder what's eatin' her?" Apple Bloom added.

Scootaloo ran until she got behind a large bush, out of sight from her friends. Here she let out the sobs she was choking back. They never understand, she said to herself. They never understand that I'm alone. Sweet Celestia, I'm alone.

Rainbow Dash was lazily sitting in a fluffy cloud above Ponyville. She just got back from work after completing her two-hour shift in a disappointing time of 28 minutes. She was adjusting herself into the perfect napping position when she noticed a familiar orange filly walking down the path. At first, she brushed this off as another one of Scootaloo's excited fan-girl endeavors and waited for her to call up for another autograph. The kid cracks me up every time, she said to herself. Rainbow listened, but heard nothing from the filly. Of all things, this got Rainbow's attention, and she got up from her napping position and looked back down.

Scootaloo wasn't even acknowledging Rainbow's presence. She had her head hanging low and her eyes looking straight down at the ground. Her face looked like a sick puppy dog that Rainbow saw at Fluttershy's cottage. Jeez, looks like someone's having a rough day. Poor little squirt. Rainbow got back up on her cloud and prepared to get into napping position again when an idea struck. A crazy idea, but nonetheless an idea that intrigued her. She was ambiguous to this idea, but she didn't like seeing Scootaloo down. She took a shot in the dark and decided to go with it. She got off her cloud and flew right in front of the orange filly.

"Hey Squirt! What's up?" She said loudly. Loud enough that it caught Scootaloo completely off guard as she made a small "Eep!" and stood up on her hind legs before falling right on her flank. Rainbow couldn't help but giggle.

"Ra...Rainbow Dash?! That scared the feathers offa me! Wha...how...what are you doing here?"

"He he, don't worry kid, I ain't here to scare ya," she said as she helped the filly get back up. "I saw you walking below all mopey and stuff."

"'Mopey and stuff'? Well...yeah...I guess you could say that."

"C'mon kiddo, what's got you down?"

"Oh, you know..." she said, scuffling her hoof, "just something...with the Crusaders..."

"What? Did they hurt you? Make fun of you? 'Cause I can fix that up right away."

"What? No! That's not what I meant! What I meant was...um...that I...um..."

"Yes?" Rainbow suddenly sat down right in front of the filly, "don't worry kid, I won't tell anypony."

Scootaloo was taken by surprise by this sign of affection, especially by her idol. It gave her a sense of security. "It's just that...they're hanging out with their sisters today...and...and I've been feeling really lonely lately."

This was exactly what Rainbow Dash wanted to hear. She decided to put her plan into action. She looked at Scootaloo sqaure in the eyes and said, "I know something that could cheer you up, squirt."

Scootaloo looked back, "Yeah, what?"

With a smile, Rainbow said, "What if I became your 'big sis' for the day. Whadya say about that?"

Scootaloo eyes lit up brighter than a star. She stared at Rainbow Dash, debating whether the fact that her idol was to be a temporary sister was a dream or reality. "You...you mean it?"

"Sure thing kid!"

Scootaloo jumped from Rainbow's side and started bounding happily in a circle around her. "Omigoshomigoshomigosh! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Woah, hold on there, " Rainbow said, chuckling at Scootaloo's excitement, "we haven't even gotten to the fun part yet!"

Scootaloo stopped in her tracks, slightly embarrassed by her enthusiasm. "Right, uh, he he, sorry. Uh, what is the 'fun part'?

"Climb up and you'll find out, sport."

"Omigosh!" squeaked the filly as she climbed up on Rainbows back. She let another squeak when Rainbow's wings spread out, reading for take off.

"You ready back there?"


"All right! Hold on tight!" And with that Rainbow took off to the sky with Scootaloo clinging on her back.

Scootaloo's eye's were closed for the first five minutes of the flight. Having not been used to the high speeds of a full grown Pegasus, the rush of air came to her as a shock. But finally, after being reassured by her idol, her eyes opened and before her was the vast landscape of Equestria. Around and below her lie the rolling hills of the land, the grass swaying in the lazy wind below. The mountains in the distance seemed to shine in the sunlight. The great castle of Canterlot sparkled as well. As they flew the clouds brush past them, their radiance filling the eyes of the orange filly. Words escaped her as she gazed in awe.

"Pretty neat, huh?" Rainbow said. She looked up at the filly and chuckled. "Don't worry, you get used to it after a while."

"I don't I'll ever get used to this." Scootaloo said, still captivated by the sight.

"Well, you'll have to if you want to do some stunts."

"Wait, stunts? You're going to do stunts with me?"

"Well, only if you want to-"


"Alrighty then, hold on tight!" Rainbow said right before she turned her nose straight towards the ground.

The free fall gave Scootaloo a rush of adrenaline that she could only have dreamed of. She could barely keep her eyes open as she saw the ground coming towards them. She let out a small scream as Rainbow quickly let out her wings and turned sharply away from the ground. Scootaloo was giggling furiously as Rainbow proceeded to perform an array of twists, turns, barrel rolls, and somersaults in the air. In all her time spent on her scooter and crusading she has never felt this much excitement in a single period of time. This is my calling. This is the life for me.

Her adrenaline rush was suddenly fading as she felt Rainbow slowing down. They stopped right in front of Sugarcube Corner, and Rainbow landed, not quite gracefully, on the ground, panting and sweating.

"Well," she said in between breaths, "how was that?"

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" Scootaloo squealed as she bounded off Rainbow's back. "I mean, we were like 'WHOOSH', and you were like 'ZOOM!' and I was like 'AAAAAH' but then I was like 'WOOHOO'! And, that, I, THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!"

Rainbow chuckled again as she stretched her back, producing a loud pop.

"Woah, Rainbow," Scootaloo looked worriedly at the cyan Pegasus, "you alright?"

"Wha? Yeah, I'm fine, it's just-" She stretched her back the other way, producing a second pop "-whew, much better. It's just I've never flown that much with somepony riding before."

"Sooo, you're okay?"

"Without a doubt! There isn't anypony in Ponyville who can pull me down!" She said as she ruffled Scootaloo's mane.

"Sooo...now what?"

Rainbow looked around. She didn't plan much after taking Scootaloo flying. She looked at Sugarcube corner and the Pink energetic pony inside.

"I have a brilliant plan," she said, "and I'm gonna need your help with it. "

Pinkie Pie was merrily baking a chocolate, fondue, fudge cake for her alligator, Gummy. She had found that he was growing his first tooth earlier today and figured it was a big enough occasion to celebrate. She added the last layer of cake to the top.

"Isn't this super-duper-uper exciting, Gummy? I've been waiting for this day my whole life! Are you excited?" The Alligator stared blankly back at Pinkie. "I knew you would! But if it's your first tooth, them you won't be a gummy alligator anymore, Gummy. *Gasps* I'll have to call you something else! But what will I call you? Toothy? Does that work? What do you-" Her conversation was interrupted when she heard the front door ring. "Whoop! A customer! I'll be right back, Toothy."

Pinkie hopped her way to the front desk and was delighted when she saw who was in front of her. "Hi Dashie! How's it goin'?"

"Pretty good Pinkie." Rainbow replied. Pinkie couldn't help but notice that she had a slight grin on her face, which she assumed was a normal grin which made her grin as well.

"What brings you in?"

"I'll have one of those custom cupcake specials."

"Okie dokie! Whatdya want on it?"

"Let's see...red velvet....with....lemon frosting....no....cherry frosting....with...star shaped sprikles....and...a cherry on top."

"Okie dokie lokie!" the Pink pony said as she prepared Rainbow's cupcake. A slight snicker came from the Pegasus. "You say somethin'?"

"What, no, I just, uh, coughed." She stifled a couple fake coughs.

"Well, here you are!" She handed Rainbow the giant cupcake. She snickered as she walked to her table. I wonder if she has a cold if she's been coughing so much. Pinkie thought to herself as she headed back into the kitchen.

"All right Gumm- I mean, Toothy, let's frost this bad boy up!" She said as she took hold of one of the frosting packets nearby. Just then, right before she even got a smudge of frosting out, the cake started moving. Pinkie stared at the cake then at Gummy. "Did you see what I saw?" The alligator slowly blinked. But before she could say another word, the upper half of the cake seemed to explode and out popped a small creature that produced a high pitch roar.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" Screamed Pinkie as she scurried backwards into the shelf, which dropped its contents of cake batter and sprinkles on her head. Pinkie closed her eyes and waited to become a tasty treat for the monster, but instead she heard an uproar of laughter from Rainbow Dash and the small creature, which to Pinkie's surprise turned out to be a familiar filly.

"Wait? Rainbow Dash? And...Scootaloo?! How, what, huh?!"

"Aw man, we got her good, didn't we!" laughed Scootaloo as she scampered down the cake. "I was sure she would see me go into the kitchen!"

"No way, you went past her like a ninja!" replied Rainbow. "And the way you fit right in the cake was just PERFECT! BAHAHA!"

Pinkie, now realizing that she had just been fantastically pranked by the duo, couldn't help but laugh herself. She had to admit, it was pretty clever.

"What's going on down there? Is somepony hurt?" came a voice from upstairs.

"It's Mrs. Cake!" exclaimed Pinkie. "Quick! Go out the back door! I'll cover for you!"

Before either Scootaloo or Rainbow could say a "thank you" or "goodbye" they were quickly shoved out the door. Pinkie, thinking quick, took a piece of the cake and smeared it lightly over Gummy's face. She stood up just as Mrs' Cake walked in, eyes wide and mouth open at seeing an exploded cake in the room.

"Uh...Gummy! I told not to eat your cake before the party! Look at the mess you made!" Pinkie said, hoping that her little lie had worked. Mrs. Cake starred at the alligator, who in response blinked back at her.

"Oh dear! Well, uh, Pinkie please clean up, uh, Gummy's mess. And, uh, get back to work." Said Mrs. Cake as she made her way back up the stairs.

"Whew! That was a close one. Right Toothy?" Pinkie looked at the alligator and found that his tooth had fallen out and he was now numbing it. At a closer look, she found that it was not a tooth but instead a small marshmallow.

"Huh, will you look at that." she said.

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were now walking on a path that lead to Scootaloo's house. Much to her objection, the sun had set and it was time for her go home.

Scootaloo had been going on about how awesome her day had been. She went on in detail about the stunts, the adrenaline rush she had, and the hilarious prank on Pinkie. Rainbow listen to her with content, amused by her enthusiastic spirit towards her lifestyle. She's like a little me, Rainbow thought.

They approached Scootaloo's house. The size of the house was unexpected for Rainbow Dash as she never imagined what kind of ponies would be able to afford it. It was three stories high with a ten-foot doorway. It was completely made out of brick and had bronze columns supporting a front porch. Her parents must loaded! she thought. Scootaloo's mother, a unicorn, and Scootaloo's father, a pegasus, were on the porch knitting and reading a book, respectively.

"Mom! Dad!" Scootaloo called out as she ran towards them. The parents set down their knitting supplies and book and embraced the small pony.

"Hey there, Scoots!" said the father. "How was your day?"

"It was so awesome! Rainbow Dash and I had the BEST DAY EVER!"

"Oh really? You and Rainbow Dash? What about your other friends? Your Crusaders?"

"Them? Oh they were busy. But Rainbow came along and decided to take me flying, and we did awesome stunts, and..." Scootaloo's words trailed off as she and her father went inside the house. The mother stayed outside with Rainbow.

"Thank you very much, Ms. Dash. This means a lot for our little Scoots." she said.

"Heh, no problem." Rainbow replied. "Earlier I saw her feeling a bit down, I guess, and I thought being a 'big sis' to her for today woulda cheered her up."

"Well, I must say that you did an excellent job. I can tell already that she had a wonderful time." She turned to go back inside before saying, "That was very, very kind of you."

Rainbow blushed as the mother closed the door. She herself turned to leave when she heard the door open again. She turned around, and before she could react Scootaloo ran up and gave Rainbow a big hug.

"Thank you Rainbow Dash! Thank you thank you thank you!"

The cyan Pegasus looked down at her and returned the hug. "Your welcome, kiddo."

The two separated and Scootaloo ran back inside. Rainbow turned and took flight. As she headed back to her house, she felt a warmness inside. She felt as though something had been filled and it now covers whatever it was that was once cold. She is like me. She's like a little sister. she thought, remembering the time she spent being an only child as well. Rainbow compared this connection to finding a long lost sibling, and with that feeling she decided she was going to spend more time with her.

'Scoots', huh? she thought. I'll try that from now on.

Three figures darted through the darkened Ponyville without a sound, their shadows licking the ground. Of these shapes came whispers that pierced the silence.

"This is the right town, right?" said one of the voices.

"Yeah," came another, "this is it."

"So who we got," chimed in the third, "one's from the tailor, one's an Apple, and the last?"

"The daughter of the CEO of Cloudsdale Weather Service."


"There are all loaded, mind you."

"Well, duh, otherwise we wouldn't be wasting our time freezing our flanks off out here!"

"Shut up, will you! Alright, I know where Sweet Apple Acres and the Boutique is. Who here knows were the third one is?"



"What? You numbnuts! You tellin' me you don't have a clue where-"

"Might I interrupt?" came a fourth voice.

"What the- how did you get here?"

"I have my ways."

"Dude, that was really creepy."

"Well, now that your here, you don't happen to know where one of our targets is?"

"Which one?"

"The Cumulus's daughter?"

"Ah yes. I know exactly where they live."


"Wait, how did you know? None of us had any idea!"

"Like I said. I have my ways."

Rarity woke up after a wonderful night's rest. She got up and looked around. The rays of the Sun were streaming in through the window and the birds were chirping melodiously outside. But something felt out of place. She inhaled deeply through her nose. I don't smell my breakfast burning, she said to herself. She quickly put on her robe and trotted downstairs.

"Sweetie Bell, are you making breakfast? Because if you are I must say that you are doing an excellent-" Rarity was cut short when she came into the kitchen. No pony was there. "Sweetie Bell? Are you there?" Rarity turned and trotted back up the stairs, frustrated. I keep telling that filly to keep her alarm on. She got to her sister's door and banged on it loudly.

"Sweetie Bell! It's time to get up Sweetie Bell!" She yelled, expecting to hear a muffled groan. She heard nothing. "Sweetie Bell! Get up! Now!" Rarity opened the door and angrily barged in. "Sweetie Bell! This is the last time I'll tell-"

Rarity stopped dead in her tracks. Sweetie Bell's bed was empty, save for rustled sheets and blankets. "Sw-Sweetie Bell?" she nervously called out. She cautiously approached her sister's bed. Behind one of the blankets she saw a piece of paper. It was a note. She carefully levitated the note in front of her and read it to herself.

Rarity dropped the note and instantly felt lightheaded. Normally, fainting would be an act of melodrama. But the literal weight of what was written on the note caused Rarity to black out and collapse on the floor.

It was sunrise at Sweet Apple Acres, and Applejack was sleeping soundly in her bed. Yesterday was a big work day, and she and Apple Bloom were able to collect most of the supplies for this year's cider. That, and they both stayed up late by the campfire eating s'mores. She let her eyes open slightly and looked at the clock. 7:30 am. Ten more minutes should be fine, she said to herself.

BANG! came from the door. Applejack sprang up. BANG BANG! Applejack quickly got out of bed. Horseapples! Did I oversleep? BANG BANG BANG! "Ahm comin'! Ahm comin'!" she yelled. She opened the door and her brother was right in front of her, sweating and out of breath.

"Sis! You gotta help me!" He shouted.

"Big Mac? Wha-what in tarnation? What's wrong?" Applejack was taken aback. Big Mac almost never raised his voice at anypony, and he most certainly would never ask for help.

"It's Apple Bloom! She, I, she, COME QUICK!" He darted out of her room and into Apple Bloom's room. Applejack quickly followed. She went into her sister's room and expected the worst.

"Wait, where is she?"

"That's the problem! Ah can't find her!"

"Did you check the house?"

"Yes! Twice!"

"Did you check outside?"

"I ran around the whole property!"

"Then what do you need?"

Big Mac went over to the bed and picked up a piece of paper. "This was left behind. I read it over and over but I ain't sure if it means what I think it means."

Applejack's voice got very anxious. "Brother, what do you mean?"

"Just-Just read it." Big Mac handed the note to Applejack. She read it over. She read it again. She stares at it for a few seconds and places it back on the bed. Her eyes squint shut and she raises one hoof to her mouth.

"Well, does it mean..."

"Yes..." she says softly. "yes it does." Applejack broke down and started sobbing. Her brother puts a hoof on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. It's hard for him to hold back his tears.

Rainbow Dash was leaving her house and stopped to take a moment to stretch out her wings before flying. She had a saddlebag slung over her back with two hay-sandwiches on one side and two Wonderbolts tickets on the other. She has a big day planned for her and Scootaloo.

She took off and began to head towards town. One her way, she noticed that there a number of Royal Guards patrolling the area. Somthin' bad must've happened last night, she thought. She stopped to survey the scene. There were several gaurds outside of Rarity's Boutique and in the distance she saw a couple gaurds at Sweet Apple Acres. Wait, what happened to Rarity? And Applejack? Just as she was about to go down to the boutique, she saw a guard out of the corner of her eye. He was flying toward the outskirts of Ponyville, in a direction in which Rainbow knew exactly where he was going. No. No, he's probably just patrolling the surroundings or getting supplies or... her thoughts were cut off when the guard landed in front of Scootaloo's house.

"No," she said aloud, "NO!" Rainbow made a mad dash to the house, and sure enough there were Royal Guards all over the place. She landed in the yard and ran toward the door. She was halted by two of the Guards.

"No individual may pass," said one of the guards. "This is a crime scene." The words stabbed Rainbow's gut.

"Please, just let me through! I-I know these ponies and-"

"She can come in," said a voice from inside. It was Scootaloo's mother. "I trust her. Let her in."

The guards separated and Rainbow pushed her way through. She ran up in front of the mother. Her face was completely sullen and still.

"What's going on?" Rainbow asked desperately. "Did something happen? Where's Scootaloo? Is she all right?"

The mother didn't move her heard but simply said, "Upstairs."

Rainbow ran upstairs, pushing some of the guards out of her way. She got to the room that guards were walking in and out of, and went in, much to her despair, Scootaloo's room. The walls were painted in a cloud pattern and several posters of the Wonderbolts hung the walls. There was a picture of Rainbow and her autograph on the nightstand. She could feel her heart sink.

Two guards were in the back of the room questioning the father. Rainbow approached them.

"Where is she?" Rainbow said. The two guards glance over at her. The father whispered something to one of the guards who then made a subtle nod. The same guard, a unicorn, walks over to a box labeled "EVIDENCE" and pulled from it a piece of paper. He levitated in front of Rainbow, and she read it out loud:

100,000 BITS





Rainbow's knees became weak. She felt as though someone had ripped her heart out and filled it with lead. Her head felt heavy and spacey. She let the weakness overcome her body, and she fell before being caught by one the guards.

"Miss, are you all right?" she heard one of them say. "Get her downstairs." As she was carried down she overheard more of the guards talking.

"Three in one night. One over at Ms. Rarity's and one at Apple Acres."

"I don't know about you, but there has to be a connection. Three fillies, all around the same age, go to the same school, something has to fit, right? Is there a connection between the three?"

Rainbow's null mind pieced the pieces together; Sweetie Bell, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo are the three fillies; The CMC have been kidnapped.