• Published 29th Sep 2016
  • 2,189 Views, 6 Comments

Betrayed by Love - Mystical Reviewer

Spike has always had a crush on Rarity, but when circumstances arise, Spike begins to grow feelings for a different pony...

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Chapter 1: The Betrayal

Betrayed by Love

(AKA The first official Spikelight ship story) XD

Chapter 1

It was morning in Equestria. The light was shining into Twilight's room. Waking up, she yawned and used her wings to lift herself off her bed.

“What a beautiful morning.” she remarked, flexing her wings.

She had a lot of stuff she needed to take care of, but she wasn't sure what to start with. Spike was still asleep, snoring in a way Twilight found adorable. Slowly, she walked over to his bed and smiled, watching the gentle rise-and-fall of his chest. Twilight smiled at her assistant's calm nature. She sat there for several seconds, until Spike started to get woken up by sunlight flooding the room. As Spike began to stir, Twilight quickly galloped out of the room and went down to the kitchen to make breakfast, hoping he hadn't noticed her. Why couldn't I move? she wondered, remembering how she had wasted almost a minute by watching Spike sleep. She however, shrugged it off, and started to make breakfast. Spike emerged a few seconds later, with a relaxed look on his face.

"Hey Twilight! What's up?"

Twilight let out a yawn and flipped the pancake. "The roof is, silly. You get a good night's sleep?"

Spike nodded, and grabbed a toothpick and started using it between his teeth. He wasn't really sure what the point was, but it was a bit of a habit he had developed. Twilight brought a stack pancakes to the table, but when she set them down, she didn't see Spike.

"Spike? Where are you? I have pancakes!" she called, looking around. "I made them the way you like them!"

A few seconds later, Spike came downstairs wearing a tacky outfit that kind of looked like something a jester would wear if he was rich. "Sorry," he apologized. "I was just putting my loot suit on."

Twilight narrowed her eyes. "Your what?"

Spike rolled his eyes. "It's this thing you wear to get girls to notice you. And something tells me Rarity is going to notice me."

Twilight groaned. "Spike, there's more to wooing a mare than a tacky outfit. I'm a mare, why don't you ask me for advice?"

Spike thought for a second. "Hmm...good idea...hey Twilight, can I ask you something?"

Twilight face-hoofed herself, and after eating an awkward breakfast, sat Spike down and started talking to him.

"The first thing you need to do is talk to her and make her feel important." Twilight explained; "Kind of like yesterday when you comforted Fluttershy when she lost her Ice cream cone. "To be fair, just treat Rarity like she's me, only you want to ask her out on a date."

Spike thought for a couple seconds. "Got it. Treat Rarity well and make her feel important. Gee, it's not like I don't already do that." he said the last sentence with a smote of arrogance.

Without giving her a chance to reply, Spike got up, put his loot suit back on, and walked out the door.

"Sorry Twilight, but I think I've got this." he said, half out loud, half to himself. Spike began to walk down the road to Rarity's house.

“Hey Spike!” Rainbow Dash said, giving Spike a friendly nod.

Spike waved. “Hey Rainbow Dash.”

“What’s up?”

Spike smiled. “Oh, I’m going to ask Rarity out.” he replied.

“Sweet!” Rainbow Dash said. “I hope it goes well.”

Spike nodded. “I hope the same.”

Rainbow Dash hugged Spike. “Good luck!”

Spike returned the friendly gesture and added farewell.

As he continued his trip, he started to feel guilty. He had ignored Twilight when she had been trying to help him, and hadn't even thanked her for breakfast. But he forced the feelings of guilt away as he knocked on Rarity's door. So what if Twilight wanted to lecture him? He wasn't an idiot.

Spike didn't get a reply, but he noticed the door was unlocked. Part of him told him he shouldn't go in, but his curiosity finally won over, and he opened the door very quietly. The shop was empty, but he saw a light in one of the rooms upstairs. Slowly tiptoeing further, he started hearing whispering. Spike starting walking slowly upstairs, and stopped in front of the door. I shouldn't do this. The sane part of him argued. Spike however, couldn't stop now. The whispering had gotten louder, and he could make out Rarity's voice...and somepony he didn't recognize.

Spike peeped in, slowly. His heart stopped when he saw Rarity. Rarity was talking to a large brown unicorn stallion, and to his horror, they spotted him. The stallion jerked his head away, and glared at dragon.

"Who are you?!?" he shouted, using his magic to grab Spike and slam him up against the wall. "Why were you spying on us?!?"

Spike shuddered in fear. He tried to break free, but it was no use. The stallion was pissed, and Spike knew he had no choice but to open up his feelings.

Author's Note:

Wow...this was interesting. Just as a disclaimer, this is my first fanfiction ever, so if it's not perfect, you know why XD. I do have good grammar, so I think I'm good w/ that. If you would like to give me some pointers, that would be great! More chapters coming every day! :twilightsmile: :moustache: