• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 2,417 Views, 35 Comments

"The Twilight of His Life" - TheTalentlessPony

That's what he always called her, and by no means did she want to give it up, but...

  • ...

A Long Night

Twilight's legs felt like jello as she hobbled into her castle. Her head was throbbing, making her unable to be fully aware of the noises Starlight was making as she trained her magic upstairs, though it wasn't as if it mattered.

She made her way across the floor, eyes half-lidded and the sound of her own hoofsteps echoing in her head. Meetings, greetings, and all sorts of things she'd done today thoroughly wore her out. She might not've had any more duties to take care of, but it was only afternoon and she felt like collapsing.

"Spike..." She had tried to call louder, but her voice was completely drained. Part of her hoped he wouldn't hear. "I'm...I'm home..."

She didn't bother stopping to wait for him to come by, figuring that he wouldn't hear her anyway.

"Twilight?" Hearing his voice from down the hall, she wondered if maybe the echo of her hoofsteps had reached him.

Spike soon appeared, sprinting upon seeing her. He'd grown taller and slimmer over the years, though thankfully not more greedy, and was constantly concerned about her state of health.

"Geez, you look awful..." He was testing her, she was sure, but she gave no reaction, making him realize how exhausted she must be if she couldn't even snap back with a sly remark. "You should get into bed."

"It's afternoon," Twilight argued, "so I'll sleep whenever I get home from seeing Flash."

She attempted to walk past him, only to be blocked. "Uh uh, no way! You're going to bed."

She squirmed weakly as he wrapped his arms around her and managed to pick her up; they were about the same height now and Spike had a lot of strength to lift her, so it couldn't be helped if she felt far too tired to move. Spike had reached such a feat roughly a year ago, and Twilight secretly suspected that he'd asked for Starlight's help in the matter, just to ensure that he'd be strong enough to carry her on her more tired days. She deeply appreciated his efforts, but it saddened her to think that he gave up on his childhood just to keep her in check.

"...He'll be waiting for me," she murmured, muzzle buried in his shoulder.

"I'll go across and let him know, okay?" She relaxed slightly as he ran his claws through her mane. "You can't keep doing this, Twi..."

She hid herself more into him at those words; did he think she didn't know? Of course she knew. She wasn't prepared to accept it. Always travelling between worlds to see him, while one of the biggest joys of her life, took a lot of time; you don't go to a different world just to spend a few minutes there, right?

Spike went into her bedroom, the lights already off and pillows already fluffed. He set her down, and she obediently snuggled into the comfy mattress. Spike had his own bedroom now, so Twilight was well aware that he wouldn't be staying long.


"Yeah?" He was giving her a cautious gaze.

"Can you please get my messaging book for Sunset?"


"I promise, it won't be for long."

Spike raised a brow, but shrugged and searched through Twilight's drawers, pulling out said book. He set it next to her on the bed, then left, leaving Twilight to relax in the silence; as much as a princess could, anyway.

She glanced down at the book, then used as much magic as she could - without getting a potential headache - to pick it up, a purple pen from the human world slid into the pages where she'd left off.

No message from Sunset...

She wasn't too surprised; the last time she'd checked the book wasn't that long ago.

She pulled out the pen, then started writing.

Are you there, Sunset?

Not as formal as she'd usually be, but she wasn't feeling like a formal conversation today.

Twilight wasn't sure how much time passed, but a reply eventually wrote itself across the page.

Yeah, I'm here. Do you need something, Twilight?

She smiled fondly, reminiscing on times spent with her. Funnily enough, Sunset had become even more supportive than herself as time went on. She acted as everyone's crutch.

Just to talk. I'm so tired today.

That bad, huh?

Spike wouldn't even let me leave to see Flash. I was going to visit you too, but I suppose it didn't work out that way.

There was hesitation on a response.

You're still seeing him?

Twilight played innocent, hoping she wouldn't pry.

What do you mean?

You know what I mean. I'm not saying Flash is a bad guy, but we both know it takes a lot of time out of your day to visit him and the rest of us. I mean, how many times do you visit him, really? Once a week?

A blushed crossed her face as she wrote.

...Every other day.

Every other day?!

There was sudden sloppiness in the handwriting, probably due to shock.

I know, I know, but visiting the human world helps me relax from everything, even if I know I'll be more tired when I get back.

She could almost feel Sunset's patience being tested.

It's not just that, Twilight.

Twilight nervously bit her bottom lip, inwardly heckling herself; of course Sunset would think this through as thoroughly as she was, but that didn't mean she wanted to face it now!

I've seen you two. You always look so happy together, but what about the future? You might get busier and Flash will have his own life to look after too. You know you can't stay in the human world.

I know. I have things to do. Even if I quit being a princess, there's too much here to give up.

There was another hesitation on Sunset's end.

Do you want me to talk to him?


She'd become so startled that she'd accidentally scribbled a bit on the page while writing.

I mean, please don't. I have to face this myself.

She already knew what'd come next.

Are you going to break up with him?

Those words thrust a dagger into Twilight's heart. Her first and only boyfriend? They'd been together for years; he loved her and she loved him. She didn't want to lose that, and she didn't want to break up with him; she never wanted to.

But she had to, didn't she?

Her magic flickered faintly as tears came to her eyes.

Do you think he'll understand?

I'm sure he will. Sorry I never told you, but I've talked to him a little bit about you. He was always worried that he was holding you back.

Holding me back? Flash? Never...

A hoof went to one of her pillows as she hugged it longingly. Flash didn't hold her back at all; he made her happy in a way no one else could. All of her friends made her happy in so many ways, obviously, but her relationship with him was special too. To give that up would be near-unthinkable. They shared a bond like Shining Armor did with Cadence.

But this wasn't like Shining Armor and his relationship with Cadence either; they could live together, while Twilight and Flash couldn't.

With a sad sigh of defeat, she kept writing.

Thanks, Sunset.

Get lots of rest, okay?

I will.

Her magic died down as her book and pen plopped down on her nightstand. Her wings shuddered with unease, but she tried to keep herself calm.

Tomorrow, she'd do it. She'd tell Flash the truth.

Even if it broke her inside.