• Published 22nd Nov 2016
  • 3,689 Views, 98 Comments

Horse La Horse Season 1 - Stegtorn

Trapped in Equestria and looking to leave, one Human will take it upon himself to fight the elite 4 of his local Magic High School for answers.

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Episode Seven

Day four of seven. So far the lunar break has been uneventful. Nice in many ways, you find yourself a bit closer with Twilight. MAYBE MAYBE you'd call her a friend, maybe. The sleeping arrangement hasn't gotten any better, and you always find the pillow wall destroyed come morning. That can be forgiven, especially when she makes pancakes. GOD THOSE FUCKING PANCAKES.

In other news you have been promoted to Spike's position as assistant. Or maybe that's a demotion? Well whatever, you're out with Twilight, picking up something. A nonsense pen or whatever other garbage.

"So, I've got a question for you," you begin.

"For the last time, you can't drink the ink."

"And for the last time it's cherry colored, that means cherry flavor. But that wasn't my question. I was wondering how I might be able to get in touch with those Princess friends of yours."

"Why would you want to do that?"

"I've got a bit of a bone to pick with those two. Right after I pick Sunset's bone."

"Is that some sort of sex analogy?"

"No," you glare down at her.

She's silent for a moment as the two of you walk along, enjoying the day. It's getting warmer and warmer every day, and it's exceptionally pleasant today.

"S-so," she flicks your leg with her tail.

"So?" you ask with some pressure.

"Have you~?"


Fuck, that was too loud. A stallion across the way looks at you in fear before scuttling away. Twilight shys away from you, laughing nervously.

"N-nothing, never mind."

"Good, good. What are we going next?"

She creeps away toward a shady looking shop.

"Quills and ink next!"

"Haven't you got enough of that at home?" you question aggressively.

By the time you're ordered to walk Twilight home you're worn out being an "assistant". Shit sucks. That's probably why Spike is so pissy 24/7. It's getting a bit dark, and Twilight must be pretty tired; she keeps leaning on you and blushing. Yes, tired, please let it be tiredness.

"Hey do you see that?" she perks up from your side, leaning forward a bit.

Two figures seem to be messing with the library's door. OH FUCK NO. You throw down your bags and dash for those two bastards. It's gotta be Flim and Flam, who else would wear that stupid pinstripe? They catch on to your footsteps and turn around to face you, bringing up their apple-guns.

"Hold it right there!" they shout as you draw near, tossing off your suit jacket and unbuttoning your shirt.

Gotta look stylish for REVENGE TIME.

"Anon! Duck!" Twilight yells, a bit of fear in her voice.

You duck into a roll the second they open fire. Apple slices go flying over your head and into the night.

"We miscalculated bro—"

You cut off the one with the little mustache by delivering your new special move:

"Anonymous Technique: Rolling Punch!" your first sears the bristles off his face, giving him a close shave he won't soon forget.

You rise from your dodge with a fist for that brother's face, knocking him right at the door. His friend gets the one-two before he can fire.

"You guys are terrible at your job," you grumble.

The door creaks open, a tired looking Spike looking between you and the downed horses.

"What's going on out here?"

Flim and Flam flip to their hooves, knocking you aside. Twilight blasts Spike with a ray of twinkling magic. He shifts and changes and warps. All the while his face is looking tired and somewhat annoyed. Goddamn, he's nearly your size. Lanky, annoyed and looking to pick a fight — Teenage Spike?

"The hell did you do to him?" you ask, aghast.

"Enlargening spell! It works on more than just dragons, FYI~" she winks at you.

We're gonna ignore that one. Flim and Flam raise up their weapons. You and Spike hop to, engaging the brothers. Spike lunges for Flim and grabs him tightly. You can see the brother's eyes bulge as he's given a dragon hug. With a left hook you swing at Flam, but he brings up his gun and blocks.

"OW FUCK," your hand pounces right off the weapon, nearly slapping you back in the head.

He rifle-butts you, staggering you. You and Spike are given chestfuls of apple slices.


You're already dashing after the pair before he's even done speaking. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM. Jesusfuck is that lil Spikey-Wikey stomping around? Taking a look back and he's already on your tail. Damn good. And the two of your are closing on those nerds...

You can hear their huffing and puffing from here. They must be pretty out of breath. You and Spike chase your opponents down side-streets, around corners, and finally, into a dead end. The turn around, clearly scared of the two giant beasts.

"So, it's come to this," you say.

Shakily the two of them raise their guns, "come any closer and we'll shoot."

"They won't shoot, will they Biggy?"

"Sure won't, Smalls," Spike replies lazily, cracking his knuckles.

Flimsy and Flan begin to shake like pony bowls of jell-o.

"We're gonna show these two a good time, right Fatboy?"

"Sure will Slim," Spike replies.

You and Spike descend on the pair, giving them the beatdown. They're fucking wimps but and no one deserves to get their shit kicked in a dark alley by a monkey and a dragon. Having had your giggles you and Spike toss the two in the nearby bin and head home for biscuits and tea.

Day six of seven. Today you've gone with Twilight to visit the archway outside your former home.

"Does this place mean a lot to you?"

You nod, hurrying up to the simple stone structure. Yep, just as cold feeling as you remember.

"You must really wanna go home," Twilight says in a mopey voice, taking a seat in the grass next to it.

"Of course."

You take a second to push down your feels to try and explain.

"Imagine if you know your parents were close by, right in Canterlot or whatever, but the train to get to them never leaves the station."

That sounds kinda dumb.

"I think I get it. I had to move away from my parents to make friends."

You perk up. At least she understands.

"But you shouldn't feel too sad."

You glance at her curiously.

"You've got friends here! Me, and Spike...maybe."

They're not the same.

A pony and a moody baby dragon can't replace your home.

"I'm a bit nervous about this fight with Sunset. I mean, she's not going to use magic at all. There's gotta be a reason."

Twilight walks over to you, poking your leg with her horn.

"Don't worry Anon; she's just over confident. Trixie was over confident, and now look at her."

"I suppose that's right."

"Say, why don't we spar a little?" She gets up on two legs and puts her hooves on your chest, like a happy dog, without the tailwagging and bad breath.

Actually she smells fairly minty.

"Just be gentle," she adds, blinking.

She trots a few paces away, "or don't," her smile says: wicked.

She produces a magic copy of herself, a walking shadow essentially. It's a good work out, and fun to beat up. You do get to try out a few moves on it before it breaks, but Twilight is nowhere near Sunset in terms of skill. You can't help but wonder what else she can do with that shadow copy. Unf. YOU MEAN UGH, fucking gross jesus H. To be honest, she's on par with Fluttershy's fighting.

"Hey, there's still one thing you haven't tried out yet," she says softly, eyes lidded and eyelashes curled.

You're far too worn out to talk, and you just nod at her, catching your breath.

"That last form," she's using that low "seductive" voice she used that night she first told you about the suit.

What last form? Tears, sweat, spit, blood. What other juice do you make? Piss? Ew, that's gross. OH WAIT.

"You're not saying what I think you're saying, right?"

"Well. Maybe. Depends on what you're thinking. But, to give you a hint, it does require me to unlock it," she says with a nervous giggle and a blush.

"We can practice that next if ya want~"


"I don't think so."

"But that form has the most power! More than you can imagine. Enough to beat Sunset I bet."

Purple mare offering something like that and a way to beat Sunset at the same time? Tough moral decisions.

"Here? In public, right now? I hardly know you, I need prep time, t-this is too much!"

Your logic is quicker than your penis this time. Twilight huffs, "I thought we were friends. I-I just wanted to teach you about the magic of friendship."

You snort a laugh, covering your mouth.

"It's getting dark, we should head home."

You're relaxing with a nice cup of Iced Tea in Twilight' library when all of a sudden Spike staggers in, and he's choking. Jumping up immediately you rush over to help.

"Don't worry Anon," Twilight says, lowering her book.

"B-but he's dying over here!"

"Happens all the time, just means we're getting a letter."

Before you point how stupid she is and how that would never happen there is burst of greenish flame and a letter rolls out onto the floor.
Well then, this is new. Spike picks it up and lazily hands it to you.

"See, told you," Twilight says.

Deciding not to be the kind of guy who reads other people's mail you hand it off to Twilight. It must have been a short message, because she's done with it in a second.

"Didn't you say you want to get in touch with the Princess?"

"Yes, that would be nice."

"Well here you go."

Twilight waves the letter at you.

"I'll mention you in the reply, maybe she'll invite us over."

Perfect, you say, turning over your hands like an old merchant.

"What did you want to ask Anon?" Twilight says, writing glasses already on and quill read.

You take your seat, putting your feet up on the table.

"Wanted to pay 'em a visit. I think they might know a bit about why I'm here, and this time I want real answers. NOT what they fed me when I first got here," your calm demeanor radiates.

"R-really? The Princesses? I don't know..."

"Why not? Is that so inconceivable?"

She looks around nervously, "no of course not." Her speechcraft is entirely unleveled.

HMMM. Something foul is afoot.

"So, what did it say?" you question.

"Oh, just something about Luna, she's ran off. Princess Celestia says something about PMS, not sure what that means."

"Hey Anon," Twilight whispers in the night.

Your eyes flash open, the only light coming in from the window to the left.

"What do you want?"

"I wanna show you something I read about."

"It's way past twilight, Twilight."

"It's only 2," she snakes over the pillow wall like a titan. Her nervous face looking down at you from beyond the barrier.

"It's suppose to be really quick."

"What is?"

She ducks under the pillows, bursting from beneath them. PANIC. THE DEFENSES ARE BREACHED. ALL IS LOST. THE PURPLE ONE IS LOOSE.

"You know..."

"God, you're not serious about this are you?"

"It's better if we practice now for the real thing tomorrow when you fight Sunset."

Wait that would mean— She hops on your stomach, stretching out on you. GETOFFGETOFFGETOFFGETOFF.

"Don't worry, I've read all about this, it should be fine."


"I don't like the sound this is making..."

"I think we put it in the wrong place," she whispers harshly, hot breath on your ear.

"Are you sure? I mean, this feels pretty right," your voice betrays how pretty right it feels.

"I don't think so."

"Hey. Stop that."

"Stop what?"

"Stop squeezing me."

"W-what are you talking about? I'm not doing anything."

"You're no-"

"Oh wait," she laughs, "yeah that happens."


You've had a LONG, LONG night. All you want right now is some food, coffee maybe, something to perk you. Everything below your torso is tingly and weird and you need about twenty showers. But food first, food fir—

"Good morning," Spike growls as you walk in the kitchen, catching you off guard.

He's back to his tiny form, and the newspaper he's reading pretty much covers his entire body. He tips his little glasses down at you condescendingly.

"Try to keep it down next time, I need my sleep as well you know."

You slap your face and turn 360 degrees out of the room, no way you're dealing with that. Shower first.

The day drags along, you're sick with anticipation of the lunar festival tonight, and sick of all the innuendo Twilight is throwing at you. However, it seems you squeezed most of the creepy out of her last night, that'll be good for business if you're going to be staying here.

But you're not. Of course, no way. You can't stay here, you gotta go home and all that. Before you even realize it you're waving goodbye to Spike as Twilight pushes you out the door. It's just after dusk, and the lights are lit up will all sorts of celebratory colors. The air is warm and crackling with excitement, which isn't helping you at all.

This is the make or break fight, in more ways than one. You lose this, you lose your chance at finding out the Nervousness sets in, what if Sunset flakes on your request? Well, you'll just have to beat it out of her. T-that's a little mean, but fuck it. It's time to kick some pony-ass.

"Twilight," you say as the two of you enter the school's gates.

Students are pouring in. There will be a party or something as you and Sunset fight. Maybe there will be betting again! You come up in the back of a large group of rowdy students. Sunset's up on-stage, talking all sorts of shit.

"What's wrong Anon?"

"How are we gonna, you know, in the middle of a fight?" you ask nervously.

"We'll think of something," she says, patting you on the back.

It's over, you're done for... She was probably lying, you bet there isn't even a final "love" form or whatever. Twilight tricked you into the whole thing. A-at least ya got some...

"AND THERE IS THE GUEST OF HONOR NOW!" Sunset shouts, smiling straight at you.

Several search lights flick right to you, students part, allowing you a path to your enemy. Moment of truth.

"Well, come on down, if you dare."

"Meh," you grunt, marching up to her.

You're going to try and make this quick. The second you step foot on Sunset's podium it starts moving. Thrown off-balance you nearly fall off. Sunset cackles, her horn glowing, she's moving the platform up?


"You're gonna stay true to your word?" you question, leaning toward her.

She just grins and winks. That's not reassuring at all. She trots onto the rooftop, striding to the other end. You take a peek over the edge and look down. That's a long fall, you wouldn't want to take that tumble. Sunset clears her throat to get your attention. You stroll over to her, feeling the platform descend as your foot leaves it.

[Sunset's introductory music]:

(Galacta Knight - Kirby's Return to Dreamland)

"So uh, how do you wanna do this?" the unsure quiver in your voice betrays your emotions.

But she's already running at you. Just feet from you she spins around and bucks, hitting you straight in the chest. You fall to the floor from the force. Goddamn that pony is packing a fucking punch. How can something so small be so ow? You roll to your feet before she can stomp on you some more. Figuring you can punish her miss you move to strike her, but she's gone before you can!

In a flash you find her again, as her hoof collides with your face. Before you can recover she hits you again from another side, and again and again! Each hit staggers you further and further toward the edge until you're hardly even on the roof. Sunset appears beside you, she bows to the crowd below.


"I thought you weren't using any magic?" you say, getting some distance between you and Shimmer.

How are you getting beat so hard by a fucking little horse who's not even using magic?

"I'm not," she smiles, a search light flooding her with its glow, reflecting off her smiling teeth.

How can you wipe that shit-eating grin off her face? You think back, back to that restaurant you trashed. Rainbow's form, it would be a perfect match against Sunset! You just gotta get a little bloody. Shouldn't be too hard. Charging at her, you throw a couple weak punches, grazing her, she chuckles and returns with hefty blows. She executes a brutal three-hit combo, finishing it off with her spin-buck, sending you flat on your ass some feet away. Your face is a bit cut up from the landing on the hard roof. Just enough blood, you think, wiping it off with your sleeve.

Now is your turn to laugh. Sunset is confused. And then she begins noticing your transform. An idea pops into your head as your suit pants turning to jeans and your work-shirt becomes an edgy teen's tee. What if you could power this one up like you did Pinkie's suit? The cupcake power-up really helped against Colgate and Fleur. Imagine what this suit's untapped potential is.

"Thank you for using me against Sunset Shimmer, Anon, we will bathe in her blood soon!" Painbow Dash says with a fury.

Sunset looks a little caught off guard. That's right, she hasn't seen this form yet. That eyeliner and spiky hair must really by throwing her off. Wait. Bathe in her blood? A plan is forming! You tear off some of the spikes on your shoulder pads and ready them.

"Come at me, kiddo," you say in a gravelly voice.

Hey, gotta sound the part. Shimmer trots forward, a bit apprehensive. When she goes for a hit you toss out your "knives". She bats them all away and jumps back, grunting in anger and effort. Not a single drop of blood, damn.


She bounds at you before you can launch more kunais! A rapid fire attack of hooves hits your in your torso, face and legs. You slash out at her at your first opportunity.

"GAH!" she hops away, and you feel a few drops of warm splatter across your hands.

The crowd roars, look over you see that two giant jumbo-trons have been set up. Everyone's been watching you get your ass kicked. That means they also saw you cut Sunset's pretty face up.

"Ow, the edge of that blade is sharp. Good hit, Anonymous, but it won't happen again."

"Meh," you let your sleeve lap up the blood of Sunset.

[Theme of Anon's powered up Blood suit]

Lock & Load - Devil May Cry 1 OST

There is a bubbling noise. O-ok.


"Uh, you alright there Rainboom?"

"YES, YES, YES!" she yells.

You feel a surge of bubbling rage. Your clothing gets tighter and begins to change. The change incites anger and giddiness inside you. One of your eyes is covered by something, a patch or cloth wrap, turning out the lights on half your world. On your hands clawed gloves appear, and a weight is added to your hips. Your jacket morphs into a dark longcoat.

"My, my," Sunset says, trying not to sound scared. "And who are you suppose to be?"

You squint at her, smiling. Reaching for the sheath at you hip. A sword? No, a thousand folded katana. Perfect. You draw the lengthy blade, amazed to see it grow in length, the steel folding over and over again until it finally ends in a point.

"I'm your prom date you ugly sack of friendship. And this is Bloodletter, the most folded over bloody blade know to man or horse!"

"Well that's just rude."

You jump as soon as she does, launching forward. Bringing the blade down you go for gold, attempting to letta rip on Sunset's face. But she's faster somehow, ducking under your swing and knocking you way off course. You go flying, landing hard and rolling toward the edge of the roof. The sword, you dropped it! Looking up, you see her horn is letting off a bit of steam.

"Y-you're using magic, I thought you said you wouldn't?" you say, struggling to stand. You hand instinctively goes toward your wound, a great smoky patch of burn on your chest near your left arm, black smoke comes up.

Goddamn, that was a hit and a half.

Is that Rainbow's ragged breath?

Why are your clothes outta breath?

"Mmm," she points her horn at you and blasts again.

You're too shaky to dodge, and get blow right off the roof. Shooting your hand out in panic, you're relieved when it catches something. The students shout and bawl and yell obscenities. Sunset's smiling face pokes over the edge, her horn glowing. She leans in and whispers, her voice tickling your face.

"I lied."

Will Anonymous be able to recover?
Will Sunset ever stop being a cheating bitch?
Will Anonymous' edge ever be blunted?

Author's Note:

Get pumped! The conclusion has to be in the next episode? Right?