• Published 1st Oct 2016
  • 247 Views, 0 Comments

Not defined by a mark - Spellbounder

A cutie mark defines you, but does it really?

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Ch.1 How this started

Today was the day, or so I hoped. Waking up every morning to the same tan ceiling was starting to drive me insane. But soon that would all change, at least that’s what I planned. For any pony that cares, my name is Chip Shard, I’m a crystal miner. Need I say more? I do? Well you see, not every pony gets a cutie mark that makes them happy, sometimes, it can result in the exact opposite. When I was a young filly, I dreamed of being a royal guard to her highness, but turns out all that time I spent making cardboard armor and plastic swords was all a waste of a childhood, cause the minute I discovered my first crystal in the mines of my home town, Riverpoint Green Oak, my cutie mark appeared. A crystal surrounded by a blue and purple beam, something I honestly never expected. Anyway, Dad knew this was my chance to shine in Riverpoint, so I spent the rest of my time in the mines, until we finally reached this point, the day I’m supposed to receive my degree in mining crystals.

“Well…..better get moving.”

It wouldn’t be too much of a problem, just needed the essentials, tooth brush, few scarfs, and my mining goggles. Once they were tucked in neatly in my saddle bag, it was my time to make a dramatic exit through the window.

“Honey! Come down for your graduation panca…..HUH!?!”

My mother was a kind hearted soul, but from the very moment I said the phrase “privacy,” she always barged into my room.

“Chip…what are you doing?”

“Mother, I was…simply going out for some fresh air.”

She released a loud sigh, trying to understand my sudden stupid antics.

“Son….we have a door.”

“Oh right…..well……guess uhhh…I forgot.”

Perfect job Chip, this will probably be the last time you see your extremely sensitive mother and you act like an idiot.

“At least eat first, you’ll need your strength for today.”

“Alright, thank you mother.”

I had no choice but to face them one last time. The wrecked tornado of my family. As I made my way down the stairs, I noticed they were already at the table, giggling to themselves like a bunch of crazed worm happy griffons.

“Awww there he is! My boy! Come here!”

My father, Jade Shard, the source of my sorrow. He wouldn’t let me go out of his fat bear hug for nearly five minutes. Just keep smiling Chip, it would soon be all over.

“I’m so proud of you! I just can’t believe it, my boy…MY boy is the top of his class in crystal studies!”

“Yeah..its uhhh…..alot to take in.”

“I know you’re nervous, but don’t worry, we’ll be there to support you the whole way!”

I just nodded, sitting down next to my older brother, Shine. Come on Shine…just get it over with.

“Hey little bro?”

“Yes…oh no..”

An old tradition of his, celebratory noogies. Every year, every holiday, the one thing I certainly won’t miss.

“You know how many mares will wanna get their hooves on you now? Great work man!”


No mare would even dream ever being seen with a dirty miner, especially the geek in the top of a class he never wanted to take in the first place! And finally there was my little sister Krystal, free of the annoyance of a mining cutie mark.

“Big bro? You still gonna visit right?”

“Wait what?”

Oh no, don’t tell me the little spy really found out about my plans!?! Just then, father bursts into laughter. Clearly my idea of leaving town forever was somehow charming to the old fart’s heart.

“He’s just graduating Kristy. He may spend more time in the mines, but we’ll still see him often.”

“Oh ok.”

If only she understood, wait a minute, what am I saying!?! No pony in this house understood, and how could they? They’ve spent so much time in the mines that they totally forgot what happiness really was, and it certainly wasn’t rocks and pick axes! Ok that’s it, I’m through will of this.

“Well I really gotta head out.”

The room instantly changed to annoying giggling to confused mumbling, as mother entered with the pancakes on her back.

“But wait…Chip, you haven’t had your celebration pancakes yet?”

“I’m not hungry…..thanks but I really gotta…”

“Son, is everything alright?”

Funny thing coming from father’s mouth. It was obvious that he was starting to go blind! Otherwise, how could he not see the sorrow in my eyes.

“It’s fine dad, I just have to leave.”

“Big brother, the pancakes have blueberries on them, your favorite.”

Just keep making excuses, you’re nearly there.

“I’m not hungry Krystal, I just need to….”


“Bro what’s up? Graduation making your tail stiff?”

Shut up….all of you…just shut up and let me go.

“Son, just sit down and eat. No need to rush, ceremony isn’t until a few hours from now.”

“No dad…I….”

“I don’t understand, what’s made you so stiff this morning? You’re starting to scare me.”

“Mom I….”

“It’s the ceremony. Just know it is, heehee, probably stage fright.”

I promised myself I wasn’t going to make a scene, but I just couldn’t take it anymore, grabbing one of the pancakes and slamming it into my idiot brother’s fat face.


“Chip! Oh my goodness.”

“Chip! What has gotten into you!?!”

“Haha! Shine is all sticky!”


The room went silent, all eyes at me. There was no turning back now. I had to say my part.

“I can’t take this anymore. I’m not graduating. No, I won’t waste another second in that mine!”

“Son, what are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about my so called “talent,” father! This stupid mark on my flank!”

“Son, why are…”



“NO MOM! STOP! I need to say this! Mining is absolutely the most boring talent ever and I hate it! Every day I spent wasted in that dark cave, feeling the sockets of my eyes adapting to the sight of moles! I spent so much time shoving that stupid axe into the rock that my hooves kept shaking for months! I won’t let my life be consumed by this! Not for you! Not for any pony!”

Father couldn’t believe what he was hearing, trying to lean his hoof against me.

“Son, I never…”

“NO! DON’T TOUCH ME! What were you gonna say? That you never knew how much I despised it? How could you!?! Every night you came home from those mines with a smile on your face! You took me there every moment you could just to prepare me! Admit it old man! You never wanted me to do anything else! You wanted me to mine for the rest of my life!”

“Son…we’re miners…it’s what we…”

“No! You’re a miner. Not me!”

“But your talent is….”

“SHUT UP! This cutie mark was a mistake! It always was!”

“Chip please listen to….”

“NO MORE! I’ve listened to you enough! I’m getting far away from that mine, and join the royal guard for her highness. It’s my true talent!”

“You? A guard? Please Chip…that’s gotta be the stupidest….”

It was that moment when I really lost it, sucker punching Shine into the ground.


“You never were there for me when I needed you most…..none of you were! Only when it came to mining! CAUSE THAT’S WHAT MY CUTIE MARK WAS!”

I just couldn’t be there anymore. I galloped out of the door and never looked back, trying desperately to ignore the cries of my mother. No turning back, I just kept galloping straight on, until I found myself outside to the town sign. I was finally alone, but there was still one last thing to cover. Using a blue marker, the same color as my fur, I shaded in that blasted cutie mark. The second I trotted past that sign, my new life would begin…..a happy life.

Author's Note:

Hi every pony, I hope you enjoyed this and subscribe to my page. I'll give you a virtual hug if you do! ^w^

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