• Published 1st Nov 2017
  • 588 Views, 10 Comments

Trickles 2 - Memory Sound - Glen Gorewood

Trickles can always find you, if memories of them you knew. The only way to be saved is to forget, but if you recall they will get you yet. Race fast as you can, maybe your friends will understand.

  • ...


The sound of a teleport pop draws the attention of the lunar guards.
Turning quickly and prepared to fight if necessary, they quickly stand down when they see Princess Luna alongside Twilight Sparkle and the zebra shaman Zecora. Zecora’s new appearance draws some attention, but not much. After all, compared to the horrors they witnessed today, a zebra looking a little different isn’t that shocking. Besides, by the look on their princess’s face, they know even before she speaks that everything went well.

“My loyal Lunar Guards,” Princess Luna begins, “We want to thank you for your service and efforts in evacuating and defending those you could in this town of Ponyville. We know that you have seen horrible things on this day, though you may now rest at ease knowing that the threat has been driven from Our realm.”

Pointing at Twilight and Zecora, Luna continues her speech.
“These two brave ponies have sacrificed much, and in the case of one,” She glances at Zecora, “made choices that have forever changed their fate. However, both of them need to make sure their friends are alright. I need two of you to guide them to the emergency evacuation camp. Any volunteers?”

Two thestrals walk out from the line of guards, one is steel blue with a grey mane and a cutie mark of a river under stars. He steps in time with the other thestral, who is an unusual chalk white with red eyes under dark shades, and has cutie mark of a white and red butterfly over an eclipsing moon on her flank.

Saluting their princess they say in unison. “We volunteer to guide the two mares Princess.”

Luna nods, before saying, “Very well, Night Tide and Pearl Eclipse, your offer is accepted. Be sure to tell Lieutenant Star Line that the town should be safe to return to by morning.”

Both Night Tide and Pearl Eclipse bark back, “Yes Princess Luna.”

Twilight looks up at the night princess, worry evident in her face.
“Luna, you don’t think that They got the other girls right? I just remembered that Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle went missing with Spike. What if those things..” Twilight lets the rest remain unsaid.

Luna smiles comfortingly at the lavender mare, “We are sure that the other elements are fine. My guard was here for a reason. I wish I could go with you to confirm their safety, but We must attend to our duties here.”

Offering a quick reassuring pat with her wing, which Twilight accepts, the princess of the night walks away to speak to her guards about how things fared in Ponyville. Deep down she truly wants to help Twilight, to be there when she reunites with her friends. To watch as they all hug, and include Zecora who has survived so much. Yet she cannot, her duties take precedence. Which is made even clearer as she approaches the makeshift morgue. It is going to be a long remaining night.


Night Tide and Pearl Eclipse guide the element of magic and the zebra shaman to the makeshift emergency camp site. Upon reaching the location, they bid farewell, and hurry off to report to Lieutenant Star Line. During the trip they didn’t speak a word, the looks on the mares faces made it clear words were not what they needed.


Twilight and Zecora stare at the hastily erected tents and huts that crowd the hill where everypony was evacuated to. Searching with fear in their hearts, that fear evaporates when a familiar voice is heard.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, Twilight and Zecora are alright! Yippee! Rainbow! Rarity! Fluttershy! Applejack! Get over here!”
Before the last word is spoken a pink blur flies through the camp and launches itself onto the two mares. Swiftly encircled in two pink limbs, and in Twilight’s case getting a fluffy pink mane to the face, they are embraced by a very relieved and overjoyed Pinkie Pie.

Who is soon followed by a blue and rainbow blur that joins in, as Rainbow Dash sniffles out the words; “It’s not like I was crying or anything, but you two had me so worried!”

“You were bawling more than a calf whose hungering for milk in the morning Rainbow. Ain’t no use in lying to seem strong, since we all were cryin together in worry about Twilight and Zecora.”
Applejack walks out of a growing crowd of ponies with tear soaked green eyes, a relieved smile on her face, “An all of us need to get in on that hug too.”
With that the barely restrained cowpony rushes over and joins in the hug, the ghosts of tears still staining her face.

“Darlings! You are alright! Oh thank Luna and Celestia you had all of us so worried!” The form of the ever graceful Rarity parts the crowd, followed closely by Fluttershy who is hiding behind her pink mane.

“Twilight!” The normally shy mare gets out a fairly loud single word before she races towards her friend. “And Zecora too! I..I was so worried...about you. The animals.. th..they mentioned something awful...was..was...”. The butter yellow Pegasus sniffs before tears flow anew from her face, retracing visible paths already well traveled by prior hours of crying. Walking forward she embraces from Zecora’s side, “I’m just so glad you two are safe.”

Noting the unusual texture of Zecora’s body, she decides to ask about it at a later time. Right now, her friends are safe. And if what her animal friends said is true, it’s a miracle to be grateful for.

Rarity manages to hold herself together until she gets right up to the group hug, then tossing aside her ladylike demeanor she says, “Make some room dears, I..”
The glamorous unicorn joins in the embrace with her friends, feeling truly grateful that her two friends are safe and sound. At least she still has them, even if her sister is still missing. She still has her friends. And they will help her find her beloved Sweetie Belle. But not now, now is the time to rejoice in being together again.

Together, the six friends and their now zebra fey friend embrace under the night sky. Sorrow about those lost can wait till later. Worry about the missing too. Right now all that matters is that despite everything that has happened, they are still here. They can still rely on each other, no matter what the future brings.


In the Wayside, by the Fey Gate a chirping giggle is heard. And underneath the cacophony of fey laughter, a single melodious filly’s voice can be heard. “Help...big sister...help me...”

Author's Note:

Dun Dun Dun......

With that, this chapter in the Trickles Saga is over.
The friends are reunited, the horrific fey defeated, and many lives were lost off screen.
But what could that ending mean?

Well, that’s for a future story, not this one.
Next is the afterword, because I’m all traditional like that.

Glen Gorewood