• Published 14th Oct 2016
  • 899 Views, 10 Comments

A Melody's Soul - Manaphy

A distressed Octavia heads over to one of Canterlot's pubs for some food, but she spots Vinyl Scratch waiting for her and yearning to chat.

  • ...

A Cellist and a DJ

There was plenty of baggage that went with being considered the best at something. That was what Octavia thought ever since she performed her first solo before an awestruck audience. Confusion and bliss coursed through her veins on that day, one that defined the mare she became. From the moment somepony declared her as one of the greatest cellists in all of Equestria, nothing ever felt the same.

Despite the praise she received on that day long ago, one thing hadn't changed. Any difficulties with the other musicians from the Royal Canterlot Orchestra pricked her nerves like needles. Whenever she tried socializing with one of her fellow musicians, they either responded with a sagging frown that froze her spine or a blank expression. The band members she performed with weren't known for being talkative with each other, but it tugged at Octavia's heartstrings nonetheless. Today was no different.

Luckily, today's practice for an upcoming concert had concluded, and Octavia was left to her own desires. A brief stroll around the city before heading back home seemed like a reasonable idea. The fresh air tickled her nostrils and the streetlights lining the roads shone like fireflies, her mind already imagining musical scores yet to be written.

Octavia strolled by her lonesome whilst wearing a flowing, black dress and tall, black boots. She took some solace in knowing that she blended in with the crowded Canterlot roads, some ponies' outfits even more stylized than hers. Suits and dresses of all shapes, colors, and sizes adorned most of the ponies to where blandness would've been unique.

At least not drawing attention to herself meant that she finally had some time to explore Canterlot. She no longer had to worry about being stopped by familiar passersby questioning why she wasn't adorned in a bright dress or suit, even if the pink bow she often wore blended simplicity and style.

The cobblestone roads and the castle-like shops and homes that lined the streets shone under the evening sky. Some of these buildings had ponies standing in front of them, twirling signs and pleading with tourists to purchase their wares. None of them gave Octavia a second glance, the salesponies instead focusing on those unconcerned with flashy attire.

Without warning, a grumbling sound reached Octavia's ears, her belly ticklish. Her cheeks became warm, Octavia turning to her left and noticing a pub off to the corner. As she inched closer to the establishment, Octavia noticed a menu plastered on the window for all to view, various drinks and meals that reminded her of Ponyville among those listed. It was enough to paint the slightest of smiles on her visage.

"At least it's not Restaurant Row," Octavia muttered to herself. She crossed her forelegs and leaned closer to the menu. Her eyes slowly shifted back and forth, lips curling into a faint smile. "Yes, a sandwich and some delicious fruits should do nicely. Maybe I can get some leftovers for Vinyl."

Octavia swiftly made her way over to the entrance. She pushed the door open and trotted inside, only to be immediately greeted with a hurricane of chatter and a soft breeze that froze her spine. Lit candles adorned the pub's interior, their flames flickering gently and highlighting the food on ponies' plates. Abstract paintings lined the walls, demanding attention, though the floral decorations also caught her eye.

A deep breath escaped Octavia's mouth. She could've sworn that she was being watched, and as she glanced to her left for a third time, her heart skipped a beat upon spotting a white unicorn sitting by her lonesome. Her bright blue mane coupled with her purple shades instantly signaled the mare as Vinyl Scratch. Octavia arched an eyebrow, blinking and still seeing her friend at the table.

"What is she doing here?" Octavia murmured under her breath. Not once had Vinyl feigned interest in Canterlot's pretentious lifestyle. Whenever the subject was brought up, Vinyl pretended to gag as she recounted some horror stories of the ponies she encountered, but Octavia couldn't help herself from nodding in response to those stories.

Octavia maneuvered her way through the various tables and chairs, bringing her attention over to where Vinyl sat. The latter immediately raised her hoof and waved at Octavia, wearing a bright smile and motioning her to sit down with her. Octavia nodded in return, slowly trudging through the restaurant until she arrived at where Vinyl sat. Spotting an empty chair, Octavia took a seat, the two of them assuming eye contact.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here," said Octavia. She arched an eyebrow, head tilted. "Did something come up while I was out?"

Vinyl shook her head, then pointed at Octavia's chest. She gently poked it and snickered.

"So you wanted to see me?" Octavia's cheeks became warm. A few chuckles left her lips. "I appreciate the thought, but how did you know that I'd stop by here and not somewhere else? There are so many restaurants around Canterlot, yet you managed to find the right one. Is it because it's the closest one to the theater? Is it because you knew I'd be interested in it?"

Nodding, Vinyl brought her hooves back to her chest.

"Now it makes a little more sense. I'm guessing you saw me after leaving the theater."

Vinyl bobbed her head a second time. She then cleared her throat, stretching her forelegs and cracking a smile. "I just wanna talk with you for a bit," she whispered. Blushing, she released another series of giggles. "And no, I'm not worried about ponies hearing my raspy voice. This is much more important than that."

Octavia touched her cheek. "What do you mean?"

"I've seen how you've been acting after getting home from a practice session." Vinyl rubbed the back of her head, adjusting her shades with her magic seconds later. "You know how ya sigh and collapse on the couch, then get back to work an hour later? We'll get to that in a bit, but I first wanna ask you some other things. You know, stuff about music, life, and whatnot."

Nodding, Octavia leaned an inch closer to Vinyl. "If you say so."

Vinyl adjusted her shades, then turned to face a waitress bringing her and Octavia a glass of water and some food. Seconds later, she brought her focus back to Octavia. "I know the kind of stuff ya like, so I went ahead and ordered." She paused, nibbling on her sandwich briefly. "Oh, speaking of which, let's start with music." She took a sip of her water, Octavia doing the same. She shivered briefly, feeling as though she drank something that was one degree from freezing. "So what exactly do ya like about it? Unlike your posh pals over at the theater, I know it's more than classical."

Octavia paused for a moment, pursing her lips. "I wouldn't exactly call them my friends," she admitted. "They're more like acquaintances if anything, and they are all a mixture of friendly or snooty." She gently waved a hoof. "If you think I'm bossy, you haven't met Parish Nandermane. He'll throw a fit if somepony brings the wrong drinks to a social gathering. Everything has to be precise for him."

"He must be a pain in the rear to work with." Vinyl feigned a chuckle. She pressed her hooves together and lifted her shades, revealing her magenta eyes. "Is he the reason you've been acting so—differently? I mean, you're a little more—what's the word?"

"I know, Vinyl." A sigh left Octavia's lips. "You're not the only one who has noticed. Fluttershy has tried talking about it with me, but we'll be doing that in a few days." She gazed directly into her friend's eyes, twiddling her mane for a brief moment. "I suppose I should answer your first question about music. Does that sound reasonable?"

Vinyl adjusted her shades a second time, then nodded.

Cracking a smile, Octavia then took a sip of her drink. She bit her sandwich, the plethora of flavors tickling her tongue. "What I enjoy about music comes from the emotions they convey. Songs of all genres can evoke images of happiness, sadness, doubt, excitement, and so much more. It's unlike any other form of art as far as I'm concerned, but all kinds of art have their own qualities. Anyway, whenever I play my cello, I feel at home, even if I'm somewhere I've never been to before."

"I can relate to that last part."

Octavia chuckled, then leaned closer to Vinyl. "The turntable practically is your home." She glanced to her left, then to her right, and finally back at Vinyl. "Speaking of which, were you performing in Canterlot earlier today?"

Vinyl bobbed her head, placing her hooves behind her head. "Yeah, I was performing for one of the local clubs. Not the kind of stuff you'd like, but it was lots of fun hanging out with everypony there—when they weren't partying a little too hard." Her cheeks flushed. "That and your earlier bit reminded me of something. I once met somepony saying he was Fluttershy's bro. I think his name was Zephyr Breeze. Do ya know him?"

"I've only heard a little about him." Octavia rubbed her muzzle. She distinctly recalled Fluttershy mentioning him at least once in the past, though the latter's surprisingly rough tone when discussing Zephyr's initial immaturity told Octavia a fair amount about their relationship. "Why do you bring him up?"

"It's more because he's—interesting in a way." Vinyl shrugged, snickering a second later. "Hey, we're just having some small talk here. Not everything's gotta be so serious all the time, Tavi." Vinyl playfully waved her hoof, Octavia's cheeks becoming warm in return. "Anyway, I don't know if he's honest, but he's apparently grown a lot, which is kinda what I was getting at. Shows how important that stuff is, you know. And I think this whole everything being serious stuff is why ya might've been a little—down lately."

A deep breath escaped Octavia's mouth. As she glanced through the window and at the outside world, noticing one of the musicians from her band and another pony gossiping with each other, tingling sensations prodded her back. They were discussing jewelry of all things, and when they moved to something else, the sensations ceased. Octavia briefly rubbed the top of her head.

"I think I know what's bothering me," said Octavia. She pursed her lips, twiddling her mane briefly. "Before I go into any detail, perhaps I should run this by you first. You know, just in case you think it's something else." She took another deep breath, rolling her shoulders. "For starters, I always experience these tense, dreary emotions when it comes to fancy concerts or practicing with the band. It's not anxiety about my performance, but—" she bit her lip "—but something different."

"Well, those things kinda happen at times," said Vinyl, shrugging. "Anything else?"

Octavia slowly nodded. "There are a few thoughts that run through my head. Firstly, I always wonder what the other band members think of me, a mare who lives in Ponyville and prefers the simpler things in life. Nature, comfort, and plenty of opportunities for inspiration are what drove me to the town. It wasn't long before I met you."

In a flash, Vinyl's expression became brighter than the sun.

"I doubt any of us will be forgetting that day," Octavia continued. Giggling, her body loosened up, Octavia's mind conjuring the tastes of peppers and guacamole. Her tongue instinctively felt warm, Octavia unconsciously taking another sip of water. "That dish they were serving was the spiciest meal I've ever had. That being said, I still enjoyed it."

"Welcoming parties and Pinkie's cooking on those days are a nasty mix," said Vinyl. She licked her lips and adjusted her shades. "I told you about the day Twilight first came to Ponyville, right? Remember the time where it looked like she was breathing fire? That's what Pinkie's welcoming dishes are always like."

"At least I didn't go that far." Octavia took another sip of her water. "But yes, that story does remind me of how we first met. We talked about our favorite musicians; yours was DJ Aurora while mine was and will always be Beethooven. And when we found some similarities in our works, I knew right there that we'd become friends."

"I never would've thought that our styles had stuff in common." Vinyl chuckled, wearing a sheepish grin. "Our favorite genres couldn't possibly be more different. And yet the best tracks, the ones with soul, have that common passion. It's that love for music that makes a track awesome."

"That's correct. The themes and emotions are what brought our music together, even if they seemingly had little in common." She paused, pressing the tips of her hooves together. "You know, that was so long ago, yet it almost feels like yesterday. The two of us have changed so much since then." Looking out the nearby window, Octavia watched as all kinds of ponies trotted past with smiles or blank looks. She then turned to face Vinyl once more. "Speaking of which, Equestria feels so much different, wouldn't you agree?"

"It's hard to keep up." Vinyl paused for a moment, her lips curling into the slightest of frowns. "Tavi, ya don't mind if I ask something a little more—sensitive, right?" Shrugging, Vinyl touched her chest and feigned a soft smile. "Just wanna warn ya if the subject's a little too much for your liking."

"It's perfectly fine, but thanks for the warning." Octavia nudged even closer to Vinyl until they were inches apart. The former's heartbeats quickened. She clenched her teeth as a bead of sweat trickled down her cheek. "What do you have on your mind?"

"Were you feeling glum about the band and whatnot because you're feeling lonely?"

Octavia shuddered, chills coursing through her limbs. She shook her head. "Not at all. I have you and the others back in Ponyville. Why would I ever be lonely?" She lowered her head and crossed her forelegs. "But yes, I do miss you and all of my friends back home when I'm with the band. That was what I was trying to get at."

"And why we kept talking about other stuff first, right?"

Octavia arched an eyebrow. "Vinyl, didn't you say that not every chat had to be so serious?"

"C'mon, I'm just teasing." Vinyl snickered and pressed her hooves together. Octavia couldn't help herself from responding in kind. "It's totally okay to just go through the motions, and what I said still stands. It's just that we've shared the same house long enough that I've picked up on this stuff."

"And how I'm the only reason you don't leave your bedroom a mess." Octavia shot Vinyl a smug grin, the latter's cheeks flushed as a sheepish smile decorated her visage. "Don't think you're the only one who has learned a great deal from spending time together. Life is more than just the turntable, you know."

"Okay, maybe I'm not so good at that stuff." Vinyl placed her hooves underneath her muzzle. "But the stuff I'm saying is serious. It's fine to admit you're a bit lonely around the band. And I honestly can't blame ya. Some of 'em take snobbishness to a whole new level, and it's not the charming kind you have, Tavi."

"They're every negative stereotype about Canterlot given flesh." Octavia crossed her hind legs, pausing briefly. "Beauty Brass is nice once you get to know her, as is Bright Bolero. Parish and Clarinet, however, are anything but charming." Octavia winced, tongue sticking out. "Between you and me, they get on my nerves like nopony else."

Vinyl reached out to Octavia and patted her shoulder. "Trust me, we've all been there. But look on the bright side, you're always nice around ponies, even when they get on your nerves." Vinyl winked, pointing at herself and chuckling. "If anything, it's proof that you're the better mare, and that's something to be proud of."

"I guess you could say that." The faintest of smirks ran across Octavia's face. "Thank you, Vinyl."

"Now then, about that loneliness thing." Vinyl took another few sips of her water, running out not long after. "Whether you actually feel that way or not, ya know that you've got friends by your side, even if they're all in a different town. Heck, you're sitting with one right now. Just think of us if you're in a fix."

Octavia wasted no time in nodding. "That's definitely true." She rubbed the top of her head, lips pursed, and glanced up at the ceiling. "Maybe loneliness isn't the best word to describe my feelings." Adjusting her seating posture, Octavia resumed eye contact with Vinyl. "Perhaps my troubles come in the form of just not fitting in with the other musicians. As I said, I'm not entirely fond of how some of them behave, and some are nice but hard to get in contact with."

"Yeah, fitting in has gotta be it."

"So if we've figured out the cause of my woes, the next step is knowing how to do one of two things." Octavia gently pushed her glass to the side, glancing at it as to make sure it wouldn't fall off the table. She then finished taking the last bites of her sandwich, gently wiping away the crumbs with a napkin. "First, I could surmise how to accept that my interests are significantly different than those of the other musicians outside of music. Second, I could try my hoof at becoming friends with one of the band members. Both options seem feasible, but the first one is obviously the easiest." She lifted her hoof up, then rubbed her muzzle. "But I shouldn't automatically go for the easier one, right?"

"I see where you're going with this." Vinyl exhaled, sliding her chair back and standing upright. She placed her hooves atop the table. "Either one's gonna work if done right, but since friendship is magic and whatnot, the harder choice has more benefits. So do ya know anypony you work with that might be a good friend?"

Octavia lowered her head, staring blankly at her own reflection in the table. When it came to musicians she worked with, those who hadn't pricked her nerves seemed less than interested in making friends with her. She once tried it with Beauty Brass, though the latter had merely brushed off the request with a smile and a few words. Octavia's other options were always busy interacting with the social elites or arranging concert dates, among other things. Waiting for her turn to chat with them was more of a test of patience.

Raising her head and making eye contact with Vinyl, Octavia then shrugged. A blank expression adorned her face. "I don't know if any of them are open to the idea," she said. "It's not that I'm afraid of trying to make friends. The problem is that asking to be friends with any of them ends up being impossible or something to avoid, sometimes both."

"And there aren't any ponies who're nice and open?"

Octavia shook her head. "I wish there was."

"That's a bummer." Vinyl rubbed the bottom of her muzzle, humming for a moment as she tapped the table's surface with her other hoof. Clacks rang in the air and reached Octavia's ears. "Well, if that's not working, maybe the first option ya thought of is the best one. I totally get that not everypony's gonna be your friend, and it's not like there are lots of orchestras with openings."

"Yes, and the Royal Canterlot Orchestra is one of the most prestigious in all of Equestria." Octavia feigned a few chuckles, cracking a soft smile. "They're definitely not the easiest to work with, but I guess that's the price to pay when it comes to working with the best. I've always been an odd pony, after all."

"You mean how ya were a bit of a tomboy when you were a filly, right?" Vinyl's grin widened. She then leaned closer to Octavia. "You know, besides the whole loving the cello and playing music part."

Octavia donned a sheepish smile, cheeks ticklish. "Okay, so maybe I was more interested in the outdoors and less—classy activities back then." More giggles left her mouth. "And I'm kind of still like that in a way, though perhaps not to the extent that you are." She playfully poked Vinyl's chest. "You might be the silent type, but you always know what makes for exciting occasions."

Vinyl rubbed the back of her neck. "That's my job."

"You're one of the best in the business, and I don't say that lightly." Octavia stood up and nudged away from the table, pushing her chair against it. Turning to face Vinyl, she twiddled her mane and pursed her lips, eyes half-open. She took a deep breath. "You know, it feels amazing getting all of this off my chest. Thank you for helping me with that, Vinyl."

"That's what friends are for." Vinyl winked at Octavia. Looking down, she then stared at Octavia's dress, assuming eye contact with her seconds later. "I forgot if I mentioned this, but you look so pretty." She lifted her shades, Vinyl's eyes glued to Octavia's dress and boots a second time. Her smile became brighter. "That's the prettiest I've ever seen ya, Tavi, and you're pretty all the time."

"Why thank you." Octavia lifted a foreleg up and bent it. She then touched her chest, cheeks warm. "I've always thought that a black, flowing dress fit me brilliantly, and these boots are both comfortable and stylish. I had Rarity help out with both of them, and the results speak for themselves. You should meet her if you haven't already."

Vinyl bobbed her head. "Yeah, I know her. She's—" Vinyl waved one of her hooves in a circular motion, lips puckered "—a bit weird at times, but nopony knows that fashion stuff better than her." Her brow rose without warning, Vinyl rushing over to Octavia and wrapping a foreleg around her shoulders. "Hey, she's another pony supporting ya. Ya know what that means, right?"

"You mean how I don't need to change who I am, right?" Octavia stood as tall as she could. "Yes, in hindsight, I should've realized this earlier. I guess feeling like an outcast made me wonder if I was lonely, and talking it over with you helped me figure out that I have you and others back home supporting me, even if you're not standing with me all the time." She leaned her head closer to Vinyl's, wearing a smug smirk. "I know it's a bit sudden, but talking does wonders for the mind."

Vinyl blushed, nodding a second time in response. "Yeah, maybe I should do it more often."

The two of them snickered in unison, Vinyl and Octavia trotting beside each other as they made a beeline toward the pub's exit. While the weight on Octavia's shoulders still pressed down on her, she couldn't help herself from keeping her head raised for one reason: Music stirred her soul like nothing else.

Even with the external struggles, Octavia knew there was light at the end of the tunnel. Vinyl Scratch just so happened to help guide her toward that light.

Comments ( 10 )

Oh Manaphy, you know just what I love.

Totally gonna steal a few of those band mate names, if you don't mind. And LonelyOctavia is best Octavia, even if she doesn't want to admit it.



Still lacking some Granny Smith, but interresting.

7640661 Yeah, Octavia's an interesting character to write about, especially when it comes to constructing her personality. Also, feel free to use those names if you'd like. They were surprisingly fun to come up with. And thank you for checking out the story and for commenting. I highly appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

This is adorable! :twilightsmile:

7641760 Well, it does help that Octavia and Vinyl are cute ponies to begin with, and thank you for checking out the story and for the comment. I appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

Seriously, I feel so foolish that I missed this when you first posted it, because this is amazing!

7651886 It's okay, and thank you for checking out the story and for the compliment. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Clever way of writing for leading us on that Vinyl was mute in the beginning of this fic. Though their conversation with each other was nice too.

A bit of boring and artificial, but relaxing everyday chat.

Good, 7 of 10

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