• Published 13th Oct 2016
  • 541 Views, 6 Comments

The Space Traveler's Dairy - RTSgamer18

A Log of my time on a strange world and how I met the love of my life. This is going to be fun.

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Entry 1: …. Wat?

Time-10:30 a.m.
Location-Above Earth-like planet

{Entry 3012k: I have been in orbit around this strange earth-like planet for 10 days now and have finally decided to go planet side and see what kind of life there is on the surface. Scans indicate that there is life on the planet’s surface, but it is still unclear on whether or not the life is intelligent or not. End Log}

With my daily log completed, I went about the preparations to land and made sure everything was in order.

“Let’s see here, Exo-suite in case of bio-hazards, check. Laser pistol in case of hostiles, check. Phone, wallet, keys, water bottle, and lucky necklace, check on all accounts. All right let’s get show on the road!”

After completing my checklist, I pilot my small 1-man fighter into the atmosphere and as soon as fire dissipates, I slow down to cruising speed and take in the beautiful scenery around me. After about 5 hours of cruising I hear a tapping sound on my window and look to see a Pegasus with gold armor on and seems to be very unhappy with me for some reason so I slow down some more and land. Once I land and get out I look at the pony and say,

“Is there a problem here officer? Have I broken some law by mistake?”

The pony then says in voice of a Skyrim guard,

“You have disturbed the peace and the fact that you are an unknown creature has granted you an audience with Princess Celestia herself.”

Seeing as I have no reason to fight I simply tell the guard to lead the way and hop back into my ship. After a few minutes we arrive in a big city on a mountain and I’m directed to land in an open part of what looks like the castle gardens and as soon as I land a soft, almost motherly voice says,

“Welcome to Canterlot strange creature, I am Princess Celestia. I rule this land of Equestria alongside my little sister Princess Luna. May I ask why you are here and what you intend to do? Because I must warn you, if you seek to conquer us you will not live to regret making an enemy of me and my little ponies.”

When she gave that warning I simply smirked and said,

“Rest assured Princess, I have no ill will towards you or your subjects I was simply observing this beautiful planet from my personal transport ship when I decided to take a closer look in my fighter which is parked behind us when this gentleman told me that I had disturbed the peace, which I apologize for by the way, and was going to find a place to land so I could interact with the locals and try and make some friends.”

After looking me over for a few minutes and seeming to decide I was trust-worthy she asked if I could land my main ship so that she could take a look at it. After some time thinking about it I said sure and hopped back in and when I land in the docking bay I got out and made my way towards the bridge and strapped myself in and slowly lowered the USS Mayflower towards the planet. I think a few jaws dropped back in Canterlot when the ponies got a look at the, to them massive, ship that descended gracefully down to hover above the castle. When I looked down I saw another pony a bit smaller than Celestia and midnight blue instead of white looking up in awe. After I parked I open the hanger bay doors and took a small transport shuttle to meet them. As soon as I land Princess Celestia walks over to and asks,

“How is it possible for such a massive ship to fly gracefully? By all rights it should slow and clunky?”

To which I answered,

“That’s because this is only a small recon ship it only has one fighter and one transport ship.”

When I said ‘small’ her eyes grew bigger and said in a surprised tone,

“You mean that there are ships bigger than this!?”

I simply smiled and said that my ship was actually one of the smaller transport ships and the biggest on could easily fit all of Canterlot with the buildings included inside and still have room for at least 10 ships the size of mine. When I said that both the princess’s eyes turned to pinpricks in shock and stood there for a few minutes before collecting themselves and asked me if I could let them on my ship. I made a show of looking like I was going to refuse which caused them to give me puppy dog eyes in the hopes of going. I smirked and said,

“Alright, I’ll let you on. But don’t touch anything. Not even giving me puppy dog eyes will work in this situation. So basically I’m just giving you a tour of where I live for the past ten years.”

They both looked shock at that and the smaller Alicorn asked,

“You mean you were alone for ten years? How are you still fine after so long of being alone!?”

I gave her a sad look and said,

“I’m used to being alone. When I’m alone I’m free to think without interruptions and just be myself. When I’m surrounded by others I feel as if I must be someone I’m not.”

Princess Celestia than smirks and says,

“Don’t let Pinkie Pie her you say that or you will be practically forced to spend time with her and her friends.”

I smirk and say,

“I’d like to see her try.”

“Very well I shall call her and the other Elements and have them come over shortly.”

After saying that Celestia called a guard over and asked for a quill and parchment and began writing a letter. When she sent it away she asked me if we could go on the tour of my ship while we wait. I said sure and me and the smaller Alicorn, who I found out is her little sister Luna, went aboard the Mayflower and I showed them the bridge which they thought was amazing because of how colorful it looked. When we got to where I sleep they noticed my tablet and asked what it was for. I told them that I use it record my observations and that it acts as a captain’s log and I showed the entry from this morning. After that we spent a few hours walking around the ship with me explaining how somethings worked and talking about other things. After we got done and boarded the transport we landed and as soon as we exited the transport, we were greeted by a voice shouting in joy and worry,