• Published 17th Oct 2016
  • 3,556 Views, 161 Comments

YouTuber: Button Mash - TheAnimerican

Button Mash is living a good life. He is now a famous YouTuber, over millions of fan, and makes good money. Can life get any better for him? Maybe somepony came back in his life to make that happen.

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Button Mash Raid! (Click Bait)

A certain YouTuber is just outside of the concert's perimeter. The stage is not only surrounded by fences and security, but by the many fans of Bella. Although he was unable to get a clear view of the stage, the roar of the crowd indicated that it was just about to start; Button made it just in time.

“Ticket please,” said the security guard at the gate entrance.

Button reached into his saddlebag. Not able to find the ticket, he took off his bag, stepped aside for other ponies to enter and continued to search. As he looked through the bag, fear began to build up inside him. He found his camera, his bits bag, but no ticket. He searched and searched, but was unable to find the ticket. “Oh no!” Button screamed in his mind, “I am sure I put it in here. Where is it? Where is it!?!” Persistent, Button double, no, triple checked his bag. However, his final attempt at searching that bag was a failure.

“Sir?” questioned the guard.

“I-I must’ve lost my ticket. It fell out while running here.”

“I see. I’m sorry sir, but I can’t let you in without a ticket.”

“Aww come on! Please, I need to see her.”

“You and all the other Bella fans here who don’t have a ticket. If I let you in, I have to let everypony else in. I’m sorry, I truly am, but you can’t enter without a ticket.”

“I’m a personal friend of Bella’s. Just go ask her.”

“You can’t expect me to interrupt a concert for one pony. Plus, I don’t even know if you are telling the truth."

"...How much?"

"You can't buy your ticket here. You were suppose to-."

"No, how much to let me in? I'll pay you more than the ticket's worth."

" Are you bribing me? What kind of pony do you think I am!?!" The security guard shouted, as he was obviously insulted by Button's proposition. He took a deep breath and talked in a more calming tone, "Sir, I must ask that you please step out of the line.”


"Don't make me ask again," the guard whispered in a quiet, but aggressive tone.

Button cooperated and stepped aside, but he kept close to the gate entrance. Just in case, he decided to check the bag again; with hope that the ticket was somewhere in that bag. Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain. Button was both frustrated and in pain at the thought of not seeing Sweetie Belle for... Luna knows how long. "I'm sorry Sweetie," he said to himself as he put back on the saddle bag. Before he walked away, he took one last look at the fences that stopped him from entering. He sighed deeply, then turned to the direction home, walked away with his head down.

As he walked away, he was stopped by a shout, "Button Mash!" Button raised his head at the shout of his name and searched for the source. He looked behind him to see the little colt that was with his sister the other day. "Oh hey! How's it going?" Button replied.

"I didn't think I would see you here at a Bella concert."

"Oh yeah... She's a great singer... You're a fan?"

"Not really, but my friend loves her."

"Hey!" A unfamiliar shout came from a filly, running up to the colt. "The concert started already. Come on!" The filly tugged at the colt. She then took notice of Button.

"This was that YouTuber I was telling you about. He likes Bella too."

"He does? Are you going to watch the concert too?"

As Button stared at the two, he could not help but reminisce the times he had with Sweetie Belle; the time they worked on their school project, the time they had milkshakes and the time they first played Minecraft together. Button gave a smile to the little filly and said, "You bet. I just need to get a couple things ready."

"Great! We'll see you inside!" The filly said excitedly as she pulled away with the colt. As they ran back inside, the colt waved goodbye and Button returned his.

Button took off his bag and snatched his equipment. With his camera turned on, he placed it on his head and strapped it down tight. He then said, "Hello everypony. If you are watching this video, a day after the live stream was supposed to take place, then that means I did not immediately go to jail. For cancelling the live stream, I apologize and I will give you all reasons for my actions. You are about to see something that most ponies should not do. If any kids are out there are watching this, please don't try this... Unless you had a very good reason for it. Alright everypony, Button Mash is going in!"


The crowd cheered and cried for Sweetie Belle. Sweetie smiled for them as they wanted more from her. "Thank you all so much. It does my heart good to be back home in Ponyville. There are so many memories here... So many friends I have made here. Tonight, we-."

"Stop him! Get that stallion!"

Sweetie Belle was interrupted by a random pony in the crowd. She saw that there was a commotion and thought to herself, "There is always a troublemaker in every crowd." She saw that near the back of the crowd, ponies dispersed as a stallion was being chased by security. The gap that the troublemaker had created, drew closer and closer to the stage. Her eyes widened as the stallion drew near, with a smile on his face and a camera on his head. "Bu-Button?"

"Sorry! Excuse me! Pardon me! My bad!" Button screamed as he ran through the crowd to get to Sweetie. "Hey Bella! Big fan!" he shouted jokingly.

Although she was very happy to see him, her emotions took a quick turn when she turned her attention toward the camera. "Wait a minute," she thought, "Is he recording this? Did he... use this opportunity... just to get views?" She was both shocked and hurt at the thought. "Button, what in the name of Twilight Sparkle are you doing!?!"

"I would explain," Button screamed as he continued to run from security, "But I could sure use some help!"

She took a deep breath and shouted, "EVERYPONY FREEZE!" Almost immediately everypony was silent; including Button and the security guards. "I apologize to everypony for this disruption. The concert will resume in just a moment. I will deal with this matter immediately. For now, please enjoy some music from this wonderful band that has been with me throughout my career. Security, please escort the stallion backstage." Once her speech was finished, the band then started to play, Sweetie exited the stage and Button was escorted by two security guards.


Backstage, Sweetie Belle waited for Button to arrive. Once security finally brought Button to her, he was met with an angry look on her muzzle. Not only was Button confused at her expression, he also felt guilt and regretted the decision he made that probably ruined her concert.

Finally, Sweetie Belle broke the silence, "Please give me a few minutes with him."

The security guards looked at one another with a concerned expression. One of them said, "I would advise against that Ms. Bella. After all, he did break into the concert and who knows what might have happened if we had not stop him."

"You didn't stop him, I did. I can handle this. Now please let me take care of it." Her reply annoyed the guard, but they both had their orders and left the two ponies alone.

After the security team left, Button gave a wide and nervous smile to Sweetie, "Hehehe, you sure told those guards huh?" Button said jokingly, but she was not amused. She kept silent and waited to hear the next thing he had to say.

Button then regained his posture, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Sweetie, I'm sorry for what I did, but I can explain everything."

She raised an eyebrow, "I'm listening."

"I really wanted to come and see you before you left, but I was in such a hurry, that I left the house without the ticket. The time it would take to run back to my house and back to the concert, it all would have been over already. I... I didn't want that to happen. So I forced my way in to see you."

His explanation seemed to have calmed down Sweetie Belle, "And the camera?:

"Well, to be honest, I didn't think I would get this far. There is a lot of security out there and I thought I would go to jail for pulling a stunt like this. So I wanted to make have a video for the fans to explain my absence and why I cancelled the live stream."

"So, it wasn't just to get views? To go viral?"

"What? No of course not. Why would you think that?"

Her expression changed from the being upset, to a look of depression, "You would be surprised from what fame can do to a person. In this line of business, I met many ponies who I thought wanted to be friends. But they only pretended to be so they can use me as a 'connection.' When I saw you with your camera... I was afraid that..."

"That I used you?"

Too ashamed to reply, she simply nodded with her head looking down. Button was somewhat hurt that Sweetie Belle could think that he would do such a thing. Then again, she must have had a long and hard time to find a pony she could trust and truly call a friend.

Button walked toward her at a slow pace, extended a hoof and brought her into a warm embrace. "As you wrote in the letter, that bond we had never changed. You don't need to worry about me ever doing that to you." A lump grew in her throat and a tear was shed.

The moment was interrupted by the sound of fans running out of patience. "Ms. Bella, the crowd can't stall for them any longer. You need to get back out here," a stagehand pleaded with her.

"I gotta go. Wait for me okay?" She asked with a smile.

"You know it," Button replied cheerfully with a wink.

Sweetie left the embrace and walked towards the stage. Before going on, she looked back to Button with a smile and mouthed the words "Thank you." As soon as she appeared before her fans, the crowd roared with glee.

"I'm so sorry everypony! Thank you all so much for your patience. You know, it is fans like all of you that I enjoy what I do. To make up for the early disruption, the concert is extended for another half hour," the crowd cheered at the announcement as the band began to play the next song.

Button watched with his very own VIP access. As he stood behind the curtain, he spoke to the camera, "Everypony, for a while now, I always felt like something was missing. It just goes to show, that money and fame isn't everything. Sometimes you just need that friend, or even a group of friends, to lift you up when life gets you down. I know I found mine and I hope you all have found yours. Button Mash out."

Author's Note:

I am so sorry everyone that this took so long! I decided to add on one more chapter. We are nearing the end of this story. I would like to thank you all for your support and taking the time to read this. I hope in the future, when I write more stories, I will be more consistent and continue to entertain!