• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 1,182 Views, 10 Comments

An Ivory Shadow - PurplePolymath

Sweetie Belle's big weekend is initially ruined by Rarity's selfishness. Luckily she has her darling new pet to keep her company.

  • ...

Wrong Just Feels Right

Hi, it’s me again. I’m still doing what Princess Luna said all those years ago… sort of, I still think I’m doing this wrong after so long. I’ve been training with Princess Twilight now for as long as I can remember; my magic has come a long way since then. And Luna visits me in dream every month, sometimes in person when I need her the most.

Luna said she had done what all ponies with bitter memories around my age have done, that… she didn’t have her stack of “helpers” anymore, by the time she was this young. But it does help me, and trust me, I need all the help I can get.

“Sweetie Belle! What in my shop have you destroyed this time!?”

“It wasn’t me!” she called up the stairs.

It wasn’t long before Opalescence could be heard; hissing as she run at predator’s pace. It was the same thing every weekend. The poor mouse playing tag with the boutique’s original pet. The mouse scurry as fast it could, to where it always hid; to where it was safe.

The little critter run to Sweetie Belle of course, leaping until it grab hold of ticklish feet, always getting a juvenile reaction; a slew of giggles let loose as the mouse travel across the ivory-lavender scented plains of its owner; every curve a beautifully sculpted obstacle that could lead to a dead-end if one weren’t as familiar as this mouse was.

Opalescence was never far behind, but it was already too late, the little mouse could see the crest of the enormous mountains. With all its strength it jumped into the canyon; between her bosom was shelter.

Sweetie Belle hissed at the guardian, if anything this only confused the cat than scare her, and it always worked. Opalescence’s eyes shot daggers at her prey, but she knew when the game was over. When all was clear the mouse emerged, wiping its brow of the fear of being eaten; simply falling down with a sigh of relief, resting until its breath matched its savior’s.

Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but giggle at the sight, just a bit. “It’s still morning, Diamond; I’m starting to think you’re letting her chase you on purpose now.”

She gave a sly smile before she nuzzle her tiny little friend, her love would be apparent, even to the blind.

The beige little mouse smile as its cheek smush against its owner; every little paw, even salmon tail manage to hug the unicorn that rescue those little whiskers more times than either could remember.

“Uh oh…” Sweetie Belle quietly sighed to her pet as her sister makes her way down the stairs.

Rarity arrive with her usual poise, unparalleled as the final heel descend from the last stair and the last curl bounce; it took only two glances to find the source of the crash, as if she knew exactly what smashed against the floor from sound alone.

She quickly rushed to the scene, more than a few feet away from Sweetie Belle as she lay on Rarity’s favorite chaise lounge. “No-no-no-nooo. This was one of my absolute favorite sewing machines, an original of the one Bonnet Blues herself used before she retired.”

Tears began to form in the elder sister’s eyes; she began picking up the pieces, along with the small collection of mail that spilled underneath, she hadn’t noticed the one unusual letter in the mess. Rarity remembered Bonnet Blues fondly from when she was a filly; she was one of Rarity’s very first idols.

“Grrr, Sweetie Belle, this is coming out of your allowance for the next month!” she stamped her designer heel in authority. To this day not a single heel has shattered under the weight of her elegance.

“That’s not fair! It wasn’t even me, it was Opalescence; she’s the only one big enough to knock it off the stand.”

“She was chasing your rodent, who is your responsibility. We agreed that you would keep her upstairs, so you’re the one at fault young lady. You’re sixteen years old, and this is part of having a pet.”

Rarity had heard the sound of the two animals fighting more than enough times to know what she’d heard from her room upstairs.

“Ugh, fine! It’s not I had anything fun planned for the month anyway.”

Sweetie Belle grabbed hold of her journal and pen, along with her pet; all three wrapped in her emerald aura as she stood to her feet and made her way upstairs. She wanted to stomp her hooves with each step, but unfortunately for her she was raised properly; her hand firmly clench the decorated rail lining the staircase, and she quietly make her way upstairs with a pouting face.

“And put on something appropriate, a lady shouldn’t be prancing around in her undergarments all day long,” she called up the upstairs before her dear sister could reach her sanctuary.

It took all her willpower not to slam the door, a lady-lecture was sure to come if she had anyway. The door shut and then lock under her horn’s command as she threw herself unto the bed in a huff, cheeks ballooned as she recall Luna’s advice. Even in the smallest circumstances, it would still help.

“She’s always treating me like a little kid, no matter how old I get.” Sweetie Belle stared at the ceiling, she couldn’t help but sigh as she finally took notice of everything around her.

Her room was almost the same as it’d always been, the teal and purple rug and lamp mixed with the on-setting beige that color the wall and ceilings. She even had the same hearts accenting the elegant floral patterns. If anything the only major changes besides a bed more appropriate to her size was the fact that floor was now carpet instead of hardwood, and her chest that was once filled with filly trinkets was now full of plush animals. Aged curtains outfit the window seal, and the same two portraits hung above her bed; one of the first tree she adopted from Sweet Apple Acres, and the second of a cartoon horse whose name she could barely remember enough to admire.

Her mother’s lamp stood at the table by her bedside, along with the cherished picture she’d let stand in memory, for almost a decade now.

Maybe I’m just like my room, barely changing at all over the years. I never really noticed it before… or maybe I didn’t want to.

Yeah, it’s me again. Twice in one day. It’s been a while since I've had two entries, not that I really got to finish the first time. It isn’t enough that my sister has to ruin my weekend with her award ceremony but now she’s trying to ruin the rest of my month. Applebloom, Scootaloo, and I were supposed to go to the cabin this weekend.

Applebloom seemed devastated this morning when I showed up at Sweet Apple Acres and told her I couldn't go on our monthly trip because of Rarity; even her bow looked sad. She was really upset at first, but after she calmed down she asked if she could talk to my sister, but I told her it was hopeless. Nothing can keep Rarity away from her precious award shows, she's never missed a single one, so I'm pretty much stuck here.

Not only that, but now my allowance is castrated and I still have to watch that useless cat all weekend while she’s gone. She already has a shelf full of awards and trophies, does she really need more? … I don’t have a single one. Mom and dad are always saying how proud they are of her. No matter where we go everypony is always staring at her, always wearing her latest designs. Everyone loves Rarity. I doubt they even notice me next to her… I want to be like her, who wouldn’t want to be like her, what pony wouldn’t want to be loved?

She always steals the spotlight, even if I wear the dress it doesn’t make a difference. I guess I’m just doing what I’m meant to really, after all ever sh—

“Ow, hey, let go!”

Diamond squeak at her owner, her incoherent sounds, and biting of the ear making it all too clear what was she was preventing.

Sweetie Belle rolls over on her side, rubbing her ear while giving the mouse a weary smile, right before kissing her on the head. “You’re always so loud, it’s a wonder you haven’t been caught yet, by my sister or that darn cat.”

The mouse kicked the pen across the room and in time with her strength, closes the journal.

Sweetie Belle didn’t bat an eye at the mouse’s efforts; her eyes were busy staring out at sun that was trying to touch the horizon. “I know you just want to help, Diamond, but only Luna understands me. To stand in your sister’s shadow, to have everyone praise her and forget you’re even there. You’ve no idea what it’s like to know a pony that does nothing but win awards all the time, to have a sister who is totally amazing and awesome at everything she does… To want to be like her, just like her, but at the same time… not lose who you are while trying to keep up with someone you love, out of admiration.”

Diamond furrow a brow, something about those words struck a chord, the rodent’s brow rise as if she were expecting something; almost demanding it, an apology one could suppose.

Sweetie Belle gently pets her dear friend a few times, before lifting her into the air and staring into her eyes. “I’m going to keep writing in my journal, you know that. All memories, good or bitter, belong in books… so they can become stories, that’s what memories become once you’ve lived them. That’s what Luna told me, stories need to be told, that stories can’t hurt you… that when they’re written down stories can be—“

“Sweetie Belle, could you please come here for a moment?”

The unicorn buried her face in a pillow, taking a deep breath. Great, in the end I still get a lecture.

In discontent she rise from her bed, in an attempt to shield herself from a lecture too long. She ruffle through her middle drawer and made the half-hearted effort and slip on socks that reached thigh-length; they were a deep blue to match her current attire, she carefully guide one sock in a delicate yet firm display to avoid wrinkles.

Diamond stare at the display as her owner lift her leg and dip her hoof as if she were fitting a glove, the sock crawl up her leg we with ease, she barely had to bend at all. Sweetie Belle caught a glimpse of herself in the dresser mirror, and in the corner of her reflection she saw a rodent gazing in awe. It then occur to her that her bending had been the best part of the show, for the small audience she’d forgotten of so quickly in her frustration.

She stick out her tongue at the rude little creature still on her bed, and slip on the other sock in a hurry, she never cared to be a tease, not as often as her sister at least. Her hands went to the top drawer and pull out the first thing her little hands could grab, a blouse; black of all shades. It certainly wouldn’t match her current attire, and the longer she stare at it, the less she cared.

She folds the blouse and returns it to the dresser without a second thought. “What I have on is just fine, it’s not like I’m going anywhere today anyway, and we’re not expecting company.”

With a bravado intact she unlocks the door and exit through the threshold, leaving a red-faced friend behind as she descend down the stairs determined to hold her ground and detest another lecture about what the world would expect of her.

She arrive to find Rarity outfit with Beret and oynx sweater made of wool; a perfect onset with her knit pants that had just the right amount of slimming pull to show to off her velvet heels. Rarity’s curls were ironed as well, a guilty pleasure with the beret. It was alarming what the fashionista could do with such little time, seeing as she never used magic when dealing with her own personal appearance.

She looked a bit anxious, keeping a nervous smile that only seem to give her more charm. “Do you think it looks cheesy? I know it’s vieux, and I’ve never done it before, but wearing something you’ve already wore once is all the rage at these ceremonies now.”

“W-Well, I—“Sweetie Belle blink in disbelief, she’d expected a sour face from her sister.

“Goodness I’m so nervous, I hope it doesn’t show too much. I can’t tell if I’m more excited honestly, it’s been awhile since I’ve paid a visit to Canterlot, so many faces I’ve yet to see in months. It’s my biggest award yet and, well…”

“It looks fine, Rarity, great even.” Sweetie Belle smiled.

Even if I’m just her shadow, I can’t help but cheer her on when she’s nervous like this. I didn’t think she could still get this excited with an entire trophy room, you’d think she could just stay home for me, just this one time.

“Oooh, you really think so?” Rarity primp her mane; effortlessly combing her fingers through the center as her smile strengthen.

“Sure, you’d look great in anything.”

Rarity walked up her judge, kissing her cute little head. “Of course my darling little sister would say such a thing. We look so similar in comparison, it’s only natural you think that of me while thinking the same of yourself,” Rarity rubbed her blushing cheeks, “Even after I’ve gone gray with wrinkles, you’ll have decades of beauty left in you. I’ll be lucky to be your shadow.” Rarity giggles as she embraces her adorable sibling, keeping her head nestled between her chest.

Now it was Sweetie Belle’s turn to be nervous, as she tries to match Rarity’s ecstatic sounds of joy.
Rarity’s eyes narrow as a cold hand glide down Sweetie Belle’s back, traveling until it reach her rear end.

I wonder if she’s been reading my journal, she wouldn’t would she? Well, there was that time I read hers and put it in the—

“Ow! Hey!” She jumped from sudden pinch.

“That wouldn’t have stung as much if you had been wearing pants of some sort, socks aren’t proper attire either, not on their own. I don’t have time to lecture you on how you display your temple, so I’ll just trust you understand.” Rarity’s smile had grown sweeter and yet more menacing all at once.

She head towards the door, as Sweetie Belle rubbed her backside.

“I’ll be back tomorrow evening, I have to hurry and catch the train before it gets too late.”

As her hand land on the door’s handle she spot the unusual letter, it bore the cutie mark of one of her closest friends.

Don’t do it Rarity, you know Applejack wants something. But… what if it’s urgent, how generous could I be if I were to ignore a friend in her time of need?

Rarity fought with herself and eventually, tore her hand from the door, walking over to the small table with the obvious letter on top. She unfold the parcel and read the contents, her eyes shifting as swiftly as they could, as if she could possibly miss whatever urgency there was within in contents if her eyes ran at a pace too quickly for her pupils to read. As she reaches the end her eyes show horror.

Sweetie Belle furrows a brow; of course she’d be concern with such a look on anypony’s face, as she stood in the center of the room. Both were silent, and Sweetie Belle just waited in agony for some kind of answer, some response.

“I cannot accept any award tonight!” She tossed the letter back on the table.

“Wait! Why!?”

Sweetie Belle didn’t believe her ears.

“They’ll have to postpone it, or give it a pony more deserving; I’ll have to call them on my way. An old friend of Applejack’s is arriving in town tonight. I’d wager she’s already here by now.”

“You… have to miss your award for an old friend of hers?”

“Not at all, I have to miss my award for Applejack, I promised her I would be there when this friend of hers happens to show up. They were each other’s neck the last time I saw them,” Rarity sighs, “Honestly, they're always at each other’s throat eventually.”

Rarity slipped out of her award attire and into something less appealing, but far more comfortable. Once again she found her hand on the door’s handle.

She really is going to skip her award, for Applejack? She never skipped out for me, for mom or dad either… Not… that we ever asked her, we didn’t want to get in the way of her dream, was it, really this easy all along?

“Wait, why are they friends if they hate each other? And are you really going over there instead of going to Canterlot, over something like this?”

“You bet your winter fashion I’m going, a lady is nothing without her word! Any beauty she has withers away when she lies to her suitor, or anyone for that matter. And… they don’t hate one another other exactly, they just have trouble seeing eye to eye; Soryu was the only friend Applejack had made during her short time living in Manehattan with her Aunt.”

Rarity’s horn carries a designer bag to her side, clearly with nothing more than pampering pleasantries to get her through the long night.

Now, be good while I’m gone, I expect to see you in more than your weekend-attire when I return. And I certainly don’t expect you to have anyone over other than your Weekend-Pet over while I’m gone, remember to keep an eye on Opal, I’ll be gone till morning.”

Rarity giggles at the shock on her adorable sibling’s face, closing the door behind her, running as quickly as she could to Applejack’s aid.

Sweetie Belle bolt toward the stairs, running swiftly as her swirly mane bounce while being careful not to trip over her tail. As she reached her room, she found Diamond trying her best to pull the journal up unto the bed again, it was sweet, and expected.

Still it didn’t quell Sweetie Belle’s temper. “I think she knows about you!”

Diamond’s squeak was just as alarming, it echoed through the room.

“Rarity called you my weekend-pet she knows you only show up on once Friday gets here. Oooh, it’s my fault for teasing you; I only parade around like this on the weekend. Oh gosh, just how much does she know?”

The mouse squeak again, pointing a tiny paw at Sweetie Belle, it was easy to guess what she was saying. Sweetie Belle’s horn shimmer in emerald and Diamond begin to glow, a blinding flash burst throughout the room and her favorite pegasus appeared on her bed, as bare as she was before.

“Ah-ha! I knew you were trying to tease me on purpose!” She points a finger this time as she watch Sweetie Belle pace back and forth.

“Scootaloo, this isn’t the time for—“

It was Sweetie Belle’s turn to squeak, as she quickly turn about face and cover her eyes with both hands as she her cheeks turn a shade of rose.

Scootaloo chuckled at her host, she loved how embarrassingly adorable, or perhaps adorably embarrassing she was all on her own.

“Oh come on, Sweetie Belle, it’s not like—“

“Clothes, now. It’s not like I’m not used to it, but with everything going on with Rarity’s award ceremony and, we’ve, never really…”

Sweetie Belle gasp as she feel a warm, familiar body press against her back, hands still covering her face as more blood flush to her cheeks. She could barely handle the sudden embrace, the swift affection only warming her own body even more.

Scootaloo sigh as she rests her head on Sweetie Belle’s shoulder.

“Sweetie Belle, you always get excited when Rarity wins some stupid award, and then you let it get you like this. You don’t have to be like her to be beautiful; some part of you knows that, even without me saying so. You’re not a shadow. Your room is just like you, you keep it this way because deep down you like who you are, it’s enough for you, and enough for me. There was never anything wrong with the way it is, so every change is small, subtle to where only those who truly know you would even notice.”

Scootaloo kiss her cheek, and Sweetie’s Belle fur stand on end; her ears flicker and her heart skip. As usual she wasn’t able to process it all at once and instinctively shoved her friend backward, unto her bed. Seconds after, her horn shine and Scootaloo found herself wearing a matching set of underwear.

Rarity had already chosen to cancel her award ceremony, for the first time Sweetie Belle saw her sister give up her precious spotlight. Rarity even showed that her awards didn’t weigh as heavily as her family thought, she already told her dear sister how wonderful she looked… even if she had to refer to herself as an example before doing so.

But Sweetie Belle didn’t have the heart to tell Scootaloo any of that, not after the wonderful things she’d just said in an effort to make her feel better.

“Whoa, this stuff is pretty comfortable, especially these!” Scootaloo tug on her underwear, testing every corner and trim like a curious child.

Sweetie Belle chuckle at her friend’s naivety. “See, told ya boxers weren’t as great as you thought they were.”

As Scootaloo continue to feel herself up, she made a discovery. “Cloning spell? Dang Sweetie, you’re amazing! When did you learn how to pull this off!?” She was smiling from ear with ear with pride in her friend.

“Umm, about a week ago, I’ve been practicing it for a while now with Twilight, and I’ve finally started to get the hang of it. Though I can only duplicate clothes for now, and I get really tired only after doing a few so…”

Sweetie Belle was a bit embarrassed admitting such a thing, no matter how impressive the spell was, saying duplicating only a few pairs of clothing would tire you out just sounded lame to her. Still, the way Scootaloo always genuinely praised her, even now the way she found joy in such a thing, in so many of the little things she did was always something she admired. Sweetie Belle never found herself or anything she achieved to be as marvelous as Scootaloo did… she never knew how she managed to smile so easily.

Sweetie Belle couldn’t stop looking into her eyes, so full of life. It wasn’t long until Scootaloo took notice, Sweetie Belle just kept staring at her with those curious eyes, and she knew it must have been something she said.

The pegasus’ eyes swift away from her friends’ as she now sit on the foot of the bed; anxious hooves still dancing around in their new socks. “Look Sweetie Belle, I’m sorry for what I said earlier, Rarity’s and her awards aren’t stupid, and I know they both mean a lot to you. But, just know I’m here to listen to you anytime, so… you don’t need those books anymore. You just write down a lot of sad stuff in there, you have me now so, you can just… burn it all.”

Sweetie Belle found herself walking toward Scootaloo, as if she were drawn to her words, she looked down at her dear friend, before taking to her knees and placing her hands in Scootaloo’s lap, as her gaze fall to her own lap. “You’re a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for you know... That’s precisely what Luna told me, that she’d burned all her bitter memories that she kept in books, by the time she was my age.”

The unicorn rubbed her friend’s lap, taking a deep breath before continuing on to the sad truth, her head rise as she look her in the eye.

“But that’s just it, Scootaloo… I can’t burn them, I knew I was doing it wrong, but I didn’t stop. I have more than just bitter memories in my books, there are so many good memories that I never want to forget. Luna told me to start keeping a journal and I’ve written about all our adventures, up until the day the three of us got our cutie marks, and how much closer we’ve gotten since then, how many ponies we’ve help since learning what our talents are. You remember don’t you? We were even able to help Diamond Tiara.”

Scootaloo lay her hand upon Sweetie Belle’s as she spoke from the heart, now was the time to listen as she swore she would.

I remember our last day of Ms.Cheerilee’s class, it was one of the few moments we were all able to see our families together, and everyone told us how proud they were. And over there,” she point to the portrait that sit by her bed side every night, “The very first time Rarity and I entered the Sisterhoof Social, and I didn’t even know she was with me the whole time. We still haven’t won a single year, but we always compete. I have so many memories, the good and bad, and I don’t want to lose stories like that. Stories with you, and Applebloom, with all my family and friends,” tears started to swell in her eyes.

“Alright, I got it. Geez Sweetie Belle, you’re such a wuss sometimes.” She wiped the tears away as they come; a delicate swipe of her feathers did the trick. Scootaloo smiled, even in her guilt came a guilty pleasure. She always thought the unicorn before her was radiant, even with tears in her eyes; there was nothing she didn’t enjoy about Sweetie Belle when she was being her honest self.

Her tears didn’t last long, they smiled at one another and laugh at how silly they must have sounded. Being as young and fit as they were and talking about memories like old mares.

“Wait a sec, Sweetie Belle, if Rarity knows then should I just leave? I mean, we’ve been doing this for a month now, if she just found out I’d think she’d probably be mad enough to throw me out.” she furrowed a brow.

“Well… she did say that she didn’t expect anymore company over other than you, so… I guess… it’s fine? Any way we should—“


Sweetie Belle was never ready for Scootaloo to strike, but she adored the way she taste, and never disapproved of sudden lip-lock affection. However this time, Sweetie Belle took initiative, pushing the pegasus backward unto the bed, pushing her tongue forward just before breaking the kiss.

“Well this is new.” Scootaloo grinned

“I feel like I can trust you completely right now.” Sweetie Belle wraps her hand around Scootaloo’s waist with a smirk even she’d never seen in her own mirror.

“I think I know what that means!” Scootaloo grabbed hold of her underwear and pulled as hard as she could, “Hey, i-it won’t come off, I knew panties were evil!”

Sweetie Belle kiss her confused muzzle. “Not exactly, I sort of… put a spell on the clothes I gave you, so there won’t be any surprises this time.”

“Aw, come on Sweetie Belle!”

She just giggled at her efforts, “One day, I promise.”

“Fine, putting a protective spell on our underwear was a pretty sneaky idea, I’m glad I’m rubbing off on ya.” Scootaloo grin as she take pride in such silly a thing.

“Welllll, I never said both of us have a spell around our underwear, did I?”

Author's Note:

This was a silly little story done for a dear friend, I had more fun than I thought I would writing it. Soryu is their OC, and they have a healthy respect for Applejack, so I just snuck them in for fun.~

Hope you enjoyed the story as much as they did!

Comments ( 10 )

Why no Princess Luna tag, if you couldn't fit it in you could have just gotten rid of Scootaloo's, seeing you already have the CMC tag which shows that both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo would be in there.

Technically Princess Luna doesn't appear in the story, she's briefly mentioned a few times, but doesn't get a cameo appearance.
Sorry. ^^"


If that's the case, the description comes off as a little misleading. As readers, such as myself, might arrive thinking they're receiving a story containing Sweetie Belle and Luna in some deep conversation, or at least a plot similar to that.

Certainly better than when I read the draft. Nice to see a bit of it cleared up. A few things struck me all the same. Grammar in the form of a bit of running sentences, as well as overuse of the comma, stood out periodically. Nothing /major/ but noticeable. There was even an instance of one of the greatest sins of writing ever. You used 'their' instead of 'they're.' ;)

The line should be...

Rarity sighs, “Honestly, they're always at each other’s throat eventually.”

And even going over the fic again, I enjoyed the read all the time. Thanks for the effort, I truly appreciate it!~

... Also, while I may have a *ahem* healthy respect for AJ, it is rather surprising Soryu hasn't literally tried for AJ's throat at some time. Curse her 'care' for AB. >.>

Huh, because of the whole first thoughts I thought this would be another dumb Luna ship story, I still think this could have been gone better after reading it, like why is the mouse named Diamond if it's enter spoiler here?

But I'm going to givs it a like anyway because you found my only weakness to my cold heartless body. The ship in this story, I don't want to give anything anyway just in case somebody reads the comments before reading the story.


That seems to be the case, seeing as someone put the story in a Luna folder of their own in haste. I'll... have to make a few changes then, being subtle isn't always best.

I liked this story and all, but one huge plot hole that destroys the canon, Applejack's Aunt lives in Manehatten! Not Canterlot!

Thank you for that, not sure how I got them confused.


You're never satisfied.:heart:

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