• Published 6th Oct 2016
  • 2,035 Views, 35 Comments

Sonic and EQG: Fiendship is Magic. - SonicAKG

Sonic never expected to go up against the Rainbooms?! What's going on?

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Real Speed

Real Speed.
Rainbow Dash continued to be a rainbow streak, holding on to Sonic in a headlock as she raced through Eggman’s lair. She then stopped, and threw Sonic, but Sonic landed on his hands and used them to position himself upright. Sonic then dusted himself as Rainbow Dash then faced him.

“You know I have to say that I’m not impressed with the way you treat your dates, Rainbow.” Sonic said in a teasing tone. “I was expecting a dinner first before you got all grabby.”

“This is it Sonic, the moment where I finish you, and prove once, and for all, I’m the fastest thing alive!” Rainbow Dash proclaimed triumphantly as she ignored his teasing.

“You are?” Sonic said with fake surprise. “I wonder what will happen next. The moon falling out of the sky? Shadow getting a sense of humor?”

“I know you’re mocking me, but you won’t be so confident after I use your face to mop the race track after I’ve kicked your sorry butt!” Rainbow Dash stated.

“What race-.” Sonic began to say when Rainbow Dash pressed a button, causing a dark purple vortex to open, causing him to look in surprise.

“Okay, now this just slightly less boring.” Sonic said, now intrigued by what Rainbow Dash had in store for him.

“Move it.” Rainbow Dash said as she shoved Sonic into the portal, and followed soon after.

Sonic and Rainbow Dash arrived in an area that looked like a golden highway adorned with musical instruments over a city with many lights making it glow during the night time. It had a long road ahead of it. Sonic took a while to observe the scenery.

“Isn’t it awesome Sonic?” Rainbow Dash asked triumphantly. It’s only fitting that the place where I beat you is awesome as I am!”

“Meh.” Sonic said making Rainbow Dash turn towards him sharply.

“What do you mean by “meh”?” Rainbow Dash asked shocked. “This place is amazing and looks great. Are you blind or something?????”

“I mean it looks cool, but the thing is, I’ve been here before.” Sonic brought up.

“What?! When!?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“A couple of years ago when I raced Metal Sonic and beat him.” He explained. “I gotta say, Dash, it seems pretty lazy that you’re just copying one of the Doc’s old schemes. I thought you were cooler than that.”

“I am cool!” She said defensively. “I’m 20 percent cooler than you’ll ever be!”

“Well, ripping off one of Eggman’s schemes makes you more like 50 percent less cooler. So it’s like one step forward and two steps back.” Sonic said, infuriating Rainbow Dash.

“What did you just say?!” Rainbow Dash said angrily as she marched in Sonic’s face. Suddenly a smirk appeared on her face. “Oh, I see. You’re just-.”

“Afraid of racing me.” Sonic finished for her. “You were going to say that, right?”

“I was…not!” Rainbow Dash said, a little embarrassed. “I was going to say that you’re too uh, slow to race me!”

“You already said that last time.” He said in a bored tone. “It might’ve worked then, but Sonic doesn’t fall for the same trick twice. Listen, annoying you has been fun, but I really need to get back to Sunset, and Twilight so I can save Tails. See you around.” Sonic turned his back on Rainbow Dash, and prepared do speed away.

“I doubt that, considering that only I have the means to get us home.” Rainbow Dash said, turning Sonic towards her. “It’s in this watch. Let’s make a deal. We race. Winner get’s the watch, while the loser well I’m not even going to think about it as it won’t be me!”

“You know Dash, I really have better things to do than whatever “this” is, but since this is the only way to get back, and might get you back to your cooler, but not as cool as me, self, I accept.” Sonic said. “But no cheating, and we have a fair race or the deal’s off.”

“You’re not in the position to make demands, considering that Tails is at stake for you.” Rainbow Dash said.

“True, but I can tell by the way that you’ve been twitching the whole time we’ve been here, you want this race more than anything, and it might actually kill you if you don’t get it. If you want to see which one of us will cave first be my guest.” Sonic said. “But I wouldn’t play this game if I were you.”

Rainbow Dash gripped her arm to stop its twitching, but her whole body continued to do it. Sonic was right. She would cave first and wanted this race so badly.

“Fine.” Rainbow Dash said reluctantly. “Let’s get started as I can’t wait anymore!”

Rainbow Dash lead Sonic to a golden start line. They both lined up in a starting position.

“One lap around the highway, back to the starting line. That’s the condition for the win.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, at least the race actually involves having to cross a finish line, which is sort of different from what Eggman did.” Sonic said. “Maybe you’re just 40 percent less cooler instead.”

Rainbow Dash glared at him, while Sonic gave her a wink.

“3…2….1…..GO!” Sonic and Rainbow Dash both said as the two of them dash from the start line, and ran across the highway as a blue streak, and a rainbow streak. Sonic and Rainbow Dash were neck and neck as both of them ran across the highway. The two of them were right beside each other for a while, until a loop came up. Sonic ran upside down the loop in order to complete it, while Rainbow Dash simply flew across it, giving her a slight lead.

“Hey!” Sonic called out to her.

“How is that cheating?” Rainbow Dash responded. “I’m just flying, and I never said it was a running race.” Sonic pouted slightly as he realized this was true.

Rainbow Dash then burst into a faster flight. Sonic briefly paused and crouched himself. He then moved his legs while he was stationary until they began to have a circle pattern. Sonic then dashed forward at even greater speed and surpassed Rainbow Dash. He gave her a slight smirk as he did.

“Things won’t be the same as last time, Sonic!” Rainbow Dash said as she pushed herself to go even faster. The blue and rainbow streaks were crossing the highway at blinding speeds. Sonic noticed some golden platforms, and jumped on 4 of them, using them as springboards to ricochet off them to gain a brief speed boost. As a result of this, Sonic was briefly in the air next to Rainbow Dash. He then looked down at the city.

“Wow. I now understand why you think flying is better than running. The view is great.” Sonic said. “Notice how I said understand, not share your view.”

Rainbow Dash responded by dashing forward even further, figuring that a mid-air boost would give her an edge. Sonic landed on the ground and continued to run after Rainbow Dash.

“You know, Rainbow this is kind of boring. I mean it’s kind of like our last race.” Sonic said.

“Boring?!” Rainbow Dash said annoyed. “How do you suppose we spice things up?”

“Let’s go all out. No holding back. My Sonic Boom vs that Rainbow Sonic boom you did.” Sonic said.

“I call it a Sonic Rainboom!” Rainbow Dash said boastfully.

“Yeah, you really need to work on that name.” Sonic said.

Both Sonic and Rainbow Dash continued to build up speed as they ran/flew. Soon the air around them became visible as it surrounded them.

“Sonic…..” Both of them said as they prepared to go out. “Boom/Rainboom.”

A rainbow shockwave along with a light blue shockwave emerged from Sonic and Rainbow Dash’s techniques. As both of them ran, many miniature Sonic Booms/Rainbooms emerged as both of them ran across the highway, destroying multiple sections of it as they did. Both of them were still neck and neck and tied.

Back at the main section of Eggman’s layer, Sunset was facing Twilight. Before she could speak, her wristband glowed a yellow colour. Sunset looked down at it.

“Excuse me Twilight, I have to attend to this.” Sunset said as she looked down her wristband. In it an image of Sonic, and Rainbow Dash doing their Sonic Boom/Rainboom appeared. Sunset grew a menacing grin.

“Time to put in phase 2.” She said quietly to herself as she pressed a button on the wristband.

Sonic, and Rainbow Dash were still neck in neck as they raced across the speedway.

“(You know, despite the whole Rainbow being evil thing, this race is actually pretty fun. I’m actually having a pretty good time).” Sonic thought to himself as he ran. Sonic then observed Rainbow Dash flying next to him as she ran in her Sonic Rainboom. “(Rainbow is actually-)”.

Sonic’s thoughts were interrupted when he felt a pair of metal claws grab him by the feet, and pull him back at blinding speed. Rainbow Dash didn’t notice. Sonic was then thrown across the ground, and sprawled against it.

“Ow.” He said as he rose up painfully. “I shouldn’t have jinxed it.” Sonic then turned, and saw Metal Sonic in front of him. “(Him again? Now this is just lazy).”

A dark blue blur and a silver blur soon then came towards Sonic, but Sonic managed to dodge them, barely. Both of them then appeared next to Metal Sonic. The dark blue blur revealed itself to be an ultramarine blue tall robot that was modeled after Sonic. The robot had a single visor in the place of eyes with a glowing circular light that was red on the outskirt, orange in the middle, and yellow in the center coming from it. The same light was also seen in an opening in the center. It had metallic spikes on its head. It had silver arms covered in blue armor, with thin blue legs. It wore shoes similar to Sonic, but they were covered in dark blue armored padding. This was Mecha Sonic, and he was also slightly taller than Sonic. The silver streak was a slim but, bulky robotic version based on Sonic, and larger than him. It was silver and gray and had red eyes. It had seven large spines on the back of its head. It had a pair of spikes on its back with rocket-power boots that are red with yellow markings on its ankle joint and wheels on each of its boots. It had metallic claw-like fingers. This was Silver Sonic. Both robots had no mouth. All three of the robots looked at Sonic.

“So it’s 3 Metal Sonic’s instead of one this time. Slightly more creative, but not that much.” Sonic said. “And here Dash promised she wouldn’t cheat. Now she’s 70 percent less cooler than before.”

Mecha Sonic charged toward Sonic with a punch, but Sonic dodged it. Silver Sonic came and tried slash Sonic with its fingers, but Sonic jumped over it, and used it as a springboard, sending it crashing into Mecha Sonic who was behind it. Sonic having used Silver Sonic as a spring, charged toward Metal Sonic with a punch, but Metal Sonic used a black shield to blow Sonic back. Sonic and Metal Sonic clashed many times as blue blurs, with Metal Sonic winning at the end, kicking Sonic in the air. Silver Sonic appeared behind Sonic and knocked him down the ground with both hands. As Sonic fell towards the ground, Mecha Sonic appeared, and kneed Sonic in the gut, and elbowed him to the ground. Sonic was on the ground as all 3 of them surround them. Metal Sonic prepared to fire a laser from his chest when suddenly Sonic rose up.

“Sonic Wind!” Sonic proclaimed as he shot a blade of wind that blew Metal Sonic back. Silver Sonic went to punch Sonic, but Sonic used his leg to block the blow. Using his other leg, Sonic did an upward kick at Mecha Sonic, pushing him back, before Sonic delivered an uppercut that sent him crashing to the ground. Silver Sonic appeared from behind and grabbed Sonic, but Sonic vibrated his body creating a shockwave which blew Silver Sonic back and releasing Sonic. He then jumped in the air and delivered an ax kick to kick his head into the ground. Metal Sonic then charged at Sonic and grabbed him. He then started to drag Sonic across the highway, and threw him, causing Sonic to hit a platform, and then the ground. Metal Sonic then appeared towards Sonic, and used his V Maximum overdrive technique, generating an electric energy field around him as he drilled towards Sonic, but Sonic quickly generated a blue tornado which absorbed Metal Sonic, and propelled towards another platform, sending Metal crashing into it. Both Silver, and Mecha Sonic came towards Sonic, using their rocket boost to generate a silver/blue aura around them as they came towards Sonic. Sonic then charged towards them using his own blue aura(Sonic boost), and crashed into them, creating a stalemate with the both of them, and a mini wave appeared, sending all 3 of them away. Sonic then came on to his knees, worn out.

“I gotta….say….this….is…pretty…challenging.” Sonic said as he huffed, and puffed. “I…didn’t..think-.” Metal Sonic then appeared behind Sonic, and kicked him in the face, sending him flying. Sonic quickly recomposed himself as Metal Sonic appeared in front of him, about to stab him with his claws, when suddenly Metal Sonic was hit by a rainbow blur and sent crashing across the highway. Sonic then turned, and saw it was Rainbow Dash who hit Metal Sonic.

“No one is finishing Sonic except me!” Rainbow Dash said, clearly annoyed.

“Rainbow?” Sonic said confused. “I thought Metal and his cronies were with you.”

“The only thing I knew about was the race. No one told me these walking trash cans would interrupt.” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as Metal Sonic, and his allies regrouped. “This is my race, and I won’t be denied! Sunset will pay for this!”

“Wow, you actually do care.” Sonic said mockingly. “This makes you the second crazy girl obsessed with me.”

“Shut up.” Rainbow Dash said. “This is for the race only. Afterward, I’ll be the one to destroy you!”

“Threat’s of destruction so soon.” Sonic said with fake shock. “You’re taking this relationship way too fast Dash.

Before Rainbow Dash could respond, Metal Sonic appeared and tried to swipe both of them, but Sonic and Rainbow Dash dodged it. Both of them then unleashed a barrage of kicks on Metal Sonic, with Sonic kicking him in the air, and Rainbow Dash flying to kick him towards the ground. Mecha Sonic flew in the air, and punched Rainbow Dash but she blocked it, and the blow blew her back. Silver Sonic and Sonic clashed many times as a blue/silver blurs with Silver Sonic winning and sending Sonic flying the air, but Sonic mid-air spun his feet at high speed to make a figure 8 and shot a wind projectiles, hitting Silver Sonic and making him come on his knees. Rainbow Dash and Mecha Sonic also clashed as blurs as well. Mecha Sonic was able to push Rainbow Dash back near Sonic, who was still mid-air. Rainbow Dash grabbed Sonic and spun him around at high speed. She then threw Sonic into Mecha Sonic, allowing Sonic to deliver a powerful punch which crashed Mecha Sonic into the ground. Rainbow Dash then flew near Sonic, who then grabbed her by her arms. Both of them became a wheel, and charged at the still-recovering Silver Sonic, dealing many blows, with the final one being a powerful kick to Silver Sonic’s chin, making him hit a platform above him. Silver Sonic then fell on the ground near Metal, and Mecha Sonic. Both Sonic and Rainbow Dash ran around the three robots, creating a blue-rainbowish tornado which lifted all of them up. As the robots were in mid-air, the two of them emerged from the tornado, and crashed into the robots, creating a small, but still effective Sonic Boom/Rainboom which blew the robots down on the highway, each of them leaving small craters in the ground. Sonic and Rainbow Dash then stood next to one another.

“That was awesome!” Sonic exclaimed. “I never knew you could fight like that Dash!”

“Well, there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.” Rainbow Dash snapped. “Anyway back to our race.”

“Darn. I was sort of hoping you’d forget about it.” Sonic said as he rubbed the back of his head. “But since it looks like you’ve regained some of your senses, I’m more open about it.”

Rainbow Dash then grabbed Sonic by the collar and pulled him in close.

“I already told you don’t get the wrong idea.” Rainbow Dash said harshly. “Just because I helped you doesn’t make us friends or anything. I will-.”

“Be the one to crush me.” Sonic finished. “You already said that. But Dash, I know the real you is in there somewhere.”

“Well too bad for you. This is the real me.” Rainbow Dash said harshly. As she did a dark purple/black aura flashed around her, intriguing Sonic.

“(This looks strangely familiar. Where have I seen this before?).” Sonic wondered.

Metal Sonic eyes lit as Rainbow Dash gained her aura. A similar dark purple/black aura surrounded him as well. The same also applied to Mecha Sonic, and Silver Sonic as well. All three of them rose up, catching Sonic and Rainbow Dash’s attention. The bodies of all 3 robots soon turned into a dark blue/blackish color. Their eyes soon had a purple light on them.

“What’s going on?” Sonic said slightly nervous as he could feel the density of the energy of the 3 robots. “I thought we beat them. This is definitely new.”

Metal Sonic without warning fired a high-speed purple energy laser at Sonic. The beam was approaching him rapidly, even he had trouble noticing it.

“Look out!” Rainbow Dash suddenly yelled as she pushed Sonic out the way. The beam struck her in the back, destroying her wings, and surrounding her body with purple electricity. Rainbow Dash screamed in pain as she was hit and blown away, sprawling across the highway. She then fell on the floor unconscious.

“Rainbow Dash!!!!!!” Sonic yelled as he saw her fall. In an instant, Mecha Sonic appeared a black blur and hit Sonic away. Silver Sonic then appeared behind Sonic, grabbed his face, and slammed him in the around. His hand glowed with dark energy as he pushed Sonic deeper into the ground. He then lifted Sonic up, and threw him, allowing Metal Sonic to come, and punched Sonic with a fist of dark energy, sending him sliding across the highway next to Rainbow Dash. The three robots then approached them. Sonic, who was now covered in bruises, struggled to get up. He then noticed Rainbow Dash next to him.

“Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!” Sonic cried as he started to shake her in an attempt to wake her up as he noticed her wounded body and face. She didn't move. Sonic then continued to shake her but she didn't respond at all as her eyes remained shut.. Sonic slowly stopped shaking her and hung his head low.

“Rainbow Dash…..” Sonic said with hurt in his voice, and sorrow. “You can’t be gone. You can’t be….”. Sonic’s voice trailed off as he realized his actions were pointless. He then clutched Rainbow Dash’s hand. Metal Sonic then appeared in front of him. He raised his fist and charged it with dark energy. He then brought it down towards Sonic. There was a clashing sound. Sonic used his free hand to stop the blow, with barely an effort. Sonic then looked at Metal Sonic with a great look of anger, contrary to his normal self.

“Worthless…..Garbage!” Sonic shouted as his own fist was charged with a dark bluish/black aura. Sonic’s whole body was soon surrounded by this aura. His hair briefly turned dark blue as his eye became a darker shade of green. Soon, Sonic’s hair spiked up similar to Super Sonic’s as it turned black, and his pupils/iris’s disappeared leaving the white of his eyes only. He then crushed Metal Sonic’s hand into a pile of metal scrap as if it was nothing. Dark Sonic then punched Metal Sonic with his other hand, sending flying away. Mecha Sonic charged Dark Sonic using a purple/black version of Sonic’s boost, but Dark Sonic used his own boost, which was now dark blue/black to counter him. Both of them clashed with Dark Sonic winning. Using his boost, he crashed through Mecha Sonic completely ripping him to pieces as the pieces of his body fell off the highway, and into the city below. Silver Sonic tried to punch Dark Sonic, but Dark Sonic disappeared in a dark blue flash. He then appeared behind Silver Sonic. Silver Sonic turned around as Sonic unleashed a barrage of punches/kick’s creating many dents in the silver robot. Dark Sonic then became a dark blue arrow, and pierced through Silver Sonic, ripping him in half, with both halves soon exploding. Dark Sonic stood triumphantly when Metal Sonic appeared behind Dark Sonic. He charged purple electrical energy as he unleashed his Ring Spark Field, creating a field of purple electricity which Dark Sonic was caught in. Dark Sonic, however, was unaffected by the attack and raised his fist. He then punched Metal Sonic in the chest, with his fist going straight through it. He then charged his fist with dark blue energy. The energy also surrounded Metal Sonic who soon exploded. As Metal Sonic exploded, 4 dark purple, small emerald fell to the ground. They were also in the area where Silver and Mecha Sonic were destroyed. They were shining with a dark blue aura.

“Just as I thought.” Dark Sonic said in a deep and menacing tone. “Fake Chaos Emeralds. That probably explains Dash’s behavior as well. Pathetic. Sunset!!!!!! When I get out of here, I will do much worse to you than what I did to these pawns!”. Dark Sonic then chuckled maniacally to himself. He then walked over to where Rainbow Dash was, and lifted her arm. He then took the watch she had used to generate the portal and then observed it.

“Now where did Rainbow Dash press to open that portal?" Dark Sonic said as he fiddled with it. Near Dark Sonic, Rainbow Dash started to groan weakly as she slowly opened her eyes. Her body was covered in bruises.

“Ow.” Rainbow Dash said softly as she gripped her arms in pain. Her entire body felt terrible and it was a pain to move. Her eyes had returned to their usual magenta color. She then slowly rose up, struggling as she did, and saw Dark Sonic, which startled her. “Sonic…..what’s going on?”

“Oh, you’re still alive.” Dark Sonic said nonchalantly as he observed Rainbow Dash. “Which button did you press on this watch to open that portal.”

“Sonic….what…are…you..planning…to….do?” Rainbow Dash asked, with each word sounding as if it gave her pain.

“I’m going to go back, and end Sunset for causing this whole stupid thing.” Dark Sonic. “Now tell me the button.”

“Sonic….Sunset…is…our friend.” Rainbow Dash said firmly. “She’s not well right now and needs our help. Hurting her won’t do anything.”

“But it will make me feel so good doing so as right now I have the urge to, and I can’t seem to calm it.” Dark Sonic said maliciously. “Last chance. Tell me how to go back or there will be consequences.”

“If you're going to hurt Sunset, then no.” Rainbow Dash said even more firmly. “Sonic, this is not who you are. You would never do this.”

“Save me your sentimental trash.” Dark Sonic said. “It’d be best for you to simply comply as you are in no condition to stand or do anything. I even absorbed the negative Chaos Energy from you. Submit.”

Rainbow Dash said nothing but gave Dark Sonic a strong look of defiance. Dark Sonic sighed. He then appeared in front of Rainbow Dash in a blur. He raised a fist and brought it down to her, but Rainbow Dash surprisingly caught the blow. It took all of her energy and caused her to nearly to pass out, but she held his blow firmly.

“What?!” Dark Sonic said shocked at how Rainbow Dash could still have this much energy.

“Sonic, you saved me.” Rainbow Dash as she looked Dark Sonic firmly in the eye. “Now it’s my turn to return the favor!”. Rainbow Dash’s body glowed with light blue energy. The energy then spread itself into Dark Sonic. He generated a dark aura, but Rainbow Dash’s energy clashed with it. There was a struggle, and it appeared Dark Sonic’s aura was overpowering Rainbow Dash’s, but Rainbow Dash pushed herself to her limit, and the blue energy overtook the aura of Dark Sonic, creating a blinding blue light. When the light had subsided, Sonic was back to normal. He then rubbed his head. Rainbow Dash, seeing Sonic back to normal, smiled,

“Now, we're even…” Rainbow Dash said as she collapsed, but Sonic caught her in his arms before she hit the ground. Sonic observed her unconscious face as she lied in his arms.

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash.” Sonic said softly as he held on to her.