• Published 15th Oct 2016
  • 7,623 Views, 150 Comments

Fifteen Days - UnluckyReaver

Rainbow Dash crashes into the Everfree and goes missing, 15 days later she walks back out. This is the tale on how she survived this harrowing time.

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Day Four

From her perch on Strider’s back, Dash found that the Everfree Forest seemed to lose it’s threatening atmosphere. It had changed from something dark and foreboding to something full of potential adventure. From the old castle, to the tree of harmony, to the mirror pool, Dash found herself wondering what other mysterious things were still hidden deep in the forest. A small smile came to her face as she envisioned this turning from a nightmare ordeal to a Daring Doo style adventure.

Dash was snapped out of her daydream when Strider suddenly stopped. Dash could feel all of his muscles tense as scanned their surroundings.

“Is something up?” Dash asked but found her mouth clamped shut. Dash let out a muffled groan in protest, but was met with an annoyed growl from Strider. Time passed at a crawl as Strider studied every tree, every bush, every branch, twig, and leaf. After what seemed like hours to Dash, Strider released her and started walking again. Traveling at a slower pace than before, Strider kept a wary eye on their surroundings.

As the day continued on, Strider would continually stop and scan the forest around them, before changing direction. Other times, he wouldn’t stop but randomly turn, or double back on his trail. As the afternoon rolled in, Dash clued into what was going on; something was following them.

Dash felt her anxiety grow by the minute, knowing that something was out there and not being able to see it was maddening. Ok Dash, you can get through this. She told herself. You’ve faced off against monsters before. Manticores, bugbears, changelings, heck even Tirek and Discord, and everything turn out fine then.

Of course you had your friends with you then. Dash scolded herself. And could fly, and run, and fight, and wasn’t stuck in a bag on somepony’s back. This sucks. I can’t just wait here, I have to, need to, do something.

A blur and the sudden feeling of spinning brought Dash’s focus back to her surroundings. Before them was a creature that was part tiger, part goat and had a snake for a tail.

“Not many things can dodge our pounce.” the goat said.

“Doesn’t matter, defiance makes the meal all the more delicious.” the tiger countered.

“And look, it has a little pony for desert.” the snake added.

Strider’s muscles tensed as the chimera crouched, for several long seconds both stood perfectly still. Then, in what Dash could only describe as rainboom speed, both moved. The chimera launched itself forwards, at the same time Strider jinked and spun to the left. Dash stared wide-eyed as the tiger claw pass by her face, barely missing her. Dash felt another lurch Strider took of through the trees.

The chase was on as the chimera pursued hem through the trees. Dash glance back over her shoulder at the monster, always just a little behind them but never actually able to catch up. Despite the chimera’s speed, Strider seemed to have the advantage in the forest, his bipedal form was far more adept to maneuvering through the undergrowth than the quadruped that was chasing them.

As Strider rounded the tenth tree, Dash glance back over her shoulder yet again; the distance between them and the chimera seemed to have grown. No, Dash said to herself, that can’t be right. There’s no way he can outrun a chimera.

Dodging around the fifteenth tree, Strider’s pace was unrelenting, showing no sign of fatigue. The chimera, however, seemed to be slowing. Another few trees went by, and Dash found that the distance between them was definitely increasing.

Feeling Strider suddenly slow down and hearing the sound of his steps change drew Dash’s attention downwards. Nope. Was the first thing that came to her mind when she saw that they were on top of an old log that spanned a ravine. The log groaned and cracked under their weight as Strider tried to cross before the chimera caught up to them. The chimera seized the opportunity that had presented itself and redoubled its efforts.

A pouncing chimera and a loud crack from below caused Rainbow’s heart to stop. On instinct, Dash tried to open her wings when she felt herself fall, only to have pain shoot up through her injured wing. The look on the chimera’s faces changed from triumph to terror as it passed over its intended target. A sudden jolt shot through Dash as Strider stopped their descent. The chimera wasn’t as fortunate, letting out a terrified scream as it plummeted towards the bottom.

Groaning, Strider pulled himself and Dash over the ravine’s edge and back onto the forest floor. The pair laid on the ground, Strider half on his side and Dash as a much too small big spoon. Neither moved or spoke for several moments until Strider started to laugh. It started as a slight chuckle, but in second it had transformed into a full outburst. Dash quickly joined in when everything that they had just been through started to sink in. There the pair stayed, laughing at their near-death experience until the sun began to drop below the horizon.