• Published 10th Oct 2016
  • 3,317 Views, 1,000 Comments

A New Dragon in the Crystal Empire - Vedues

Ponies and dragons are living together in peace now. You know, other than the army of dragons trying to conquer the Crystal Empire.

  • ...

Chapter 30

Fluttershy woke to the smell of cooking haybrowns. She pushed away the thick blanket that covered her and sat up. She was in her front room. Balloons and streamers covered the floor of the family nest, half concealing the forms of Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, and three of the Crusaders. She looked toward the kitchen, where Applejack and Apple Bloom were busy putting together breakfast.

“Mornin’, sugarcube,” Applejack said quietly, gesturing for Fluttershy to come join them. It was a little strange to see her without her usual hat. “You’re sure up early. Village trainin’ won’t even start for another two hours.”

“I usually get up around this time.” Fluttershy didn’t want to risk getting in either of the Apple sibling’s way, so she stood by the counter. Several plates of haybrowns and mixed vegetables were already there, probably because the kitchen table was still covered in cake, punch, and other snacks. Scenic Trail’s egg was even wearing a party hat. “I used to think it was a side-effect of my trauma, but Prosperity said it’s part of the restlessness that most dragonesses feel during pregnancy.” Pregnancy. That word still sounded strange to her. “Um, have you two seen my mother?”

“She went back to her cloud house for the night,” Apple Bloom said as she walked by with another plate of haybrowns and cooked vegetables. She put it on the counter as well and went back to helping her sister at the stove.

“Can’t say I blame her.” Applejack flipped some more haybrowns out of the skillet and onto a fresh plate. “Pinkie parties don’t make it easy to fall asleep.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Especially when she’s throwing three of them at the same time.”

Applejack finished the last of the haybrowns and turned the stove off. “Anyway, I’d best be headin’ out. Pinkie’s still worn out from partyin’ all night, so we’ll hafta work extra hard to get everythin’ ready for early mornin’ snacks without her.” She pointed at the plate nearest Fluttershy. “You go ahead and enjoy your breakfast, sugarcube. After all, you’re eatin’ for two now.”

Fluttershy blushed and put a hoof to her stomach. “I guess you’re right. I am.”

Applejack gave her little sister a hug before taking her hat off a peg near the door. “Take care of yourself, AB, and try to keep Twi from doin’ anything crazy to Flutters while I’m gone.”

Apple Bloom saluted. “Will do, Sis.” As soon as her sister was gone, the younger earth mare motioned to the food. “You heard AJ, dig in.”

Nodding, Fluttershy grabbed a fork and started eating. She was an okay cook, and both Twilight and Rarity knew their way around the kitchen, but none of them could compare to anything produced by a member of the Apple family.

“So …” Apple Bloom said after a moment. “What’s it like? You know, bein’ pregnant?”

“I’m not really sure,” Fluttershy admitted. “I only found out that I’m pregnant yesterday.”

Apple Bloom nodded thoughtfully as she started on her own breakfast, still opposite the counter from Fluttershy. “You know, before Everfree was founded and there was all that hubub about whether dragons should let ponies take some of their life-force so they could live longer, I started thinkin’ that not even dragons can live forever. We all gotta pass on someday, maybe even Celestia and Luna. The only thing that really lasts forever is family,” she smiled and gestured at Fluttershy’s stomach, “like the one you’re starting right now. In another thousand years, if anyone even knows my name, it’ll be cuz they read it in a history book somewhere, but the Apple Family itself’ll still be alive, growing good food and doin’ honest work all over Equestria.” She took another bite of her breakfast. “I guess that’s the little slice of immortality that we can all share. You know, having kids and teaching ‘em right.”

Fluttershy could only stare for a moment. “Apple Bloom, that was beautiful. When did you get so insightful?”

The filly blushed a little. “Well, when your older sister’s gonna live for seven hundred years, it kinda changes the way you look at things.”

Fluttershy looked down at her breakfast. Like all the Element Bearers, she had been given an extended lifespan by Cliff’s home coven. She was extremely grateful for the gift, of course, but other ponies like Apple Bloom were just so vibrant and full of life. Did she really deserve to live on while they all aged and died? “I’m sorry.”

“You ain’t got anything to be sorry about,” Apple Bloom said between mouthfuls. “I’ve got as long as any other pony, and there’s nothin’ wrong with that. Besides, Whisper’s still insisting on giving the rest of us Crusaders an extra century once she becomes an adult.”

“My goodness.” Fluttershy turned to look at her little sister, still asleep in a pile with Sweetie and Scootaloo. “That’s really nice of her.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Yeah, I felt guilty saying yes, but she got really down and begged me to accept. Said she wanted the four of us to be together longer.” She looked at the sleeping dragoness sadly. “I just wish I could pay her back somehow.”

“Just be her friend,” Fluttershy said. “I’m sure that’s what she wants most.”

“I’ll certainly do that,” Apple Bloom smiled, “though I was thinking of helping her and Glaive get together too.”

Fluttershy suddenly realized that she had forgotten to ask Whisper how things went with the young griffon. “Oh, were they able to talk?”

Apple Bloom chuckled. “We could barely get them to stop. At first she just asked him for advice on carving things, but then she started cuttin’ up an emerald she brought to practice on, and his eyes got huge and he started blushing like mad. Turns out one of the most attractive features a griffon can have is a strong pair of talons, and well, not even the toughest griffons can crush gemstones.”

Fluttershy giggled. “You know, before I met Cliff, I always thought I’d marry a doctor or a veterinarian.”

“Really?” Apple Bloom cocked her head to the side. “Why?”

“I wanted somepony who could help me take care of my critter friends.” Fluttershy took another bite, savoring the taste of freshly cooked haybrowns. “Then I found out about wyrm healing magic.” She smiled fondly at the memory. “I hope things turn out as well with Whisper and Glaive as they did with Cliff and me.”

Apple Bloom took another bite of her meal. “So long as he turns out to be a decent guy, of course. I ain’t sharing one of my best friends with just anyone.”

Fluttershy nodded. She felt the same way.

Eventually, everyone got up, ate a quick breakfast, and left for morning training. Fluttershy saw them off before going back into the house. She gathered a piece of parchment and a quill then took a seat at the table, in front of Scenic Trail’s egg. Fluttershy paused and looked at the egg. Cliff had a little sister in there.

“He’s going to have a child soon too.” Fluttershy put a hoof on her stomach. “He needs to know.” She took a deep breath, then put her quill onto the parchment.

What am I supposed to say? He would have questions, and Fluttershy didn’t think she could answer any of them. It was also really hard to concentrate on writing when her legs were almost begging her to get up and walk around. She was almost ready to give up when Twilight teleported into the front room.

“Fluttershy, Luna found something!” She held up a scroll and grinned.

“Really?” Fluttershy hurried over to her friend. “What is it?”

Twilight held out the scroll to her.

She took and unrolled it. The writing on the inside was beautiful and elaborate, almost to the point of making it unreadable.

Dear Fluttershy,

I am pleased to say that my search last night was a grand success. Your child is not the only one of its kind to walk the dreamscape. There is, in fact, and entire village where ponies and drakes live in peace, and half-dragon-half-pony creatures, called kirins are not uncommon.

Their village is on an island far to the southeast, surrounded by a dense rain forest. I was unable to learn more, for I sensed an ancient presence that watches over all who live there, and I did not wish to risk offending it by delving into the dreams of its charges. The ambient thoughts of the village did provide a clue as to the identity of this guardian, however.

The village is home to at least one creature called a kumiho, a shape-changing spirit of some kind. This kumiho also seems to have a hoof in the safe birth of kirins. I believe that we must convince it to aid us in your hour of need, dear Fluttershy.

I wish I could dispatch several hundred of my best pegasi to seek out this island, but all of our forces are busy defending the Crystal Empire. I’m afraid that the most I can offer is two of my personal guards. I shall teleport them to my best guess of the island’s location tomorrow morning. Should any of your friends wish to go with them, please have them write back as soon as possible.



Fluttershy slowly lowered the letter. “Kirins,” she whispered, testing out the new word. “My child is a kirin.”

Twilight nodded. “I’m going to round up the villagers while they’re all training and ask if anyone wants to go on this expedition.”

The door to the house burst open and Pinkie and Applejack rushed in.

“Twi, Pinkie said you got a letter from the princess?” Applejack looked at the scroll in Fluttershy’s hooves. “What’s it say?”

“They found something, right?” Pinkie almost begged.

“Yes, actually.” Twilight quickly summed up the contents of the letter. “… I’m about to head back to the training grounds to ask for volunteers.”

Pinkie laughed and put a foreleg around the alicorn. “Oh, Twilight, we need to go to the training grounds alright, but not to ask for volunteers.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“I know exactly how we can find this island now that I know there’s something to find!” Pinkie bounced to the door and pointed forward dramatically. “Onward, for Fluttershy’s baby!”

Applejack and Twilight exchanged confused glances but followed after her.

“I’ll be back as soon as we figure out what she’s planning,” Twilight said.

“Um, actually,” Fluttershy steeled herself, “I’ll go too.”

“You sure about that, sugarcube?” Applejack asked. “I’m sure I don’t hafta remind you what wyrm sparring matches’re like. Seein’ that sort of thing won’t do you a whole lot of good.”

“If it’s for my child, I should be there,” Fluttershy said. She hoped the others didn’t hear the quiver in her voice.

“All right, then.” Applejack motioned to the door. “Let’s try to catch up to Pinkie.”

As they rushed to the training field, Fluttershy realized that she couldn’t remember the last time she had flown. It felt really good to stretch her wings again.

Pinkie was standing at the edge of the field when they got there. “Oh, Fluttershy, glad you could make it!”

Fluttershy nodded, though she was careful not to look at the combatants in the field beyond them.

“Time to set my plan into motion.” Pinkie pulled a giant megaphone from somewhere, and turned to the field. “Attention, everyone, there will be a giant stupenderific party in the Castle after breakfast, but I’m not going to plan it. None of you are allowed to plan it either. See you there!” She returned the megaphone to wherever it had come from and nodded to herself. “There, perfect.”

“What exactly did announcin’ a party accomplish?” Applejack asked. “Especially when you just said that no one can plan it?”

“I hear you folks are in need of a party planner,” a deep voice said behind them.

Jumping in surprise, Fluttershy turned back toward the village and saw a pony wearing a poncho and a hat standing in the alleyway between two houses.

“Heya, Cheese!” Pinkie bounced over to the newcomer.

“Hi, Pinkie!” The pony’s voice suddenly went much higher as he tossed off his hat and poncho, revealing Cheese Sandwich. “I haven’t seen you since we threw that anniversary party for Everfree Village last year.” He gave her a hug. “How’s it going?”

“Not bad.” Pinkie returned the hug enthusiastically. “I just have to ask, will you go on an adventure with me? Pretty please? It’s to help my friend, Fluttershy.” She jumped back and gave the stallion her puppy-dog eyes.

“Of course, Pinkie. I’d love to help.”

Pinkie’s expression changed into a huge smile. “Great!” She draped one foreleg over Cheese’s back and gestured forward with the other. “Then I’m going to throw a big party at this island village in five days, and I need you to help me plan it. Think you can get there in time, punk?”

“Pinkie,” Twilight said, “he doesn’t even know where it-”

“Oh I’ll be there,” Cheese said, his voice going deep again, and his expression turning serious, “but the real question is, do you think you can handle another collaboration party, Pinkie?”

She nodded.

“Alright then. This is going to be great!” Cheese grinned. “I’d better hurry up, my cheesy sense is telling me that I’ll have to leave as soon as I’m finished with this party at the castle if I’m going to make it in time.” He turned toward the Castle of the Two Sisters. “I hope you ponies are ready to party.”

“Oh, one last thing, Cheese,” Pinkie called after him. When he turned back to her, she grinned sheepishly. “Can I go with you to that village? I kind of don’t know where it is.”

Cheese’s voice went deep again. “There’s no need to fret, my little pony. My cheesy sense will guide you there straight and true.” He broke into another grin and tossed a pair of goggles to her. “You can ride copilot in the party-fighter-plane. Say, want to help me with the party at the castle? It can be a warm-up for our big one on the island.”

“Sounds great!” Pinkie turned to her friends and solemnly crammed a cupcake into her eye. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy, I Pinkie Promise that I’ll be back within twelve days with a kumiho, whatever it takes.” Then she turned and bounced after Cheese.

“Uh,” Applejack turned away from the departing ponies to look at Fluttershy and Twilight, “should we tell Luna that Pinkie’s got it covered?”

“I don’t know.” Twilight pressed both hooves against her head. “I nearly drove myself crazy trying to figure out the Pinkie Sense. I don’t even want to try with the Cheesy Sense.”

“Maybe we should have her send out those guards anyway,” Fluttershy whispered. She felt bad saying it, because she knew how seriously Pinkie took Pinkie Promises, but they needed a kumiho for her child to be healthy, and she wanted to do everything possible to find one.

In the distance, an explosion of color turned the Castle of the Two Sisters pink with yellow spots.


Spirit had to admire the crystal ponies of the Empire. It had only been a day since the Alliance made their announcement, and nearly every remaining child was going to be evacuated to Canterlot, where they could stay at Canterlot Castle with the other evacuees. However, the vast majority of adult ponies insisted on sticking around to power the Crystal Heart, even at the risk of their own lives. Luna and Cadance had commissioned a series of fallout shelters to keep the crystal ponies safe, but everypony understood that there were no guarantees that they would work, and that was assuming there was enough time to get to the shelters in the first place.

In spite of that, life around the Empire was stubbornly determined to remain normal. Even the businesses were open, which made it easier for Spirit to take Cliff and Sky Painter out to eat.

Spirit took his helmet off as they stepped into the diner. It was far from lavish, but the food was good and the prices were low. He stepped up to the waitress behind the counter, a cute crystal mare with a grayish purple coat and a blonde mane and tail. “Table for three, please.”

“Yes, right away.” She bowed, even though she was shaking with excitement. “It’s such an honor to have you here, oh Great and Honorable-”

“Just Spirit is fine.” He gave the mare his best smile, mostly to cover his grimace. He hated that title.

The mare blushed a little and looked at him dreamily. “Yes, of course. Please follow me.”

She led the three dragons to a quiet corner of the restaurant. Like most building in the empire, the walls were made from crystal, white in this case. At least the tables were made of wood and the chairs were padded. Seriously, whoever invented crystal chairs must have had a personal vendetta against rumps.

Spirit settled down and put his helmet under his seat. His father and brother did likewise with their own helmets.

The only other customer near their booth was a wyrm in a black hooded cloak. He was wearing Everfree Armor, just like the rest of them, but Spirit made a mental note to identify that dragon before they left anyway. Alliance spies could be pretty much anywhere.

“My name is Amber Waves, and I’ll be your server today.” The crystal mare passed a menu to each of them. “Can I get you three anything to start with?”

“I’ll take a cup of coffee,” Spirit replied.

“Ditto,” Sky said.

Cliff grimaced. “Hot chocolate, please.”

Spirit just didn’t get why his brother hated coffee so much. He and Autumn practically lived on the stuff.

After their waitress left, Cliff turned to Spirit. “Okay, what’s going on?”

“What?” Spirit asked innocently. “Do I really need a reason to take my dad and brother out to breakfast?”

“Yes,” Cliff said.

“The last time you did this was so that we could help you plan Autumn’s surprise birthday party.” Sky shrugged. “We’re happy to help and all, but you may as well cut to the chase.”

Wow, tag-team much? Spirit rolled his eyes. “Fine, fine, but you two suck at small talk.”

“Duly noted,” Cliff said, at the same time that Sky said, “So?”

Sometimes Spirit was glad that he had been raised by ponies. “Anyway, first off, I wanted to know how those anti-aura gems you’re developing are coming along, Cliff.”

“Things are improving nicely.” Cliff paused to thank the waitress as she returned with their drinks. “I still don’t know how to convert the rune-based enchantment into a more traditional one, so unless somedragon at Everfree wants to spend a year or two obsessively practicing runes, I’ll have to produce them for the entire Platoon. Luckily, I’m nearly finished with a new rune that will write the anti-aura runes for me.”

Spirit nodded. “Awesome. Luna wanted to know if you could enchant a couple dozen of those gems for her.”

“I’ll do my best,” Cliff promised. “Have you talked to Luna and Shining about letting me study one of those umbrum crystals before they evacuate them all?”

“They’re still debating about it,” Spirit said. The last thing the Empire needed was for Cliff to accidentally turn loose another umbrum like King Sombra. Spirit turned to his draconic father. “Anyway, how are things with Mom on the scout team?”

“Nothing to complain about.” Sky chuckled. “Actually, there’s a funny story. Last week the two of us were hiding and watching the Ice Spire Caves, when at least a thousand dragons come out and start doing a practice battle right on top of us. At first I thought we’d be fine, but then this drake gets knocked out of the sky and lands right next to us, destroying our hiding spot in the process.

“So anyway, we figure we’re dead, surrounded by all those enemy dragons, but the drake just looked at us and asked if we were part of the support crew for the battle.” Sky laughed. “I had no idea what the support crew was supposed to be doing, but I told him yes anyway. In a stroke of genius, Trail volunteered to heal him and escort him away from the battle, since, ‘casualties shouldn’t loiter under a battlefield,’ ” he said in a passable impression of his wife’s voice.

“As soon as we got him out of the way, we told him we were heading back to look for more dragons that might need us, and then hightailed it out of there.” Still chuckling, the gray wyrm drank his coffee in one go. “I have no idea why he didn’t think it was strange for us to be wearing Everfree Armor, but hey, I’m not going to check the karats on a gift-gem.”

Cliff laughed too. “Just be grateful that drakes aren’t too bright in their battle forms. I know a few that were dumber than the rocks they walked on.”

Spirit didn’t share their sense of amusement. “I really wish you and Mom would be more careful out there. I nearly have a heart attack every time I have to send you into enemy territory.”

“Relax, Spirit.” Sky tousled his son’s head spikes. “Your mother and I managed to spend a week in Canterlot once without a single pony realizing who and what we were.”

“Just promise you’ll be careful, okay?” Spirit brushed his head spikes back into place.

“We have two sons and an unhatched daughter that are counting on us to make it through this war,” Sky said, dropping his normally relaxed attitude. “You can bet the Stars we’re being careful.”

Spirit nodded. “Thanks, Dad. Anyway, how’s that,” he grimaced, “assassination team coming along?”

“They’ll be ready to go before the Alliance comes back, if that’s what you’re asking.” He cleared his throat. “So, Spirit, we all know you didn’t invite us here to talk the usual business. What did you actually ask us here for?”

The waitress chose that moment to return and ask for their orders.

Perfect timing. Spirit smiled up at the waitress. “A breakfast burrito with a side of crystallized flowers.”

Sky leaned over to Cliff. “What’s a good number?”

Cliff shrugged. “Nine.”

“I’ll take whatever your number nine special is,” Sky told the waitress.

Spirit resisted the urge to facepalm. The last time Sky pulled this stunt, he had wound up with an extra light hay salad and no dressing.

Cliff skimmed over the menu. “I’ll have the egg and pancake breakfast platter.”

The waitress gathered their menus and left as both older wyrms turned to Spirit expectantly.

Oh right, back to the impending humiliation. Spirit cleared his throat. “Uh, remember how Autumn and I disappeared for a few hours on Hearth’s Warming Day? It’s because we were …”

“Sharing a private meal?” Sky suggested with an amused grin. “Exploring the secret tunnel? Doing the newlywed dance? Churning some butter? Doing an in-depth study of pony anatomy? What’s the one that ponies are always saying? Ah, plowing the fields?”

“Wait, you two know?” Spirit demanded.

Cliff pressed a hand over his face. “Spirit, the entire Everfree Platoon knows. Autumn’s mother told us a few minutes after you two left.”

“You’ve been sleeping over at her house too.” Sky grinned. “Really, why else would you want to get away from prying eyes?”

Spirit could feel his face turning bright red. “Oh.”

“Yeah, so is there any particular reason why you’re sharing this with us?” Cliff asked.

“Well, er …” I can’t believe I’m doing this. Spirit took a deep breath. “Do you two have any advice for me?”

The two older dragons looked at each other and then back at Spirit. “What?” they said in unison.

“Advice,” Spirit repeated, staring down at his claws. “I’m new to this whole intimacy thing, and I want to make sure I’m doing everything possible to make her happy.”

“I’ll get a copy of the Camel-sutra later,” Cliff said. “Then, as per our agreement a few months ago, refuse all knowledge of having done so.”

“I already checked the bookstores and the library,” Spirit admitted without looking up. “Nopony has a copy.”

Sky nodded sagely. “Well I’m sure your mother and I could demonstrate some things for you.”

“Oh Stars, my brain!” Cliff covered his eyes and groaned.

Spirit felt like throwing up. Now there was a mental image he’d never be able to erase.

Meanwhile, their father was shaking with barely controlled laughter. “You should have seen the looks on your faces!”

Cliff looked out from between his claws. “Dad, learn to keep some things to yourself.”

Disturbingly familiar laughter echoed around the three of them. “Now, Cliff, maybe you should follow his example and be more open. After all, you still need to tell Fluttershy about our little field trip. You know, the one that went like this.”

Cliff disappeared.

“Discord!” Spirit jumped to his feet. “What did you do to Cliff?”

“Nothing. I’m over here.” The wyrm in the cloak stood up and lifted his hood, revealing Cliff. He walked over to join them and flopped down into his old seat.

“You okay, Cliff?” Sky asked. “What happened?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Cliff replied. “He just sent me back in time a few minutes. I got here right before we did.” He frowned. “You know what I mean.”

Spirit looked around the restaurant for any sign of the draconequus. “Uh, Bro, does this sort of thing happen with you a lot?”

“Only when Discord runs out of other ways to keep himself amused.” Cliff shrugged. “You can stop looking for him, Spirit. It isn’t that big of a deal.”

Spirit shook his head. A little bit of time traveling with breakfast isn’t a big deal? Sure, why not? “At least you got a nice cloak out of it.”

“Oh, is it?” Cliff undid the clasp and held the whole thing out to Spirit. “You can have it, if you want.”

It was a tempting offer. The cloak was jet black with golden highlights, and all woven from some kind of material that was thick and looked warm while somehow remaining silky and free flowing. “You should hang onto it,” Spirit said with a sigh. Knowing Discord, it was probably cursed. “Anyway, do either of the two of you have any advice that isn’t going to scar me for life?” He gave his father an accusing look.

“Fine, here’s some real advice for you.” Sky leaned forward. “Talk to her. See what she likes and doesn’t. Don’t be afraid to experiment or try new things, but never try to get her to do anything she isn’t comfortable with. Above all else, remember that sex is fundamentally a duet. No team will function perfectly together without lots of practice.”

Cliff belched suddenly, producing a scroll that landed on the table in front of them all. “Sorry.” He picked it up and unrolled it. “Looks like Fluttershy decided to write me a little early today.”

“No worries.” Sky waved a claw dismissively.

As his older brother read, Spirit leaned over to their father and whispered, “Hey, Dad … thanks for the advice.”

“It’s what I’m here for,” Sky said.

“Anyway, Cliff, do you think maybe Discord’s right about telling everyone how you really got the Heart back? Fluttershy is on the mend, after all.” Spirit turned to his brother, only to find him staring at the letter in shock. “Uh, Cliff?”

No response.

Spirit waved his hand in front of the older wyrm’s face. “Cliff!”

Cliff took a deep breath. “Discord, please tell me that this isn’t another one of your pranks.”

“What isn’t?” Discord appeared behind the wyrm and leaned down over his shoulder. “… Oh my.” He grinned. “I do love it when the unexpected happens. Now what should I get Fluttershy to congratulate her?”

Sky groaned. “Would somedragon mind telling me what under the Stars you’re all talking about?”

Cliff looked up and a stunned smile worked its way across his face. “Fluttershy and I … we’re going to be parents.”