• Published 12th Oct 2016
  • 1,695 Views, 33 Comments

Black Bloom 2 - Bronycommander

Black Mesa was only the beginning. While Apple Bloom survived, Black Mesa still haunts her in her dreams.

  • ...

Chapter 13 Urban Flight

Chapter 13: Urban Flight

Gordon cleared a path. A city scanner blended Apple Bloom. She was covering her eyes. “My eyes, Ah cannot see!” Alyx destroyed them.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart.” Mia patted her as her vision returned.

“They’re looking for something… Probably us.”

“That’s another reason to get out of City 17. I pretty sure, it’s because of that data you have stolen in the Citadel. Soldiers!”

“From the rooftops!” Alyx confirmed this to Konrad as Overwatch Soldiers were rappelling down.

The Soldiers were shooting at Gordon and Alyx, but ignored the rest for some reason.

Gordon took a MP7 from the Soldiers after they were killed. “And I was hoping we'd get a bit farther before they noticed us again.” Alyx was disappointed.

After avoiding to be crushed by a Smart Barrier, they came to a street where a rebel medic was fighting Antlions. Gordon used cars to block the burrows.

“Good job Gordon. Want to join us?” Jacob asked.

“We'll follow when we can. ” The medic replied.

In a building, two Shotgun Soldiers placed trip mines. Surprised by Freeman, they accidently activated the trip mines, setting the entire room on fire.

“I’ll cover the street with Konrad while you figure this out Gordon.” Alyx guarded the door.
"Ah gave an idea! Apple Bloom built a teeter-totter with some objects. "We Apples are very imaginative when we have to improvise." She smiled proudly.

Gordon took out the fire after a few minutes.

The upper floor was filled with Standard Zombies and two Rollermines. Gordon grabbed the Rollermines, so Alyx could make them friendly.
Apple Bloom was next to a window as Konrad spotted a blue laser beam. “Sniper!” He threw Apple Bloom to the ground. The sniper missed.

“We can’t get through here while the sniper’s covering the street. Maybe you can use the Rollermines to get him. But be careful Gordon, as Overwatch Snipers will take leading shots.” Konrad warned him.

He wasn’t lying. Gordon barely managed it to get close enough to toss the mine in. The mines self-destructed after the Sniper was taken out.
“Nice toss, Gordon. This sniper almost took mah head off.” Gordon ruffled Apple Bloom's mane.

“I’ll climb up and take a look at what we’re walking into.” Konrad climbed up into the nest.
“They’re got the street fortified up ahead. I’ll cover you from here until you reach the far end. When the coast is clear, I’ll catch up. Let me shoot out the latch to get the ladder down from you. It’s been long time since I used a rifle like this.”

With a clean shot, the ladder was down. “Guess I still got it.”

With a scream, a fast Zombie lunged at Apple Bloom. “Get it off me!” She screamed as he tackled her to the ground. Konrad scored a headshot. Mia removed the body.

“Don’t worry, we will protect you.” Alyx took care of two Zombines while Gordon and Jacob took care of two Standard Zombies.

“Just like old times, eh, Gordon?” Gordon gave Jacob a thump up.

Inside an apartment they had to cross, were more Zombies. Gordon removed the plates so Konrad had a clear shot on them.

Outside the Apartment, Konrad killed a gunner of an Emplacement Gun while Gordon covered another burrow.

At the end of the street, Konrad was chased by Antlions. “Come on uncle, you can make it!” He slided through the closing barricade, a Antlions was squashed by it.

Gordon killed them with Mia. “Phew-glad that’s over.” Konrad was about to use an interface as the ground rumbled.

Alyx looked up. “Oh God… Looks like the reactors back on track for a meltdown. That transmission’s going out after all.” The ground rumbled again, causing Apple Bloom to lose her balance. It was like a thunderstorm with green lightings.

“It would be better if we find another way around those buildings, but we really don’t have time.”

“You’re right Konrad, let’s move.” Alyx reloaded her gun.

Jacob found some ammo for his MP7 and a grenade. They were in a Combine outpost as the radio chatter of Soldiers could be heard.
Konrad took some ammo for his AR2, Mia ammo for her shotgun.

“Whoof... I think we just broke about fifty Combine regulations. No eye contact with Combine soldiers.
Don't damage Combine property.
Don't kill the Combine representatives.
Have your papers out and available.
No loud noises after six o'clock... Or before six for that matter.” Alyx said before she heard a beeping sound.

“What’s that beeping sound?”

“The locks! They are set to self-destruct!” Konrad took cover.

Apple Bloom had to cough from the dusk as the doors exploded. But the group killed the Soldiers that stormed the room. Gordon used a charger for his suit.

Apple Bloom had a splinter in her hoof; her mother took care of it.

Gordon even took an AR2 for himself.

Apple Bloom's ears stood up as she heard fighting. “Sounds like an APC.”

“You’ll stay here, Gordon and I scout ahead.”

Jumping down into a small garage, Konrad couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Holy Mother of God! An Antlion Guard?! That’s the worst nightmare of an Overwatch Soldier!” Konrad had fought Antlions before. An APC and several Shotgun Soldiers were fighting it, to no avail.

"Are you scared? What happened to the fearless young soldier I used to know?"

"I'm not scared, just surprised!" Konrad defended himself.

Then, the Guard tried to ram them. Quickly steeping aside, the Guard crashed into the wall. As it was stunned now, Gordon used his Shotgun, while Konrad took care of the normal Antlions.

Alyx, Jacob and Mia assisted them from the catwalk. After a hard fight, the Guard was defeated. “Heh, that'll look nice in my trophy room. If I had one.”
Konrad covered Gordon with an Emplacement Gun as he blocked the burrows. Combine defenses used to keep these antlions away."

"At least the antlions hate the Combine as much as they hate us, Konrad." Jacob reloaded as the last one was dead.
More Soldiers came out of a hole of a damaged building. However, a rebel took care of them from a rooftop with a RPG.

“Oh man… another powered lock…” Alyx spotted a vent. ”Your vent-crawling skills seem to be in high demand today, Gordon.” Gordon crawled thought the vent.

Apple Bloom…


Apple Bloom…

“Who’s that?” She looked around.

We’re the Combine Advisors.

“Get out of mah head!” She kicked in fear only to hear a sound of someone gasping for air.

“Right… into the… solar plexus.” Konrad was holding his gut. “You just knocked the wind out of me.” He had breathing difficulties. Never thought that a child like her has so much strength.

“Ah’m sorry, uncle! Ah just wanted to get this voice out of mah head!”

“Just give me a minute or two and I will be fine.”

“Voices? What voices?” Alyx was confused.

Apple Bloom… the data that Alyx is carrying, is very important for us. You and your family are free to go however. Get out of City 17, before it is too late! the Advisor spoke in her head.

“Those creatures we saw in the citadel, spoke telepathically to me. They said that this data you are carrying is very important for the Combine. Ah, mommy, daddy and uncle are free to go however.”

The vent above them collapsed. “Gordon? Oh, back so soon?” Alyx joked as Gordon entered the vent again. She knelled down to Apple Bloom.

“So that explains why they are after us. This data must be VERY important for them.”

“That also explains why the Soldiers ignored us when we came out of the underground.” Mia realized.

Gordon opened the door for them. “There you are. I thought you might have forgotten about us.” Alyx was glad to see him.
The next corridor was blocked by a force field. Another lock prepared for self-destruct.

“Uh-oh… here we go again,” Alyx complained. As the door exploded, a Soldier was throwing an explosive barrel down. Gordon threw it back.
Gordon pulled the plug that powered the force field. He found a crossbow.

Out on the street again, they fought more Soldiers.

“Hey, over here!” a rebel called out after all Soldiers were eliminated.

“What are you still doing here? Everyone should clear out of the city.” Alyx asked.

“The Combine's not making it easy. We're trying to get enough people together to force our way through to the Trainstation. People are meeting up in a safe house nearby.”

“Can you take us there?”

“You bet. Let’s go.”

The rebel led them to a door. “Hey, it’s me. Open the door.”

“What’s the password?”

“I'm not even gonna tell you to shut up.”

“Come on in.”

The woman opened the door. Inside was a TV switched on, showing Kleiner's Breencast. “Uh, is Dr. Kleiner really telling everyone to… ‘Get busy’?” Alyx asked confused.

“See it positive, you can finally get children again!” Apple Bloom exclaimed happy. Mia chuckled.

“You’re right, Apple Bloom. But with you as our daughter, we are already happy enough.” Alyx and Gordon went upstairs.

She sat down on a couch with Jacob. Apple Bloom snuggled herself in with them. Jacob took his mask off.

“What idiot put Kleiner in charge?”

“Sometimes I think everybody's a doctor but me.”

“Everything we do seem to make things worse.”

“This was such a nice neighborhood too.”

“It used to be safer here.”

“We're sitting ducks in here. Or maybe fish in a barrel. Anyway, it's not good.”

“I hear it's a lot better out in the country.”

Apple Bloom yawned. “Ah don’t think this war’s ever gonna end.” She rested her head on her mother’s shoulder.

Mia stroke her mane. “He will end sweetie, he will. Someday.”

"Between you and us, I don't trust those Vortigaunts." Konrad leaned against the wall.

"Hey, is that an AR2?" The rebel that had explained the situation asked him.

"Yep. Ever used an AR2 before?"

"Noo...but I used to kill antlions with my bare hands before I got this MP7."

"Hey, you wanna go up against the Antlions with a your fists, that's your deathwish. Once my whole squad, save for me, got wiped out by an Antlion Guard. Only my experience I had from Black Mesa was what helped me to survive it." He could tell that the rebel tried to impress him and that is was a lie.

Alyx was about to take the stairs as a Headcrab shell smashed in, blocking the stairs.
“I wouldn't recommend using the stairs right now.”

“Then, let’s find another way up.” Konrad saw a door blocked by planks. Gordon removed them. Eventually, Jacob, Mia and Apple Bloom joined them to talk with Barney.

This section of the outpost was filled with Zombines and Standard Zombies.

Apple Bloom stepped on a damaged floor. It collapsed. “Apple Bloom!” Konrad jumped down to defend her from Zombies. “If you only harm on hair on her, I swear to God, I will shoot you right into the face!”

“Since when do you become a gangster?”

“Gangster? Didn’t notice that this sounded like a Gangster,” He replied to Apple Bloom.

He took Apple Bloom to the stairs again. “Taking the scenic route, eh?” Alyx joked before moving on.

Going through the same room again, they came to another Door. Barney opened it for them. He appeared very tired, was not shaved and his face was dirty.

“Gordon? Alyx! I don’t believe it! Jacob? You, your buddy and family? How did you get out of the Citadel?”

“We’re not exactly sure. All we know is the vortigaunts had something to do with it,” Mia explained. “But what about you, Barney?”

“I'm doing okay, just going crazy trying to—“

”They found us!” a rebel shot down a Scanner.

“Oh hell, Gordon! Were you followed again?”

“We stole some information from the Citadel on our way out. I don't know what it is yet, but it's important enough that they've been hounding us the whole way here.” Alyx showed him the Stick.

“Well that puts the pressure on. We gotta get moving. You guys know about the evacuation trains, right?”


“Yeah, well, we've been planning to make a push on the Trainstation. Now it looks like we're gonna have to cut a path through every chicken metrocop who's having second thoughts about defending City 17.”

“I hate to put Apple Bloom at risk, but if we took a separate route, we could draw the Combine away from you. That'd give you a chance to get the trains filled up before we get there.”

“Really? If you say so.” Barney scratched his neck, nervous about Apple Bloom.

“Don’t worry, Barney. With us, she will be safe.” Konrad and Jacob gave her a warm smile.

“Now, come over here. Look over here.” Barney took them to a bridge. “Okay. Across this bridge, over the rooftops, is a safe path to the station. You head that way. I'll hit the streets and round up everyone who's been waiting. We'll meet you there.”

“Sounds good. Let’s go. Alyx walked ahead with everyone but Gordon as Barney gave him a crowbar.

“Hey, Gordon, before you go. I was getting tired of carrying this around. Listen, I don't have many more of these so...try not to lose this one, okay? And watch Apple Bloom.”

“Don’t worry Barney, I will.”

“Go on across, Gordon. She's waiting for you. You lucky dog you.”

“Stop it Barney, we are just friends.” Gordon crossed the bridge.

“See you at the station!” Barney called out.

“Do you hear that?” Mia asked.

“It’s a gunship. Get back!” They avoided being spotted by it.

“Oh, I hate these things!” Alyx killed some Poison Headcrabs.

“Me too.” Apple Bloom shivered at the thought as she was bitten by one of them back in Ravenholm.

Crossing another bridge, the group entered the former hospital of City 17.

“Hey, a hospital! Keep an eye out for medical supplies.”

“Good. I need to replenish my supplies.” Mia scanned the room.

In the storage room, Soldiers were fighting Zombies. The Gunship fired through the window. By staying close to the wall, Apple Bloom avoided being it by it.

At the attic, Konrad grabbed an RPG to destroy the Gunship. “You know that…” Alyx looked at him confused and worried.

“I KNOW it's technically impossible to fire a RPG from an enclosed position. Don't read the manual next time and you won’t care so much!”
He steered the missile around the Gunship to avoid its fire. After three hits, it crashed right into the attic.

“My hero!” Apple Bloom hugged him.

“Jesus, Konrad, you’re a real terror.”

“Thanks, Alyx.”

“That's one less gunship in the world!” Jacob cheered.

“Now, THAT would be look nice in your trophy room!” Mia commented.

“Oh well...I don't have a trophy room anyway.”

“Think it’s dead? Maybe you should whack it with the crowbar just in case, Gordon.” He and Jacob whacked it with crowbar and Stun Stick for Alyx. It was dead.

The door to the next room prepared to self-destruct. “Oh God… not again…” Alyx complained as she moved away from the door.
As it exploded, Konrad shot a missile right into the group of Soldiers, killing all of them.

Gordon “defused” another Hooper Mine. “So much for medical supplies. I found a shotgun!” Alyx took a shotgun from a rack.

Konrad deactivated the field. They fought Zombies and Soldiers alike. A Shotgun Soldier barely missed Apple Bloom.

“Heh, you're gonna wish you hadn't done that.” Konrad said cold-blooded before killing him.

“Didn’t know you were so cold-blooded,” Mia commented.

“Cold-blooded? Nothing cold-blooded about me. I get quite worked-up.”

Another Shotgun Soldier was retreating from Zombies. He was killed by Mia. “Got one!”

“You're not going to kill me that easily.” Jacob killed another Shotgun Soldier that tried to shoot him.

A Squad of Elite Soldiers was fighting Zombies. Konrad used his last Energy Ball to kill them.

This corridor was a dead-end. The only way was through a doorway. Several Standard Zombies were trying to claw it open. They couldn’t do it.

A Poison Zombie destroyed it with tremendous and seemingly explosive force. "Grenade!"

Konrad threw a grenade between the Zombies, so they all were burning.

As the Poison Zombie burned, it couldn’t throw any Headcrabs. While on fire, all Zombies were easy targets.

Apple Bloom tripped. She fell down into the flooded basement. Gordon and Konrad jumped down to help her.

“Oh no! Apple Bloom! Are you okay?” Alyx called down. Apple Bloom spilled water out, while Gordon gave her a sign that everything was okay.

A howl of fast Zombies could be heard. “Damn! More Zombies!” Mia killed two Standard Zombies that fell also into the basement.

“There must be another way up there. I’ll take care of the Barnacles, you help Apple Bloom.” Gordon helped Apple Bloom in the water. Sure, she had learned to swim, but was so exhausted that she had difficulties to keep afloat.

Gordon helped Apple Bloom to an exit. He sighed. “Should have known it is a powered lock. You stay at the door. I and Konrad will find the switch.”

“Okay Gordon, Ah wait here.”

Konrad had killed all barnacles he could find. Gordon had found the switch.

“Careful now. One wrong move and you’re dead.” Konrad carefully jumped across the room back to Apple Bloom with Gordon.
Moving up the stairs, Alyx, Jacob and Mia jumped down to them from a hole above.

“Sorry about leaving you alone down there. We got a bit swamped.”

“It’s alright, Alyx.”

“I see you did all right without us.” Mia reloaded her shotgun.

Now, the way led to a destroyed room. Two doors led outside but Zombies were waiting. Gordon placed some Hooper Mines at the doors.
“Here they come!” A Poison Zombie destroyed the door. “They’re through the door!”

Gordon used a flare to burn the Poison Zombie and Zombines before he switched to his shotgun. As long as a Zombine was burning, he wasn’t able to sprint or use his grenade. A Tombine was too close for comfort for Konrad, so he used all his strength in a single punch of his left hand. The headcrab got ripped off, and he shook his left hand in disgust.

“Burn!” Jacob used his pistol to finish a Standard Zombie off.

“Ha ha, got another one!” Mia cheered.

The Zombies only focused on the humans and ignored Apple Bloom. However a Standard Zombie was about to swing his claws at her, but she bucked him as hard as she could.

While it caused him to stumble, Mia killed him before he could harm Apple Bloom.

“No one harms my daughter and gets away with it!”

After dealing with all Zombies, the group came to an Operating room where someone seems to have been burnt by a loose electrical cable.
“What kind of hospital is this?”

"I don’t know but for some reason it was shelled,” Konrad answered to Alyx.

“I hear turrets. Apple Bloom, Mia, you stay back, Gordon and I will handle this.” Konrad peeked around the corner.

The Sentry Guns were behind a force field in a metal cabinet holding them in place. There were also Hooper Mines.

Gordon ran from cover to cover and reprogrammed the Mines. Any Zombie that came out from the rooms that were connected to the corridor, were killed by the turrets.

The A.I. of the turrets wasn’t smart enough to see Konrad and Jacob as deflectors and rebels.

Konrad used a grenade once he was close enough to the field. It pulled the plug that powered the field and the turrets. “Coast is clear, you can come out now.” He called out.

At a door, they heard Kleiners speech. “Yes! The Trainstation!” Alyx and Apple Bloom were glad that they made it to the Trainstation at least.

“Finally! Let's get out of here.” Jacob was also glad.

“I have not...come this far...to die now!” Konrad was ready for the final chapter of this journey.

Author's Note:

So, they made it throught the trainstation. Ready for the last chapter? If you're wondering, the Leaders of the Combine let, Mia, Jacob and Konrad go as Breen could convince them that they're no threat to them and only want to protect Apple Bloom and get her to safety.

And I apologize for Konrad's outburst in the hospital and his gangster speech, but after I saw this part of this video, I couldn't resist to use it here.