• Published 25th Sep 2012
  • 2,259 Views, 143 Comments

A Long Journey - Y1

Spike is kidnapped by six mercanaries and dragged across the world to face an uncertain future.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Outset

A Long Journey
Chapter 1: outset

“So uh… why did all these dead people want to kidnap me?” Spike asked as he almost tripped over his third corpse.

“Same reason we did, kid,” the rainbow-haired one answered him. “Cash.”

“No, I know that. What I meant was why did someone want me in the first place?” No one answered him, and they continued to walk in silence for a minute.

After a moment the pink one with the swords spoke. “Oh... that’s why all the people were partying there...” She giggled and shrugged. “I didn’t even know there was a bounty hunt happening.”

Spike paused to stare at her, but the nerdy looking lady with the glasses pushed him into motion again. “Then why were you even here?” he asked.

She glanced back over at him, brushing her pink scraggly hair out of her vision. “Oh, well I saw the car crash and gun fight, so I thought I’d come and join the fun.”

Spike blinked and paused again, only to be shoved once more. He stumbled forward. “Do you mind?” He asked her, only to get pushed again.

“Time’s a factor.” She frowned and gestured with her gun. “Walk on your own with us, or wait here for another hoard of bounty hunters who’ll kill you in a crossfire.”

He scowled at her before he turned and faced the front. They walked in silence for a while longer until Spike asked again. “So, where are we going then?” No one answered him. “Hey, cowgirl lady, where are we going?”

She glanced back at him, from the front of the line. “Mah truck.”

“Alright… then where?”

“Mah safe house.”

Spike groaned in frustration. “You know what I mean.”

She just shrugged.

“Oh come on!” Spike almost screamed. “Is it that hard for one of you to explain to me what’s going on? One moment I‘m having a stroke or something, the next Crazy Rainbow here,” -he jerked his head at her and she grunted- “is throwing me on her bike, then gunshots and car crashes and I sort of lost track after that. But the point is what, the hell, is happening?!”

“Kid, few things. First, my name’s Rebecca.” She paused and added, “Though I do kinda like being Crazy Rainbow. Second, asking any corporates for information is pointless. And third, you’re preaching to the choir here. I know jack shit too, and if I had to guess, most of these ladies know about as much as you or I. They’re here for the cash as well, remember?”

Spike glanced across at her. “Who even set the bounty on me?”

“Luna Industries.” Rebecca shrugged. “Though I got no idea why. From what I know, Celesticorp are the ones that have us by the balls.” She turned to face the front. “Hey! Cowgirl! What does Celesticorp want with the kid?”

“My name’s Spike.”

“Whatever, dude.” Rebecca shrugged. “Cowgirl, what’s Celesticorp want with Spike?”

“How should Ah know?” She shrugged.

“What, you just take orders from them and never ask why?”

“Like you said, corporates don’t tell nobody nothin’.” She rounded a corner, and the group followed after her.

“So none of you even know why you’re kidnapping me?” Spike asked.

“I know if I don’t Celesticorp’ll give me a heart attack.” Rebecca shrugged. “That’s all the reason I need at the moment.”

Up ahead Spike spotted a battered white pickup truck. “That’s yours?” he asked the blond cowgirl.

“Yep.” she answered.

“I call driver!” Rebecca shouted.

The cowgirl snorted. “Call it all you like. Mah car, Ah drive.”

“Whatever dude. I’ll arm wrestle you for it.”

She snorted again and walked right past her.

“Are you twelve?” Spike asked Rebecca.

She shrugged. “Whatever, I call shotgun then.”

“Fine. Ah don’t care, but the kids got the middle seat. You can fight over who gets to hang on in the back. It’s only a five seater.”

“I refuse to take the back.” Spike glanced over at the pretty lady who had spoken. “The dust would be awful.”

The cowgirl snorted again. “Like Ah said. Do as you like.” She turned away muttering, “You’re all dead weight anyway.”

She was about to walk away, when the Pink lady stepped in front of her. Spike noticed Jack’s hand go under her coat.

“Just so you know, but I’m gonna see what a cowgirl’s insides look like.”She giggled and tilted her head. “I wonder if you’ll taste like beef?” she shook her head and smiled at Jack, a hand extended for a shake. “I’m Patricia by the way.”

If the cowgirl was fazed by that, she didn’t show it. All she did was raise her eyebrow and say, “Girl, better ‘an you have tried. Now get outta mah way.”

Patricia giggled. “You’re good, but you’re not that good. No one’s better than me.” She stepped aside. “I’d have had you if it wasn’t for those nanites.”

“If you say so,” was the reply as she walked around the front of the car and hopped in the driver side. “You can take the back.”

Patricia gave a salute and giggled before flipping her legs in an overhead handstand as she vaulted into the back. The lady with the bandanna covering her face jumped in the back with her, and Spike found himself shoved into the middle seat between the glasses lady and the pretty lady. He really needed to learn all these people’s names.

The keys were turned in the ignition, and the car pulled away.

“So what are your names anyway?” he asked as he tried to get comfortable. A task that was a little difficult when your hands were tied together behind your back. He hadn’t even tried to escape yet, but they weren’t being gentle with him.

“Rachel Diamond, sweetie,” the prettier one answered him. “Samuel Everson?”

“People call me Spike.” He shrugged. “But, yeah that’s my name.”

“Might I say Samuel, you seem to be taking this all rather well.” Rachel turned to him. “I know I wouldn’t handle similar circumstances half as calmly.”

Spike felt himself alight at the comment, but he decided to play it cool and shrugged. “I dunno… I guess you just get used to sudden violence when you live in Filly.” Not even remotely true. But hey, if the most beautiful woman in the world was going to compliment him on it...

“Hah!” laughed Rebecca from up front. “Think this place is rough?” She turned back in her seat to face him. “This isn’t half as bad as where I lived.”

“Deadlands?” the cowgirl asked.

“Shit, yeah! Born and raised.” She sat straight in her seat and faced the driver. “How about you, cowgirl?”

“Name’s Jack, not cowgirl.”

“Whatever dude. Where you from?”

Jack snorted. “Ah’ve known you for five minutes at best. Think it’s a little early to get into that?”

Rebecca shrugged. “Whatever.” She turned back in her seat. “What about you, four eyes?” she looked over her shoulder at the nerdy lady in the business suit.

“Theresa Umbrage, though I prefer Umbrage,” she answered, before turning to face Jack. “So you work for Celesticorp?”

“No more ‘an you do,” she replied.

Theresa didn’t seem worried about the vague answer. “What can you tell me about this operation? Who’s running it, what the goal is, why they’re operating in Luna Industries territory?”

Jack was a good driver. The car was moving at a pretty fast speed and she had it under control, easily evading any obstacles. She knew the city too, and Spike could see the route they were taking was a fast track out of the city.

Jack didn’t answer at first, but after a while she shrugged. “Ah know this operation was botched. They threw it together at the last minute, and had ta change plans halfway through anyway. Don’t know why they wanted the kid, or why the Moonies did either.”

Theresa nodded. “I suspected as much. A nanite drop in Luna Industries territory is a very bold move. Do you know anything else? What their original plan was, who’s running this?”

“Near as Ah can tell, the original plan involved conscripting me an’ a few others to grab the kid. Like Ah said, it seemed to me like it was rushed. The bounty Luna Industries set up seemed like a mess to me too.”

Rebecca interrupted. “Conscripting you? So what, you’re in the same boat we are?”

Jack shrugged. “Ah guess. All I know was they wanted me for some reason, and you guys were thrown in at the last minute.” She glanced across at Rebecca. “An’ they knew you by name.”

“Huh?” Rebecca asked.

“Ah was gonna leave you there, but they specifically told me to give you the other half of the nanites. Knew you by name and everything.” She shrugged. “Threatened to kill me right there if Ah didn’t. You got somethin’ to do with all this?”

Rebecca turned forward in her seat. “Nah, I just jumped on the bounty.”

“Alright,” Spike interrupted. “So to summarise this, I’ve been kidnapped by a group of bounty hunters and mercenaries, none of whom know each other, none of whom know me, and none of them even know why they’re doing it in the first place.”

Jack snorted. “That’s the short of it.”

Rebecca glanced back at him. “Really not a good day for you, huh?”

“You think?” Spike asked dryly.

“Don’t worry kid.” Rebecca shrugged. “Think of it this way; at least they want us to take you in alive.” She grinned at him.

“Yeah, silver lining,” Spike muttered.

Theresa spoke again. “So you don’t know any names in this?”

Jack shrugged. “The person I was talking to was Gilda, and someone else named Cadance got mentioned.”

“I don’t know any Cadances or Gildas that work for Celesticorp.” Theresa frowned, as if not knowing annoyed her. “And I only know of one Gilda.”

Rebecca interrupted. “I know a Gilda, but I doubt she’d work for Celesticorp.”

“Well it was this Gilda who knew you by name.” Jack shrugged at Rebecca, and glanced at Theresa through her rear view mirror. “And the Gilda you’re thinking of, that’s the one Ah was talkin’ to.”

Theresa blinked in surprise. “Really?”

“Yup. I’d know that face anywhere.”

Theresa paused. “You’ve met Gilda? As in the Gilda. Biggest bounty Luna Industries ever placed on anyone Gilda?”

“That one.”

“Wait wait wait,” Rebecca interrupted. “Are we talking about the same person? Tall, bald and broad? Swears like a sailor, total bitch and tough as nails?”

“Yep, that one. You know her?” Jack asked.

“I’ll say I know her. I saved her goddamn life!” Rebecca sounded pissed off. “How the hell do you know her?”

Jack shrugged. “I’m a bounty hunter, she’s a bounty. Pretty simple relationship.”

Rebecca was looking angry. “So what, you tried to catch her?”

“Me an’ some others. Heard of Lulamoon and Gustav’?”

Rebecca nodded.

“Well them and a few others. We were working with Luna Industries backing, trying to track her down. Didn’t go well. Gustave died. don’t know what happened to Lullamoon, though I saw her alive ‘bout a month back. The Moonies pulled out, and the others were either dead or scattered.”

“How?” Theresa asked.

“Hell, if Ah know. Ambush, sniper fire, explosives. This didn’t all happen at once, but after a few weeks o’ that happening pretty much every day, Ah don’t blame the others for pulling out. Eventually it was just me an’ Gustave. You don’t need the details but we tailed her for damn near a month. Eventually we caught her not waiting for us, and we thought we had her.” Jack shrugged again. “Gustave died.” She rolled up her sleeve and showed a thick scar on her forearm. She turned her arm over and showed a similar scar on the other side. “She had a big knife. Went right ‘tween the bones. Almost bled me out. Ah decided it wasn’t worth it an’ backed off. Not that that turned out well. For some reason she tracked me down again a few months later, and sat me down for a chat. Ah’m not takin’ mah jacket off, but there’s another big long knife scar there.”

Theresa looked quite interested. “What did she want?”

“Just to tell her what Ah knew ‘bout some bounty Ah turned in a month earlier. Dumbass guy stole something from Luna Industries. Ah’m guessing they were stitches, but it was just a bag full of weird sealed letters and such. Gilda let me go, and Ah walked away.”

Rebecca seemed shocked. “That can’t be Gilda.”

Jack glanced at her. “Why not?”

“… Because Gilda’s not… she’s not some uber badass. I mean she’s tough and all, and crazy enough to be damn scary but… she’s just not smart like that, and there’s no way in hell she could’ve taken on all those bounty hunters and Moonies.” Rebecca shook her head. “It has to be someone else, or she’s not working alone or something.”

Jack shrugged. “Well Ah don’t know any other gals that are taller ‘an Ah am, bald, pen ink tattoos, swear like she does and can go toe to toe with me. It’s a pretty rare combination of attributes.”

Rebecca didn’t say anything; just leaned back in her seat and stared forward with her her arms crossed.

Rachel spoke up. “So what plan is in place here?”

Jack sighed in annoyance and glanced at her in the mirror. “We’re going to mah safe house nearby, picking up some supplies and making our way north to Trotonto. Hopefully Celesticorp won’t leave us high and dry, so we won’t be completely doomed when Luna Industries gets their act together and comes after us proper.”

“Trotonto?” Rachel repeated looking unhappy. “That’s on the other side of the continent! I have business here.”

Jack snorted. “Well if you’re in the business of not dying then you’re going to have to prioritise a bit.”

Theresa sniffed and sat back in her chair. She spoke up after a second. “That was an awful lot of information you just offered,” she stated flatly. “How do we know any of it’s true? What’s to say you aren’t lying to us?”

Jack snorted. “Why would Ah lie?”

“Why wouldn’t you? Who’s to say Gilda has anything to do with this.?

Jack rolled her eyes and glared at Theresa. “You’re a corporate, aren’t ya?”

She didn’t answer.

“Listen sugar, most folk like to do their business straightforward-like without worryin’ about backstabbers an’ loopholes. Ah do my business up front. That stuff was all o’ your business. It’s really that simple.”

Theresa didn’t comment again. Though she did take out her mobile phone and flip it open. After a second she closed it and sighed. “Luna Industries cancelled my mobile plan. Check your phones.”

“Don’t have a phone.” Rebecca shrugged. “Never needed one.”

Rachel took out her phone, before sighing.

Spike yelped when he felt Theresa’s hand sliding into his back pocket. “What are you doing?!” he shouted in annoyance.

“Checking your phone,” Theresa replied as she took it out. “Cancelled too.” Spike rolled his eyes as she continued. “Not surprising. Both corporations have complete control over communications. If we’re lucky, Celesticorp will provide for us.”

They were silent after that, and Spike sat there looking out the window. They’d left Fillydelphia and were now cruising through the bumpy wastelands that defined Badworld. It was a few seconds before he got bored with the scenery and started to look at the other people in the car.

Rachel was the most beautiful, he decided. Not that there was much competition, but Rachel was basically the perfect standard of hotness. Spike was a teen, his hormones were active, and he had no doubt that she’d feature in a few of his dreams. Her brunette hair was long and elegant, and her blue eyes were just damn sexy. She had a perfectly-shaped face and luscious lips. She was dressed in nice clothes, and from what Spike could see, she was perfectly curvy. Which was unusual for any Badworld survivor. Not only that, but the way she walked and talked... There was this... classiness about her.

Jack was probably the next prettiest, but the killer’s eyes were a bit off putting. She was pretty enough in the face, with her freckles, green eyes and blonde hair. Spike hadn’t seen her body yet, hidden beneath her heavy duster like it was, but if her forearms were any indication, then she was well toned. Her hands were calloused, and she probably had a ton of scars. Overall she might have been pretty, but her general demeanour and baggage was enough to turn Spike away.

Rebecca was cute enough, in a tomboyish way, but Spike still had memories of her with a gun. It’d been damn scary. The feral grin on her face as she ducked between different pieces of cover and nailed perfect headshot after headshot. How she’d tied his hands behind his back when he tried to run, and dragged him kicking and screaming through a wall of death. The entire time they’d been in danger she’d looked like she was having the time of her life. No, that wasn’t Spike’s particular cup of tea. Even if she was pretty damn hot and athletic.

Theresa was the least pretty. Not that she was ugly, just strictly average. Her glasses covered businesslike eyes, and her face was set in a frown. Her darker skin made her seem slightly exotic, but other than that she was really plain. Her business suit hid any figure she might have had, but to Spike she looked thin and wiry. He noticed calluses on her hands, and he had no doubt she was a killer just as much as Rebecca or Jack.

It was then he realised something. He was the only guy here. Spike couldn’t help but smirk to himself. That didn’t sound so bad. Then he remembered they were all killers and mercenaries. Well, except maybe Rachel. She didn’t give the ‘I stab you dead’ impression the others did. Though, if she was after a bounty then she had to be dangerous in some way. Or an idiot. One of the two.

“Shit, Trotonto’s really far away isn’t it?” Rebecca said suddenly. “How long’s it going to take us to get there?”

“Assuming that Celesticorp wants us to take him all the way?” Jack shrugged. “Three months at least.”

“Why three months?” Rachel asked from the back. “We have a car, and yes it is several thousand miles, but with fuel we can drive that in a week or perhaps two.”

“We can’t drive all the way for one thing. Don’t know how far you’ve been from Filly, but the roads don’t last. We’ll need resupplies and you can bet we’ll change vehicles a few times ‘fore this is over. Plenty o’ places that we’ll have to cross on foot, and that’s assuming we can get a new ride on the other side of ‘em. Girl, if we’re really taking off for Trotonto, then this is the long haul. No quick in or out. Plus we’ll have pursuit, which means delays when we try to shake ‘em, and Ah doubt we won’t run into delays with others in front trying to stop us.”

Rachel leaned back into her seat looking worried. “Well, is there any way we can get rid of these nanites?”

“It’s possible,” Theresa replied. “But I doubt the chances. We’d need their frequency, and access to the satellite they’re remote tracking us with. Then we’d need a decent computer to hack the AI’s and spoof them into leaving our system without killing us, or at the very least not give or receive orders. Even then, that last one’s a long shot because they’ll stay in our system, and all it would take is someone to provide a new frequency and we’d be in the same situation again. That would take hours to do, and in that time they could kill us quite easily.”

“You seem to know a lot about it.” Rebecca glanced back at her.

“I’ve done nanite recruitment to others in the past,” Theresa answered. “This is my first time having it done to me.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gilda stalled a moment longer as she watched the conversation on screen. The mobile phone in her hand was flipped open, and Jack’s number was tapped in, but Gilda really didn’t want to do this.

“Gilda?” Clara asked from her right. “We need to go. If you’re going to make your personal call, then do it now before we pack up.”

“Shut up Cadance.” Gilda muttered as she hit dial. A pit formed in her stomach as the phone connected, and on the screen Gilda watched through Rebecca’s eyes as Jack answered. Goddamn it, she hated that these Celesticorp douchebags would be watching Rebecca like this.

“Jack,” said the voice on the other end.

“Yeah it’s Gilda. Uh… put Rebecca on.”

Onscreen Jack glanced at Rebecca before handing the phone across. “For you.” A hand reached across and took the phone.

“Yeah?” a scratchy voice said in Gilda’s ear.

“Hey Rebecca… It’s me,” Gilda said. She gave a desperate little smile, as if Rebecca could see it and continued, “How’s it going, dude?”

“Gilda?” the voice on the other end said. “What the fuck!”

Gilda winced.

“You fucking abandon me after I save your life, I don’t see or hear from you in six years, and now you’ve gotten me conscripted in some corporate shit, and you open with ‘how’s it going, dude’? How the fuck do you think it’s going?!”

Gilda put her fingers to her brows and looked down. “Yeah, shit. I know, I know.”

“You better fucking know. What the fuck is going on!”

“Look dude… uh… Shit. Look, I didn’t abandon you-”

“No, you just left me for dead two days after I save your life! I killed at least a hundred people!”

Gilda winced. “Yeah I know, I know, but I left you with a gun and a bike and cash and everything.”

“Oh, yeah that makes it all better! Especially when the town we were in tries to lynch me for the shit you stole! We were fucking sisters dude! How the fuck would you leaving ever be okay! You know what I fucking did for you?!”

Gilda couldn’t answer. They were silent for a second until Gilda spoke. “Look, for what it’s worth I’m sorry. Alright? I fucked up. But...”

“But what?!”

Gilda sighed and found herself a seat. “Dude, I got wrapped up in some shit that… Look, I didn’t know if I was just crazy, or if it was for real, or whatever. But I knew that there was no fucking way I was going to get you involved in it. It was some real heavy shit, okay?”

“Oh! That was where the heavy shit started! Never mind what I had to do before that! You were worried I couldn’t handle it! No warning no nothing, just up in the night and run!”

Gilda put her palm to her face again. “It’s just that… Shit…”

“Yeah! It is shit!”’

“Oh for fuck’s sake Rebecca!” Gilda shouted and stood up. “I’m so fucking sorry that it hurts! I didn’t want to leave you there, but after what you did for me there was no way in hell I was going to drag you down into my god awful mess, alright!? I never wanted you involved in any of this!”


“What do you want me to say dude? I’d fucking kill for you, alright? I’d die for you, and if you asked me to, I’d do any fucking thing, but there was no way in hell I was going to let you die on my crazy ass suicide mission that I didn’t even know was legit!”

“Just tell me, what the hell happened? What the fuck is it that’s got you doing… this?!”

“…I can’t… I can’t explain it…”

“…You’re kidding right?”

“No… I mean, I’m surrounded by Celesticorp retards, and you’re in a car full of mercs and killers. If it was just you and me, then fine I’d tell you, but as it is…”

Rebecca sighed on the other end. “Why didn’t you just tell me back then? Huh? If it’s so hard now, then why not explain shit back then?”

“Because back then I thought I was going nuts! I didn’t know if it was real, or what it had to do with me, and if I told you, then you’d have tried to help me.”


“Look… About the mess you’re in now.”

“Thanks to you.”

“Hey, that’s not fair! I didn’t know you were in Filly, I didn’t think the kid would be there, and I sure as hell wouldn’t have let them do that nanite drop if I knew you were going to get hit.”

“Whatever. What about this mess?”

“Look, that kid in the back?” Gilda watched as Rebecca glanced back at him. “He’s important. Keep him alive, kay? I’m gonna do what I can to help you out, but until I actually get down there with you guys, I can’t do much. There’s shit happening up here that I need to get involved in, but I swear first chance I get I’m coming south.”


“The kid’s important, not just to me but to… well, everyone. So are you. Both of you need to stay alive, alright? I’m not kidding dude. Keep yourself and him breathing. Everyone else in that car’s expendable as far as I know.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m not joking. You need to stay alive, and keep the kid safe too.”


“Urr… Look, I can’t explain it now. The kid’s basically a living stitch and you’re… well… Fuck. Just trust me you’re important too. Stay alive. I know that sounds obvious, but just trust me.”

“Okay…?” she sounded confused.

Gilda noticed that Clara was listening carefully, but continued anyway. No way in hell would she ever figure it all out. No one would. The truth was so bat shit crazy Gilda wasn’t sure why she believed it, even with everything she’d seen.

“Look, Rebecca… I know you. I know that you’re probably going to be spending a lot of time with those ladies, and you’re gonna have to work together and fight and stuff. And, I know that you get attached pretty easily, and that… loyalty… is what you do best. But I’m telling you, don’t trust those people. Don’t put your life on the line for them. They’ll stab you in the back or get you killed, and only you and the kid matter. Okay?”

“…No? You’re making no freaking sense.”

Gilda grit her jaw. “Look, just please please stay alive, and don’t trust any of them. I mean, if you have to rely on someone then Jack’s… straightforward? Eh, she won’t stab you in the back at least. She’s good at what she does, and she was only honest with me. Otherwise, don’t trust them or put your life on the line for any of them alright?”

“What?” Rebecca sounded confused. “You make it sound like I’m just gonna get myself killed.”

“Rebecca… remember your plan to save me? That’s the sort of shit I’m talking about. Crazy stupid stuff when the smart thing to do would be sit by and watch.”

Rebecca paused. “Well it worked, didn’t it?”

Gilda snorted. “Yeah… Shit plan though. Look, just please don’t die for these people.”

“Why would I?”

Because you’re the element of loyalty. If you become friends with those people, then them getting hurt will hurt you just as bad as I did.

Gilda sighed and put her hand to her face.“Just don’t alright.”


“I have to go now.” Gilda paused. “But Rebecca?”


“I’m really looking forward to seeing you again.” With that Gilda hung up the phone. She turned to face Cadance. “Alright, let’s get the fuck out of Canterlot.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rebecca hung the phone up and frowned. What the fuck was that? She smashed her fist into the car’s dashboard. The thing didn’t break, so she snarled and hit it again. It took her a moment to notice that everyone else in the car was watching her.

She grit her jaw and leaned back in her seat. “You all heard that?” she asked.

Jack snorted. “A little hard not to.”

Rebecca’s lips twitched. “Fair enough.”

“The part of that that concerns me is where I’m expendable.” Rachel said aloud from the back.

Theresa didn’t comment, just leaning back and looking like she was thinking. Stupid four eyes.

The kid said something that made Rebecca smirk though. “Not a single part of that made any sense. Hell, it raised more questions than it answered. All we know now is it’s definitely the same Gilda that wants me.”

Theresa spoke after they’d driven in silence for a while. “So how do you know Gilda?”

Rebecca shrugged and grunted. It’s not like she had to answer.

In the corner of her eye she noticed Jack watching her. “What?”

Jack shrugged. “Nothin’. Just weird to think Gilda gave me a recommendation.”

Rebecca snorted. “Well, least likely to stab me in the back isn’t something you should really be proud of.”

Jack chuckled. “True enough.”

The thing that really got Rebecca was, Gilda was right. Hadn’t seen her for six years, and that shit she said about getting attached was still true. She’d already started to accept the situation before the phone call. Rebecca was a social creature; she might have pretended otherwise, but the idea of spending a few months with the same six people actually didn’t worry her. When you get people together like that, then friendship forms, bonds are made and by the end of it everyone knows everyone. Plus the idea of being on the run and hands on guns sounded kinda awesome. Honestly, this whole thing sounded right up her alley.

To have someone know you so well despite everything was… well, kinda unnerving and cool at the same time. Six years since she’d seen Gilda, and they still knew each other that well. Rebecca smirked. Even through all that, she couldn’t wait to see that ugly mug again.

She leaned forward to turn on the radio, but then noticed the empty spot where it should be. “Your car’s lame dude. Where’s the radio?”

“Extra weight, don’t need it.”

“You suck… Any idea how boring this is gonna be for three months?”

Jack shrugged. “Well look on the bright side. We ain’t gonna argue about which station.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“How did the situation resolve?” Luna asked Gilda. “Do you have good news to report?”

“Yeah, good and bad,” Gilda answered and started to pace the black platform beneath her boots. “Well we got the kid. Spike’s on his way to Trotonto, and at the moment they haven’t got Luna Industries right on their tail. Of the six we conscripted, none of the seem like total dupes or dead weight, but one of them seems a bit crazy. Over all it’s the best we’ve got in a bad situation.”

“That is good. Who are the six?”

“Well, that’s where the problems start. Firstly, one of them’s Rebecca.”

Luna blinked. “As in your sister? Rainbow Dash, the Bearer of Loyalty?”

Gilda nodded. “Yeah.” She cracked a grin. “God, it’s still hard for me to believe she’s like this destiny’s chosen one or whatever.”

Luna smiled. “Well, with the hair and eye colour you describe, the voice and foolhardy heroics, I see no one else who could be her.”

“Yeah I know. Rebecca’s Rainbow Dash, but it’s just hard to think of her like that. But with nanites in her like that, she’s in Celesticorp’s hands.”

Luna sighed. “That is acceptable, though not ideal. We were planning on handing her over to my sister eventually, just not so soon.”

“Hey! We’re not handing Rebecca over to anyone.” Gilda jabbed a finger at Luna. “We were gonna get her in on this eventually, but if she didn’t want to, there was no way I’m handing her over.”

Luna sighed. “Yes, yes. Your concern is understandable, but she would have to go whether she wanted to or not. Regardless of our involvement, Celly would find her eventually.”

Gilda grit her jaw but didn’t comment. This was an old argument. “Whatever. The next of the six is Jack. I’ve told you about her, real badass. Good asset.”

“Her? I thought Jack was a stallion’s name in this world.”

“Normally yeah, but she calls herself Jack.” Gilda shrugged “I didn’t pick her name.”

Luna’s brow furrowed. “Applejack was the name of the Bearer of Honesty.”

Gilda blinked. “Shit, yeah you told me about that. Could it be her?”

Luna pursed her lips. “Maybe. Describe what you know of this Jack to me, and we shall see.”

“Uh… Tall, not quite as tall as me, blond, green eyes, freckles.” Gilda shrugged. “Thick accent. You know, the drawl.” She mimicked it for a second. “Says everythin’ lahk this.”

Luna nodded. “That matches Applejack, but blond manes were fairly common. Green eyes less so, but still not a rarity.” She paused. “What else? Is she particularly honest?”

Gilda shrugged. “I don’t know her well, but she never lied to me. Even after I stabbed her and tied her down.”

Luna nodded. “Well it is possible, maybe probable, that this is her. Jack may be Applejack. For now you should endeavour to keep her alive.”

Gilda nodded. “Alright. Next there’s a few that I didn’t recognise. Rachel, some pretty brunette.”

“That does not sound familiar.”

“Well, she had blue eyes and seems a bit upper crust to me.”

Luna thought about it. “Rarity is a possibility, but those shared attributes are quite thin.”

Gilda shrugged. “Well I don’t know about her skill set, but the file Cadance pulled up has her as private investigator or something. She was making good cash.”

Luna shook her head. “Well those attributes don’t link her any more strongly.”

“Next is Theresa. Nerdy, dark skin, black hair. Wears glasses. Cadance had her as a gun for hire, though she seemed to focus on work as a hitman.”

“Twilight was learnéd, but never wore glasses. Possible, but not probable.”

“There was someone named Philomena. Worked as merc, but I couldn’t see her face and she didn’t say anything. I can’t tell you a damn thing about her. She didn’t say anything really. Cadance’s file had her as a merc.”

Luna shrugged. “Well that could be anypony.”

“Last is Patricia. Giggled a lot. Had pink Deadlands hair and blue eyes. Cadance didn’t have a file on her.”

“That sounds like Pinkie Pie, the Bearer of Laughter. Anything else known about her?”

“No, she just giggled a lot. Seemed like a nut job to me.”

Luna sighed. “Well, we are certain Rebecca is Rainbow Dash, Jack is a likely candidate for Applejack, and the others have some connections. They were all six mares?”

Gilda had long gotten used to Luna’s pony terminology. “Yeah, the six of them are chicks, just like the elements. But isn’t it a bit of a stretch that all six bearers would be together in Fillydelphia just as we’re going after Spike?”

“I’ve long told you that destiny has a part to play, even in this world.”

Gilda snorted. “If you say so. I’m not about to doubt you now after everything, but you’re gonna have to sell me on the idea that they’re the Bearers.”

Luna shook her head. “I never said they were, just that it was possible.”

“I better go now. I don’t trust Cadance to not stick a syringe in my arm while I’m asleep.”

Luna nodded. “I find it hard to believe how what was once such a kind soul has become so…”

“Bitchy?” Gilda offered.

The horse smiled at her. “That may be appropriate. Take care my friend.”

“I always do.” Gilda said to her as she turned away.

“What of Neigh Orleans? Were you cautious then?”

“One time. I swear, one time and you’re suddenly that crazy tower destroyer.” Gilda said over her shoulder as she stepped off the platform.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rebecca slept peacefully. Sure the road had been pretty bumpy, but with nothing better to do, and no more conversation going around, Rebecca found it easy to close her eyes and drift off for a quick nap. Her head was rested against the door and she’d curled up with her knees against her chest. Of course she wasn’t wearing a seat belt. Come on? Who does that anyway, right?

So when someone opened the door she was resting against, she fell out of the car and into the dust. Her hand immediately went for her gun.

“Get up, we’re here.”

Rebecca blinked and shielded her eyes from the midday sun. She noticed a hand extending towards her and she grabbed it before getting pulled to her feat. The pickup truck had stopped, and Jack had been the one that opened the door beneath her. Also the one who gave her a hand up.

“What are you, twelve?” she said to her, annoyed.

Jack shrugged. “Woke you up din’it?”

Rebecca scowled at the bounty hunter as she walked away. After a moment she stretched and yawned before taking a pair of black sunglasses from under her coat and putting them on. With her eyes shaded a bit from the bright glare, she looked around at the surrounding desert scrub and gave a little smile. It’d been years since she’d last seen the deadlands, and while most of the waste looked like the rest of it, this place was a lot closer to home than Filly had been.

Theresa was pushing the kid along in front of her, and he seemed to be bitching about it. Patricia was staring at Jack and fingering her sword with a smile on her face. Everyone else was just standing around Jack as she led them towards a concrete bunker. Rebecca followed after them, and examined the structure. It looked old, like it was built decades before the end of the world. The blocky grey concrete was sand bleached, and the heavy steel door was rusted.

Jack took out a heavy key and unlocked the door, letting everyone inside. Rebecca stepped in last, and Jack flicked a switch on the wall illuminating the room in dim yellow light. Rebecca took off her sunglasses, the room wasn’t as dark as it was outside.

“We ain’t gonna be here longer ‘an an hour,” Jack said to everyone. “There’s food an’ hot water.” She waved towards a sink and a cupboard. “Bathroom’s through there and a working shower. Hot water’s from the solar tank, so it’ll run out. This’ll be yer last chance to shower for who knows how long, so I suggest y’all enjoy it while you can.” She walked over towards another door. Yanking it open, she flicked another light switch on. “Armoury’s in here. See anything you like, feel free ta keep it. Ah’ve got a second car near here,” she reached inside the door and took out another pair of keys. “Might be best if we split between cars.” She shrugged. “Make ya’selves at home.”

Rebecca, Theresa and the really quiet girl that Rebecca had yet to catch her name, all made a beeline for the armoury. Jack stepped aside and let them past, but Rebecca took the keys out of her hands.

“I call dibs on the second driver.” Nobody bothered to fight her, so she pocketed the keys.

Inside the armory was a handful of iron shelves with boxes on them.

Rebecca snorted. “Gun maintenance isn’t really a big thing with you, is it?” she said as she opened a box and coughed at the dust. Inside was a bunch of ammo for a few different guns, so she left that on the floor and moved to another box.

Rebecca heard the creak of leather as Jack shrugged. “I never use much o’ this anyway. I just don’t want to throw it away or sell it.”

Rebecca snorted. “It’s better than just tossing them in a pile I guess.” She opened another box and whooped at the contents. “Sweet!” She began taking out handfuls of grenades and other explosives. “Dude, where’d you get, shit, this has gotta be at least ten pounds of C-4.”

Jack pulled another box of the shelf. “There’s more in this one. Ah don’t really know much ‘bout explosives so I just left it in here.”

Rebecca stared at her. “Dude, that’s… a really dumb thing to do. C-4’s pretty stable, but it’s still an explosive. If any of this went off then you’d be fucked.”

Jack shrugged. “Ah don’t spend much time here anyway.” She turned away. “Ah’m gonna go take first shower. Have fun, an’ put what you don’t want back on the shelves.”

Rebecca sighed and rolled her eyes. Still, terrible safety aside this was an awesome cache. By the time she was done, she had another pistol to match the one she had, some new parts to replace the old and damaged ones in her assault rifle, and a duffle bag loaded with high explosives. She was about to leave when she noticed a large black case against the back wall. She left the bag near the door and opened the case up.

Rebecca’s eyes lit up and a grin split her face. Inside the case was a deconstructed anti material rifle. The big sexy black machine sat there in pieces, begging her to take it out and put it together. She felt like a little girl unwrapping a doll as she sat cross legged in front of the case. The shiny black metal was cool to her touch, and the gun smirked back at her. A confident swagger as it eyed Rebecca up and down. It was ready for her touch, and calling her to bed. It shifted ever so slightly, and patted the sheets next to its head. Rebecca grinned as she held the .50 calibre round in her hand. The shiny metal glinted playfully in the sunlight, and begged her to slowly slide it into the tight confines of the magazine. It wanted company in there, to be pressed up against the other rounds in the intimate dark. It wanted to be ej-

The magazine and .50cal round were plucked out of her hands and placed back in the case. Rebecca only blinked in shock as the case was shut and taken away from her. It took her a second to realise that the quiet one with the grey mask on her face had taken it away.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Rebecca shouted as she stood up and went after her. “That’s my fucking gun you bitch!”

“Dibs,” The woman said quietly over her shoulder.

Rebecca froze. “That’s bullshit!” she shouted.

The woman didn’t answer her, just placed the case on a desk and sat down in the chair in front of it. She opened it, and with practised movements began examining each individual piece.

Rebecca growled and reached for her .45 when Rachel interrupted.

“Really, stop being so childish. It’s a gun, and if she made ‘dibs’ on it, then that’s the same as your claim to the car. She’s playing the game with the rules you made.”

Rebecca glared at her but didn’t respond. “Whatever,” she muttered as she sat at a different desk.

The room lapsed into awkward silence, except for the sound of the shower and the click of the anti-material rifle as the quiet girl worked on it.

As she sat there, Rebecca glanced around the room and started to observe the people in it. She’d already checked out the ladies in the car, and had dismissed them as either bitches or not hot. Theresa was about as sexy as a grease rag, and Jack was wearing that big heavy duster. Anyone who wore something like that wasn’t flaunting what they had, and so chances were they didn’t have anything to flaunt. Rachel was ten out of ten for sure, but so far she’d sounded like nothing but a Manehattan snob, and really, who needed that baggage? The two women she hadn’t checked yet were Patricia and the quiet one. The quiet one stole her gun, so fuck that noise. Patricia was sitting there busily sharpening one of her swords and staring at the bathroom door. Nuh uh. Sure she was pretty hot from what Rebecca could see, but no way was she touching that sack of crazy with anything other than a gun barrel.

“Hey, Patricia.”

She turned to Rebecca. “Hmm?”

“Any reason you want to kill Jack so bad?”

She blinked in confusion. “You don’t?”

Rebecca shrugged. “Not really. It isn’t her fault I got conscripted. I mean, she sort of saved my life.”

Patricia only looked more confused. “Why would I be angry about that, silly?”


“No. I’m not mad at her. She’s just the winner.”

Rebecca stared at her and repeated the question. “What?”

“You gotta play the winner silly.” Patricia said that while rolling her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “She’s good, and I can’t wait to play again.”

“Play what?” Rebecca asked incredulous. “Did she beat you at poker or something?”

Patricia giggled. “No. She won the game, silly billy.”

“The game?”

“Mmhm.” Patricia nodded. “I can’t wait to play with her again.”

Rebecca glanced over at Theresa and the kid, who were watching the exchange with looks just as confused as Rebecca felt.

Turning back to Patricia, Rebecca said slowly, “Sweetie, I think you’re a few bullets short a magazine.”

Patrica giggled. “Oh, I don’t have any bullets… or a magazine.” She tapped her chin. “…or a gun.” She added after a second.

Rebecca stood up. “Whatever. You’re insane.”

She giggled again. “Yeah, they always say that. Or that I’m loco, a lunatic, or a ‘bat shit loopy nut house psycho cunt’. But you know what they say about sticks and stones and how I can break your bones.” She shrugged. “In the end they’re the ones bleeding on the ground, and I’m the one laughing.”

Rebecca just stared at her for a second. She opened her mouth to speak, but in the end settled on, “What the fuck…?” as she stood up and turned away.

She walked to the bathroom door and opened it without thinking, her mind still on the disturbing conversation with Patricia.

Rebecca froze when she saw the sight through the door. The water cascading over her shoulders, and streaming down her well-toned body. The tight muscles in her back as she had her hands on her head, washing shampoo out of her hair. Her legs seemed to stretch down forever, and her firm hardened backside rippling with muscle as her feet shifted position. As Rebecca watched, Jack turned around and blinked in surprise seeing her standing there.

“Get out,” she ordered, pointing past Rebecca.

Rebecca only had eyes for her belly, hardened with years of work. Her eyes roved down her body, back to those awesome legs, before returning up to her chest. Her eyes settled back on Jack’s face, whose glare had hardened at being checked out so obviously.

Rebecca said the first thing that came to mind. “Nice.”

With a growl, Jack stepped forward from under the water and to her duster hanging on the wall. She reached under it, and a second later a knife was hurtling straight at Rebecca’s face. Rebecca ducked her head at the last second, and stumbled out the door just in time as a hatchet went flying through the frame. A second later the door was pulled shut from the inside and the sound of a lock turning in place was heard.

The room was silent and staring at Rebecca, as she stood there in shock. A second later a massive grin split her face and she turned to face the others.

“Dibs,” she told them with a smile.

Everyone stared at her with expression ranging from confusion, to disgust, to amusement.

“Seriously, that bitch is hot.” Rebecca sat at the table with a grin.

Patricia stood up and walked over to the hatchet that was buried in the wall. “I don’t get it,” she turned to Rebecca. “I thought you didn’t want to kill her. Why call dibs?” A frown marked her face. “I already told you she was mine.” After a moment she perked up. “Or we could both fight to see who gets to play her.”

Rebecca just stared at her for a second. “No, dude. Do I have to spell it out for you?”

Patricia stared at her with her face twisted in confusion. After a second she brightened. “Oh! You want her like that?” she giggled. “Alright, but be careful. That girl is caaarraaazy!” she singsonged as she pulled the hatchet out of the wall.

Taking it by the grip, she frowned as she tried to twirl it around in her hands, but fumbled and almost dropped it. She went to the other end or the room and took out a sword with one hand and the axe with the other. With both weapons she started to practise with both, repeating movements and slashing at imaginary forces. Her frown only deepened as she tried more and more. She paused and scowled at the axe in her hand.

“How does she fight with you?” she demanded from it.

The sound of the door opening made everyone turn around, and Jack stepped out fully dressed. Rebecca grinned. She could hide under that duster and hat if she wanted, but you can never really unsee anything, especially when it’s something as hot as that.

Jack took her hatchet back from Patricia and slid it under her coat. Her glare settled on Rebecca, but that only made the girl’s grin widen. After a second of that, Jack turned to the others.

“Showers open. Ah suggest you use it while you got the chance.” She glanced back at the unashamedly happy Rebecca. “Don’t forget to lock the door.”

“Hah!” Rebecca said. “As if you wanted that door locked.” She winked. “Bet you were just begging for someone to open it.”

Jack snorted. “Ah’m not used to company out here. It slipped my mind.”

“Lonely, eh?” Rebecca draped her arm over Jack’s shoulder. “There’s a cure for that.”

Rebecca doubled over in pain as a fist slammed into her kidney, and her arms was jerked behind her back. “Ow-ow-ow….” She repeated as the pain in her shoulder increased as Jack applied more pressure. “Let go, let go, let go.”

“Jack.” Theresa’s voice rang out. “She’s a good shot, and she’ll need both her arms.”

After a moment, Rebecca heard Jack snort and she stumbled forward as her arm was released. She turned around massaging her shoulder and saw Jack glaring at her.

Rebecca grinned again. “Wouldn’t want to hurt my arm now would you? Not when there’s so much more awesome stuff you can do with it.”

Jack’s eyebrow turned up in confusion.

Rachel spoke out. “Well sexual assault aside... If no one objects, I think I might have the next shower.” No one complained as she stepped through the door and closed it behind her, the lock clicking into place.

“Jack, do you have a map?” Theresa asked from across the room.

Jack paused from glaring at Rebecca to glance back at her. “Yeah, why?”

“Because we’re going to need a plan.” She replied. “We have an hour at best till Luna Industries mounts an effective response.”

Jack nodded. “True enough, but with their satellite tracking and helicopter there’s no way in hell we can outrun ‘em or shake ‘em. And I ain’t even gonna joke about our chances in a long fight.”

Theresa nodded. “That’s why we need to plan this out carefully. You mentioned that you have a second vehicle?”

“Yeah,” Jack nodded. “In case of emergencies. It’s a bit of a ways, so if Rebecca wants it she’s gonna have to walk for it.”

“Lame.” Rebecca called from her seat. “Walking’s for when you don’t have a car.”

Jack just shook her head in disgust. “Anyway,” she glanced up at Theresa. “Why, what are you thinking?”

Theresa pursed her lips. “Does anyone here know explosives?”

“Hells yeah, I do.” Rebecca leaned back in her chair. “Why? We setting a trap?”

“How well do you know them?” Theresa asked, casting a judgemental eye over her. “What sort of training do you have?”

Rebecca shrugged. “I’ve set off more bombs than I care to count. Look, I know my shit okay? What do you want to blow up?”

Theresa ignored her and turned back to Jack. “Is this bunker very important to you?”

Jack crossed her arms. “Not really, but who put you in charge anyway?”

Theresa shrugged. “No one did. But, we need a plan, I have one, and unless you or someone else can come up with a better one, I see no reason not to go through with it. We’ll need to call up Celesticorp to make sure they’re okay with us separating temporarily, but I believe we can shake off Luna Industries’ satellite watch, if they have any, take away our immediate pursuers, and get ourselves a potential two day head start on the next wave of pursuers.”

“Umbrage,” Patricia interrupted with a frown.

“Yes?” Theresa turned to her.

Patricia blinked in surprise and turned to face Theresa. “Oh. Nothing. Just, Umbrage is from the Latin: umbrāticus. It means ‘in the shadow’.”

Theresa shrugged. “And?”

“And what? I just thought that was worth mentioning.”

Theresa shook her head and turned back to the table. “Jack. A map please.” She took off her glasses and began to clean them as the bounty hunter placed a map on the table. She put the glasses back on and frowned at the map. “Okay, so does anyone here have any sniper training?”

“Me again.” Rebecca put her hand up. “Yeah I know. Awesome marksmen and blow stuff upperer. I’m kinda like the ultimate badass.”

Jack glanced at her. “You’re not much for hand to hand.”

Rebecca shrugged. “Kung Fu gimmicks. Stupid and a waste of time when I can just…” she drew her pistol and pulled the trigger, causing the guns to click. She frowned and turned it over in her hand. “Oh damn, left the safety on. It’s so much cooler when there’s the shot to go with it.”

Jack raised an eyebrow. “Left the safety ‘on’?”

Rebecca nodded. “Yeah, who needs it?” She pointed her fingers at her eyes. “This is my safety.”

The stupid kid totally ruined how awesome that would’ve been. “I saw that in a movie once. You’re just quoting one liners.”

Rebecca rolled her eyes. Bloody kid.

Theresa shook her head. “So you do know how to handle sniper rifles?”

“Heck yeah. I wouldn’t lie about that shit. My longest range kill, and that’s confirmed kill, I checked the corpse when I was done, is one point five kilometres.” She smiled. “For those in the room that aren’t totally awesome, that’s totally awesome.”

“Two kilometres.” The quiet lady with the covered face spoke up.

Rebecca glanced at her. “What?”

“Two kilometres. Confirmed kill.” She kept her eyes on the .50 calibre before her, a brush cleaning out the gun barrel. “My best.” Her voice was soft and whispery, like she didn’t use it much and was unused to speaking.

Rebecca blinked. “Bullshit.”

She didn’t answer. She just continued to work on the deconstructed anti material rifle.

Everyone stared at her.

Rebecca walked towards her. “Seriously? Two K’s? Who the hell are you anyway?”

She didn’t answer at first. Her head stayed facing the rifle, the metallic pieces reflected in her sunglasses. Any expression she had was hidden behind her grey face wrap. The dark hoodie pulled over her head only further obscured her features. On her hands were fingerless gloves, and the Kevlar jacket she wore hid any figure she might have had. Looking at her, Rebecca realised she knew nothing about this woman other than she could handle a gun.

After a moment she spoke. “I’m Philomena.” Her voice cracked when she said her name, and it almost sounded like she was unsure what she was supposed to say.

“Yeah, and? How the hell did you get a two K confirmed kill?” Rebecca crossed her arms. “Are you like, an assassin or something?”

Philomena didn’t answer other than a tiny shake of her head.

“Well?” Rebecca waved her hand. “Who the hell are you?”

Theresa stepped in front of her. “Rebecca, I need you to talk to Gilda for me.”

Rebecca frowned and took a step back. “What? Why?”

“Because we might need to separate, and I don’t want her killing us for deserting. She’s more likely to trust you then she is me.” Theresa turned to Jack. “Give Rebecca your phone.”

Jack frowned. “Ah don’t even know what your plan is, let alone whether Ah agree to it.”

“I don’t really have a plan yet,” Theresa told her. “I’m still learning what we have to work with and the details need to be ironed out, but the fact is Luna Industries has five satellites, or at least that’s what Celesticorp believes. Three of those are set in permanent positions over the contested areas of the deadlands, one of them is set to watch Trotonto, and only one of them keeps an eye on Manehattan and Fillydelphia. Given the low priority activity of that region, it’s safe to assume that that satellite is tracking us currently. Until we can get out of that satellite’s view, or take it out somehow, we’re going to be constantly pursued.”

Jack rolled her eyes. “Ah know they got a satellite tracking us, but what’s your plan to deal with it?”

“We need to split up. They’re not going to be able to tell which of us have the kid if we hide him inside a heat proof duffle bag. All they’ll know is one car with four of us is heading one way, and three or at least two of us are staying behind. They can either track whoever drove away, or keep focused on the bunker. That’s where your second car comes in, we use the explosives to destroy the first pursuing force that’s gonna check out the bunker, and then Rebecca and whoever else stays behind can use your second car to meet up with us again at...” Theresa pursed her lips. “Does anyone have any contacts in a populated area north of here? The largest settlement is Reinsville, so we can easily lose the satelite among the crowd there.”

No one answered her for a moment.

“No one?” Theresa looked at the group and sighed, taking off her sunglasses and rubbing her eyes. “Jack? You work this area.”

Jack shook her head. “I’ve got contacts there, but not people who’ll stick with me now that Ah’m mixed up in this mess. We’re hot property now, and no one’s gonna touch us other than to hand us over.”

Theresa sighed and rolled up her map. “In any case, we can work that out later. First thing’s first we need to contact Gilda and-”

Just then Jack’s phone rang, and the cowgirl paused to answer it.

“Jack,” she answered. After a moment, the bounty hunter frowned and pushed a button before putting the phone on the table.

“Sup bitches,” the phone said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Theresa glanced at Jack, before looking at the phone. “Gilda?”

“The one and only, and thank fuck for that,” The phone replied. “I was overhearing your plan there Sparks and-”

“Who?” Rebecca interrupted.

There was the sound of sigh on the other end. “Sorry, Theresa. I was listening in on Theresa’s plan and-”

“How?” Rebecca asked.

“Uh... shit. Jack hasn’t told you?” Gilda replied.

“Told me what?” Rebecca crossed her arms.

“Well... basically thanks to the nanites we can see and hear everything you can.” After a second she added. “Also monitor your smell, but nobody cares about that.”

“You’re kidding me right?” Rebecca growled. “What if I have to piss or jerk off?”

Patricia glanced over at Applejack and smiled. “She’s talking about you.”

Jack just glared at her.

There was a pause on the other end. “Uh... want me stop them watching or something?”

After a second Rebecca answered. “I... guess?”

There was a pause on the other end before Gilda’s voice rang out loudly but slightly muffled. “Alright listen up everyone. New rule. If any of you watch while Rebecca jerks off, I cut your balls off. Capiche? And if you’re a chick then... I dunno. Rebecca'd probably just like that anyway.”

“No I wouldn’t!” Rebecca burst out. “Fuck that!”

“Oh sorry,” Gilda replied to her before she shouted away from the phone again. “The rule now applies to everyone. Anyone, guy or girl, that watches Rebecca when she doesn’t want to be watched is getting fucked by Greg.”

Rebecca noticed Jack wince and suck air through her teeth as she subconsciously rubbed her scarred forearm.

Gilda continued. “For those of you who don’t know, Greg’s my giant curved knife.” There was a pause. “No I’m not joking. Yes, Cadance. His name is Greg.” There was another pause and the phone sounded closer to Gilda’s mouth. “You okay with that?”

“Not really... but thanks.”

“No problem.” Gilda answered cheerfully. “Any of you other girls want the same? I won’t fuck ‘em with Greg, but I could break an arm or a leg or something.”

Patricia giggled. “Oh, I don’t care if they watch, but if you want to break a leg I don’t mind.”

There was a pause. “Okaaay... anyway. The reason I rung up was your plan about avoiding the satellite coverage. Sparks- ...ugh. Sorry, I meant Theresa. Look, the point is your plan is solid, and I don’t mind you guys splitting up, but there is some shit we gotta straighten out right here.”

“Such as?” Theresa asked.

“Well, Rebecca and the kid-”

“My name is Spike, or Samuel! It’s not hard.”

The phone went silent for a moment. “Listen kid, here the things: I don’t give a shit about you. Beyond keeping you alive, I couldn’t care less if you get fucked up the ass by my boss’s horn.”

Rebecca frowned. “Dude, that’s a bit harsh. You had the kid kidnapped, the least you can do is be nice about it.”

There was another pause. “Whatever. The point is, shut the fuck up kid. Got it?”

Spike glared hatred at the phone. “You’re a bitch.”

“... Someone want to slap him for me?”

Patricia shrugged and cuffed him over the ear.

“Ow!” Spike shouted and rubbed his ear. “You didn’t have to do it!”

“Anyway!” Gilda was starting to sound frustrated. “All of you! Keep Rebecca and the kid alive. If either of them die, I’m hitting the switch and killing the lot of you. Except for Rebecca.”

“Escort missions?” Patricia grumbled. “Those are never fun.”

No one paid her any attention.

“Everyone get me?” Gilda asked.

There was a silence.

“I said, does everyone understand me?”

After a few moment there was a chorus of mumbled agreement.

“Good. Now, back to your plan. There’s just a few problems with it, but those are basic things I can help you out with. So, Theresa, grab a map, everyone gather round, shut your mouths and listen up. Big sis Gilda is gonna lay out the plan, and you’re all gonna follow it.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Clara watched Gilda out of the corner of her eye, but most of her attention was set on the phone by her ear.

“Yes, Ma’am,” she replied. “I’m aware of the consequences of my actions, but I was instructed to use whatever means were necessary, and it was a particularly bad situation.”

“That it was. You did the best you could with what you have to work with. Things could easily have gone worse.” The CEO spoke into Clara’s ear. “What about Gilda? Anything of interest to report?”

Standing up from the desk, Clara watched the back of Gilda’s head as the large woman chatted on the phone. “She’s... interesting.”

There was a small chuckle over the line. “Well, that much was obvious.”

“Sorry Ma’am. I mean to say that after interviewing the soldiers who fought alongside her, she definitely has enhanced capabilities.”

“Are you certain?”

“Yes, definitely. As a combatant she has training that matches or exceeds that of our own extraction teams, and she easily accounted for more kills than any two men put together on that operation. We’ve yet to really see her limits, but all my men agree that she possesses superior senses than our own.”

The sound of turning pages was heard over the line. “Any new clues as to who she’s working for?”

“No Ma’am, but she still consistently refers to me as Cadance, and you as Celestia.”

“And what about this Rebecca? Do you think she has something to do with this?”

Clara frowned. “I’m not certain. Gilda seems to think she’s important, but she also seems highly attached to her.”

“Could we use her as leverage?”

“Definitely, but... honestly, I’m not sure if we could control her if anything were to happen to Rebecca.”

“Well the idea of a threat is you never have to use it.”

“I agree Ma’am, but... I think we should hold off on that as a last resort. I’m uncertain, but I suspect Gilda is more... perhaps not intelligent, but I suspect she knows more and is better connected than we’ve previously believed.”

As Clara watched, Gilda hung up her phone and walked away from the edge of camp, and into the mess cabin.

There was another pause from the other end. “Any suspicions as to how a biker from the Deadlands acquired enhanced capabilities and extreme combat training?”

“... I have an idea, but it may be a little... far fetched.”

“This whole situation is far fetched, I doubt your theory is any more so. ”

Clara hesitated before saying, “I believe she may have been... brainwashed.”


“Well, while sleeping her mouth moves. It’s as if she’s making conversation. I’ve been learning to read lips, but I do not understand what she’s saying. She only mouths snippets of a complete conversation. Never the whole thing, and what I do understand is... strange to say the least.”

“How so?”

“Well, the word ‘Luna’ is common, but also ‘Rainbow Dash’, ‘Gryphon’, and a few other seemingly random phrases keep coming up. Something about ‘Elements’ and ‘Equestrians’. I suspect these are implanted suggestions in her mind. I doubt she truly knows who she’s taking orders from.”

There was another pause. “That’s plausible, but unlikely. Gilda seemed far too sane and logical to me for someone that would have to have had their mind completely broken and built up again for that kind of implanting.”

“As I said, it’s just a theory.”

“Alright, that’s enough for now, but keep me posted.”

“Of course.”

“I don't need to tell you how important this could be. Do not mess it up.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Oh, and Clara. I noticed that Theresa Umbrage was one of the mercenaries conscripted.”

Clara winced and sat down. “Yes.”

“She’s not going to be a problem is she?”

“No, Ma’am.”

“Good. We would not want a repeat of last time, would we?”

Clara shivered. In her mind the sound of an empty click echoed. “No, Ma’am.”

“Good,” and with that the phone hung up from the other end.

With a sigh, Clara hung the phone up at the receiver and stepped out of the office. As she left the cool of the air conditioned cabin for the heat of the Deadlands sun, she felt a small growl in her stomach as her body complained about a lack of breakfast.

She made her way to the hall she covered her eyes as a transport helicopter took off and kicked dust into the air. All around her, the Canterlot base camp was in a flurry. Soldiers jumping into helicopters and moving, intelligence personnel running from cabin to cabin clutching reports and phones. Clara had only been here a few times, but it hadn’t changed at all. Same hasty constructions, same busy flurry of activity day or night, and the exact same god awful stifling heat.

It was a relief when she stepped inside the mess hall, and the cool air conditioned air blew over her. The air moving against her damp sweaty skin was a particularly refreshing sensation.

She absentmindedly cut ahead of several people that were lined up, and thanks to her rank no one called her out on it despite a few grumbled of irritation.

When she sat down, Clara had a cool drink of lemonade and a nice enough salad to match it. Today really wasn’t a day for warm foods. Just as she was about to eat, the entire table shifting interrupted her, and she looked up to see Gilda sitting down across from her.

The two stared at eachother for a moment, until Gilda shoved a plate across the table at Clara.

“Eat it,” she ordered with a glare and growl.

Clara blinked in surprise and looked down at the plate piled up with three steaks. “Pardon?”

“I said, eat it.” Gilda repeated and Clara swallowed in fear as a Greg was drawn from his sheath and placed on the table.

“Why?” Clara asked in genuine confusion.

“Because, someone spiked it with nanites.” Gilda leaned forward and lowered her head to Clara’s level. “And I think I know who.”

Clara blinked in surprise and glanced down at the food, before she looked up at Gilda with her eyes wide. “I had nothing to do with that.”

“Uh-huh,” Gilda said flatly.

Clara poked the steak in confusion. “How... how do you know it’s been injected with nanites?”

Gilda’s nose twitched, and she took the steak back. She gave the meal a hearty sniff before she glowered at it. “There are nanites in it.”

Clara blinked in surprise. “Did... you just smell it?”

“If you wanted to poison me you should have mixed it in with some booze. The alcohol’d mask the smell better.” Gilda glowered at it for a second longer before she shrugged and pulled the meal towards her again. She took the steak from the top of the pile and moved it to the side of the plate. She smelled the one beneath it, and the one beneath that again.

Clara looked around the room, scanning for anyone with an interest in Gilda’s food. Her eyes came to a rest on... one of the soldiers who’d been on the mission in Canterlot.

“Gilda, I didn’t spike your food.”

The only response was a grunt, and Clara looked across to see Gilda eating.

Blinking in surprise, Clara looked back over at the soldier who was leaning back with a relaxed smile on his face.

“I thought you said it was spiked with nanites?” Clara asked.

“It is, but it’s damn tasty. God, it’s been fucking ages since I’ve had a good steak.” Gilda replied before she washed the meal down with a swig of orange juice.

“Are you insane!” Clara knocked the glass out of her hand. “Someone now has you as an asset!”

Gilda snorted dismissively. “Why do you care?”

“Because we’re working together you fool! I need you in good health for this!”

Gilda just rolled her eyes. “Whatever, dude.”

Seething in frustration, Clara growled. “You just sold your life away for the taste of steak.”

Gilda just leaned back in her chair. “What do you know about ponies?”


“You heard me.”

“What has that got to do with anything?!”

“Forget about it. Listen, I need a favour.” Gilda’s demeanor changed, and Clara found herself surprised at the sudden switch from casual disinterest, to focussed on business. Regardless she tried to maintain her outwardly cool demeanor.

“Of course that will have to depend on the favour.”

Gilda just snorted. “Nothing like that. I just want you to see if you can find someone for me.”

That perked Clara’s interest. “Who?”

“Princess Luna.”

Clara blinked in surprise. “Pardon?”

Gilda looked Clara straight in the eye. “I need you to see if you can find anyone on your system called Princess Luna.”

“Is that an Alias?”

Gilda shrugged. “Maybe, but I don’t think so.”

Clara frowned at her. “Who is she?”

Gilda sighed. “You’ll know that when you find her.”

“Well I’m probably gonna need some better information to go with than just a potential code name.”

Gilda sat there for a minute thinking about it. “Well, I dunno. I don’t really have much more than that. Nothing that you could use anyway. I mean... does the Mare in the Moon mean anything to you?”

Clara slowly shook her head.

Gilda sighed. “Ever get the feeling you’re being used?” she asked, looking tired.

“I work for Celesticorp. Of course I do.”

Snorting in response, Gilda just took another drink. “Uh... maybe puns? Like, shit to do with night time. The moon, the stars, the sky and dreams and crap like that. Like, maybe something like ‘Starry Eyed’ or something. She could be hiding with that.”

Clara frowned. “That’s still not a lot to go on.”

“I know,” Gilda muttered annoyed. “Horse puns maybe?”

“Horse puns?”

“Yeah, you’re right. Everything’s a horse pun. That’s nothing to go with.”

Clara blinked in surprise. “Everything’s a horse pun?”

Gilda nodded. “Yeah, dude. Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Trotonto, Neigh Orleans. Actually, you ever been to that place? I’m telling you, Neigh Orleans is sick, man. You should totally go there.”

Clara frowned. “Not everything can be a horse pun. Appleoosa for example.”

Gilda shrugged. “It’s still a pattern. You’re telling me you never noticed it before?”

Clara didn’t answer, still going over the wealth of towns and settlements she knew of.

After sitting in silence for a while, Gilda glanced at Clara like she was sizing her up. She leaned in closer . “Hey, have you ever noticed how... wrong, this world is?”

Clara blinked in surprise. “What do you mean?”

Gilda tapped her fingers on the table as though trying to think up her point more clearly. “I mean... how did the world end?”

Clara just stared at her.

“Like, everywhere you go there’s these ruins and shit. You take one look around, and you know that civilisation used to be here, and it collapsed. But... how’d that happen? I mean, the world can’t have always been desert and stitch mutations.”

“What does the end of the world have to do with anything?”

“I mean, nobody can tell you how it happened. Was it bombs, or plague or meteorite or what? Could it happen again? I’m telling you, the entire world it’s like... history just started happening fifty odd years ago. Before that’s just this vague, ‘yeah shit happened,’ and since then is when someone actually started caring.”

Clara didn’t answer for a moment. She opened her mouth to argue, when she closed it again.

“And also... who names a world, ‘Badworld’? I mean, was this place always shit?”

Again Clara couldn’t think of a very good answer.

“And what about the corporations? Celesticorp and Lunar Industries. How did they start up? I mean, were they always there? Did they just survive whatever happened happening?”

They sat there in silence for a minute, Clara pondering what she’d been asked.

After a moment Gilda sat back and shrugged. “Food for thought.” A knowing smirk came onto her face. “Just think about it.”

Clara agreed with a slow nod. She looked at Gilda, her mind going back to the puzzle this bald tattooed superhuman represented. “Did you notice this yourself, or was it pointed out to you by your... employer?”

Gilda raised an eyebrow. “I ain’t getting paid for this.”

“Well, who do you work for then?”

Gilda shrugged. “Everyone.”

Clara blinked in surprise.

“Making the world a better place.” Gilda grinned at Clara’s confusion. “Why? What were you expecting?”

“You’re an idealist?” Clara frowned.

Gilda snorted. “Fuck no. More like... devoted.”

Devoted? “To... who? To what?”

She shrugged again. “The magic of friendship and family.”

Clara blinked again. “You’re not working alone. You’re getting intel from someone.”

“Somepony,” Gilda mumbled.


“Nothing. Is it really that hard to believe I’m working alone?”


Gilda snorted. “Yeah, I’m not smart enough, right? You think I’m just some thug with a gun.”

“I didn’t-”

Gilda leaned closer again. “Listen, Cadance. There’s a reason I’m not dead, and it’s not because I’m lucky. I’m not a genius or any kind of shit like that, but I wouldn’t have survived long if I was a complete fucking retard. So don’t you go thinking you can get the jump on me that easily. Try it, bitch. Play the cards and see if your hand beats mine.”

To her eternal credit, Clara managed not to flinch away. “Right, well this has been... interesting.” She stood up and after a second added. “And if you want to not die, you better get the other half of the nanites from that soldier over there.”

Gilda waved a disinterested hand and kept eating.

Clara blinked in surprise and checked her watch. “You should have had the warning seizure by now. Unless there weren’t really nanites in there.”

“No they were in there.” Gilda replied as she tapped the untouched steak from the top of the pile and continued eating. “Soldier over there, right?” She jerked her head in his direction. “He’s been watching me the entire time.”

Clara nodded absently and wondered who had conscripted Gilda. She frowned and checked her watch again, before glancing at Gilda.

She just calmly sat there, eating her steak until there was only one left. With the one piece of meat left, Gilda left the table. Clara watched from a distance as Gilda approached the man who’d watched her. She stood in front of him for a moment with her free hand out, and after a second he handed over a syringe to her. From the distance Clara recognised the silvery liquid as nanite injection.

Holding it up for a second, Gilda examined the substance before she grabbed the man by the throat and injected it into his eye. Clara cringed and watched in open mouthed horror as the man screamed and batted the needle out of Gilda’shand, but not after half of it was empty. The needle shifted out of position still partially inside him, and his eye tore open further. He writhed and screamed on the floor as he clutched his newly bleeding eye, and reached for his gun.

Not before Gilda’s boot broke his hand.

She leaned down close to him, and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. She whispered something to him before she dropped the last steak on his chest and walked away.

The entire cafeteria watched in surprise as Gilda left, and the man put his hand to his chest and shouted in pain as the nanite warning seizures set in. He quickly began scarfing down the food Gilda had left him, blood from his wounded eye mixing with the meal. With that done, he collapsed to the ground groaning and clutching his eye.

Clara hesitated before running outside after Gilda. The biker showed no signs of discomfort or even irritation as she walked through the streets towards her lodging. When Gilda stepped inside, Clara hesitated before walking to her door and peeking through the window.

She flinched back as the door opened.

“Something you want, Cadance?” Gilda asked with a frown.

“...No.” Clara looked her up and down. Nothing. No signs of pain or discomfort from being ingesting nanites. “How did you know which steak was poisoned? Human’s can’t-”

“Human’s can’t what?” Gilda stepped out of the doorway towards her intimidatingly. “Piss off Cadance.”

Clara only hesitated for another second before she turned and walked away. Well that was something to report to the C.E.O.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rebecca had prepared for this moment very carefully, positioning herself and Jack hundreds of metres away from the bunker, just close enough to the explosion to feel that awesome shock wave, but not close enough to suffer internal bleeding and braced so she wouldn’t get blown off her feet . Oh yeah, this was the moment. Hours of preparation came down to this one beautiful point in time.

Bracing herself, Rebecca grinned as she flipped the safety cap off the detonator. She loved this part, absolutely loved this part. The mere moments before the bomb went off. The tension thick in the air and that small question of whether or not it would work. That fraction of a chance that the chemicals wouldn’t react, a wire wouldn’t carry a current or a stray dust particle had somehow undone an hour’s hard work. For Rebecca it was deeply satisfying to press that big red button.

The explosion was huge. The bunker completely came apart, buckling from the inside out, chunks of concrete launched in all directions. The people inside were killed instantly, not enough left to fill a jam jar, a whole human being reduced to its base components in less than a second. The grey dome of dust particles travelled into the sky, blotting out the sunset for a few a minutes.

Then the shockwave hit Rebecca and all these thoughts ended. Braced as she was, she wasn’t knocked off her feet unlike Jack who was completely unprepared for it. All coherent thought and observation ended for a few seconds. Then she came back to real life and felt a hit of adrenaline slam into her. This was the best part of all, the few seconds after the explosion when all she could do was feel that buzz flow through her system.

Jack sat up, her hat fallen over her eyes as she worked air back into her lungs, that fall having knocked it all out. “Did ya’ll know it was gonna be that big?” she asked between gasps of air.

“Hell Yeah!” Rebecca pumped a fist into the air. It felt good so she did it again. “Hell the fuck yeah!” Rebecca screamed slamming her fist upwards.

Standing up Jack readjusted her hat so it wasn’t covering her eyes. “Why’d ya have us so damn close?” she asked critically

“That’s what I live for!” Rebecca was pacing back and forth, the adrenaline in her system not allowing her to stand still any longer. “That moment, that-that, THUD! Right when it hits you!”

“Are ya’ll insane?” Jack asked.

Rebecca slammed both fist into the air again “YES!” screamed at the sky.

Jack rubbed her eyes wearily and looked across at Rebecca angrily. “Why the hell did Ah have to get partnered with you?”

“Next time it’s gonna be bigger, louder, brighter, it’s just gonna be so fucking awesome! I can’t wait for you to see it!”

“Next time we won’t be so darn close,” Jack said loudly enough for Rebecca to hear.

Rebecca didn’t appear to notice her. “That was the perfect spot, just close enough but not too close.”

“Ah might dispute that.” Jack stood next to Rebecca watching the cloud of dust start to settle. Pulling out her phone, Jack tapped in Theresa’s new phone number.

The phone didn’t have time to ring once before it was answered. “Jack?”

Jack coughed out some more dust again. “Yeah it’s me.”

The voice responded, “Did it work?”

“Yep. We got the whole team.”

The voice paused. “Are you sure?”

Rebecca turned to Jack. “That her?”

Jack waved her hand at Rebecca in an irritated way. “Yeah, came in a bunch of cars, they all went in and they all blew up, definitely not the most elite bunch of mercenaries ah ever saw. Ah think these guys were the dupes we were s’posed ta take down and the better ones are headed your way.”

“What makes you say that?” asked the voice on the other end.

Rebecca was reaching for the phone. “Ask her if she saw it go off!”

Jack rolled her eyes as she fended away Rebecca’s hand. “They didn’t storm in or nothin’, they just sorta rushed through the door without taking the time to check things out. Believe me Ah know the difference between a deadly man and dead one.”

“Alright. Neither of you were wounded?”

Rebecca stopped trying to grab the phone and just resorted to grinning at Jack.

Jack glared back at her. “No, we’re both fine.”

“We’ll meet back up then.”

“Where at?” Jack asked, still glaring at Rebecca.

The sound of paper shuffling came through the phone “Alright, so you can get to Reinsville?”

“Yeah, easily. Assuming we don’t run into anyone else.” Jack started walking back towards the spot they’d hidden the truck.

Rebecca followed her. “Where are we going?”

Theresa said, “Alright, we’ll meet there,” and hung up.

Jack returned the phone to her pocket and kept walking towards the truck.

“Where are we going?” Rebecca repeated.

“The truck.” Jack stated the obvious quite deliberately.

“Okay...” Rebecca said, getting quite fed up with being ignored. “Where are we going in the truck.”

“A place nearby.”

“What place?” Rebecca asked, getting exasperated.

Jack ignored her and kept walking.

Rebecca cracked a grin as an idea came to mind. “Oh, a little quiet time for the two of us?”

Jack turned to glare at Rebecca.

The grin widened and Rebecca could see Jack’s jaw tighten even more, and she loved it. Jack did look really hot when she was angry and Rebecca was having a lot of fun pushing her buttons.

Arriving at the truck in silence and Jack climbed in the driver’s seat . Getting another great idea, Rebecca followed and started to climb over her to get to the passenger’s side.

“What the hell are you doing?” Jack asked angrily.

“Just getting in the passenger seat.”

“There’s a door for that.” Jack sounded very annoyed.

Shrugging, Rebecca pulled herself the rest of the way in before Jack had the chance to push her out and was careful on the way to brush her arm against Jack’s chest and face. Awkwardly shifting into the passenger seat in the tight confines of the car, Rebecca couldn’t help but notice the irritated glare she was receiving and had no choice but to return it with a smile. Finally seated properly, Rebecca fiddled with the seatbelt, deliberately taking her time.

“Are yah done?” Jack asked in a dry tone.

Fixing up the seatbelt Rebecca turned to Jack. “Yep,” she said cheerily.

Turning the keys in the ignition, Jack faced the windscreen and shifted the car into gear and hit the accelerator.

Comments ( 59 )

Alright, new chapter. Fairly simple one this week. Mostly character building and letting you people getting to know these people after last chapter more action focused pacing. Fairly simple stuff, with a few hints dropped by Gilda about... important things.
Yes I'm doing Appledash. Why? Well, other than them being totally OTP it's because of... important things.
This chapter was structured so that it was just jumping back and forth between Gilda and Rebecca mostly, but next chapter will be focusing on another couple of characters. Also next chapter is when the real episodic approach I've been planning really starts to fit in.
Big thanks to OrphiusOlyandra, AlicornPriest, and PiquoPie for prereading. Special mention to Orphius for helping me re write the section where Gilda chats to Cadance. Too much information was given, but now thanks to him, you will all be left in the dark for a little longer.

I-it updated?! It updated! :pinkiegasp:

Score! My night is complete. By the the way I felt you should know this story inspired my first fic. Just giving credit.

"uugghhh another boring day on fimfiction"
<sees update number>
"huh what could that be"
<clicks and stares at story update>
<gets up and goes outside>
"what are you doing?" mom asked.
"enjoying life ma, today is a new day"



It's only been a month. Compared to the four months with no Penumbra updates that's not so bad. The thing is I've been writing another story in collaboration with another author, so that's part of the reason I'm taking so long to get out chapters. Also, I'm working on the aforementioned Penumbra, which anyone who reads this should totally go and read. Just saying.
What did you guys actually think of the chapter? That might be nice, you know, rather than just guilting me for being slow on the update. And hey! The chapter's fifteen thousand words, so it's not like it was a long wait for nothing.
I'll be interested to read that. It's weird to think that I've inspired someone.


I know, pal. I just love giving people flack. Considering it took me about a month for my chapters, well... :twilightblush:

Though if you're wanting feedback, I'll say that I liked it a lot. Things are coming along nicely, man.

1807590 It will probably be a while. And in my own opinion I doubt it would be worth the wait. I don't have much writing experiance you see, but you've got to aspire.


It's fine. I guess they call you merc the jerk for a reason.:rainbowwild: Just update your fic more. I like it a lot.

Glad to hear that. Be sure to let me know if I mess up.


That just means you need experience and feedback. My first story was absolute crap. Seriously, send me a PM when you publish it and I'll be happy to review.

1807634 Alrighty, than hopefully I'll remember.

AppleDash... god damnit! :facehoof:


Not a fan? I hope it doesn't ruin the story for you. But I promise it's going somewhere. Like, somewhere really genuinely interesting.

1807838 Yeah, I think it wont ruin it, it's just i'm not exactly a fan of that particular shipping... and an abundance of it is featured and such. No offence but it gets a bit frustrating after awhile. Good chapter either way.

Ha. Rainbow's lusting after Applejack. I see many more hilarious 'Lets Piss Off The Farmer' moments ahead. Though Patricia is still my favorite. Insane Pinkie Pie, why do I love you so? :pinkiecrazy:

Annyway, it's been too long! I'd nearly forgotten how much I love this story! Though Pinkie, Rebecca, and Jack seem to be the only ones with a lot of development so far, I'm sure that'll change. And I like how well Gilda knows Rebecca, and how it tied in with her loyalty. And, of course, Gilda is a complete fucking badass and it is so awesome.

And now I'm off to read Temple of Stars because I've put it off long enough and I'm sure it's gonna be awesome!

I knew it! I knew there was a reason why AppleDash was in this fic. Now, to speculate more. I'd do so here except have access to more information than anyone else (I believe).
Also, my favourite scene from this chapter was RD walking in on AJ in the shower. That entire scene was down right hilarious


You may have figured it out, but I'm unsure until I hear your theory. However, given you're my pre reader and have access to one very important piece of information that's only been hinted at so far. So please, do not post your theory here, that would be unfair to my other readers. Send me a PM or tell me in chat.


Yeah, that was the sort of humor I was going for, but as I've said to others in the past, they all got issues. Maybe Rebecca repeatedly pursuing Jack in this way is not such a good idea. Patricia did say this about Jack: "That girl's caarraazy!"
And yeah, Patricia is a lot of fun. She's also a complete psychotic. Wait till later chapters till we meet some parts of Patricia's past, and she might not seem quite as fun anymore.

You only read this a week ago! Come on! You can't expect me to pump out a ten thousand+ word chapter every week! Especially not if you want them to be any good.
Yeah, those three are the ones of the mane six that I've found the easiest to write, and this chapter does give them a stronger focus than the others. Don't worry though, next chapter's gonna be more about the other three and Rebecca and Jack are gonna play a more minor role.
Yes, Gilda is quite bad ass. She's certainly a contender for the title of 'most dangerous thing in Badworld', though that scene with the needle in the was possibly me being a little more gory than I needed to be. Still, it got the point across: Don't mess with Gilda.

Be sure to comment and let me know how you feel about it.

1810913 I know, I know, geez, give me some credit
1810962 He/She has, check out Chapter 1 + 2.

Mhmm. Of course, Patricia makes the remark that can, well, apply to any one of these girls. I guess teasing could get a bit dangerous for Rebecca, but for now it's a nice way to lighten the tension of 'holy fuck there are six assassins in a room together'. Plus, it's funny to see Jack gettin' all grumpy. I'm actually looking forward to learning more about her past. All I know now is that she considers fighting/killing as a game because of... something. Something that most definitely did not have a good effect on her psyche. She's kinda mysterious right now and I wanna know what the hell went down to make her like this. So, yes, I am looking forward to those future chapters!

B-but I like your ten thousand word chapters! Though this time around its actually fifteen thousand. Have you noticed that each chapter thus far has been slightly longer then the one before it? I'm not complaining, because its awesome, just something I found interesting. I can suffer through the long days without a new chapter as long as I have Temple of Stars to read, so I think I'll be fine for now.

I've noticed. I certainly hope we'll get to learn more about the others and what, exactly, their issues are. As mysterious as Philomena are, the others are even more so. I did like the bit with Twilight/Theresa taking charge, though. It's good to see she's still as nerdy as ever, even if it is about how best to kill a whole bunch of people... Though Patricia translating her name in Latin threw more for a twist. I knew what it meant, I take Latin, but I wasn't expecting it to be pointed out- and especially not by Pinkie! Oh, Gilda. I don't think anyone will dare mess with you ever again once word of that little incident gets out... Gory or not, it was certainly very interesting. I suppose being immune to nanites has a lot to do with being all Stitched up and being part Griffon 'cause of Luna...

I did so! It's a lot more humor then this story, but I'm pretty sure that's what you two were going for!

She, actually. :pinkiehappy:

I knew one day constantly going 'He/She' would pay off! I still say we need a singular non-gender specific pronoun for the interwebs.
As for the humor in Temple of the Stars, that's probably mostly due to Gilda's constant snark and Luna's obliviousness than anything else


Usually when I have no idea, I just use the proper noun as much as I can and hope that somebody will take pity on me and just let me know! I agree with that. I sometimes go with they, but it's typically used as plural and it's always felt kinda weird to use it as a singular when I've always had it drilled into my head as a plural... Knowing the Internet, I'm sure we could invent a word that would be gender neutral singular and get it into popular use. Now if only someone would stop wasting all their time on the Internet and do that...

Mhm. You gotta love the snark, especially when coupled with someone who just does not understand what the snark is all about. A dash of 'OMIGOSH SHUT UP TRIXIE' and I'd say it's a pretty good recipe for comedy.

I was contemplating doing that, but thanks to your screen name it just sounded awkward (not to mention being long to type out) so I just went "Stuff it". I tend to use 'they' as well, but it is a plural and the only singular non-gender specific one is 'it' which is just a tad insulting when used.

Oh yeah! I forgot about that line. Trixie is great for comedy in my opinion.


It eases the tension for now, but Rebecca loves danger, she's not the sort of person to understand when she's crossing the line. Trust me when I say that she's chasing Jack in the worst way possible. If she keeps pushing like this, things could get ugly. So of course I'm gonna have her keep pushing. And they're not six assassins. In my notes it's laid out like this:
Spike=The victim (Orphan)
Philomena/Fluttesrhy= The ghost (mercanary)
Rachel/Rarity= The contact (Private investigator)
Theresa/Twilight= The leader (hitman)
Jack/Applejack= 2ic/ The ranger (bounty hunter)
Patricia/Pinkie= ???? (????)
Rebecca/Rainbow Dash= The wild child (mercenary)
Gilda= The marionette/The big fucking deal (Luna's right hand (hoof))
Yeah, in my notes I literally have Patricia represented by four question marks. Why? Because... it's hard to explain just what she does for this little band of killers and bad people. She's certainly not there to ease the tension. At the moment, she and Rebecca are carrying most of the humor, but yes her past has.... destabilized her. Quite badly. The only really sane character here is Spike, but of the girls Rebecca and Theresa are the ones who kind of have earned the title of 'most sane' but really, you read that bit with Rebecca and the bomb. Just cause she's emotionally stable and fairly undamaged doesn't make her anywhere near a mentally healthy state.

Well, as long as our pre reader isn't late there should be new chapters of Temple of the Stars every week. Enjoy it while it lasts. Than I should be back to updating this and Penumbra more frequently.

So you noticed the latin? :pinkiehappy: There is an important reason I highlighted that with Patricia. Just... see if you can figure it out. It's important, trust me.
And Gilda wasn't immune to nanites. I should have made it clearer, but the nanites weren't in all three pieces of steak, just the one that she left for that guy. I was going to have her immune, but I got talked out of it by a pre reader.

And yes, Temple of the Stars is quite funny. I don't know about Orphius, but I was aiming for humor a fair bit.

Feel free to just say WAB if you need to all me by my username. Don't even have to capitalize it if you don't want to! But I can understand how my username can be a bit awkward to type out. Should've thought of that before I used it, I suppose... Ah well, live and learn! Anyway, I agree. It makes me think of monster movies. "It is coming!"

I do agree with you there. Her whole demeanor is pretty good for some humor.

Oh, Rebecca. That adrenaline addiction is gonna get you a knife in the back one of these days... Or a hatchet. Or a rope around the throat. Really depends on how Jack's feeling that day. Oooh! I like that! I meant assassin more in a 'hole shit, they're all pretty much dangerous killers' kind of way but I do appreciate the listing. And the fact that Patricia is all question marks. Seems rather fitting, even if it is for different reasons then canon Pinkie would require question marks... Urgh, now I really wanna know what happened in her past. I mean, if it made her that bad it's gotta be something pretty traumatizing. For now her randomness and insanity has good comedic effect, but I'm willing to bet there are much darker roots to this crazy, crazy girl. I'd say Spike is really the only normal one, but I think he's a bit too young to be reallllly screwed up just yet. Rebecca and Theresa did seem a tad less... killer-ish then the others. And more like their respective pony selves. Though now that I think about it, I also wanna know why Rachel isn't sane. She seemed normal enough from the little we've seen of her. Are we gonna get more on her crazy side next chapter?

Gah! I dunno if I'll even be able to catch up! :rainbowlaugh: I will enjoy it. It's funny, and pretty light hearted compared to your other stuff. 'Sides, that is a freaking awesome trio you've got in Temple of Stars.

Of course I noticed the Latin. I think my teacher would kill me if I missed it! Wait, it's a clue? No way! I noticed a clue! Even if I have, as of now, no idea what it means, I still noticed a clue! This is a proud moment for me.

Oh, I see! It was just the way Clara was all like 'there's nanites in that steak' as she was eating it. Got me all confused. But I understand now. I kinda like that she isn't immune. Makes her all the more badass.

Well, you hit that target square in the bulls eye. Wow, I carried out that metaphor awesomely...

Just call me Orphius. Olyandra is my very annoying muse.
Also Temple of the Stars does get kinda dark later, just not as much as our other fics.
1811700 1811231
I don't do humor



Are we gonna get more on her crazy side next chapter?

No. Rachel is... Hmm... Nah, I won't spoil this. I assure you that her moment will come.

I'd say Spike is really the only normal one, but I think he's a bit too young to be reallllly screwed up just yet.

That's deliberate. I find it amusing, that among a group of adults the child is the sanest one and the voice of reason.

Rebecca and Theresa did seem a tad less... killer-ish then the others.

:duck: You sure about that? Trust me, they're killers just as much as anyone, it's just that they're... fairly sane killers. Rachel's actually not really a killer, but she's not a sane not killer. The line between sanity and craziness isn't defined by murder.

Great as always. I'm kinda getting tired of saying that but I honestly don't know what else to say. I'm just looking forward to more action-y parts, because that's mostly what I read fanfictions for.


Well, if you like I can make next chapter bad s you'll have something else to say.:trollestia:

Glad you like the action parts, but I'm writing this story with the intent of it being a good story. Character, action, plot lines and all parts get attention.

I was having such a slow day on my fanfiction progress and then I see that this got updated, it made my slow day totally worth waiting through.


Glad to hear that I'm a bad influence.


Surely it hasn't been that long since I updated. I mean, come on. These things take time to write.


hours turn to days, days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months, and we all know waiting patiently for something you want is like a balled up eternity....... but nonetheless you have delivered therefore the pestering will stop........for now
<evil laughter>


Orphius it is, then!
I can kinda see how it might get darker... I'm only on chapter 3, so for now it's much more light then dark.

For someone who doesn't do humor, it's turned out pretty well...

You can't be all mysterious about it! T-that's just mean. :fluttercry:

Yeah, I enjoyed the contrast. Plus, I get majorly creeped out by off-kilter little kids so I'm reallly glad you didn't go that route.

I guess killer-ish wasn't the best word to use. I mean, Rebecca did blow up an entire biker group. Even if she didn't mean to, she was still willing to kill thirty to save Gilda... I guess what I meant was that their particular brand of insanity is a lot less obvious then the others so far. Does that make any sense?

Yeah... I will admit it's not as dark as some of our other fics, but it does get darker.
I have a warped sense of humor and what I find amusing isn't usually that amusing to others so I try to stay clear of humor as much as possible. In Temple of the Stars, most of it is set up by y1 or the interactions themselves sets it up rather than me going "I'm gonna be funny today!"

Hmm, sounds rather interesting. I'm excited to see where it goes! If I can find the time to catch up, of course.
Yeah, it can be pretty difficult when others don't get your sense of humor. Rather wise to try and avoid things that others might not get... So the humor is mostly supplied by y1 and the characters themselves?

Well I write Trixie, Luna and NMM, but yeah. It's just what they would say/do in that situation rather than me going out of my way to be funny.

I kind of think that's better, though. You aren't trying to force the comedy. It just happens, naturally, and thus fits into the story perfectly.
Just my opinion, of course.

Now all I can think of is RD going 'true dat' and hoof bumping Pinkie... My mind wanders to strange places sometimes.
Annnyway, good to see my opinion hasn't offended or anything. Though why it would, I am not sure.

Would RD even say that?
Bah, people get offended too easily these days

I don't normally go for stories like this, but you have gotten my interest.


What do you mean by 'stories like this', and what is it about this story that makes it the exception? If you don't mind me asking.

Dark and gritty action-adventure stories. Not that I think they are bad, necessarily, I just don't seek them out while browsing Fimfiction. I happened upon this largely by chance and read it on a whim. As I haven't read many such stories, I can't exactly give a detailed description of what things you did better or worse. I can at the very least say that rendering the characters as humans makes things far more believable to me, because no matter how cool fan artists try to make it look, ponies wielding high-caliber weapons just looks ridiculous to me.

Granted, there are other humanized action stories, but I haven't read them and... maybe I should? Shit, maybe there's this whole sub-genre here that I've been missing out on without realizing it?

I'm gonna have to look around some more.


Hmm... no not really. There's a few stories like this, but no real strong sub genre. If you want more like this, I suggest Merc the Jerk and his stories The Laughing Shadow or Fool's Gold.

ponies wielding high-caliber weapons just looks ridiculous to me

Fallout Equestria would disagree. I freaking love that story.
Anyway, it's just a minor thing but you've used the word 'caliber' in the wrong context. A gun's caliber is just a unit of measurement for the size of the bullets it fires, and usually the size of the bullets reflects the amount of stopping power it has. The caliber of a bullet isn't a measurement of how dangerous it is, just how big it is in one particular area. That area being the diameter of the bullet. I'm not really a gun nut, but I went and did a ton of research before writing this story about various different guns and bullet measurements. Since then I see some authors get it wrong when they talk about a 'fifty caliber handgun' and I just roll my eyes. I once saw a writer talk about his character's uber special two hundred caliber rifle in the same turn he described the bullet as being as wide around as his wrist. I wanted to scream that those were two contradictory statements. Anyway, just a pet hate I've developed since working on this. Don't worry about it.

I was actually reading Fool's Gold just now, but yeah, it doesn't seem like there are terribly many of these.

Fallout Equestria would disagree. I freaking love that story.

Fallout: Equestria was exactly what I was thinking of when I said that, but to each his own.

and you have now reminded me why this is one of the greatest fic's i have read, and HUZZAH for explosions, sexual tension and steak.


:rainbowlaugh: Whelp, I'm glad you're enjoying it, but I doubt it's really one of the greatest fics you've read. New chapter in the near future (hopefully)

hay, i decide whats greatest to me, and this is one of them. so shut up and take the compliment. :derpytongue2:


Can't argue with that logic.

2100070 see, now your getting it. :pinkiehappy: also i'm strangely looking for ward to Philomena show her sniper skills. and then i always picture Rebecca yelling "FLUUUKE" afterwards. :rainbowlaugh:

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