• Published 2nd Jul 2012
  • 3,178 Views, 277 Comments

The Elements of Salvation - Slick Dash

The mane 6's children embark on an adventure of their own, to save their parents and Equestria!

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Conflict in the ranks

As Archy approached his unconscious uncle, he could see he was in a terrible state. His usually white coat was matted with dust, dirt, and what horribly looked like blood. The dark stallion reached the captain and dropped to his knees, his breathes wild wit worry and fear! He reached out and grabbed the older stallion's shoulders shaking him rigorously, trying to wake him! "Uncle Armour!" He shouted in a grieving voice. Seed was the next to reach them, immediately he grabbed Archy and pulled him up and away.

"SEED! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" The unicorn screamed furiously at his friend. He tried to approach the orange stallion, but was halted by a heavy burgundy wing which swung up and blocked his path! Archy looked betrayed, he couldn't understand what they were doing! He looked to his old pegasus friend, who looked back at him understandingly. Archy glanced back and saw Seed stoop over the stallion on the floor, perking his ear towards his gaping mouth. Then Archy realized, they had thrown him out of the way, knowing his emotional state (Which was quickly deteriorating with every second) would get in the way of them trying to help his unconscious uncle!

"He's still breathin'!" Seed shouted, which made Angelica spring into action, rushing to the stallion's aid, she pushed her cousin away, and began to use the lessons her mother had taught her when she had cared for the animals! She rolled the pony to his side instead of on his back, rolling his hoof under his head, placing him in the recovery position. She then reached down and tilted his head up, clearing his airways. Suddenly, a hard sucking of air burst from the stallion's lips, the sound was pure wonder for the on looking Archy! He was alive!

While she ensured his mouth stayed open, Angelica began to look over the stallion's wounds. There were so many, a few looked slightly older than the others, as though he had been in several situations of danger in quick succession of each other! What had happened? Why was he down here? She glanced up at her cousin who looked just as lost as she did. She then whispered to Thor without glancing over. "It's ok, let Archy come over..." Immediately, Archy ducked under his friend's wing and rushed over. "Be careful!" Angelica demanded as the stallion dropped to his knees once again. "He's in a bad way, we need to get some help, somethin' obviously happened, and I reckon it happened pretty recent... like maybe last night..." She looked up, determined what they should do. "Thor, get flyin' and get up to the castle quick, get help and come back...down... Thor?" She stared in confusion at the stallion's face. Her odd tone made the others look up curiously.

Thor was sweating. Unable to bring himself to look away from the now breathing Shining Armour. His pupils were merely pinpricks in his irises as he stared on, horrified. A single bead of sweat rand down his face, to the tip of his nose, then it fell to the floor, making a faint dripping noise in the deadly silent alleyway.
"Thor?" Ruby asked, concerned at how sudden the stallion's attitude had changed. "What is it?" Seed began to look around, worried his friend had seen a threat behind them, but there was nothing. When he looked back, Thor managed to choke out a two worded question.
"L-Last... night?" Angelica frowned at him.
"Yeah, they're too fresh t' be anythin' else." Her eyes narrowed slightly, wondering if her hunch was correct. "Why?"

Thor's mind seemed to suddenly reverse, rewinding like a video tape: Entering the caverns, saying goodbye to Cookie, Breakfast, awkwardly waking up to everyponies' knowledge of the night before, sleeping, kissing Angelica, talking with Angelica, watching the skies of the night. Then he saw it clear as day in his mind's eye. A figure, too shrouded in darkness to be recognized at first, but what Thor could be sure of, was the direction it had come from: The mountains, and the direction it was headed: Back towards Ponyville, to the changelings...

"L-last night..." Thor repeated, spluttering at first, still not breaking his line of sight to Shining Armour. "I think... I saw, something..."
"WHAT!?!" Archimedes roared, springing to his hooves in rage. He stormed over to the pegasus, blocking his view, forcing him to look him in the eye.
"I-I-I- saw... something... headed back towards Ponyville..." Thor mumbled, his eyes showing the pure horror of what he had actually seen last night, and what it meant now.
"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US?" Archy shouted, so loud was his yell, that a few of the hanging crystals above shook slightly, releasing a light, playful, tinkling tune.

Thor understood completely why Archy was angry, but he needed to explain. "It was... It was nothing, just a-"
"WELL IT'S CLEARLY NOT NOTHING THOR!" Archy interrupted. Seed came over placing a hoof on Archy's shoulder.
"Hey, Archy, please calm down."
"NO!" Cried the dark stallion furiously, brushing his friend's hoof away angrily. He advanced on Thor, who stood his ground, not out of defiance, but acceptance. His misery stricken face proved that to all but the fury riddled unicorn before him. "IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED THOR! HE'S ALL I'VE GOT LEFT!" He pointed furiously at his uncle, lying on the ground, still not moving much. "IF MY MUMS GONE THEN HE... He's..." Archy was running out of steam, his yells were lessening, but his anger was still clearly abundant.

"Archy..." The pegasus choked. "I-I'm sorry..."
"SORRY? YOU'RE SORRY?" Archy's angry scream suddenly exploded back into life with new found vigour. "WHAT ARE YOU SORRY FOR THOR? NOT TELLING US YOU SAW SOMETHING? WELL WE ALL KNOW WHY YOU FORGOT ABOUT IT DON'T WE?!" Archy shouted, shooting a glaring glance at Angelica, who shrivelled away at the rage that filled the usually kind and happy Archimedes. Seed watched the element of Leadership back away, he was angry with what Archy had said, even if it was in the heat of the moment, it was till out of line. His mind seemed to respond to his thoughts, and began to replay what he had heard the other night, in the murky depths of Zecora's potion.
"You are key to it all..." He shook his head, and kept watching, as Archy advanced even further on Thor.

"Maybe we should have a little book, for all the times you mess up because of your own little stupid needs! Heck, my mum's Library would be full with only the first ten years I knew you!" He was getting far more spiteful. Angelica noticed her cousin twitch, she frowned, what was the matter, it was almost as thought somepony had whispered in his ear. Then a new twitch caught her eye, not from any of her friends, but from a pony just behind them, unconscious on the floor.
"HEY!" She shouted out, but was drowned out by Archy's next blistering tirade. She rushed to the captain and bent over to check he was doing ok.

Yet again Seed's ear twitched. He heard the voice again. "Strength, for your allies to rely on when they need it." Yes... that was what he had been told was his purpose here, to ensure the others had strength, and Archy needed it now more than ever, but how was he meant to stop his friend and help him? Then realisation struck him. If he wanted to help, he would have to be forceful.

As Archy launched into another rant at Thor, Ruby watched with misery in her eyes. Not only had she ever seen Archy act like this, but neither had she seen Thor! He was quiet, accepting every word the unicorn said. His eyes focused on a spot on the floor, his ears clung to the side of his head and his wings hung limply to his sides. It was a mood the dainty mare had never seen from the pegasus before, one of self loathing, and blame. She opened her mouth to try and stop the rampaging Archimedes, t try and calm him, like the sister she always felt she had been to him. But as her mouth opened, a blur of orange swept Archy out of her peripheral vision.

Archy slammed hard into the gem encrusted wall, a few of the looser gems fell from their place at the contact, and rained down on the floor along with small chunks of dislodged stone. He winced. With the wind knocked out of his lungs, all he could do was look up, making his horn glow defensively, ready to defend himself against the attacker. Then he spotted two deep green eyes. Seed?
"Archimedes Wright..." Growled the orange work stallion, using his friends full name. Archy hated when he used it, it was only in times of pure rage towards the dark stallion. "You're outt'a line!" He said simply.
"B-but he..." Archy grunted looking to Thor. "And he..." He looked to his uncle, or at least his hind leg which was all he could see behind Seed's head.
"It aint Thor's fault." Seed said calmly, still holding the unicorn to the wall, but lessening his grip slightly. "He saw SOMETHING! We don't know if that was what did this to your uncle or not, but what we do know is that your uncle needs you right now." He glanced over at Thor. "We all need both o' yall. Friends, helpin' each other out." Thor looked up and gave a half hearted smile to his friend. Silently thanking him.

Archy's temper was settling down, slowly replaced by grief for his uncle. He taught muscles slackened, and instead of pushing against Seed's hoof, he now collapsed onto it. "H-he-he's all I've got now Seed!" He chocked, giving into tears. "If my mum's gone, I don't- I don't... have anypony else!"
"Not true..." Came a quiet male voice. The others looked and saw Thor, his face still bore the signs of self loathing at his blunder the night before, but his face was also determined. He crossed over the hallway to Seed and Archy fast. He put a hoof to the dark unicorn's shoulder and gave a hopeful smile. "No matter who you lose, you'll always have me! Got your back 'till the end!" Archy stared, amazed. Inside his head, he tried to understand how after everything he'd just said, how much he had screamed and hollered, how Thor could simply let it wash over him and say something like that!

"And me." Ruby said quietly from behind the two stallions in front of Archy.
"An' me." Seed said quietly, nodding to him.
"Aaannnd ME!" Sweetness giggled, popping her head between the two of the stallions' smiling broadly.
"And you got me..." Angelica said distantly in her thick southern accent. "But I don' think you'll need us jus' yet, your uncle's commin' round." Seed released Archy immediately, and in flash, the unicorn bolted between his friends, giving a quick pat on Thor's shoulder as he passed. In a second he was on the other side of the captain of the guard, watching devotedly.

Sure enough, the stallion on the ground gave a rough grown, his lips twitched, and his ears perked up, scanning for some sound. Archy glanced up, and Angelica nodded to him, encouraging that the voice Armour heard was one of his family.
"U-uncle Armour?" The ear froze in the direction of Archy. Even from the distance from which they stood, Seed noticed movement from behind the captain's closed eyelids. Another grunt, louder and stronger than the last, encouraged Archy to try again. "Uncle Armour... it's me, Archimedes!" An eye shot open, making the others jump, but making Archy cry out with thankful joy. The captain sat suddenly, and his head snapped to his nephew.
"Archimedes?" He asked, daring to hope. Archy had tears in his eyes now as he looked at his uncle. He couldn't bring himself to speak, so thankful was he that his uncle was alright, the joy had seized his throat and ripped the power of speech from him! He gave a slow nod to his uncle. Who -seeing the honesty in his eyes- lunged forward and pulled his nephew into a tight embrace.

"Thank Celestia!" The captain kept repeating, rocking backwards and forwards, still holding the other unicorn. "Thank Celestia..." The sight was wonderful for the others to see. After so much pain on their journey, to see this reunion of two family members was a wonderful sight to behold. But Thor wasn't sure about the moment of joy. Why was the captain down here? And why was he suddenly so overjoyed for Archy's arrival? What had happened here? But he kept his mouth shut, not wishing to interupt the moment, not after all he'd put Archy through...

He felt something against his foreleg, he looked to his right and saw the small yellow Angelica stood there. Watching the exchange between nephew and uncle, leaning against Thor's side. He reached out and hooked a foreleg around hers, which she seemed to like. Somehow, it felt like she was sending him a silent message.
"It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. He's ok now." Thor took comfort and solace in the silent message, and continued to watch.

A few feet away, Ruby came up beside Seed and a similar thing. To his surprise, she came beside him and rested her head on his shoulder as she smiled and watched. He glanced down at her, catching the scent of her mane in his nostrils. He smiled as well and returned to watching. That's when he heard Armour's words, and his heart froze over in horror.

"When he said Ponyville was gone I-I thought..." Even Archy frowned at those words. He pulled away slightly from the embrace to frown at him.
"What?" Armour didn't seem to hear him, he was too consumed by the memories of whatever he was recounting.
"I thought that you and your mother would be..." He pulled Archy in again, but this time the dark furred unicorn pulled away fully. That brought Shining Armour out of his trance like state.
"You know about Ponyville?" Archy asked his uncle, horror on his face. If they knew, then why hadn't they seen help flying towards the town on their way here? The others began to close in, listening hard, all with the same uneasy expression and feeling as Archimedes.
"Yes..." Shining Armour said quietly, defeat obvious in his voice. He rose from the ground, winced and stumbled. Seed shot out of the group and caught him along with Archy, steadying the captain slowly. "T-thank you..." Armour mumbled slowly through a haze of pain.

When he didn't seem to be about to speak again, Thor finally asked what needed to be asked. He took a determined step forward, and spoke strong. "What happened here Captain Armour?" Archy glanced up at his friend. Though glad he had now calmed down, he still hated himself for what he had said to the burgundy pegasus in the fire of his rage. He found it hard to look him in the face, but all his worries of his friendship were pushed to the back of his mind by his uncle's next word.

Slowly, ever more recovering from his painful encounter with the supposed 'Dying Armour' Shining Armour recounted the invasion of the castle, how they had seemed to appear from nowhere, ad how within hours the entire castle was overrun. Still close to seed, Ruby clung to his foreleg, tears welling up in her eyes. Seed understood why, Canterlot had been their only hope, and now if what the captain was saying was true, then they had nothing they could do. No way to help Ponyville, no way to help their parents!

After describing his and the two princesses making it to the throne room, and Celestia's sacrifice to get them out. Armour bit hard on his lip. He suddenly looked distraught. "P-Princess Celestia trusted me to protect her sister... and I failed her... I lost Princess Luna when that... thing, came..."
"Thing?" Angelica pursued, determined to know everything she could about their enemy. Armour glanced at her for a moment. Inside his shame almost buried him, shame of knowing he had brought the creature into the world.
"A changeling..." He said slowly. Archy shifted his weight, moving his hoof to get more comfortable. As he did, he felt the tip of his hoof touch something cold and wet. He looked down and saw a light spackle of red liquid on the floor. Blood. His uncles?

He brought it up and examined it, as he did, the fumes of something rotting filled his nostrils! Rotting, and burning. Everypony else was too focused on Armour to notice, but Archy swayed slightly, listening to his uncles words as though over an entire ocean. "It's like the queen..." Black body, green hair... Archy's eyes flutter for a moment. He sees the tunnel they stand in, yet at the same time he sees something else. A wall of fire, and standing before it a single figure. The one from Ponyville... the leader of the changelings. "It knew how to fight..." Shining Armour continued. Wings like fly's, a long, limp, lifeless tale. "If it wasn't for him starting to freak out, I would have been long gone!" A glint of devilish eyes, and long, sharp, fangs. A name comes to mind, Archy's not sure where from, but it sounds right, but at the same time if it's the right name, then what could that mean for his uncle?

"Dying Armour..." Archy mumbled dreamily. Everypony turned in confusion, except for Shining Armour, who looked on in horror. Incredulous that his nephew somehow knew the name. Archy was slowly pulled out of his trance by his uncle's expression, he locked gazes with him. "That's his name isn't it." Armour nodded, never breaking eye contact with Archy.
"Wait..." Sweetness piped up, her brow furrowing. "Shining Armour... Dying Armour... they're both the leaders of each side..." She looked to each pony, they all listened intently, feeling as though Sweetness had something, that she was leading somewhere with her thoughtful words. "Isn't that a funny coincidence?!" She said, beaming at the others, who all released the tension with exasperated sighs.

Archy knew. He knew the truth behind his uncle and this mysterious changeling, he wasn't sure how, how the knowledge had just suddenly appeared without prompt, but he knew. He didn't blame his uncle, if anything it made him hate the changelings more than ever. They were sick and twisted creatures, resorting to the darkest and evilest of tricks! They were scum! They deserved to die! He'd never thought that about a creature before, not even his abandoning father, but now he prayed they'd all suffer a terrible death, suffering every wrong doing they had ever inflicted on others!

As if on cue, a sudden scream filled the air, they all looked around wildly, terrified by the sudden loud echoing noise. They couldn't see anything, where could it possibly be coming from. "There!" Sweetness cried, all fun gone in the instant of hearing sompeony in pain! She pointed to a small hole in the wall at the end of the alley, just beyond they could glimpse steps of some kind. Shining Armour steps towards it, his brow furrowed.
"That's the way we came... there can't be anypony up there, we closed the door behind us!" Without hesitation, he began to rush towards the stairs, ignoring the pain in his body from his recent skirmish.

"Uncle Armour! Wait!" Archy shouted, worried for his uncle's safety, he rushed after him. Soon he was followed by the rest of the group, all suddenly uneasy after the terrifying scream.


Armour reached the top of the stairs, staring incredulously at the gaping hole that had once been their most secure defence in their escape. Had Discord done this? Without pause he bolted through the gap and into the empty throne room. The broken glass cracked beneath his hooves as he rushed into the centre. He spun on the spot, scanning the room. Nothing.
"Princess?" He cried, hoping Luna had somehow escaped, or Celestia was still in here.

Archy arrived next, followed closely by Thor, then the girls and Seed bringing up the rear. The younger ponies froze in horror. They'd come here once before, for the grand galloping gala with their parents. Then it had been so beautiful, now it wasn't even a shadow of its former self. The stain glass windows were shattered and strewn across the floor, the large oak doors into the throne room were splintered and smashed open, outside in the hallway, bodies could be seen. bodies of ponies who had obviously been unable to make it! Ruby gasped at the sight, biting her lips and tears immediately springing to her eyes as it reminded her of Ponyville. Seed reached out and held her close, burying her face in his shoulder to hide her eyes from the sight.

Even the usually loud Sweetness was silent in horror. With a poof, her hair exploded into long straight strands as she looked at the terrible sight before her.
"PRINCESS!" Armour shouted again, still looking. There was nopony here! Was there?
"Uncle Armour, please calm down you need to take it easy!" Archy persisted, approaching his uncle lovingly. At his caring gesture, came a distant sound, like somepony breathing in deeply. Then a satisfied "Aaahhhh..." another spell of silence, then a voice begins to speak. Low, soft, female.
"Love for an uncle, I suppose that will have to do..." It was coming from the thrones, but there was nopony there! Then Armour spotted movement against the black of the lunar throne, the creature was black itself, so it blended against the black of the throne as well.

They all see it now, they all notice the faint dripping of luminescent green blood on the throne's black surface, then they realise what they see.

It gives a small chuckle.

"Hello Armour... remember me? Your blushing bride to be?"