• Published 14th Oct 2016
  • 624 Views, 4 Comments

A tale of two kirins - Solphestus

This is a tale about the misadventures of a pair of twin kirin fillies named Celestial Rune and Blaring Speakers as they go about their daily lives in the town of Ponyville. And with these two on the loose, every day might as well have been a Tuesday

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Chapter 2.5 - returning home

“Freedom!” Rune cried as she and her twin were released from school for the day, running out the doors before proceeding to kiss the ground.

“Sis, you’ll get dirt on your lips!” Blare shouted in dismay.

“Not like your lips aren’t already dirty!” A male uptight voice said from behind the two kirins. The voice originated from a pegasus colt much older than then with a lime green coat, teal eyes, and a purple mane.

“Ugh, leave us alone already!” Rune groaned as she stood back up, the moment of freedom ruined forever.

“Uh, yeah! What she said!” Blare added feebly.

“Pfft, why don’t you freaks leave us alone. This is a school for ponies, not… Whatever you two weirdos are.” The colt said venomously. Blare’s eyes began to water and her bottom lip trembled.

“Hey! You can't talk to my sister like that! Say you're sorry!” Rune growled at the colt, her eyes becoming slits.

“Or you’ll what, girlie? Kiss me to death?” The colt sneered sarcastically.

“That’s a thing!? Why didn’t mommy tell us that we could kill meanies with kisses!?” Blare said excitedly.

The colt growled. “No you braindead moron, I was being sarcastic...! Heh, it’s kinda funny how retarded you are!” The colt laughed. “I bet she’d eat dirt if I told her it was candy!”

“Shut up!” Rune snapped as she tackled the colt to the ground, her claws extended and fangs bared.

“Aaahhh! Help! A monster’s attacking me!” The colt screamed, covering his muzzle with his forelegs.

Rune continued to pin the colt down, her claws beginning to dig into his fur as she glared menacingly at him. “Apologize to my sister now!” She roared, purple flames flickering out of the corners of her mouth.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” The colt cried out fearfully.

“What's going on out here?” Cheerilee asked as she exited the schoolhouse, before her eyes widened in shock at the scene.

“Cheerilee! This freak’s hurting me!” The colt cried out.

“Rune! Get off him right now!” Cheerilee shouted as she separated the two children.

“But he insulted my sister!” rune cried out as she tried to get past Cheerilee’s hoof to resume her assault on the colt, her eyes like a snake who is sizing up its dinner as she glared at him.

“Oh? He did now did he?” Cheerilee asked as she glanced back at the colt. “Mind explaining what you said to make her react this strongly?”

“I did nothing! She’s a monster that should be expleled!” The colt shouted, shaking.

“It’s ‘expelled’.” Blaring added shyly.

“Not the time Blare.” Rune hissed back to her sister as Cheerilee looked at the colt in shock.

“Golden Ruckus! My office, now!” Cheerilee ordered. “Rune, Blare, please go on home I’ll handle this…”

“But she attacked me! She shouldn’t be excused for these actions!” Ruckus snapped.

“What were you expecting for insulting a filly, and a filly that you could obviously tell could hurt you should you upset them?” Cheerilee asked, a cold smile on her face as she picked him up by his scruff with her mouth and headed back into the schoolhouse with him. “Plus, they're only getting a warning this time as per school rules for firsttime rule breakers… but you, you have quite the record if I remember correctly.” She then added before the doors shut behind her.

“Hmph, I wish I could have clawed his face off before she intervened…” Rune grumbled as she retracted her claws.

“Rune… You didn’t have to do that…” Blaring said, before grinning from ear to ear. “But that was so cool!”

“Thanks.” Rune grinned while striking a triumphant pose before starting to make her way back home. “Come on, if we're late mother will worry.”

“She’ll worry more when she finds out you tried to hit on a colt!”

“I don't get it, why would she worry about me beating someone up for insulting you?” Rune asked, not understanding.

“Well, Cheerilee said that we would be off the hook at school, but mommy’s not school.” Blare said.

“... Oh…” Rune replied with a gulp, no looking forward to what would inevitably happen next as she decided to charge up her horns. “Might as well get this over with…” she then sighed before teleporting herself and Blare into their living room, and coincidentally right when their mother had begun to cook tonight's supper.

“Back already sweethearts!?” Their mother called out from the kitchen. “How was your first day of school?”

“Don't say a word.” Rune whispered to Blare before replying to their mother. “It was boring but fine…”

Before Rune could react, Blare yelped. “Nothing happened!”

Groaning, Rune just slammed her head into the nearest piece of furniture, the table Blare had crashed into yesterday.

After a few seconds, Amethyst came out, wearing an apron. Her eyes were squinted in suspicion. “What happened...?”

“You just HAD to say something, didn't you Blare?” Rune groaned as she pulled her head out of the dent she made in the table. Blare just whimpered, her ears folding back.

“Tell me now.”

“Well you spilled the beans, might as well finish off the bag don't you think?” Rune sighed while giving Blare a look.

“R-Rune got into a fight at school...” Blaring said feebly. Amythest then turned to Rune, her eyes slits, with a single question. Why?

“Urgh, Blare you need to work on your attention to detail… After school ended we were about to start walking home when some colt started bullying Blare and calling us names so I was going to teach him a lesson when Mrs. Cheerilee intervened.” Rune sighed, used to making up for her sister’s lack of sufficient explanations.

“I’ll let this slide, but if it happens again, you’ll get a grounding.” Amethyst said.

“What!? But moooom!” Rune whined looking up at her mother with her large blue eyes whle sticking out her bottom lip.

“No buts. You can’t go hurting other foals. You can’t hurt ponies, you can’t hurt dragons, you can’t hurt donkeys, or cow, sheep, deer, griffons, minotaurs, mer-folk, and anything alive unless it’s trying to do you harm. Physical harm. Only if somepony starts it do you fight back.” Amethyst said, placing her hoof on Rune’s head. “That’s final. Got it?”

“But he did start it…” Rune mumbled, before raising an eyebrow and asking... “So what about food? Like fruits, vegetables as well as me and sis’s meat? What about plants, like grass and flowers? Like what you eat..” starting with a normal facial tone and then ending with a childish gagging motion after thinking of her mother’s favorite food.

“Broccoli.” Amethyst said with an evil grin. Blare coughed, before falling on the ground and gasping dramatically for air.

“At least that isn't as bad as watching you eat flowers and grass…” Rune shuddered, her fur standing up as if the room just dropped twenty degrees as she blanched.

“Now, dinner’s almost done. Finish all of your food, and I’ll take you to that movie you two wanted to see.” Amethyst said, kissing the two on their heads. This got a wide eyed response of surprise from the two fillies as they stared at there mother to make sure they weren't hearing things.

When there was no sign that their mother was deceiving them, the two ran towards the dinner table and hopped up, ready to eat. With a small giggle, their mother trotted back into the kitchen.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay folks, was out of town taking care of my granma for an extended period of time. :twilightblush: but dont worry, I'll be geting back to updating this story (And hopefully some of my others) again and hopefully at a somewhat decent pace... :rainbowderp:

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