• Published 15th Oct 2016
  • 328 Views, 4 Comments

An Ill-Omened Moon - typervader

Eclipse just wandered, traveled and did what it took to survive. She soon entered Ponyville, where her life changed for the worst. She now is staying in Equestira, hanging out with the Mane 6 against her, and Nightbeams, judgement.

  • ...

Friendship is Evil

Ponyville, a simple town that is quite small, but it's where the summer sun celebration was being held. This was the best time to find work, and Eclipse knew that well. She needed bits for the next few weeks and decided that it would be best to stay in this small town for a period of time. She put her cloak over her head and begun to walk into the town. She looked overhead and saw a Canterlot chariot fly into the town.

"That must be the inspector." Eclipse thought as she continued walking. She soon entered the town, and she saw all different kinds of ponies walking around, doing all different kinds of work.

"So, where to first?" Dark asked the mare.

"Well, I supposed let's just look around and see." The mare replied, walking around town. She soon went to the mayor of the town, asking if she had any work.

"So, you want a job young mare?" The Mayor asked her.

"Yes. Anything will do." Eclipse told her. The Mayor seemed to be lost in a deep thought, before she finally spoke.

"Well, we could use someone to clean up the city if you don't mind." She told her. Eclipse just stared and nodded, heading out of the hall.

"Well, it could be worse. Let's just get started." Eclipse said out-loud, sighing. Eclipse's horn begun to glow, and she soon begun to clean up the city. Soon after, she bumped into a lavender unicorn mare. They both collapsed on the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said, helping the mare up as she got.

"No, no. My fault. I should be watching." The unicorn said, getting up.

"Twilight! You ok?" A small baby dragon came running up to her. Eclipse just looked.

"I'm fine Spike. We better go check on the other preparations. Excuse us miss." 'Twilight' picked up the dragon and continued walking away. Eclipse just went back to work, wanting to be payed. Soon after, she returned the Mayor's office, hoping to get payed.

"Thanks for your help. You might want to head to the library for a party. Pinkie is throwing it.

"I'm not much of a party pony. But, it would give me some free food, so might as well." Eclipse said. She very much didn't like parties, but it would give her some free food for the night. So, she headed towards the tree library, where there was already loud noises. She knocked on the door with her hoof, and soon saw a pink earth pony come to the door.

"Oh hi! Areyounewintownaswell? This party is for you too! Comeoninandhavesomefun!" This pony hurt Eclipse's brain. She was so cheerful and happy, and talked faster then Eclipse could understand. She was about to walk away, but was quickly forced inside by the pink pony.

"My name's Pinkie Pie! What's yours!" She asked in her usually cheery voice.

"Doesn't matter." Eclipse said, walking away. Pinkie's expression never changed.

"But it does! Come on, if we want to be friends, I gotta know your name silly!" Pinkie said, jumping around her.

"Ugh, she's so annoying. Just tell her and get it over with." Starglow said in her feminine tone.

"Eclipse." She finally gave in, hoping this mare will shut up. After she looked away for one second, the pink pony was already upstairs.

"We have another new mare in town everypony! Let's give her a warm welcome as well. Say hi to Eclipse!" She said, pointing her hoof at her.

"Great." Eclipse muttered under her breath. She saw the same mare she ran into earlier go upstairs, and Eclipse followed her.

"Hello?" She asked as she went into the room.

"I'm not going back to the party Spike." Twilight said, before looking over.

"So, you hate this pointless party too?" Eclipse asked, walking over to her.

"Well, there are more important things to worry about right now. Like Nightmare moon returning!" Twilight said, jumping up.

"Nightmare moon. This is bad!" Shadow brought up.

"We should help this mare! If she comes back, it will affect us as well." Starglow told her.

"We believe you." Eclipse told her. "And we want to help."

"We?" Twilight thought of the wording she used, but she didn't care. "Well at least someone has some common sense. Not even the Princess believed me!" Before they could finish, Spike came in.

"Come on Twilight. We are going to see the moon rise!" Spike said, leading the way.

"We might as well follow him." Twilight said, sighing. Eclipse followed Twilight back to the city hall. There were ponies gathered all around, and soon Mayor Mayor appeared.

"We are here today to welcome the one hundredth summer sun celebration! We will see Princess Celestia raise the sun once more! Now then everyone, let's welcome Princess Celestia!" Mayor Mayor said as the curtains were raised and music was played. However, the Princess was no where to be found. Soon, a new alicorn was standing there, covered in armor and black as night. She begun to laugh maniacally

"Oh no." Both Twilight and Eclipse said at the same time, as they knew what was next.

"Hahahahahaha! It's good to see all my little ponies once again. It's been far too long. Do any of you know who I am?" The alicorn asked, taking a look around. Pinkie begun to say random names.

"Black snooty! Black snooty! Bl---" Soon a orange pony stuffed an apple in her month to make her shut up.

"I know who you are!" Twilight said, looking up at her. "Nightmare Moon!"

"Well well, somepony who remembers me, guess you know what I'm going to do then?" She asked Twilight. Twilight just gulped, and soon Eclipse answered.

"You want to trap the sun and give us eternal night, soon killing every living thing." She explained, holding her doll closer to her.

"Well I don't plan to kill every thing, but yes." She said.

"Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!" Mayor Mayor commended, sending her guards after her. She struck lighting down at the three guards, and soon laughed.

"Enjoy this day my little ponies, for it will be your last!" She said that last line, disappearing from the stand. Eclipse then took a look and saw Twilight running, and soon followed her. As they ran out, a blue rain-bowed mane Pegasus saw them.

"Where are they going?" She asked, flying back in to gather a few others. She followed her back the library, where she saw her putting Spike to sleep. Twilight took a look and saw her.

"I'm surprised you knew about her as well Eclipse. How do you know?" Twilight asked, looking around at the different books she has.

"Long story. How do we beat her?" She told her, avoiding telling her what she didn't need to know.

"The Elements of Harmony." Twilight explained, looking around.

"The Elements. Huh." One of the voices told her.

"And just what are the Elements huh? How do you know what's going on? You guy's spies?" Rainbow dash said, looking at them.

"Whoa there." Applejack said, pulling Rainbow back. "They aren't spies, but they know a lot about what's going on, don't you?" She asked, walking up to them.

"I read all about them in my studies under Celestia. The Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her. But I have no idea how they work, what they do, or where to even find them!" Twilight yelled, frustrated with herself. They all turned and looked at Eclipse.

"Let's just say my friends told me." She told them. Twilight looked around, and wasn't able to find the book.

"The Elements of Harmony, a reference guide!" Pinkie said before Twilight knocked her out of the way.

"Where did you find that?" She asked.

"It was under EEEEEEE." Pinkie said, hoping around.

"Oh." Twilight said, dumbfounded she didn't think of that.

"The Elements of Harmony, ancient artifacts with unusual power. Only five are known. Kindness, Honesty, Generosity, Loyalty, Laughter. The fifth is unknown. They are currently located in Everfree forest." Twilight explained as they walked towards the forest.

"So, none of you have been in here before?" Twilight asked, looking at them.

"Heavens no darling, just look at it, its dreadful.

"It isn't natural. The weather controls itself, clouds move on their own, its creepy." Applejack explained. Eclipse just rolled her eyes and walked into the forest, as she wasn't able to feel fear. Then soon all followed her, still scared about the forest. The forest itself was dark, creepy, and it seemed to never end. They soon came upon a ledge, where they were forced to stop. Rainbow Dash decided to try to freak out Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity.

"Some people say that ponies who enter this forest, never come back! The weather controls itself, the animals are vicious and evil and attack the first thing they see! We might not come back alive!" She said, slowly walking towards them.

"Knock it off Rainbow." Applejack said.

"Stop Rainbow, that isn't nice." Twilight said. Eclipse simply smacked her with her magic.

"Jeez Eclipse, sorry." Rainbow said, rubber her head. A few seconds later, the ledge broke, causing everyone but Fluttershy and Rainbow to fall.

"Fluttershy, hurry!" Rainbow said, and they rain to quickly pick up Pinkie and Rarity. Applejack started to jump on the sides, while Eclipse used some of her magic to summon a green tendril to pick her up and put her on the ground. Twilight was the only one still falling, and she was about to fall off the ledge as Applejack caught her. Twilight had her eyes shut, as she was about to fall.

"Listen to me Twilight, let go." AJ told her.

"Are you crazy!" Twilight yelled, thinking she was going to get killed doing that.

"No I ain't. I am being complete honest with you Twilight. Let go." Twilight then looked into AJ's eyes, and saw something she never saw before, and she let go.

"AHHHHHH" She screamed as she fell, and was soon caught by Rainbow and Fluttershy.

"Sorry girls. Not used to carrying this much at once." Flutter said as she was about drop Twilight. Twilight looked and saw AJ jump down from the cliff. A small smile came up on her face. They continued to walk until they came upon an angry chimera, who roared at them. They all begun to try to fight the creature, but had little success. AJ tried to use her lasso on it, Rainbow clicked it, Rarity tried talking to it, and Eclipse fired magic spells at it. Soon, Fluttershy walked up to it.

"Fluttershy, what are you doing!" They all yelled, scared for her life. The chimera was about ready to swipe at her, revealing a thorn stuck in his paw. Fluttershy pulled at it, removing it, making him even more angry for a second. Just when they thought she was dead, the chimera was licking her. It was no longer angry, and they were able to walk past it.

"How did you know about the thorn Fluttershy?" Eclipse asked her, wondering.

"I didn't. Everyone just needs a little kindness." She explained. Eclipse just rolled her eyes, but Twilight had a smile on her face. They continued to walk until they came across trees that had face, and everyone but Pinkie and Eclipse started to freak out for the monster that they thought they were. Pinkie just started laughing.

"Pinkie what are you doing?" Twilight asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

'When I was a little filly and the sun was going down..." Pinkie begun to sing.

"Please don't tell me she is going to sing." Eclipse sighed.

'The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown..." She went on

"Yep, she is." Twilight said.

"I'd hide under my pillow

From what I thought I saw

But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way

To deal with fears at all'

"Then what is?" Rainbow asked.

'She said, "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall

Learn to face your fears

You'll see that they can't hurt you

Just laugh to make them disappear.'

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" She added. All the ponies gasped as the evil face on the tree disappeared, and they all gasped.

'So, giggle at the ghostly

Guffaw at the grossly

Crack up at the creepy

Whoop it up with the weepy

Chortle at the kooky

Snortle at the spooky']

"And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh..." She added in once more


All the ponies, other then Eclipse, sat there laughing. She just stood there staring at them. She soon felt something, and just looked at them. Once they calmed down, they walked some more until they saw a crying serpent in the river.

"What's the matter?" Twilight asked the thing crying.

"Well, I just sitting here minding my own business when a purple smoke cloud just came and whipped off my mustache clean off. I'm hideous now!" He said, crying some more.

"Well, we need to cross this river." Eclipse said, readying her magic once more.

"Wait Eclipse. I have an idea." Rarity said, walking up to him. She tore on of scales off, and swung, cutting of her tail. She then used her magic to form another part of his mustache. He stopped crying and looked.

"My I'm beautiful now! Thanks darling!" He said with a smile.

"Of course dear, we all have to look our best." She said.

"But Rarity, your tail." Twilight pointed out.

'It's fine dear, it will grow back. Short is in right now anyway." She explained.

"But you sacrificed yourself for someone you don't know. Why?" Eclipse asked, wondering how anyone could do that.

"I just couldn't allow such a crime in fashion continue. So I ended it." She explained to her once more.

"We can cross the river now." AJ said, stepping in the river.

"Oh, allow me!" The serpent said, lifting up parts of his body, making it easy for them to jump across. They walked until they came upon a broken bridge.

"Oh no, how will we ever get across!" Pinkie said, over dramatically.

"Duh." Rainbow said, flying.

"Oh yea." Pinkie just said. Rainbow flew across the gap with the bridge, flying into the fog. Once she got the other side, she saw three ponies standing there.

"Hello Rainbow Dash. You are the best flyer in Equestira right?" The middle one asked her.

"Of course! That's me. Rainbow Dash!" She boasted.

"We would like you to join the Shadow Bolts! We are the best flyer team of the Everfree!" The middle one said once more.

"Really? Well let me tie this bridge then we can go!" She said as she about to grab the rope.

"No! It's us or them!" The middle one said once more. Rainbow thought on this for a few seconds, then gave her answer.

"I'm sorry, but I will decline. My friends are more important then my dreams. Sorry." Rainbow went over to tie the bridge together. Her friends walked over and gave her a hug.

"Thanks Rainbow." Twilight said.

"I never leave my friends hanging, now lets go!" Rainbow said, flying away. They followed her walking towards the castle. They soon entered, and saw the Elements on a big stool.

"Go on Twilight." Eclipse told her. Twilight begun walking up to them, but then saw Nightmare Moon try to teleport them away. Twilight quickly ran up to them, and Eclipse teleported next to her before they disappeared. The other give saw a light coming from a nearby tower and begun heading over there. In the tower, both Twilight and Eclipse woke up from a daze.

"Well, well, well. Seems I have some unwanted guests." Nightmare Moon said, standing over the Elements.

"You won't get away with this!" Twilight said.

"I already have." Nightmare Moon said, before looking at Twilight who was ready to charge at her.

"What, you can't be serious? Fine then." Nightmare Moon did the same thing she was, and Eclipse knew what she had planned, and followed suit. They all ran at each other, and Twilight and Eclipse's horns started to glow, before they both teleported over the the Elements. After they had to recover for a bit, she tried using the Elements.

"No!" Nightmare Moon yelled. But Twilight was unable to get them to work.

"Hahahahha. Looks like you can't use them, I win!"

"What, but how! How do they work!" Twilight yelled before Nightmare slammed her hooves down, breaking the Elements.

"It's over! Give it up!" She said.

"I hope you have a plan here Eclipse."

"Wait, none of you have one either? This is bad." Eclipse replied to them.

"None! What do we do!"

"Twilight! Eclipse!" They both heard their friends say, and Twilight's eyed sparked.

"You haven't won yet. The Elements still live on!" Twilight said.

"What?" Both Eclipse and Nightmare looked at her confused.

"They live in in these five ponies who taught me friendship. The spark ignites in all of us!" She said. Soon, the other five joined her. The broken Elements begun to glow, and soon were flying in the air.

"Honesty! She made me trust her with her life, and never lied!" She said, looking over AJ as the sparks flew over her.

"Kindness! Who tamed a raging beast with kindness!" She said, looking at AJ as the sparks flew over her as well.

"Laughter! Who was able to face any danger and make it fun!" Once again, the sparks flew over her.

"Generosity! Who sacrificed part of her for another!" The sparks flew over her too.

"Loyalty! Who didn't leave her friends even past her own gain!" The sparks flew over here. All the sparks then formed a necklace in the shape of their cutie marks.

"And Magic!" Twilight finally said, revealing the last element, which formed a crown over her head. They begun to glow, and fired a magical rainbow towards Nightmare. Eclipse just stood in awe, she has never seen such magic before.

"NOOOOOO!" Nightmare Moon screamed as she was surrounded by the power. Afterwards, they floated back to the ground. Soon, the sun was raised again, and Celestia was shown. All the ponies, except Twilight and Eclipse, bowed down in front of her. Twilight ran up to her and gave her a young!

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight yelled, happy to see her again.

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student! I knew you could do it!" Celestia told her.

"But you told me it was an old pony tale." Twilight brought up .

"I told you to make some friends, and I see you have. Now that this is over." Celestia begun, walking over to what remained of Nightmare Moon. "Luna, my dear sister. I have missed you. Are you ready to return home?"

"Sister?" They all asked.

"Yes big sister! I missed you! Let's rule together big sis!" Luna now said, happy to see her sister again. They all headed back to Ponyville, Eclipse's gaze never left Celestia's. After returning home, Twilight was about to cry.

"I guess this means I have to return home huh." Twilight asked, and soon Spike walked out to see them after the Princess woke him up.

"Spike, take a letter. I, Princess Celestia, hereby declare that unicorn Twilight Sparkle will live in Ponyville to continue her studies on friendship. She will send me reports on her progress." She then turned to Eclipse. "I also hereby declare the freelance vigilantly Eclipse will remain under Twilight Sparkle's watchful eye, or else be sentenced to the dungeon." She added.

"Well, we were planning on sticking around for awhile anyway, could be fun. Guess we don't have a choice now." She said, looking at her. All the ponies turned to her then back to Celestia.

"Oh thankthankthank you Princess!" Twilight yelled running up and hugging her mentor once more. This was the start of a new adventure for seven mares.

Author's Note:

Here it is! I plan to not follow 1-1 to the show, and hopefully even add new events that didn't even happen. Enjoy and let me know what you think! I have 1 more story planned for now, but I will add more for sure!

Comments ( 4 )

Interesting start of a story, wonder what role and adventures Eclipse will have with Twilight and her friends. Hope to see what happens next! :twilightsmile:

Is Eclipse a dark inversion of Pinkie Pie?

7645005 I never thought about that lol

Oh! I can't wait for the next chapter!

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