• Published 19th Oct 2016
  • 395 Views, 15 Comments

EquestriaBound Girls 2: The Journey for the Eight Magical Melodies - Lucky Ness

The Mane Seven and the Chosen Four have to beat Giygas after he arrives in the Equestria Girls world.

  • ...

Golden Oak Library (Twilight's Sanctuary)

Rainbow pulls up to the school parking lot in her car with Fluttershy and Scootaloo after having stopped by Fluttershy's house. Even though it had only taken Fluttershy a few moments to unlock the door to her house, go inside, place Angel in his cage, lock the door to her house, and return to Rainbow's car, everyone else had already arrived at the portal by the time Rainbow arrived.

"Hey, Pinkie! How long have you been shaking for?" Rainbow asks as she and her passengers step out of the car and walk towards the others, who are standing around a rapidly shaking Pinkie.

"She's been shaking since we got here, Rainbow." Sunset says as Pinkie stops shaking.

"BOOKS!" Pinkie exclaims "The next sanctuary has to do with books!"

"I guess that means we're going to the library." Twilight says as Rainbow sighs and turns to head back to her car.

"They could have called me with that information if Pinkie would have been faster." She says as she gets into her car.

-At the Library-

After everyone arrives at the library, Pinkie goes up and reads the sign.

"'Golden Oak Library'." She turns and sees a giant oak tree in front of the building. "I guess that makes sense."

"Okay, but how do we get inside?" Twilight asks as she tries the doorknob. "I don't have a key, and the door is locked."

"Jeff, do you have your Bad Key Machine on you?"

"I never leave home without it, Ness," Jeff says as he walks up to Twilight. "Here, Twilight, let me try," He says as he pulls the Bad Key Machine out of his pocket and inserts one of the many keys the device contains into the keyhole, turning it as he speaks, which causes the door to open.

"Well, that was easy. But where's the guardian?" Twilight asks.

"Which part of the library do you like the most?" Ness asks.

"The non-fiction section." She replies.

"Then lead the way. We'll find the guardian somewhere around there."

Twilight leads them through the library until they hear a loud barking noise, which causes Twilight to look down and notice a familiar purple green doggy.

"Spike? What are you doing here?"

"I'm guarding this place."

"Guarding it? From who?"

"From you." He replies before leaping at her.

"SPIKE! Why are you doing this to us? We're you're friends!" Fluttershy says as Twilight dodges Spike's lunge. "We love you, Spike! More than anyone else. We don't know what Giygas might have said to get you to attack us, but whatever he promised was a lie."

"Wake up, Spike!" Twilight says desperately. "Remember the times I snuck you into Crystal Prep and Canterlot High? Listen to me, or at least listen to FLuttershy!"

"Twilight! Try one of these!" Ness says as he tosses her one of the dog biscuits he had packed to give to Spike once Giygas was defeated.

Spike jumps to the floor as Twilight tosses the dog biscuit to him. He quickly eats the biscuit, coming to his senses in the process.

"Twilight? What are we doing here so late? I thought the library didn't open 'til seven?"

"I was going on a little journey with my friends, Spike, when you attacked me and my friends."


"We'll explain it to you as Twilight goes and gets the Melody." Rainbow says as she turns to Twilight.

"Okay, I guess." Twilight says as she pulls her purple Melody Stone out of her pocket and heads towards the non-fiction section. The sound of music coming from the direction she went in confirms that she found it. All while this was happening, Rainbow was explaining to Spike about Giygas and what he had done to him and the other guardians.

"I got the Melody," Twilight says as returns with the stone glowing in her hands. "Now that just leaves Sunset's Sanctuary."

"And the Eighth Sanctuary," Ness adds.

Author's Note:

And so we have another party member.
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