• Published 30th Jun 2012
  • 7,278 Views, 821 Comments

The Prince of Ponyville - Kavonde

Prince Blueblood starts into his new life in Ponyville.

  • ...

The Prince Gets Underway

"Uh, what the hay are you doing here?" Shining Armor demanded.

The Captain of the Royal Guard stood in front of a small crowd outside the Ponyville town hall. He'd abandoned his uniform tunic for a simple, quilt-and-chain hauberk and a pair of heavy saddlebags. Cadance, beside him, had foregone her usual decorative apparel, and instead wore a simple, elegant purple cloak with gold trim, the hood thrown back to let the rose-hued lines of her ephemeral mane dance in the morning sunlight.

Opposite them stood Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie, all weighed down with pouches clasped with buckles identical to their cutie marks. He was surprised to see that they each wore vests of some thin, shimmering material, each dyed to match their eyes and stitched with intricate little designs. Rarity's work, obviously, but why in Equestria were her friends wearing such obviously decorative clothing into a possible combat situation? Armor of some sort would be far more logical.

Not that Blueblood had much room to speak. On such short notice, the best he'd been able to acquire a chain shirt that he--or rather, Celestia--had begged off one of the guards. He wore it over a plain, blue tunic, to prevent it from chafing or tangling with his fur, and covered it partially with a cloak of darker blue. Both had been gifts from Cheerilee, who had saved a few costumes from an old performance of "Taming of the Ewe." He hadn't asked why she'd saved clothes meant for a large stallion, but he'd noticed Mac looking relieved.

"Blueblood!" Shining Armor snapped, drawing his attention again. The prince shook his head to clear it. Early mornings. Eugh.

"I'm going with," he explained aloud. "I hope you don't mind."

"Actually, I sort of do. We don't need your curse complicating things while we try to save Twiley."

Blueblood blinked. Applejack and her friends looked rather confused by the statement. He glanced at Cadance, and she gave him an apologetic look. "You told him?"

"He's my husband," she replied. "I'm not going to keep secrets from him, Blue."

Applejack tilted her head. "What're y'all talkin' about?"

Shining Armor opened his mouth to speak, but Blueblood stopped him. "As a foal, I was cursed. I cause suffering to those around me, and inspire ponies to hate me. Which, I suppose Armor here has surmised, is likely the reason that two of my best friends are in the hospital, another has been kidnapped, and pretty much everypony thinks I'm awful."

Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs. "That's stupid. None of us hate you."

"Not yet," Shining Armor sneered. "Give it time."

"Yes, well, that's the point," said Blueblood. "Thanks to Auntie Celestia, the curse doesn't take hold immediately. We should have enough time to track down Chrysalis and learn where she's keeping Twilight before you all want to strangle me."

"I'm not going to take that risk. I'm not worried about everypony hating you, I'm worried about you getting everypony killed."

"Again, it takes time for the curse to take hold, and Auntie Celestia refreshed the spells she'd put in place to block the curse last night."

"Seems reasonable ta me," Applejack said firmly. "An' I reckon' if Blueblood here's set on rescuin' Twilight, he's as welcome as any of us."

"He doesn't even bring any useful skills to the table!" protested Armor.

Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow. "Um, hello? You're bringing me with. I'm a pastry chef and party planner."

"You have a cannon."

"It shoots confetti! Look, I'm just here 'cause it'll be fun and 'cause I wanna help rescue Twilight. If Prince Bluebie here wants to come with, I vote we let him!"

Blueblood winced. "'Bluebie?'"

"I second that," Applejack said, ignoring him.

Rainbow Dash nodded and raised a hoof. "I vote we bring him. That's three to two."

Cadance reddened and gave her husband an apologetic look. "Four to one, actually."

Both Armor and Blueblood looked at her in surprise. She shrugged. "I can help suppress his curse, too, Shining. And I'm proud that he's willing to help us." She turned to Blueblood with a smile. "You've changed a lot, big brother."

Blueblood stared at her in confusion for a long moment before he felt a hopeful smile spreading across his face. "You've... never called me that before."

"And I'm sorry for that. I guess the curse affected me, too."

"Well... I'm sorry for everything, as well. I suppose not all of it was my fault, but... "

She shushed him. "That's in the past, Blue. Let's just... start over. As a family."

Armor rolled his eyes behind her back, but didn't protest. "We should get moving. The sooner we start after Chrysalis, the less time she'll have to recuperate. She used almost every ounce of power she had left to escape last night; if we can find her while she's still weak, all we'll need to worry about are her changelings. So, double check, make sure you have everything you think you'll need, and we'll leave in fifteen minutes."

The assembled ponies set about checking through their saddlebags, taking stock of food, water, and other helpful supplies. Blueblood noted with dismay that one of Pinkie Pie's pouches seemed to be entirely occupied with balloons and party streamers. Wonderful. At least I won't be the most useless pony in a group, for once.

"Girls!" called a familiar, elegant voice. They turned to see Rarity and Fluttershy approaching from the direction of the yellow pegasus' cottage.

"Rarity!" Applejack exclaimed. "Y'all change yer mind about goin' with?"

"No, I'm still convinced that you're all being extremely foalish," she said airily. "But, Fluttershy and I wanted to see you off nonetheless. Oh, and excellent, you're all wearing your silkvine vests. Stylish and protective, no?"

The farmer nodded. "Sure are! I had Big Macintosh take his wood choppin' axe to it, an' it hardly left a scratch!"

Rarity paled. "You... you took an axe to it?"

"Well, sure. Hadta make sure it worked as good as ya said."

She stared at her friend's green vest for a moment before finally managing to rehinge her jaw. "Yes. Well. I apologize that I could not provide you all with more substantial armor, but Fluttershy and I shall make another expedition into the Everfree while you are gone to acquire some more of the silkvine spiders' webbing."

"We will?" Fluttershy asked nervously. Rarity ignored her.

Dash pounded a hoof against her vest. "Hey, don't worry! Not like any of those changelings'll even be able to touch us! I've lost count of how many of their butts we've kicked now."

Pinkie hopped excitedly. "Ooh, I haven't! You've got thirty-two, Applejack has twenty-seven, Rarity has twenty-three, I've got nineteen, Fluttershy has two--good job, Fluttershy, I'm really proud of you!--and I'm not sure about Twilight, 'cause we don't know how many she zapped in the forest, but probably a lot, 'cause she gets to use magic instead of just punching and kicking like we do, except for me when I'm using my party cannon! Ooh, wait, should I get half credit for the ones I helped her blast in Canterlot? 'Cause that'd bump my score up to thirty-three and put me in the lead!"

Dash stared at her for a moment, then blinked. "Okay, so now we know exactly how many of their butts we've kicked. I'm just saying, Rarity, we'll be fine."

"I'm certain you will be, but... " She sighed. "I nevertheless wish there was more I could do to help you."

"You could come with," Applejack observed dryly.

"Yes, I mean, without abandoning every pretense of logic and sanity."

Applejack frowned and started to retort, but Blueblood's attention was drawn away as somepony called his name. Cheerilee, Macintosh, and, to his surprise, Cloud Kicker were walking down the lane towards him. The pegasus was walking with a bad limp, and her wings were still splinted and bandaged behind her, but she was grinning widely at him in clear defiance of her injuries.

Blueblood met them halfway and wrapped Cloud Kicker in a hug, to her amusement. "Hey, Bluedude. Good to see you, too."

"How are you?" he asked, pulling away.

She shrugged and gestured to her bandaged wings. "Not awesome, but I'll get there. But, uh, you'd know that if you'd actually, you know, stopped by the hospital."

He frowned guiltily. "Sorry."

"Yeah, you should be," she said seriously. "Blossom finally woke up last night. First thing she asked was where you were. I told her that you guys were out in the woods, fighting Changelings and bein' all heroic, but... she was pretty hurt, Blue."

"I'm sorry. Things just... got out of hoof."

"Yeah." She raised an eyebrow at him. "So, you and Twilight Sparkle... ?"

He shook his head. "I don't know. I really don't. But... I promised I'd help save her."

Cloud Kicker sighed. "See, this is exactly why I don't date."

"What? You date all the time."

"No, I bang all the time. It's good, wholesome fun for the whole family. This relationship crap, though... It never ends well, Blue, let me tell you."

"I'm beginning to see that," he agreed morosely.

Cloud Kicker looked at him and smiled weakly. "Sorry. I know you're goin' on some heroic quest, and you don't need this dumped on you. Just... Blossom's a special filly. And she's my best friend. I like you, Blue, but if you jerk her around, they will never find your body. The minute you get back, you're going to sort this out. You hear me?"

He managed a halfhearted grin and pantomimed sticking a cupcake in his eyes. She laughed.

"Blue," Cheerilee said tentatively, putting a hoof on his shoulder. "Be careful, will you?"

He touched her hoof with his, then moved to hug her, as well. "I will, Cheerilee. Uh... "


He glanced at Macintosh, who smiled and nodded. He turned back to her. "I love you, Cheeri. Not in a romantic way," he added hurriedly. "But you've done so much for me. You're the best friend I've ever had."

Her surprised expression turned into a wide, genuine smile. "I love you, too, Blue." She pulled him tight for another hug.

They broke away awhile later, warm tears trickling down their faces. "No wonder all these girls are throwing themselves at you, you charmer," she teased.

He laughed and turned to Macintosh, extending a hoof. The big farmer just grinned at him and wrapped him in a boisterous bear hug. "Take care of yerself, Blue."

"You, too," the prince gasped, his lungs somewhat constricted.

Mac let him go with a low chuckle, then patted him on the shoulder and moved past to say goodbye to his sister. Blue watched him go, then turned back to Cheerilee and Cloud Kicker with a sad smile. "I should probably get ready... "

Cloud Kicker nodded. "Stay alive, Bluedude. Drinks are on me when you get back."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow at her. "Really?"

"Not for you, Miss Tubulee, just Blue. You wanna start callin' everything 'radical' and 'bodacious' again, you're doing it on your own bits."

They grinned at eachother, and turned back to Blueblood. "Good luck."

"Thanks," he said. "You, too."

He walked back towards the rest of the group. Everypony looked ready to go, except for Applejack, who looked on the verge of tears as she faced her brother. "... an' be sure Apple Bloom leaves early enough ta get to school, an' make sure Granny Smith gets her prescription refilled on Friday, an' make sure those durned cows don't go gettin' any stupid ideas, an' I guess you'll hafta set our new pricin' on zap apple jam yerself, but don't go gettin' greedy an' chargin' too much, an' be sure to talk to Filthy Rich about it, an'... an'... " She paused as she finally ran out of things to say, and looked at her brother with a trembling lip.

He smiled and pulled her into a one-limbed hug. "Everything'll be fine, sis. Jus' come back in one piece."

She nodded, clearly trying to fight back tears, and pushed him away. "Okay, okay, don't go smotherin' me, now."

"Everypony ready?" Shining Armor called. Five heads nodded affirmative. "Then let's get moving. Chrysalis awaits."

In the daylight, even filtered as it was through the thick canopy above, the previous night's battlefield was a horror to behold. A deep, blackened crater marked the spot where Chrysalis had been pinned by the princesses. Blood, both the natural red of ponies and the ichorous green of changelings, was splattered everywhere: on the ground, on the grass, on the leaves of bushes and sides of trees. The bodies of dead changelings littered the forest floor, the cracks in their carapaces emitting a sour stench, like rotting fruit intensified several times. Unlike the ambush of Twilight Sparkle, the bodies hadn't been removed after the battle; apparently, the changelings had been in such a full rout that they hadn't returned to reclaim their dead.

Only Shining Armor was able to survey the scene impassively; the others, even Applejack and Rainbow Dash, all looked rather green. "Okay," Dash observed, "probably a good thing Rarity stayed behind."

"So, what's the plan, Armor?" Blueblood asked, trying to breathe through his mouth as he carefully stepped over a fallen changeling, its skull crushed almost flat and its thick, mucus-like brain matter leaking out.

"I use my tracking spell," he answered calmly.

"I thought it didn't work through the air."

"It doesn't. But not all of the changelings flew away last night. Quite a few had broken wings or other injuries, and had to run or crawl."

Blueblood nodded. "Well thought, but what if the others came back to pick them up?"

"Well, then we have Plan B." He scanned around the battlefield, searching for something specific, and finally narrowed his eyes in satisfaction. Something levitated off the ground: a short, jagged spike of black chitin. "Remember that melted-off limb you found at Twiley's ambush? Cadance used a spell to trace its owner, but that wasn't very helpful, since it showed up at the fight. But we can do it again."

"Pardon," Applejack said, "I know this magic stuff's a unicorn thing, but don't that seem like it should be Plan A?"

Cadance shook her head. "It only points us in the general direction of the owner, assuming it's even alive. Shining's tracking spell actually follows the route its target took."

"Seems that'd make it a sight easier for them to launch an ambush."

Shining nodded. "True, assuming Chrysalis was coherent enough to order them to do that. Changelings are largely mindless when not under her direction. They have basic survival instincts, but they're not smart enough to set traps like that."

"Besides, A.J," Dash grinned, "let 'em try to ambush us."

She frowned, but nodded. "Okay, okay. Jus' makin' sure we're givin' things full consideration, is all."

Behind her, Pinkie Pie suddenly jumped in surprise. "Back itch, throat tickle, and tail twitch!"

Blueblood, Shining Armor, and Cadance looked at her in confusion. Applejack and Rainbow Dash just frowned thoughtfully. "I don't know that one, Pinkie," Dash said.

"It means, watch where you're stepping!"

There was a crunch from nearby, followed by a disgusted moan. "What are these things littering my trail?! Are they the source of that horrible smell?!"

"Zecora!" Blueblood cheered, turning to face the newcomer. The zebra healer, empty baskets slung over her back, was inspecting her ichor-covered hoof with revulsion.

"These must be the source of the noise last night," she continued without acknowledging him. "But usually the forest cleans up after a fight."

"I'm afraid these might not be palatable to the local wildlife," the prince observed. "They're changelings."

She looked up at him. "I have heard of these shape-shifting miscreants; I had not heard they provided such... " She wrinkled her nose. "... ambiance." She shook her head again, dragging her hoof across the ground to clean it, then turned to Blueblood with a small smile. "I apologize, Prince Blue; it is good to see you! And Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie! And a mighty alicorn! And... some other guy!"

Blueblood didn't bother hiding his grin at Shining Armor's put-upon expression. "It's good to see you, Zecora. We haven't had a chance to speak since Canterlot."

She nodded. "You've been busy, I've heard, after all you endured."

"Well... actually, I spent my first week or so sitting around Cheerilee's house, eating her cereal."

Shining Armor cleared his throat. "Miss Zecora, we apologize for the mess. Please, let my guards in Ponyville know, and they'll help you clear away the bodies. But we really need to be going... "

Zecora arched an eyebrow at him. "Why the haste to depart this place?"

The knight looked a bit annoyed at being question, but sighed. "The changelings, and, we think, some unknown allies, captured my sister, Twilight Sparkle. We're going to track the ones that fled the battle back to their lair."

"Your sister, you say? Yes, I see resemblance, clear as day." She frowned. "Twilight is a friend of mine, and I will aid her kin as mine."

Cadance inclined her head. "That is extremely generous of you, ma'am, but we don't want to trouble you."

"If the Everfree Forest you wish to survive, you will need the knowledge of an experienced guide," Zecora said firmly. "Let me go grab a few things that I'll need; I assure you, my presence will lend your chase speed."

Brooking no further debate, the zebra stomped a hoof and trotted back towards her hut, nimbly avoiding stepping into the same oozing carapace she had before. The others followed her, eager to escape the stench of the battlefield. Shining let her get far enough ahead that she was out of earshot, and then turned to his companions. "Are we sure this is a good idea?"

Blueblood nodded. "She knows the Everfree better than any other living soul, and she's a good pony, to boot. Trust me, the minute we come across a patch of red berries, you'll be thankful she's here."

Armor frowned and looked to Cadance. She nodded, and he sighed. "Okay. We'll bring her along."

"Yay!" cheered Pinkie Pie. "We've got a druid, now!"

Rainbow Dash flushed as the Canterlot ponies gave her and her friends a curious look. "Pinkie, uh, I don't think they know what you're talking about, so let's just... "

The pink madmare bounced over to the others, enthusiasm almost bubbling over. "Well, see, a druid is a divine spellcaster who uses her connection with and knowledge of nature and animals to-"

Applejack clamped a hoof over Pinkie's mouth and dragged her away. "Uh, sorry."

Dash hid her eyes beneath her hoof. "I can't believe I ever agreed to play that stupid game... "

Cadance and Shining Armor stared at them for a moment, then burst out laughing. "Uh, we know that you're talking about," Cadance giggled. "I used to foalsit Twilight, remember? We'd play that sometimes."

Shining nodded. "Yeah, I usually D.M'd."

Blueblood stared between all of them in confusion. "What in Celestia's name are any of you talking about?"

"Ohmygosh, that's so awesome!" Dash cried with such sudden enthusiasm that the prince worried she might have given herself whiplash. "You should totally run a game when we get back to Ponyville!"

"It's been awhile," Shining said nervously, rubbing his neck. "I don't remember all the rules... "

Applejack smiled. "Aw, shoot, don't you worry 'bout that none. I got jus' about alla them books back home."

"Seriously, could somepony please explain?" asked Blueblood, to no response.

The conversation dissolved into an enthusiastic discussion of strange and unfamiliar words that only Blueblood seemed not to understand. Paladins, he'd heard of; they were a heavily-armored type of unicorn soldier from Equestria's middle ages. But what in the hay was a "deesix?" And why was Rainbow Dash so proud that she rolled three of them?

He sighed in relief as Zecora stepped out of her hut, her usual baskets exchanged for a pair of canvas saddlebags she must have purchased in Ponyville. Additionally, she wore a bandoleer of small, glass vials of various colors across her chest. She gave the other ponies a skeptical look, then turned to Blueblood. "An interesting discussion, I have no doubt. What is it that they're so enthused about?"

"I have no idea," Blueblood said honestly. "Some sort of game, apparently. I'm starting to worry we walked through some sort of pollen that drove them all mad."

She patted his shoulder. "Let them laugh for awhile and forget their fears. I worry this expedition may end in tears."

He raised his eyebrow. "Why is that?"

She looked at him and shook her head. "Among my people, seven is cursed; only thirteen is very much worse. In our stories, all never survive; to depart with seven is to return with five."

"That's... rather silly, isn't it? I mean, those are just stories, right? Not something you've experienced yourself." She bit her lip, but nodded. "And besides, we departed with six. You're something of a late addition."

Zecora stared solemnly at the group, then forced a weak smile. "Perhaps it just superstition. Please, forgive my inhibition." She raised her voice, drawing everypony's attention. "I am ready to depart; cast your spells, and let us start."

The conversation drew to a close, and everypony fell in line behind Shining Armor, who began scanning the edge of the clearing with his horn aglow. After a minute or so, he grinned, and the ground before him began to glow. Pale, magenta fog rose from splotches of light; hoofprints. Armor gestured to the others and plunged into the undergrowth, and six ponies followed behind him.

Zecora's warning rang in Blueblood's head. To depart with seven is to return with five.

She was wrong. She'd been wrong about his destiny; she'd been wrong about his vision quest. She may be a knowledgeable herbalist and a capable enough psychoanalyst, but she was hardly omniscient. Besides, look at their group! One of the most capable knights in Equestria, three Elements of Harmony, including a no-doubt future Wonderbolt, and, oh yes, a newly-empowered alicorn princess who was only beginning to discover the depths of her strength.

They'd be fine. Even with Zecora's cryptic superstitions and his suppressed curse, they'd be fine.

He swallowed and tried to pretend he'd convinced himself.