• Published 20th Oct 2016
  • 923 Views, 6 Comments

The Interview - NotanImportantPony

Twilight Sparkle in brought in for a short interview on her recent discoveries concerning recent global 'phenomena'.

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The Interview

“Twilight!” Spike shouted at his friend. “You forgot your extra bag.”

In a flash Twilight bowled her little companion over in an effort to scoop up her bag of backup research notes and statistics. One might never know when some more explanations would be required for the sake of science. Noticing Spike’s predicament Twilight knelt down and helped him to his paws.

“Sorry Spike.” Twilight said sheepishly. “You know how I can get when I’m ‘in the zone.’”

“Yeah,” Spike scoffed as he nuzzled Twilight. “I know.”

A faint ‘honk’ interrupted their moment. Pulling away from Spike Twilight quickly tried to brush some of Spike’s dog hair off the front of her purple blouse much to Spike’s chagrin. After she deemed that enough of the hair was off her Twilight started gathering the numerous bags and examples that she would bring to her interview with the Canterlot Evening News. A knock on the her apartment door served as a reminder of how much time she didn’t have to do all the things that she wanted. Putting down a checklist down on top of her laptop bag which was on top of her evidence Twilight rushed over to the front door just as the doorbell rang again. Pulling it open she greeted her anxious driver with a harried smile a couple of rushed words then pulled her inside.

“You’re driving the minivan, right?” Twilight asked as she dragged Sweetie Belle into her apartment. Seeing one of his favourite playmates Spike barked happily then danced around Sweetie’s feet distracting her from what Twilight was saying. The recent high school graduate only looked up when Twilight shoved a laptop bag into her hands then moved a suitcase to her side.

“Alright Sweetie that’s is my laptop bag.” Gesturing to the bulky suitcase next to the young adult Twilight continued. “The suitcase has my reference journals in it so be careful- actually be super careful with everything, okay?”

Neither Spike nor Twilight heard what Sweetie mumbled under her breath while she was being loaded down with Twilight’s equipment. The strap of Twilight’s laptop bag had been thrown over Sweetie’s left shoulder; the bulky suitcase occupied Sweetie’s right hand; an over sized backpack choc full of props and some benign samples had been loaded onto her right shoulder. All in all Sweetie Belle looked like a thoroughly unamused pack mule. As she waddled out the door of Twilight’s apartment Spike heard one of Sweetie’s parting remarks,

“- Should’ve stayed with Rarity.”

Turning to his lifelong friend Spike spoke up.

“Hey Twilight?”


“Don’t you think you loaded Sweetie Belle with too much stuff?"

“Nah.” Twilight said. “She’ll be fine and besides she needs some meat on that skinny body of hers.”

Spike and Twilight shared a quick laugh. That fuzzy moment was over all too soon as Twilight picked up her last bag. Turning around Twilight met Spike’s eyes then nuzzled him with her left foot.

“Now don't be a bad dog while I'm gone okay?”

“Yes mom.” Spike whined sarcastically. Twilight grinned.

“Smart dog.”

Twilight continued through the apartment door then closed it behind her but not before she heard Spike’s parting remark.

“Good girl.”

Trundling down the recently painted hallway Twilight quickly arrived at the apartment elevator. Thankfully Sweetie Belle had been considerate enough to send the elevator back up for Twilight. The doors opened within seconds of Twilight pressing the call button then she walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the bottom floor.

Panting from the exertion of loading her bags into the car Twilight clambered into the passenger seat of Sweetie’s minivan. The young adult turned to look at Twilight with a smirk.

“And you said that I need some meat on my body, huh?

Twilight’s face was quickly suffused with a rosy red color as she stammered out a reply.

“Oh-uh, so you heard that.”

Yeah,” Sweetie huffed. “I have good ears, so I hear a lot of things."

“That’s good, I guess?” Twilight suggested.

“Yeah, it is.” Sweetie said as she bobbed her head in agreement. “But you know what’s even better?”

“What?” Twilight asked, leaning forward to turn on the AC.

“Knowing where I’m going.”

Twilight stopped adjusting the AC and the vents. “Oh. Just give me a moment-” She took out her smartphone and typed in the address of the Canterlot News Station “- Alright, here it is.” Twilight connected her phone to the Bluetooth in Sweetie’s minivan then both of them jumped as a sophisticated english voice shouted directions at them. Twilight and Sweetie’s hands collided as they both reached for the volume knob at the same time. That cost them a couple of seconds and by the time they had turned the volume down to a reasonable level their suave director had gone silent.

“Sweetie Belle.” Twilight asked. “Why in the world would you listen to something with the volume turned all the way up?”

“Why would you have some se-suave englishman dictate your directions?” Sweetie sassily retorted.

“Touche.” Twilight said as she rubbed her left ear. “Let’s get going.”

Sweetie quickly backed out of her parking spot and once she had come to a full stop she shifted into Drive. The minivan lurched forward as Sweetie pressed on the accelerator pedal just a bit too hard, the sound of clinking and unpredicted movement sent a spike of alarm through Twilight.

“Sweetie Belle be careful!”

“I am being careful, besides, Rarity says that I drive like an old crone.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“She never said.”

The trip to the Canterlot News Station didn’t take as long as Twilight suspected, even with the traffic and the stop lights that they got caught up in it only took them an hour and ten minutes to get to the building. Fifteen minutes after they got to the building they found themselves in a discreet VIP Parking Garage where a couple of staff members stood by waiting to help Twilight unload her precious cargo. Along with the staff were some rather large men in suits and Ray-bans. As soon as Twilight stepped out of the minivan the largest of the assembled suited men approached her.

“Ma’am, are you Twilight Sparkle?” He asked imperiously.

Looking up at the big man Twilight saw a wire that ran from his right ear down to the collar of his jacket.

“Yeah, are you guys from the government?” Twilight inquired taking a step forward.

“I am agent Merry Weather, my group and I are here to make sure that you and your research remain safe at all times, ma’am. We are to escort you and your necessary research to the newsroom then, after the interview is over, there are a few very powerful people who would like to talk with you.”

In the time that the conversation had taken place all of Twilight’s equipment and research had been loaded onto two enclosed carts by the loading staff and each cart had two of the suited men accompanying them. While Twilight could’ve marveled at the efficiency of the staff she instead chose to let them know how she felt about them touching and moving her research without her express permission and supervision. Stalking up to the Dock Manager who had tried to remain inconspicuous Twilight glared at him and said, “Everything that your staff just did could’ve ruined all of my research. Why, if even one of those backpacks fell to the ground, several dozen samples would’ve gotten loose, and do you know how much damage that would’ve caused?”

“No Ma’am.” The dock manager answered as he cowered underneath Twilight's piercing gaze.

“This city block would be dust.” Twilight bluffed as she poked him in the chest. “Do you understand me-”

Twilight’s beratement ceased when the Agent Weather put his hand on her shoulder.

“Miss Sparkle it is time to go. We need to get upstairs, now.”

“Fine.” Twilight pouted as she followed her escort to the VIP elevators. The Dock Manager relaxed as the little purple she-devil walked out of hearing range.

“God, what a little-”

“-And don’t think I’m done with you Mister!” Twilight shouted. “I’ll tell your manager about how carelessly you handle things around here.”

Once more the Dock Master was terror struck and even as the elevator door closed he could swear he felt the crazy little scientists eyes burning holes through him.

Miss Philomena nodded to Twilight ensuring that her guest was ready for the interview. Twilight looked up at her host nervously then tweaked her glasses as she was blinded by the light. After she was done with her glasses she nodded something resembling an affirmative gesture. Then the interview began.

Philomena started off with a basic opening.

“Hello and welcome to Canterlot Evening News at eleven. Tonight we are interviewing Doctor Twilight Sparkle about her recent breakthrough on several global phenomena.”

Silence immediately followed Philomena’s opening statement. Twilight jolted upright as the director's voice hissed in her ear.

“Ah! Yes the, uh, global phenomena. They are, um, very interesting and- and-”

Twilight froze up, all of the preparation, all of the time and effort that she put into perfecting her lines and she couldn’t even get a complete sentence out. Taking a deep breath Twilight calmed herself using a breathing technique that her old Dean, Cadance, taught her.

“You’ll have to pardon me,” Twilight began calmly. “I’m not used to speaking in front of such a large crowd. You see, I do most of my communication through online services and such. However I should tell you about these phenomena. I guess I can start by telling you that these phenomena happen all around the globe, they can be small or large events. For example, if you remember, last year there was a catastrophic failure on an oil rig that resulted in a massive explosion. Rescue crews couldn’t get close to the site because of the fires and aftershock explosions. Yet somehow the entire crew was found on the shoreline of the nearest island. Everyone except for one man survived. They don’t remember most of what happened but what many of them agreed on was that there was a bright flash of blue light then they all blacked out. Then-”

“-Thank you Miss Sparkle but we must move on to the next question.” Philomena leaned towards Twilight with a hungry look in her eyes. “Have you ever had any personal experience with any of these phenomena?”

“I have, in fact, the first place that I encountered anything like the phenomenon was at Canterlot’s very own Canterlot High. And well, several things apparently happened which I don’t clearly remember-”

“- Could you tell us what you do remember?”

Twilight told her what she could, the interview went on for what seemed like hours but actually last about a half-hour and soon enough the last question was reached.

“Miss Sparkle, who would you say helped you the most on your project?”

“Well I would never have completed this project if it wasn’t for the support of my friends. They stood by and supported me when I presented my hypothesis to the National Committee on Theoretical Science. They helped me when I needed extra hands, they provided me with some laughs when I was down, they kept me going, they supported me. And well, I know that was all a bit sappy, but that’s what friends do.”

“Miss Sparkle I don’t think I could’ve said that better myself. Now,” Philomena began regretfully. “We have run out of time so we cannot ask anymore questions.” Turning to the camera she brought up a thin smile. “This has been Philomena Byrd for Canterlot Evening News at eleven, I wish you all a good night.” She held her thin lipped pose for a couple more seconds then when the director gave the thumbs up her entire posture sagged. But Twilight didn’t have any time for questions as Agent Weather was immediately at her side.

“Miss Sparkle, we have a schedule to keep so I suggest we get moving.”

There was really no time for Twilight to argue with him. As the two of them proceeded off the set three more agents joined them forming a protective ring around Twilight. In no time at all they were down in the VIP Parking Garage again and Sweetie Belle’s Minivan was nowhere to be seen.

“Agent Weather,” Twilight asked, turning to her escort. “Where is Sweetie belle?”

“She was sent away because her services were not required any more. You’ll be coming with us.”

“What I-uh, someone will have to take care of Spike and get stuff from my apartment!” Twilight protested.

Agent Weather sighed. “You have one minute.”

Stepping away from her escort Twilight typed in a number on her phone then held it up to her ear.

“-Kiddo or who ever ya are just leave a message thingy or whatever Applejack calls it. Kids these days, Why in my day we- *Beep*.”

“-Hey-uh, Applejack it’s Twilight. I know it’s been a really long time and we haven’t really talked a lot but do you think you could stop by my place and grab Spike as well as a few other things for me? I don’t think I’ll be back there anytime soon and I know Spike will go crazy with worry. Thanks, I hope I’ll see you soon.”

Ending the call Twilight turned back to Agent Merry Weather, he was standing half in and half out of one of four black SUV’s,

“Miss Sparkle, we need to go. We’re on a strict timetable now.”

“Okay.” Twilight said as she walked over to the SUV then ducked under another agent’s arm as she clambered into the center seat. Her attending agent quickly climbed in beside her closing the door as he did so. The door closed with a solid ‘thunk’ of heavy metal and within seconds the cavalcade of vehicles roared out of the VIP Parking Garage.

Author's Note:

20/31 Only 11 more to go. :yay:

Comments ( 6 )

Where are the North Koreans? Where's James Franco? Where's Seth Rogan? This is a good story and all, but still...


James Franco's dead when the Ape Flu epidemic broke put, mate..

Just pointing this out because I don't want to see you get in trouble, but it's against site rules to post chapters as individual stories.

7659538 I appreciate your concern and after thinking about this for a bit I have come to a conclusion. Make them into short stories, I get to write, plus I get to do some world building:twilightsmile: Should be easy enough.:twilightsmile:

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