• Published 22nd Oct 2016
  • 5,379 Views, 73 Comments

Love times three - Flat spin

Tender Taps, Rumble and Button Mash talk about their crushes that just happens to be the cmc . and they decide to confess their love to them but how...

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Chapter 4 Lesson on love

Love times three
By: flat spin

”Soarin! I need help!” Rumble said and ran into the living room where Soarin and Thunderlane were.

“Okay… did you get that filly you were going for?” Soarin asked and Rumble jumped on to the couch between Soarin and Thunderlane.

“I’ll get us some drinks.” Thunderlane said and walked out of the living room. At that moment Tender Taps and Button Mash ran into the house too.

“Soarin! We Need help!” They yelled and ran into the living room and jumped up to the couch.

“Okay what’s wrong now.” Soarin asked.

“Well the filly I had a crush on… well… there is this another filly… And well I got a crush on her too.” Rumble muttered.

“Yeah… we might have the same issue here too.” Button said and blushed of embarrassment.
Soarin just looked at the colts and asked. “How old were you again?”

“12.” Three of them said in unison.

“ahhh. I see.” Soarin said and smiled wildly. “You three are about to enter the wonderful world of puberty.” He said and laughed.

“Puber-what?” Three of them asked.

“Puberty. It when a colt starts to become a stallion. It explains why you have these crushes and… well it also might explain a couple of other
things too.” Soarin said and smiled.

“What things?” Tender Taps asked.

“Don’t they teach this at school?” Soarin asked and the three colts simply said “Nope.”

“Okay… well than I guess I have to give you three the good old birds and the bees talk.” Soarin said and smiled.

“What’s that?” Button asked.

“Well let’s start this off then...” Soarin said and gave them the talk about the birds and the bees.

A cuple of minutes later Thunderlane walked back into the living room with to beers and said. “Hey I didn’t find any colas for you kids but…” Then he saw the three young colts and their expressions of horror. “What did you tell them now!” Thunderlane yelled to Soarin who was smiling.

“Relax I gave them the talk.”

“YOU WHAT NOW?” Thunderlane said as he looked at the three colts who looked like statues at this point.

“I just told them how the magical world of love works and what happens when ponies hit puberty.” Soarin said and smiled happily.

“Thunderlane facehoofed and said. “Okay dude… I wouldn’t care if you would have only told Rumble this but you had to traumatize two other colts too.”

“It’s better to get traumatized now than at the hospital.” Soarin said as the colts finally snapped out of their nightmares.

“You mean we are gonna do this at some point with fillies?” Tender Taps said in horror.

“Yep and you are gonna love it… of course you can do it with colts too but if you do that then the penetration happens to the a…” Soarin was saying but Thunderlane luckily cut him off.

“OKAY! THAT’S ENOUGH!” He screamed. “Soarin just shut up for a while. And now kids what was the problem before Soarin decided to destroy your childhood.”

“Well we have these crushes on some ponies but we also have crushes on some other ponies and we don’t know which is meant to be the one for us.” Rumble told him their problem.

“Well you know what I told you yesterday…” Soarin started again but…

“If you say a single dirty thing I will throw you into the ponyville river.” Thunderlane said and raised his fist.

“Relax… I Told the three of you that you can’t rush love. Give it time. Time will clear out your head and you will find the one that is meant for you.” Soarin said in a fatherly tone.

“So your saying we should just not date anypony until we are grownups.” Button asked.

“No! I’m saying that you need to relax and not worry about these things… Trust me in ten years Rumble will be a wonderbolt and you will have a lovely wife that is gonna be standing right next to you as you soar through the sky… And Button here will be a e-athlete who will tour the world with his special somepony. And Tender will probably be a world class dancer with his special somepony and heck maybe you will have a kid who might be great dancer too.” Soarin told each of them. “Just don’t rush love… Love is a mysterious thing you really don’t know what it is until you have found that one you can share it with.”

“So what you are saying is to not worry about these things and take what life has to offer.” Rumble said.

“Exactly. Just take what life has to offer and live it like today was going to be the last day of your life. That’s how I have lived and I can say that I’m truly happy and when I finally tell my special somepony that I love her my life is perfect.” Soarin said and looked as smile crept to the faces of the three colts.

“You know what guys… I think we should go to Button house and play games the whole night.” Rumble said excitedly.

“Yeah let’s go and have fun.” Button said and three of them ran off.

“You know what…” Thunderlane said and sat down next to Soarin and gave him a beer. “That wasn’t actually a bad advice… That was an advice that our dad would have given us if he would have been here.”

“Yeah I know… I guess I’m slowly becoming like him.”

“You know you should really go up to her and tell her how you feel… You have already done everything that a single guy can do.”

“Yeah but you know how the wonderbolt life is… if I would tell her how I felt I couldn’t be there for her a lot… that’s not the kinda husband and a father I want to be… But you are right… maybe I should do the same Spitfire did for you and become a dedicated trainer and a coach at the academy and leave the touring for the young bucks.” Soarin said as his thoughts wondered toward his special somepony’s magenta eyes…

Author's Note:

Magenta eyes... who has magenta eyes:rainbowderp:....

Anyways there will be TWO more chapters to this story and the next one willbe a short one and it will be out on saturday? The nightmare night/halloween story will be out on sunday... this is gonna be a busy weekend for me...