• Published 26th Oct 2016
  • 653 Views, 3 Comments

A Rainbow in the Rain - LunchBox Pony

R is bored of staying at home and goes for a walk. He finds himself at school and stumbles across a very famous athletic girl.

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A Rainbow in the Rain

The air had a chilling bite after the rain stopped, leaving the ground wet, muddy and slippery. I had been walking around for a few minutes now. I didn't really have a reason I just needed to get out of my apartment. My little sister was sleeping over a friend’s so the place was pretty quite and lonely.

I found my legs had taken me down a familiar route. It was the one I normally took to get to school. I turned to see the empty building, lights off, no sight of students and teachers, and all with the over hang of thick grey clouds; it looked a little creepy to be honest.

I stood in front of the horse statue at the front of the school. The same statue that had a portal to another world within its base. I walked past the statue and onto the school grounds, making my way around and towards the sports field.

I rounded the corner and saw that I wasn't the only one here. A girl was at the start of the track getting ready to do a sprint.

She had cyan skin and long rainbow hair. It was non other then Rainbow Dash. It was hard to mistake her, due to her hair and even before she helped save the school, everyone at CHS knew her. She was classed as the most athletic girl in the school and was captain of almost every sports team.

I walked closer as quietly as possible, trying not to disturb her concentration. I managed to get to the edge of the stands and simply watched.

With out any warning she started her sprint around the track. She was fast and it took some time for my eyes to catch up. I watched as she sprinted around the track, probably breaking a few school records. I was amazed as this was the first time I had actually seen her in her element.

My awe was short lived as the rainbow athlete had slept on one of the many puddles that were scattered around the track. She wasn't able to catch herself as she stumbled, starting to roll and then skid across the hard concrete ground of the track. She did manage to angle her fall so she eventually went off the track and into the soft muddy ground in the center of the track.

My body started to move before my brain could understand what I was fully doing. And then my mouth started to move.

"Are you okay?" I called as I jogged over to the injured athlete.

"Ow..." She groaned as she sat up rubbing her arm.

She didn't look good but she wasn't going to die. Her knees were scrapped up and bleeding along with her elbows. She had some new bruises; also she was covered in mud.

I kneeled down beside her checking for more injuries.

"I'm fine-OW!" She gave a yelp of pain as she tried to stand.

She looked down to her foot and I followed her gaze.

"Let me guess, sprained." I stated more then I asked.

"Yeah..." She tried moving it again and twitched in pain. "Probably."

I gave a sigh and started to lift the rainbow haired girl. She started to squirm and move around. I understood why she was surprised but I wish she would just stay still.

"What the hell are you doing?" She yelled, trying to break free.

"I'm trying to help." I grunted as she continued to try and separate herself from me.

"You don't need to pick me up like this. Just help me walk." She protested as I now had her in my arms, bridal style.

"It would take to long if I did." I answered, carrying her. "Are the changing rooms unlocked?"

She turned her face away from me, with a hint of red in her cheeks. "Yeah." She mumbled.

I carried her to the change rooms so she could clean her wounds.

"Who are you anyway?" The athlete demanded.

"The name's R. It's nice to meet you Rainbow." I answered.

"So you're the guy that Fluttershy was talking about... Wait, how do you know my name?"

"Your the star of CHS. You're the captain of almost every sports team. Add the fact that you helped to save the school. Everyone knows who you are."


I got to the girls changing room and stopped before I entered.

"You're the only one here right?" I questioned the cyan girl in my arms.

"Yeah..." She answered.

I carefully opened the door and I still found myself announcing that I was coming in. As I continued in I felt out of place. This is no place for a guy, let alone me.

I sat Rainbow down on one of the benches near the showers.

"I'll leave you to clean off as much of the mud as possible. I'll go get the first aid kit." I explained.

I walked to the main locker area and headed towards the back. There was a small metal cabinet in the back corner in the boys changing room that had the first aid kit in it. I gave a sigh of relief, as it was the same case in the girls changing room.

I heard the shower start as I got the kit. I opened it up making sure that everything I needed was inside.

I came back to see Rainbow having some trouble. I put the first aid kit down and walked over to her. With out asking I put her arm around my shoulders and wrapped my arm around her waist.

She was about to start to protest, but I spoke first. "I'm just helping you stay up."

Her mouth slowly closed as she gave me a glare. She continued to clean off the mud and clean her wounds. Soon she was back on the bench.

"So Fluttershy's told you about me?" I asked, getting what I needed from the first aid kit.

"She said you took cover in the animal shelter from the storm." She replied.

"I'm surprised she would remember me." I said flatly.

I started to remove the girl's shoe when she started to panic.

"What are you doing creep?" She yelled trying to get her foot out of my grasp.

"Stop moving or you'll-", I wasn't able to finish my warning as wines of pain started coming from the girl. "I'm trying to stop the swilling." I informed.

I gently grabbed her foot once again. I could see a small hint of a blush on her face and she looked a little embarrassed. I pointed the spray freeze at her ankle and applied it.

There was a brief moment of silence before the athlete started another conversation.

"So, why were you here anyway?" She asked as I moved on to her other wounds.

"I was bored at home and decided to go for a walk. My legs carried me here." I answered applying some disinfectant to one of her scrapped knees.

She gave small wince before continuing. "You must really like school.” She paused before adding. “I thought you looked like an egghead."

"I'm definitely not an egghead, I don't really like eggs." I retorted as I finished up with the athlete's wounds.

She looked at me with a deadpan expression on her face. I don't think she liked the joke...

"Seriously though, I'm not smart enough to be classed as an egghead." I added trying to move past my humor.

"Yeah I guess you're right." She gave a smirk before adding. "An egghead would have been smart enough to make a better joke."

We both shard a laugh as I continued my first aid. I had finished both her knees and took a seat next to her so I could start on her elbows.

"I think I can take it from here." Rainbow tried to reassure but it fell on deaf ears.

"You should really just accept help when it appears. After all if people want to help to make your life easier, let them." I retorted.

It went silent for a moment before the injured athlete spoke.

"You know, you're just as Fluttershy said." She stated. "But I would say your at least twenty percent cooler in person."

I couldn't help but give a laugh at the line. Rainbow gave me a look of confusion and frustration.

"What's so funny?" She asked giving a scowl.

"Sorry. I just can't shake the feeling I've seen a meme of that saying somewhere. I do appreciate the complement though, thank you."

She looked at me confused not seeming to know what I was talking about. During this silence I finished off bandaging her scrapped elbows.

"Done. How do you feel?" I asked Rainbow with more of a chipper tone.

"Sore." She said in a deadpan expression.

"Good that means your not dead; or dreaming."

She thought about the statement for a moment before slowly nodding. I packed up the first aid kit and put it back in the metal cabinet.

I got back to where the athlete was seated to find her trying to stand. Judging from the small ows coming from her she wasn't having a good time doing so.

"Here let me give you a hand." I walked beside the girl and put her arm over my shoulder.

"What is with you and helping me?" Rainbow asked with some annoyance.

I helped her move threw the locker room as she led me to where her bag was. She packed a few things away and went to put the bag over her shoulder, but before she could I took it and put it over my shoulder.

Her mouth opened to question my action but stopped. It appeared she was starting to see the trend. With all her belongings in hand, the two of us exited the changing room.

Rainbow hobbled along using me as a support. No words were spoken as she took the lead, reducing me to just another set of legs.

The journey was slow and long but not unpleasant. The thick grey clouds still hung over head, but we paid no noticed. During the walk the two of us did start some small chitchat. I had asked her what exactly Fluttershy had said about me.

I found that Fluttershy had told Rainbow everything; the shoot out with Buster the puppy, and the fact that I helped the shelter.

After some more small talk we had finally arrived at the Rainbow’s house. I helped her to the front door and removed her arm from my shoulder.

"This is me." She said looking at the house.

"Alright then. I'll see you around Rainbow." I said my goodbyes and left.

Rainbow got out her keys and unlocked the door. As the lock clicked the athlete froze for a moment as she turned around.

"Shoot, I almost forgot to thank..." The words died from her lips as she saw I was no longer there.


Author's Note:

Another one shot...

Edited by Parchment

Thanks for reading
Ruff Cut

Comments ( 3 )

Woah... R disappearing in the day of light when the chick is gonna thank them.... I like it. Pretty good read, I do hope there's a sequel.

Thanks for the comment.:pinkiehappy:

I do plan on doing a sequel when I have time and when I can think of something decent. After this collection of one-shots I may do a larger story which these are stories are connected to; still deciding.

7672570 Well I can't wait

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