• Published 26th Oct 2016
  • 597 Views, 8 Comments

From One End to Another - TheMajorTechie

I don't remember much about what just happened, but I DO know one thing: reality is broken.

  • ...

Wake Up

I felt my entire body lurch as the floor underneath me crumbled to a subatomic spray, swirling into the void that had opened beneath me... my final waking moment.

Besides that, I remember very little of what had happened, or really, where I came from... though I do remember my final thought, however, when the darkness closed in on me:

Goodbye, world. I'll miss you...

"Get him back to the bunker, girls. He's out cold."

"Okie Dokie!"

That... that voice... why does it sound so familiar?

To my surprise, instead of the warm hands of a human, I felt... air. It was as if I was simply lifted into the air itself, simply by a gust of wind. Though I was now awake from the ruckus, I remained still and silent, afraid of what was to become of me if I stirred.

We traveled for what seemed like hours on end, and--

Hey, Anon! Are you awake???


I'm... Pinkie Pie? Don't you remember?

Frankly, I don't remember anything, and you just scared the shi--



Judging by the sudden wailing noises and the lack of a voice in my head, whatever that... thing that got into my head was had left... though I felt something... oddly familiar about that voice...

"Twilight, he doesn't seem to recognize me..."

"It's alright, Pinkie. He's got a pretty bad concussion, as well as minor amnesia. Just wait a while, alright?"

I turned over and groaned. It felt as if I was lying on the operating table at a hospital.

"Wake up, um... what did they say back in the human world... uh, man."

I opened my eyes, groaning some more as I saw the sleek table I was on. I am on an operating table... either that, or this is some sort of fancy industrial-class... table.

"WHAT THE FUUUuuuuuu?----"

Now, I'd normally expect to wake up all cozy and such, but this time, I woke up to what looked like a very saddened... pink... pony?


Anon... is that really what the pony calls me?

"Sir... Anon," another pony began, stepping up besides me, "Shortly after Pinkie here returned, we had begun scouting the area for danger, and stumbled upon you."

Oh, great. Apparently I just happened to be dropped into the middle of nowhere.

"So..." I replied, eyeing the lavender mare in front of me, "This... Pinkie... she's the one that's beside me?"

The mare nodded, and I turned to face this "Pinkie" girl. Unlike the last time, when she apparently broke into my mind, she simply waved, though I still saw a glint of what appeared to be sadness in her rather large eyes.

I couldn't help but stare back. There was something strange about this mare, and she acted like as if she had lived with me for a while, though honestly, that's already a strain to my imagination.

After a while, we departed ways, and the two mares left the room. I lifted myself from the table, wincing from a sharp pain in my left leg. A quick check revealed that my ankle was apparently sprained. I'm actually quite surprised that I even survived a drop through whatever "void" that was that swallowed me up.

Now that I was completely awake, and able to limp about the room, I was able to explore my surroundings. The table I was laying on, (which apparently was just a piece of scrap metal on top of old crates), a few chairs here and there, and some boarded up windows blotting out the murky sunlight that leaked into the room. The only other thing worth mentioning about the room was that it appeared to be made entirely our of crystal.

I sat back down, this time on a chair. If I wanted to know what was going on, I'd have to ask some questions. But me, a grown man, asking talking ponies half my height? It's far too laughable... but yet, it's my only choice. A quick search about the room gave me a short plank that I could support myself with, and so I limped along to the door.

It was locked. Of course it was. I turned around to face the rest of the room. If it were really made of crystal, I may be able to shatter it...

Once again, I was wrong. After nearly ten minutes of endless hammering using the hardest objects I could find, I fell back, exhausted. My ankle still throbbed, and was visibly swelling. Just as fate would have it, the lavender mare returned to my room. Or is it my prison?

"Mister... Anon... am I right?" she asked, holding a clipboard and quill in what seemed to be nothing but a faint glow.

I shrugged, and replied, "Honestly, I can't even remember my name. All I remember is the world shredding, and me falling."

She nodded, and quickly jotted down some notes.

"So..." she began once more after finishing, "You're saying that the last thing you remember is that the world... shredded? I mean, I understand the falling part, considering your amnesia."

Once again, I shrugged, replying, "Well, if you can say that you saw every object around you being destroyed, then... yeah, I'd have to say that the world got shredded. Deleted. Vaporized--" I made a little explosion movement with my hands to make a point. "--poof."

The mare continued writing for a couple of seconds, and glanced back up towards my face. She had a mild face of confusion as she apparently ran what I said through her head. Finally, her face lit up, and she suddenly began apologizing.

"Sorry, sorry," she said, "I completely forgot to introduce myself! I'm Twilight Sparkle."

I raised a brow at the odd name. "Pinkie" was understandable, considering that the entirety of the mare, save for an odd little mark on her flank, was pink.

"Twilight" began scribbling on the clipboard again, seemingly logging my reaction to her name. She turned, and began to pace out of the room.

"WAIT!" I called to her. She stopped, turning to face me as I held up my foot.

"I sprained my foot."

Twilight opened her mouth, but could only muster up, "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh....."

Just great. I thought, She doesn't know what a foot is. How could I be so stupid?