• Published 10th Nov 2016
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"From Whence I Once Came" - Fabella

When Cadance stumbles upon a book detailing of an ancient race of ponies, she believes a certain creature may have an answer for her and reveal to her the origins of a certain 'sappy' pony holiday.

  • ...

A Story From the Past

Cadance gazed upon the queen with slightly wide eyes. She didn't say a word.

Chrysalis winced as she slowly laid herself back down on her throne. Her back facing towards the alicorn of love. She took a deep breath and relaxed her aching body.

"Sit down princess of the Crystal Empire, the story I am about to tell is a long one."

Cadance looked behind her on the floor and sat down. Looking up towards the large throne.

"You asked me if I knew about the flutter ponies correct?"

Cadance swallowed. "Yes. I remember that I did."

"Indeed you have came to the right one." she sighed. "How should I begin?" she asked solemnly.

Cadance felt compelled to answer. "Well, start from where you know."

Chrysalis gave a hidden smile. Cadance unable to see it as Chrysalis did not face her. "During the time of old, where alicorns could be found throughout the world and ponies were scattered throughout all lands, to the west of what was to be the land of Equestria laid a glorious kingdom known as Eden."

"What a nice name."

"Isn't it?" Chrysalis coughed. "Certainly a better name then 'Badlands'." she groaned. "Eden was a beautiful land filled with flowers of every type. Bugs of every species made their home there, ponies and royals looked on in awe as all who visited before them did. Flowers gave off their sweet smelling nectar and birds made the place come alive as they nestled themselves on beautiful statues. In the center of the beloved kingdom laid the home of the Queen. A gorgeous honeycomb like castle that was adorned with sweet smelling flowers of all kinds. The entire kingdom was one big garden."

Chrysalis turned a little to look at Cadance. A soft and small smile adorning her face as welcoming memories came back.

"And what could be more beautiful then nature itself?"

"You seem to remember this kingdom quite well."

"Oh yes. The queen and me were very well...acquainted." she hissed. "Eden was home to a race of ponies called flutter ponies. A breed of pegasi who took care of honey making, pollination and the care of insects and tiny creatures. They had a special connection to that side of nature and most held close to their ruler. Afterall, many of them were themselves, children of the queen."

"Wait, most of the kingdom subjects were related to the queen?"

Chrysalis chuckled. "Indeed. She was much like an insect herself. Having many foals of her own to form her own colonization."

"She was a pony?"

"Yes. An alicorn to be exact. Just like your prissy princesses. She was beautiful. Unique of any alicorn to have lived. She had brilliant white fur that slowly descended into grey closer to her hooves with grey hexagon markings on her body. Her mane a golden dripping honey that disappeared as soon as it hit the ground. She was a master potion brewer. Always aiming to change her appearance with them and took pride in herself. She was...quite vane. But mostly those potions were used to her advantage."

"How so?"

"She was quite notorious in getting what she wanted. She used them to gather information on other royals or nobles for her political advantage. This made her unpopular among the other alicorns and rulers and as such, they did not approve of her much but she could care less. She minded her own and ran her kingdom with an iron hoof. I must say, her subjects were much like her. They'll welcome you with open hooves but do not cross them or annoy them. You may have an angry swarm coming after you." Chrysalis chuckled wickedly.

Cadance narrowed her eyes slightly. She felt a cold draft come over her and she laid down on the ground. Tucking her wings in by her sides to conserve body heat.

"But such potions would bring about her downfall."

Cadance looked at chrysalis with increase interest.

"My memory is foggy but if I can correctly, it started when a certain idiotic, average looking, bastardprince decided it was a good idea to mess with said pony's potions." Chrysalis spat.

Cadance was surprised at the sudden language used as eyes grew wide. Chrysalis must have been close to the queen.

Perhaps she was a relative? Cadance thought to herself.

Whatever the case, it was obvious that Chrysalis took it personally.

"I do not know how that thing got a hold of her potions but I can only suspect that she must have followed the queen down into her brewing room which was to remain secret." Chrysalis snarled as she squeezed her eyes shut. "That idiot...he managed to get a hold of one of the potions that she regularly uses on powerful individuals to obtain confidential information. If his aim was to make her fall in love with him then he succeeded. He succeeded to well."

"What happened?"

"He managed to trick the queen into drinking it by posing as one of her servants. Putting the near entire potion inside of her breakfast drink that he delivered to her. Idiot had no idea what he had done. That potion was a toxic compound. Something you can only give in small amounts and this-this idiot had pour the entire thing!"

Chrysalis gave a sigh. "She tried hard to resist the effects of the potion and worse it came at her at full force as the idiotic prince did not dilute the mixture. But it was no use, the queen had succumbed to the effects of her own love poison."

"Love poison?" Cadance asked herself in a whispering tone. "Where have I heard that before?" She murmured.

"I do not remember exactly what happened between those incidents but I do remember well the incident between Celestia and Luna's mother and she."

This grabbed Cadance's attention.

"Celestia and Luna's mother had came to tell her important news but she was so fixated and obsessed over the pony prince that she ignored her warning."

"What did she come to tell?"

"That the draconi had come to make war."

"Draconi? Like Draconequus?"

"Yes. Another ancient race but at least you still have one swinging his happy tail around. They were similar to discord but each like ponies, having their magic talents that suited them. But the alicorns and them had become on bad terms with one another. It was to become as such to the point a great war was to happen between them. Eventually such would come to pass, leaving only a crazed member of their kind left and two little princesses."

"Celestia, Luna, and Discord I assume?"

"Quite obvious dear~." Chrysalis mocked.

"Many kingdoms and nations fell during the time of the Great War and unfortunately..." Chrysalis sighed in defeat. "...Eden was to be one."

"What was Celestia and Luna's mother name?"

"I am afraid I do not remember well. You'll do better asking your princesses that question."

"I see. Please continue."

"The queen annoyed by Celestia and Luna's mother interfering with their...relationship." Chrysalis choked. "Attacked the empress of the dawn. In fury and rage, the empress cursed the bug queen to be tied to the palace until she returned to cast sentence but such a thing did not matter. The Queen and the prince confined themselves to the castle as both their kingdoms were left to fend for themselves. The flutterponies, the queens loyal subjects tried desperately to garnish her attention but to no avail. While war rung out around them, their queen and a measly commoner prince indulged in one another until finally the queen snapped."

"What made her snap?"

"I...can't remember clearly but it was something that the prince had said. He said that his dear did not look well and as beautiful as when she first had him to himself. Of course that is to be expected when one's obsession is past the point of caring for self-survival."

"Believing his foolish words, in her blind and deluded state, potion after potion did she drink. Hollering that she could make herself even more beautiful for her lover. The combining of all of those potions turned her into something...unrecognizable. That weaklingof a prince." Chrysalis gritted. "He couldn't take her obsessive love anymore and fled. Never to be seen again and thankfully so. Not long did one of the draconi paid the kingdom a welcoming visit and with his visit, all of her subjects, many her own children, changed into the ragged beast like her. An abomination that could turn others into stone with one look upon them."

"What did they become? Are they still around?"

Chrysalis took some time before responding to her last question. "They were...til now."

Chrysalis stood up on shaky legs that could barely contain her weight. She shook with every inch she pulled herself up with. Her stomach was sunken in and every shape of her bones could be seen. Chrysalis turned her neck a little backwards as mandibles, covered in oozing saliva that was both clear and green, stuck out to straighten her crinkled wings.

Chrysalis buzzed them a little to make sure that they were working properly enough to at least get her off of the ground. She looked towards the pink princess.

"Follow me."

Cadance said not a word as the bug queen flew outside the place through a circular opening located at the top of her throne. The princess followed and watched as Chrysalis landed down onto the arid land quite a bit away from the hivemind before she did herself.

Why are we out here?Cadance wondered.

"Cadance..." she heaved. Approaching her steadily. "May I feed on some of your love?"

The request caught the love princess of guard. Why such the sudden request? Was she planning something?

She thought about it, unsure if she should. It was a risk. It was how Chrysalis powered herself. She had already taken risk coming here alone and without warning so she doubted if she should gather another risk upon such. But remembering how she risked it all when she taunted Chrysalis she ignored the benefit of doubt.

"Yes-but before I do so may I inquire exactly why?"

"You will see for yourself."

Cadance raised an eyebrow in suspicion but decided against interrogating Chrysalis further. Her countenance was one of gentleness but the princess knew better to so easily trust expressions. At most, they were masks to hide true intentions which often led to easy deception.

With a sigh, the princess gave in. "Do what you must."

Chrysalis's horn glowed faintly and her mouth opened a little as she absorbed some of the love from Cadance. Her eyes squeezed tight as she felt some of her energy leave her. The pink magic leaving from her horn and into the mouth of the love eating succubus. It continued for a short time but for the princess of love who was equally fueled by it, it felt like a hammer being banged onto her head.

She only hoped that she did not obtain a migraine from doing such a thing.

Chrysalis felt invigorated but just barely enough. She did not request this to extend her life but instead for the sake of Cadance.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

Chrysalis ignored her innocently asked question. Her horn glowed again as she closed her eyes. Cadance watched as there was a sudden bright flash of clear light as it practically blinded the alicorn. Cadance, in instinct, had raised a hoof to protect her eyes but taking a peek before fully seeing, she beheld a wonderful sight.

The magic of Queen Chrysalis burst forth and had caused the Badlands to explode into bloom.

Giant flowers and plants and insect mounds stood in the place of the once deserted sands and soil. While there was no sounds of ponies, the aroma of nectar and sweet smelling flowers filled the air and the buzzing of bees and various insects replaced the expectant sounds of ponies and changelings alike. Dusk no longer fell upon the land but was instead, lifted up in the brightness of the sun.

There were houses as far as the pony eye can see that were giant flowers and termite mounds. Streams flowed through the place in utmost beauty and butterflies fluttered about of every shade and color. Some were like mosiacs. Changing color depending on how the light hit them.

"Where am I?" Cadance questioned as she looked around.

Cadance turned around and before her was there no longer the ugly, black and jagged, slime filled castle that had once held the changeling brood. Instead there laid a beautiful castle made up of various clean cut boulders, stones covered in an array of luxurious flowers and sweet nectar and honey that dripped down from it's side to be lapped up by small creatures such as squirrels and hummingbirds.

"Is this...Eden?"

Cadance heard next to her the sound of a water droplet hitting a puddle and turned to look. From the leaf she gazed down into the small fish filled pond. What she saw made her speechless.

Almost enraged, she made her way quickly into the castle. The walls were adorned much like the outside with flower filled vines and honey dripping down from the ceiling as the itself was one big honeycomb.

Desperate she did not stay long to explore the elaborate place and continued on.

How could she do this?

Cadance darted all around the castle while yelling for Chrsyalis to answer. She eventually landed in a hall that reminded her much of Canterlot Castle's very own. It was lined with beautiful mosaic windows each bordered with elegant flowers. The long rug was a lovely gold color and the floor a shiny marble.

"Chrysalis! Chrysalis answer me!"

Cadance felt a twinge on her horn and as it glowed, she heard a voice.

"Stop your yelling, I have heard it through out the castle."

"Then why didn't you answer me?"

"Cause I am not in the best position to strain my force so you can hear. I simply waited for you to come closer. I am in the throne room."

"Where is the throne room? I need an explanation for this Chrysalis!"

"Continue down the hall. You will encounter two large doors. Go through them and you will receive your explanation."

Cadance did as she was told and lowered her haste but just enough to speed walk. Confronting the two large doors she lit up her long white horn and entered. The two large doors making a sound to indicate that they were closed.

Before her was a medium size throne that was made up of a beautiful velvet that was aligned with gold ornate details. It was surrounded with a beautiful fountain spilling from it that watered the small garden that sat beside the throne. A small pond was also present around it and was filled with stunning koi fish. If that was not enough, light from outside took over the throne room as giant clear windows stood in place of it's mosaic brothers. Truly it was a wonderful sight.

"It's gorgeous." Cadance thought out loud. Nature was truly much more spectacular than any man made substance.

But Chrysalis...she could not find her.

"Chrysalis?" She spoke calmly. The serene setting holding down her nerves. "Chrysalis where are you?"

"Look here. In front of you."

Cadance did and out of the beauty of all that was stood the same ragged and crooked, ill creature that stood before.

"Chrysalis...why am I'm like this?"

Chrysalis smiled. "Is it not beautiful?"

"It...is, in truth its perhaps the most beautiful pony I have ever seen."

Chrysalis smiled even more. Perhaps not out of happiness but to hold prisoner the tears that threatened to break out.

Chrysalis gazed upon the pony before her. She stood very tall and had a build cross between a pony and a full grown horse but she was of proportion. Next to Celestia herself she would not stand only taller but bigger as well. She had a beautiful and refined body that was covered in a white fur coat that grayed at the hooves and tip of her elongated horn.

Gray hexagon markings covered her fur and instead of the typical boring wings of an alicorn, they were of a beautiful giant monarch. Her mane, perhaps the precious of all. Mane and tail dripped in flowed honey. Dissapearing quickly after touching the ground. Not leaving any trace of it's mess.

Chrysalis walked towards Cadance in what had to be the happiest the crystal princess had seen the crazed and desperate ruler.

"Indeed beautiful. Full of power and wealth. If only you had not been so foolish." she stated sternly.

"Chrysalis?" Cadance asked worried. Unsure of weather or not it was directed to her.

"How fitting that the Empress of the Crystal Empire who has everything that I once had be my reflection."

"What do you mean Chrysalis?"

Chrysalis did not say a word as she closed her eyes sadly. Tears begun to leak out of her tightly closed eyelids as her teeth clenched together.

"Chrysalis...what's wrong?" Cadance sounded as though she was about to choke herself.

Tears fell even more.

What could she say?

Cadance stood silent with intensity as the queen opened her mouth to speak.


Author's Note:

I don't think I handled the story telling part well.