• Published 30th Oct 2016
  • 1,065 Views, 14 Comments

Creatures of Deception - eggtosser

Changelings. When you hear that what do you think of? Mindless creatures who'll blindly follow their Queen? Evil and blood sucking parasites? What if you were wrong?

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Chapter 9 - Hello Again

I knew I would have to come back to this forsaken place, a world like no other that shows no mercy to those who dare enter it. It is the bane of this planet's existence and is a danger to all it surrounds, the corruption in need of purifying before it can truly become unstable and engulf everything in its path. With that being said, I did not want to come back here, at least not yet.

But plans has slightly changed, and now I find myself hunting down a changeling. I don't know what I am feeling, whether it is dread from what unknowns that lurk beyond the shadows, or apprehension from what I may find at my destination. I know what I'll find: a changeling with the answers I need who kill me to protect it. That fear is not from the changeling themselves though, but from the information they hold within them. I have friends back at the hive, those I will give my life to protect, who are the only ones I have left in this world who I can truly trust without reservation. If this changeling knows what has happened, or will happen, then they best be hoping they tell the right answer.

It isn't often I become this protective towards anyone, but it is true. With all my family gone, those who are trapped in the hive are now the only family I have. I made a promise to myself, and them to me, that we'll protect each other until our last breath, and I will not break that promise. I'm a solider, and a soldier always does their duty, and I'm doing mine. I've already lost so much.

I let out a wavering sigh as I stealthily push through the shrubbery, creating the most minuscule of noises. I can feel whoever it is strongly, they're close and their is no longer any doubt that they can probably sense me as well. There are times where I think that our senses are both a gift and liability, and right now it is working for both sides.

I can hear the rustling bushes slowly and worryingly become louder, making me stop dead in my tracks to survey my surroundings for anything at all that can be used to my advantage. There isn't anywhere to hide, no stray stick or rock to use as a weapon, avoiding this fight is an impossibility and running is not an option.

Slowly I begin to creep forward once more, still keeping myself beneath the tall grass and tree roots as much as possible. At this point, the only thing working with me is the element of surprise and the hopes that I get the first hit on whoever it is. My target is approaches at a sluggish pace, giving me enough time to conceal myself behind a nearby tree stump before changing into my changeling form, preparing to pounce once they get into range.

From the bushes, an unarmoured, but armed, changeling emerges from behind the thick wall of long grass. Attached to his hoof with a green stained cloth is a small dagger, raise slightly above the ground so the blade is constantly cutting a line across the mud. He is smaller than me with little muscle mass, his body showing signs of recent fighting from the tiny cracks on his carapace, though they aren't recent as it is already beginning to close.

He looks familiar, but it is too difficult to make out any defining features that'll give me a clue. The unsuspecting changeling doesn't know I'm here, his watchful and fearful eyes trying their hardest to locate me through the thick and dense greenery fruitlessly. With their back turned, I steadily approach, doing the best I can not to alert him. I stop as soon as I am right behind him, still clueless to the fact that I am now within killing distance.

Without any more hindrance, I leap like a cat onto their neck, latching onto his neck and forcefully pulling him down hard into the ground using my body weight. Before he can recover from my initial attack, I use my fangs to tear through the cloth holding the knife while they're stunned. I grab it with a swipe of a hoof before forcing him to turn onto his back, pressing the blade of the knife against their neck just so it isn't enough to pierce his chitin, but enough to get my point across.

He ceases to struggle as soon as he realizes that I have his own weapon threatening to kill him, and after figuring out that I am stronger than him.

"Silver?" he forces out between heavy breaths.

I recognise that voice, it isn't "Fritter?"

"Silver!" I release the knife as soon as he launches up to embrace me, the knife clattering the ground. "It's so good to see you! I knew you were still alive" Fritter cheers heartily.

"You to," I reply, pleasantly surprise by his sudden occurrence.

Fritter is one of the only few who I can trust, and to know that he's here is almost alleviating. But even then, I can't help but question how he escaped the hive. Even though he was informed off my mission, it doesn't explain how he found me in Ponyville. "Did anyone follow you?" I ask urgently.

"Nope, after I finding out you escaped the hive, I decided I should come after you. So, I packed a few things and during the night I left the hive to find you. Some of the others tried to tell me not to go, but I'm not one to leave another hanging."

"No, I guess you won't," I smile at that.

He's the most loyal changeling I know of; never has there been a time where Fritter will run away when another is still in danger. He'll do anything until everyling is safe, even within the line fire. He is very childish however, which is normal considering his young age of only fifteen years. Fritter is like a little brother to me, but I have't told him that.

"When are you coming back? Your friends are missing you, and so am I," he asks wistfully.

"I can't come back, at least not yet. There are still problems here I will need to fix before I can even think of going back, that is if I ever do choose to go back," Fritter looks at me confusingly. "Once the fighting is over, either when we win or lose, I'm not going back. I want to stay out here where I can be myself for once. I was miserable because I didn't think I had anything to live for, now I do. And plus, I don't think I can go back there after everything that has happened

Fritter's face changes from happiness to one full of hurt, but he only nods his head in understanding. "Don't think I'm leaving you or the others for good. I will try to help the other win the rebellion, it just can't be now."

"Let me stay, let me help you," he pleads, his voice hitting me with a pang of guilt as I can feel pain permeating his voice.

"I'm sorry, you can't. With everything that is happening now, it will be too dangerous for you. I need to do this alone, I know you want to help but then we risk compromising our identities," I can see Fritter wanting to disagree with my terms, obviously upset with what I am saying, but he holds back and merely looks away depressingly. "You can help me by sending a message. Tell my friends that I am still alive and that I am find, and tell Fireclaw that I won't be able to return."

Flitter lets out a defeated sigh, knowing that he won't change my resolve. "If you're going to do this alone, can you at least promise me to be safe and not die?" he asks with big eyes.

"I can't promise that I won't die, but I can promise to do my best," I reply with an enthusiastic voice, with hopes that will cheer up slightly.

It works and his face brightens, a toothy grin appearing onto his face. He jumps up to me, once more wrapping my in his warm, hole filled hooves. I wouldn't mind staying like this for a while; it feels nice to speak to someone who I can trust and won't try to stab me. I've had a rough history within the hive, and he is one of the first changelings I'll go to for help if a problem arrives. Even if he thinks he isn't helping me now, he is doing me a lot by even being here with me.

"I have to go, I've been here too long and I'd rather not stay here any longer," I tell him as I unfold his hooves gently from around my midsection. "Before I go, how is everyone doing?"

He looks at me with a tearful eye, "they're doing fine," he replies with a small smiles. I can even feel my own tears building, I force them back but a stray makes its escape.

He turns and starts to slowly trudge back into heart of the Everfree, but not without giving me another smile of hope. "Good luck," he quietly says.

"Take care of yourself," I bid farewell before he disappears into the deep.

I too decide to make my leave as well; I think I left Zecora and Tremor waiting long enough for me. I make sure to compose myself properly, clearing my eyes of tears and transforming back into Sharp Point. Upon leaving the forest and into the warmth of the gleaming light of the sun, I find myself surrounded by Zecora and Tremor who's staring me down with worried eyes.

"Oh, there you are, we were getting worried you were gone. Prove me wrong," Tremor comments with relief. "Anyways, now the gang's back together, lets go!" he exclaims enthusiastically before darting off into a fast paced jog.

I notice Zecora eyeing me warily, but looks away as soon as she notices me gazing in her direction. Shrugging mentally to myself, I start to catch up to the fast moving pegasus who's showing no signs of slowing down, Zecora sluggishly tailing behind me with tentative strides.

At least I know now they're safe.

Author's Note:

I told you this one would be out soon, I actually quite enjoyed writing this one so I guess that helped with its speed. With the subject of action, I do realize they are usually quick and aren't as dramatic, but they'd be too risky too write because it is mainly too difficult to keep up with I find.

Anyways, I hope this is good and up to standard, if you notice any mistakes please feel free to leave a comment. With that all out of the way, enjoy life.

- King of Eggs

P.S. Not sure if the next chapter will be out as quickly as this one, lets just hope it won't be too long I hope.