• Published 18th Dec 2016
  • 800 Views, 26 Comments

War Pony - CreeperZone

The Great War between the three pony races, a war over food. A tale about starvation, racism and violence in a frozen over landscape that was formally the original pony civilization.

  • ...

Mare of The Moon

Hopeful sat on the rubble of the train crash, the crimson embers floating in the air, the smoldering sound of spilled oil burning in the distance. He sat on the jagged pile of smashed steel, waiting.

He gazed upon the clear skies, the sun shining in his face. He inspected himself, completely healthy, with no sign of injury or scarring. Neither had he his uniform, or any other clothing, for that matter.

He stared quizzically at his cutie mark, “One day, you're gonna make sense...”

He lifted his head to the heavens. “I hope.”

In the distance, a wheat field gradually appeared from behind a retreating fog. The snow suddenly cut off at the grain, and a-ways into the field was flattened portion with a red and white checked picnic blanket. A pony sat on that blanket watching a young filly hopping around, laughing and playing joyfully.

Hopeful sighed.

“Waitin' for somepony?” Wicker tapped him on his back to get his attention. Sitting down next to him she said, “What's got you looking so worried? Anything I can help with?” She scooted closer to him, leaning her head against his shoulder trying to snuggle.

Hopeful lifted his hoof up and around Wicker, holding her tightly. “I wish you were here...”

Wicker wondered, “What do you mean? I'm right here.”

He kept holding onto her. “I mean really here... Not just a memory.”

Hopeful lowered his gaze onto the snow covered dirt beneath the train wreck. There were three body bags, drenched in blood, lying directly beneath him. Two of the bags were marked with black ink reading ''Lover'' and ''Wife'' and the third, a much smaller bag reading ''Daughter.''

Wicker became concerned, “Hopeful, I know I will never be her. I can't be, but you know what I am? The closest pony to her you'll meet again. So if there is any problem, please, talk to me.”

Hopeful gazed toward the sky, inhaling some clear air as the sun burned brightly onto him. He then lowered his head back down to look through the wide gap in the clouds he was just staring down from, onto a train crash's rubble. “I'm scared.”

As Hopeful gently swayed his hind legs back and forth with the wind, hanging off the cloud he sat upon, Wicker slid from his grip, then flew in front of Hopeful. Her wings spanned widely away from her, flapping them periodically in a majestic and gentle manner.

“Hopeful, what could possibly be scaring somepony so fearless?” Wicker moved in close enough to place her hoof onto his, gently rocking it as she flew.

“I'm alone now, for the first time. It's not just that I don't have you anymore... It's just... just look at me, no Earth Pony will ever accept me again.” Hopeful spread his right wing out, then began picking at it with his hoof, feeling his feathers and stretching his wing as he folded it back and forth.

“Do you really believe you are the only pony that has realized the war isn't a one sided story?” Wicker leaned her head to the side, a pleasant smile on her face.

“I don't know what anypony else thinks anymore.” Hopeful fell onto his back, feeling like he was laying on a bed of loose cotton and wool.

Wicker flew above him and landed on top of him, with her hooves on each of his sides. She looked down onto him playfully. “Well then, Mister Life-is-Pain-and-I'm-a-Hurt'n. Answer me this, do you think Wicker would forgive the Pegasi?”

“Of course she would, she never hated anypony for anything.” Hopeful was dodging Wickers eyes, trying not to look into them.

“So if Wicker could, that means other ponies should be able to, right?”

“I guess...” The signs of a hopeful grin began showing on his face.

“Good, now that that's settled, I have one last question... if Wicker was here, do you think she'd still love you?” Wicker had a cheeky smile.

Hopeful stopped avoiding her and stared back up into her eyes with a smile. “Is this a trick question?”

“You know me too well.” Wicker leaned down and kissed him. He grabbed her and she held him back, wrapping each other in their hooves.

Soon, Hopeful felt his hair blowing in the wind as he started falling through the cloud and to the ground, but he kept kissing her, trying to savour the moment.

But as he fell faster, the wind blew harder against them...

Their bodies making a screeching sound against the wind...

And soon enough...

The ground drew closer...

And closer...



Hopeful jumped up, woken by a distant explosion that rocked the ground beneath him. He found himself in a cave, a catastrophically small grotto in the side of a mountain. The cave's ceiling shook above him, dust falling and setting on him, leading him to cough uncontrollably. He panted, trying to calm himself he wrapped himself in his cotton and wool blanket.

Minutes past before Hopeful got up again, picking up his map to see where he would plan to wander next. While more shells blew in the distance, Hopeful began packing, squeezing all of the blankets tightly into his saddlebags. He threw them onto his back and popped his head out of the entrance.

He looked to where the blasts were coming from, too far for the blizzard to allow him to see. “It's not your battle, Hopeful, you gotta move on...” He spoke to himself under his breath.

He hauled himself up onto a rock that was partially blocking his exit. Sliding himself past it, he stood up prominently.

He reached for a compass in one of his front pockets. “Okay. Northward it is.”

On the north-eastern corner of Great Bridleton, the proud land of the Earth Ponies was a small town by the name of Prance. The town edges on the border of Germaney, the land of the Unicorns. The ponies of Prance had been quite used to the presence of Unicorns before the war. The town was a farming village, one of the many that primarily sold to the Unicorns. After the war started, the small town was ransacked and left to rot by the Unicorns. Some Earth Ponies chose to remain, using the town to hide from the war, as it lay in a very secluded valley. The size of the town meant that it was practically invisible to both the Unicorns and the Earth Ponies, both tribes believing it was gone completely.

In this town lived mostly Earth Ponies, but there was one Unicorn that also called it home: Lunar Stargaze, but most ponies just called her Luna. She lived in a cottage on the far side of town. While she was given the odd look for her race, most of the ponies in that town knew her for years prior and accepted her. As she was raised by an Earth Pony, they all knew she was not like other Unicorns. In fact, for all of her life, she was kept oblivious to the existence of other Unicorns. Her mother kept her inside the house for all her childhood, and even in her adulthood all of her time she spent on taking care of her elderly foster-mother. The only time she regularly left her home was to get food from the town store.

Back when all the food was ransacked by the Unicorns, the villagers were forced to find a new way to grow their own crops, as the government seemed to have forgotten about them completely. They tried growing food in caves lit and heated by fire. They tried building a roof above their crops to stop snow. They even trying to grow wheat inside their own homes, but nothing to any avail.

As the village ran out of whatever they had left, ponies began to flee in search for a source of food. Luna, while scared of the outside world from being told many stories about wicked monsters that lived outside the village, she wished to do the same. But alas, her mother was too sick to get out of bed anymore, and there was no way she would ever leave her side.

One starved, chilling night, Luna couldn't sleep, for her hunger grew too painful. So instead, she went to her mother's room to check up on her. Luna looked into her weary eyes, Luna's mother was dying and she knew it. She could barely keep her eyes open enough to see her daughter. Luna stayed by her mother's side for as long as she could, holding her hoof the entire time. But as midnight rolled around, she noticed her hoof grow colder than before. Luna checked, but could not find a sign of life in her mother. After that, in a frustrated tantrum against fate, she ran out into the closest field to scream at the heavens. The field, covered in thick snow was completely baron. Not even grass lay under the snow.

Luna stood there, in the middle of the night, hollering at the sky, until she spotted a beautiful full moon just past the cracks in the cloud cover. She began crying, thinking about her mother. Once her tears hit the ground, something strange happened.

Luna was always taught that the horn on her head just meant she was a special type of Earth Pony, and nothing else. But she knew that she could do things with it, magical things that nopony else could. She would sometimes lift objects with her mind, but most of the time she would be caught by her mother who could hear the gentle sparkling noise and see the glow emanating from her horn. So she was taught to never use it like that again.

But when her tears fell, that burst of emotion jolted up threw her veins. Her horn began to glow and the spots where her tears landed became clear of snow, and then grass sprouted from the newly rejuvenated soil.

Once she had noticed what she had done, she couldn't help but smile at the sight of green grass.

Her horn began shining bright like a star, a magical pulse blasted out around her, blowing the snow on the ground and the clouds in the sky apart.

From that day on she used her magic to grow crops for her friends in the village.

That village has thrived ever since, without anypony else, be it the Unicorns or Earth Ponies, finding out about this small town that could grow food.

Luna named her farm ''Blossom Orchards,'' after her mother's name to honour her.

Now, everyday, Luna goes and clears the snow, using this powerful magic she had developed out of love and sadness for her mother.

That was at least, until today. The day her world would be shattered.

The day that would reveal all the lies she has been fed her entire life.

The day she would meet another Unicorn.

“Luna! Luna are you in 'ere?” an old light-brown coated farmer stallion with a dirty grey mane shouted toward the wheat field.

“I'm right here, Mr. Gravel!” Gravel could see the tip of Luna's horn as she jumped up in the wheat.

Luna ran through the grain as it brushed alongside her ears and face. Once she appeared out of the other side, she skidded to a halt. Gravel saw her royal-blue mane in a mess, her dark blue coat ruffed up and her bright orange eyes bursting with joy. “Hey, sir! Isn't it a lovely day?”

Gravel chuckled. “It's always a lovely day in there.” He gestured to the field, which was brightly lit by the sun, the yellow wheat glittering. “It's the only place that gets any sun anymore.”

“So what did you want me for, sir?” Luna, even while she matched his height, spoke to him childishly, her legs moving up and down energetically.

“Well if this were any other day, I'd tell you off for playing in the field and flattening the crops, but today being a special day, I'll let it go.”

Luna became instantly curious, “What's happened today, sir? Has Ol’ Lady Bell finally found her dentures?”

Gravel laughed, his old voice wheezing as he did so. “No no, heavens knows she'll never get those back. It's much more special.”

Luna bursted up and down like a Pogo stick. “Well, don't keep me waiting!”

“Luna, honey, settle down.” Gravel placed his hoof onto her shoulder.

“It's your birthday.”

Luna became frozen with surprise, shock and joy, with a smile engraved on her face. Her eyes out-shone the sun.

“20 years ago today, your mother, bless her soul, found you in a basket outside a berry bush orchard. And now look at you, you've become such a beautiful mare. Blossom would be proud of you dear.”

Luna giggled into her hoof, then flicked her mane away from covering her eye.

“What 'r you wait'n for? There's presents sittin' at my store for ya!”

Luna pounced at Gravel, hugging him strongly. “Thank you! Thank you!”

Gravel patted her on the back, “Aw, ain't nothin' for my special little Earth Pony.”

The hug eventually ended. “Now let's open some birthday presents. ” Gravel said, laughing as Luna hopped forward, then turned around to wait for him to catch up with his slow, elderly walking pace.

Once they got to the general store, Luna saw every townspony inside. Most of them were the elderly, who weren't healthy enough to leave the village, or those who wanted to starve to death where they were born and where they lived for their entire lives.

Luna burst through the door and was greeted by a cheer. They had decorated this old wooden cottage with pink flowers grown at the edges of the field, strung across the walls. In the center of the room lay several cardboard boxes, sealed with duct tape around the seams.

Gravel made his way to the door, where he stopped Luna, who was prepared to shred through the boxes. “Hold on there, lil' filly. Before you start opening those presents, we got one last surprise for ya.”

Luna swept her head around the room, looking for this ''surprise'' until the town's baker, Mr. Flour, walked in front the back store room. In his teeth, he held up a plate with a succulent, sweet, shiny slice of cake with a single candle on it.

Gravel hobbled up beside a mind-blown Luna, “Wouldn't be a proper birthday without some birthday cake now would it? We used up our last sugar to make it. Consider it as a thank you for everything you've done for us.”

“OH MY GOSH, YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!” She squeezed Gravel in another spontaneous hug. Then she levitated the plate towards herself.

As she went for a bite, Luna noticed that everypony else in the room looking at her in discomfort. “Oh, I'm so, so sorry, I didn't mean to be so rude.” She let go of her magic, letting the plate land on her hoof and she ate the delicious slice of cake while holding it up like a proper Earth Pony.

After she ate the most beautifully tasting meal she ever had, Luna began opening presents. She got one from nearly everypony in the village.

They then chatted and laughed the night away, playing board games and telling stories from their youth. As the sun began to set, and ponies left to go to bed, only Gravel and Luna remained at the party.

Luna struggled to remain awake, leaning her head on a table and jolting her eyes up every now and then, before slowly easing them back down.

Gravel, after just finishing polishing his counter, he went to get something from the storage. He walked out sliding a large box, as he moved it the sound of clanging metal came from it, waking Luna. “What do you got there, Gravel?” She yawned as she lifted herself up and wiped her eyes.

“Just my present. I wanted to save it till last.”

Luna hopped down from her chair, trotting over to the curiously big container.

“I thought you might want something to help you with that lil' cutie mark of yours.”

She blinked to her cutie mark, staring at it with great pride. A star-constellation of a heart. “It couldn't be...”

Gravel grinned. “It is.”

Luna ripped of the top of the box, dropping her jaw and becoming wide-eyed. “A TELESCOPE!”

“I got it when I was a young colt. My father gave it to me. Now, I think you should have it. Seeing how you love your stars.”

She vaulted it out of the box, laying it on the floor. “Can I use it tonight?!? Can I? Can I?!?”

“Of course, go ahead. I'll finish up cleanin' the place.”

“Thank you so much!!! I love you!” She shouted as she slung the telescope onto her back and began her gallop to the wheat field.

Luna looked up into the sky above Blossom Orchards. Clouds started patching the sky up above it. Soon, Luna arrived at the very center of the field, a small circle of wild flowers and tall grass where she would cast her spell.

After setting up the telescope she walked to the very center and shut her eyes. Tilting her head closer to her heart, she tried to remember her mother.

Her face tensed up, she felt the emotions flowing and the magic inside her building up. Soon her eye watered up and she strained them closed, her tears falling to the ground. Her horn lit up brightly and a large echoing explosion of wind blew the clouds apart, piercing the heavens.

She opened her eyes and stared up at the stars, gorgeous shining balls of light in the sky, all aiming at her. She nearly got carried away and forgot about her telescope, which she jumped to. Looking into it, and adjusting its zoom on the side, she could see the stars up close.

And they were fucking beautiful.

More tears began to form in her eyes, tears of joy at the awe of such beauty.

She could observe entire star systems with impossible detail, the shifting colours against the pitch black of the sky only complemented the sparkling of the meteors and stars gliding through the sky.

Luna couldn't look away...

Lunar Stargaze, after sitting out in the middle of the night for many hours, still had no interest in leaving. She was too captivated by the mysteries space had to offer.

But then, then she heard something.

A rustle in the field, a rabbit perhaps nibbling on some grain.

Whatever it was, it was distracting, and Luna would not have any of it.

She stood up and walked through the field, searching for the source of the commotion.

“Hello?” Luna spoke aloud, which made whatever the source of the sound stop what it was doing.

“Hey, who's there? Ms. Applegate are you lost again?” Luna became scared, it wasn't responding.

“S-show yourself! I... I'll find you!” She twisted her head around, she was surrounded by very tall wheat grain, unable to see anything threw it.

She began panic. “Whoever you are, I have to warn you... I... I have special powers... I-I dont want to use them... B-but if I have to...”

Then she heard a crunch of a hoofstep to her left, where she turned and a primal instinct inside of her caused her to cast a spell, collapsing all of the wheat directly in front of her with a strong gust of wind.

Once she raised her head after the cast, she could see a faintly glowing bubble in front of her, it was not the colour of her light-blue magical aura. No, this bubble was bright yellow.

The shield quickly evaporated away, revealing a White-coated Unicorn with her horn primed for casting.

The unidentified Unicorn lifted her head, her mane in an absolute mess after Luna's spell. The mysterious mare wore a gold necklace around her neck, a shiny gem hanging from the end in the shape of a sun. She spoke quite properly, with excellence and grace. “Oh how glad am I to see another Unicorn... I thought I finally reached the border and arrived in Earth Pony territory, I see I have more ground to cover before that.” The Unicorn let her magic dissipate and trotted up to a fearful Luna.

Luna stepped back, quivering. “Y-y... Your...”

The Unicorn's eyes jumped in worry. “I know, I know! I'm not supposed to be out this far, but please! If you can find it in your heart to trust me and not report this to my mother then I'll make sure it'll be worth your while.” The Unicorn advanced towards Luna, who found herself retreating into the wheat.

“B-but... You're like me!” Luna pointed her hoof up at the Unicorns horn.

She took a step back and an odd look at Luna, “You mean... My horn?”

“Y-yea! Look I have one too!” Luna lit her horn up with a dim light.

“I know, Darling. You're a Unicorn... Are you alright, Miss?” The Unicorn raised a curious eyebrow.

Luna's fears quickly fell to make way for her curiosity. “What's your name?”

The Unicorn was taken back by this. “You really don't know who I am?”

Luna shook her head innocently.

“My name is Aurora Sunshine... And what may I call you?”

“Lunar Stargaze... But most ponies call me Luna.”

“Alright, do you know by any chance where we are exactly?” Aurora began marveling at the wheat.

“This is my town, Prance.”

Aurora trotted back and forth, “Prance... Prance... I'm afraid I've never heard of a Unicorn village by that name...”

“Ms. Aurora?” Luna sheepishly tried to ask her a question.

“Yes, Luna?”

“What's a Unicorn? You keep saying that word.” Luna had her head down and eyes up at Aurora, who crossed her eyebrows in absolute confusion.

“You... Don't know... What a Unicorn is?”

“Well, I 'ave heard it before. Uncle Buttersquash says it when he is really drunk and starts swearing. I just don't know what it means.”


“Yes, Miss?”

“Buttersquash is an Earth Pony name.”

“Well, of course, ain't like it's a Donkey name.”

Aurora looked side to side. “Luna, dear, would you mind showing me where you live?”

“Sure! Just don't use any of your powers while your around the others, it's rude.” Luna hopped off happily.

“Right...” said Aurora, slowly trotting after her.

“So what brought you here Miss?” Luna politely asked as they made it out of the field.

“I'm... Traveling... My fiancée is in the war and I'm going to see him...” Aurora spoke exclusively, holding something back.

“Well what brings you to town?” Luna spun around to watch Aurora's head pop out of the wheat.

“I saw this field actually... And I'm very curious how anypony could manage to keep it.. You know, growing.”

“That's my job here in town. I use my powers to do that.” Luna turned back to walking obliviously.

“But, the clouds... Only the most powerful of magic could stop them like that...”

Luna giggled. “Mama always told me I was special, didn't know that this is what she meant until after she passed.” Luna sighed. “I miss Mama.”

The two of them made way towards the town, leaving the orchard through a large gate in the snow-topped fencing. The small thatch and wood huts became visible as they reached the top of a small hill between the town and farm.

Aurora saw the homes. “Looks like I did cross the border...” she whispered to herself, gazing upon the Earth Pony dwellings.

Luna kept walking until she realized that Aurora had stopped, Luna twirled around, “Whatcha wait'n for? Are ya nervous? Don't worry, I used to get nervous goin' into town too.”

“No I'm not nervous... Lunar... my dear, were you... raised by Earth Ponies?” Aurora trotted over and looked into Luna's eyes

Luna thought this question was quite strange. “Well, duh. Born an Earth Pony, raised an Earth Pony.”

Aurora grew worrisome. “Darling, you're not an Earth Pony! You're a proud, strong, magic wielding Unicorn! I don't know how you ended up here, and I don't know why you think like this, but whatever you've been told, it's a lie.” Aurora put both hooves onto Luna's shoulders, trying to get through to her.

“How dare you!” Luna threw Aurora off of her, “I am an Earth Pony! Stop telling me that I'm some kind of 'Unicorn,' alright?! No pony in my village would ever lie to me! Never ever!” Luna shouted aloud, her echo returning from the mountain sides.

“Luna? Whats all the shoutin' for?” Gravel ran from his store, galloping toward the two Unicorns.

Once he had gotten within talking distance, he ground to a halt. Seeing Aurora's horn. “LUNA, GET AWAY FROM THAT MARE!”

“Yes, sir!” Luna ran towards Gravel, in fear of getting into trouble. “She's been tellin' me all sorts of wicked lies!” Luna shouted as she nearly reached him.

Aurora shook her head in disappointment, then her horn lit up.

In a bright yellow flash she appeared in front of Luna, stopping her mid-gallop. “I am not lying to you! I just can't let a Unicorn grow up believing they are some sort of good-for-nothing Earth Pony!”

Aurora stood between Gravel and Luna, shifting her head back and forth to eye both of them down.

“Luna, don't you listen to her! Just get back 'ere.” Gravel shouted over top of Aurora.

This gave Luna a burst of energy as she shoved Aurora to the ground and ran to hug Gravel. “I wasn't listen'n to her, I swear.”

“I know, you're a smart lil' filly.” Gravel patted her on the back.

Behind Gravel appeared more of the citizens of town, hearing the commotion and going to inspect its cause.

Aurora stood up, frustrated. “Luna! You were born with a powerful gift. On your head is the most powerful weapon and tool known to any pony. Do not let yourself be tricked into thinking you're one of them! You're better! And I can prove it to you!”

Gravel, kissed Luna on the forehead and let her walk off. Then, filled with rage, he walked up face-to-face with the Unicorn. “Now you listen to me, darlin'. Luna may be born like one of you heartless, privileged, stick-up-your-arse'd Unicorns. But she was raised a humble, hard working Earth Pony. She loves us and we love her, and you're gonna have to kill me first.”

“No, Gravel! Please don't!” Luna cried out, being held back from running in by one of the other ponies.

Aurora lifted herself up with telekinesis, slightly above all the Earth Pony scum. With an amplification spell for her voice, she addressed the crowd. “Luna! I know you're better than this. Every Unicorn is. And if you all don't believe she is your superior, let me point out that you'd starve to death without her! Not just has she the magic to defy the winter, but she is capable of a lot more! JUST WATCH!”

As Aurora's horn grew in brightness, Gravel began to glow as well, his throat being forced shut. Gravel gargled for air, scratching at his neck to try and stop it.

“NOOOO!” Luna screamed out, throwing the pony holding her to the side and galloping to Gravel.

“LUNA! SHOW THEM YOUR POWER, STOP ME AND SHOW THEM ALL!” She shouted to Luna, pleading to her not with anger, but with hope.

Luna ferociously glared at Aurora, moving past Gravel and jumping at her. But as she pounced into the air, she was blasted back onto the ground.

“USE YOUR MAGIC, DO IT!” Aurora stared at Luna with pride.

Luna looked upon herself, tears flowing from her face as she held back her rage, but then with a glance at her glowing cutie mark, she screamed out a battle cry and her horn blasted out light.

In one swift motion pointed her head up at Aurora, a blast of pure magic, twice her own size, leaving her horn.

Aurora instantly formed a bubble around her in the air, having Luna's magic smash against it and spill over the sides.

After a few seconds, Luna collapsed to the floor, along with Aurora. Gravel felt his breathing return and rushed over to help Luna.

Aurora forced herself up onto her hooves. “See?”

Everypony saw, the entire town stood in shock and awe.

Aurora spoke to the worn-out Unicorn, “Luna, don't you see now? This is what I meant. You belong in Marelin. You'd be a feared fighter and respected hero! Don't listen to any more of their lies!”

Luna, quivering from the cold and pain, looked up at the Unicorn. “No.”

“No? Luna! You can't tell me you want to stay with these... these inferiors!”

Luna lifted up on leg and stood on it, “Even if I am talented,” She then picked up her second, “even if I am a... 'Unicorn,'” Luna stood up strong, “I would never turn my back on the ponies who love me... And no matter what you say, I will never leave their sides... Even if we are different.”

Aurora looked at the crowd, gathering around Luna, in shock. “If you wish to have it so, then let it be... I understand you know... Loving somepony who isn't a Unicorn... But that doesn't change the fact you have so much potential that will never be used because of them! But fine, I'll leave. But let me warn you, once the Unicorn Royal Guard realize I am missing, they will look for me. And if they find this town, then you'll have to make a decision like this again... except that time, it'll be to die an Earth Pony, or live a Unicorn... I can only hope you choose the latter.” Aurora began walking past them. Once she reached the other side of the crowd she turned her head. “I'm sorry for what I did. I got carried away... but don't waste your gift, Luna.”

As she passed through, everypony eyed her in silence, faces filled with anger and fear. Luna looked at Aurora menacingly, charging up her horn while Aurora had her back turned toward them.

Just as she went to blast Aurora's brains out of her skull, Gravel put a comforting hoof on her shoulder.

Just as she went to do it, Luna broke up into tears and hugged Gravel instead, who watched in patience as Aurora walked through the town, leaving behind only her hoofsteps in the snow.

“I-is it true? M-mm-am I a Unicorn..?” Luna looked up at him, seeking help.

Gravel pulled her close, “Of course it ain't...” He looked to where Aurora was, now gone out of sight.

“A Unicorn wouldn't have spared her.”