• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

The Psychopath

My very first (self-published) book can be found on Amazon Kindle for 5 or 12 paperback! If you love dragons, give it a look! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSM7QQ2M


Tumble Shells is a stallion on his death bed and surrounded by his family and closest friends. However, unlike most ponies, their presence doesn't reassure him for what is to come. He feared this moment his whole life, but never thought it through, thinking it would never come. Now his grandfather clock, passed down through fourteen generations, chimes the last minute of his life, and only he knows it. His tired mind can't help but think about what is going to happen next and what he could do or could have done to avoid it.

Psychological Horror
A read of this story was done by Wanda Mare on youtube. You can find it here.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

i envy this character.

At least he has somebody by his death bed.

Nobody came to mourn by mine.

Of course that was so long ago. Time should have healed those wounds by now surely...

7691658 Watchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?

Well.... That made me remember my teenage years of dreading death and what happens after... Thanks :|

Have a like ^^

7692550 There is life after death.

7692592 I did this story specifically to target primal fears.:pinkiecrazy: Hence why I called it an 'experiment' (But also because I was tired and this was the best I could think of)

7692625 It's not a 'life'. More an 'existence'.

7692669 Says the mad man. the, ah...the 'psychopath'...

How many original jokes have people made about your name, if I may ask without upsetting or offending you, good sir or madam?

7691658 the phrase "Time heals everything" is actually kind of false, if you cut your finger off with a knife, times not gonna come and fix that, you have to fix it yourself.

7692714 None.

7692735 Unless you're a genetically modified mutant with powers of regeneration.

7692735 But you can get a prosthetic finger after a bit of time passes by in hospital, so there you go I proved you wrong. Sit on that chair and think about what you've done.

7692742 Oh...

Are you psychic? Because then you'd be a PSYCHO-kinetic person.

7692857 Ouch. That hurt.

But then so does having my kidney taken out due to it being infected.


Unless you're a genetically modified mutant with powers of regeneration.

True that.

7692786 well...there are many ways to heal a finger, but what im *trying* to say is, assume your a human/pony with no regeneration, no powers at all, whats time going to do? nothing, because its lazy the only job it does is decay things

7693546 Sorry. But I found it funny how you asked me to assume I was human. All this time I thought I was applewood cheddar. XD You know what? You get a follow. You gave me such a chuckle. You could become a potential new friend, hopefully. :)

7693582 yah, i never had a friend in my life, except for 1, he was special and then i had no money so i had to move, so i really really HOPE we could be friends in this kinda boring afterlife

7693738 Oh we can be. I would very much like to add you to the list of friendly people I have met. With your permission and consent of course.

7693857 Yes, i Agklover hereby grant you permission to be my friend,

7693906 Hooray! Then I'll send you a video of myself doing the dance of friendship in a minute!

And yes...it is going to be stupid and you are free to call me an idiot after you see it. Because I have no shame and dignity - I traded it all to the old man who smells like crack down my street in exchange for becoming Britain's sexiest male, and a few Skittles.

Gotta love the taste of the rainbow. HA HA HA HA!

Kill me before my puns get worse. Gaaaaah!

7693921 can't really kill you if your already dead...

7694051 Just watch the damn thing...assuming I hit SEND and not CANCEL by mistake. XD

My friend the Wandering Mare did a reading for your story hope you like it

7789897 I know. She told me. I'm about to do the blog post promoting it.

7790017 OK thank you she'll really appreciate it



That's all I can really say to this. Just... man.

Good story, have a thumbs up and a favorite.

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