• Published 5th Nov 2016
  • 3,865 Views, 18 Comments

In A Zoom - dereturd

Random person named Evan Hugh as Zoom from the TV Show; The Flash, showed up on a con. 'Til he got scammed.

  • ...


“Leave them alone monster!” The pink one yelled at me.

“Get yer flank ‘atta ‘ere before we do kick it!”

“Do not move!”

Don't hurt them, please.” I’m pretty sure the yellow winged one was saying something but is too shy to say it. I can tell.

“My goodness, your costume is so black!” Was all the white one said before her friends have her an eye, she just embarrassingly chuckled and glared at me again.

Hoo boy, no fights please.

They were sure wondering why blue electricity is running around me. But now it's my turn to talk. “I am not your enemy.

“With that creepy voice? Sure you are.” The blue one said sarcastically. I sighed in my thoughts of how right she is. So true.. not.

Hear me out. We can talk about this."

“I'VE HAD ENOUGH!” The blue one yelled, dashing at me which I think full speed.

“RAINBOW!” Her friends screamed. Luckily slowing down time was one step, and besides, the blue one barely is moving at my point of view even though she's coming at me full speed. Simply, I dash towards her and gave her a punch, making her crash at the roots of a tree. Time went back to normal as I see her moaning in pain on the roots. I look towards her friends where they just stare at me.

“You're fast.” The lavender one said. I decided to intimidate them with my speed.

I am more than fast. Beyond that. I can run in a flash.

“That’s it!” The orange one yelled, swinging her lasso and caught me by the neck. Now she grinned, for a guy who's that fast I can’t even react in time. Luckily I have another trick up my sleeve, but I just wish it does work.

“Come on you three get over here!” The lavender one yelled to the small dudes. Quickly they followed her word by running to her. Anyway! I look at the rope, and simply vibrated myself really fast. With that, I was able to walk through the rope like a hologram, and make the rope fall to the dirt. I stop vibrating and dashed a few steps back. Then I see a rainbow blur joining her friends. Wow, she can recover fast. I suddenly shook my head out of my thoughts. Then glanced back to the group.

“Twi, you don't understand, that creature-”

“-Was about to eat you. We know.” The blue one cut off what the yellow kiddo was saying. Boy she defended me.

“No! It tried to save us!” The white one exclaimed.

“Save you? That's ridiculous, it was about to get up and eat you three.” The white one said. Boy she needs glasses.

“Besides, what makes us believe that.. thing.. saved you?” Blue wings said and pointed to me.

Why not hear me out then slowpoke?” I retorted. Pretty sure the blue one is about to blow up.

“That's it! I'm finishing it!” The blue one hovered up.

“Even though that monster is fast, let's try and take it down!” The lavender unicorn gestured and prepares.. some energy?

“Right!” Her friends said except for the yellow one with pink hair, which said something that her friends couldn't even hear.

“No, stop!” The lil’ orange dude with wings said.

Then give me your best shot. Shoot at me, throw lightning at me, swing your lassoes at me, DO IT!” I remarked. I want to underestimate my power and speed. They prepared what I said, their energy, their ropes, the pink pony's.. purple cannon, even the blue one came back with a grey cloud. Well except for the shy lady back there whimpering, though I do see her opening her mouth, trying to say something.

“Take it down!” The blue one yelled, as she kicked the cloud making lightning burst out, the ones with horns shot projectile while the orange one threw her lasso and the pink pony shot her cannon at me. Time then slowed, heh, the beams they shot barely move unlike the lightning which is speeding at me. I then breathed in and out to get ready.

'I can do this.’ I thought, I open my eyes and ran to the bolt, catching it with my claws, then I somehow merge it with the beams altogether. My last trick, I threw the pink lightning (it became pink since I merged it with blue and purple) at the lasso which made it burn. Time went back to normal as the orange cowgirl dropped her rope, the cannon doing nothing to me, and everyone else was slacked jawed at me except for the yellow one who was still shaking. I broke the silence with me quipping. “Nice try.” I then look at them and shook my head. “Don't even think of trying to kill a being more powerful than you.

ENOUGH!” I hear and so did the others. It came from.. the shy yellow one who hasn't attacked me yet. “You girls should be ashamed of yourselves! This critter has saved your little sisters and is trying to come at peace and you decided to harm it?! Even the fillies are trying to defend this poor thing. But never bothered to listen to it!” She scolded her friends. Then turned to me with a mad face. “You! You should not do dangerous things like that! Even though we attacked you first and you didn't hurt anypony, but next time somepony will!” Somehow, she gave me a tiny tense feeling of fear and discipline. Lucky for me I never flinched or was intimidated during that. Plus I owe the yellow.. mare? Yup, that's it. I owe her a thanks.

“I apologize.” I said with my normal voice. She was taken aback and so were her friends of how I changed my menacing dark voice to something neutral. Then I noticed my lightning was getting slower. Probably calming itself. “And I thank you.” The mare only smiled and nodded at me, before hovering back to her friends. I see half of them frowning at me, I'm guessing their frowning at themselves. Except for the blue and orange one, who happen to still glare at me. Then the lavender unicorn stepped up to me.

“I guess we got off the wrong track. We're sorry for not at least hearing you out mister.” She apologized.

“Me too darling.” The white lady said.

“Me three.” The pink one said.

“Whateves.” The blue one mumbled, not even looking at me.

“Ah won't trust some’in like you yet.” The orange one pointed at me. Well fine, I’ll use my deep voice at the ones that doesn't befriend or get at the right track.

Then so will I.” I said. The lavender one however really took notice of our beef and decided to change the topic as of now.

“Well, let us introduce ourselves. I’m Twilight Sparkle.” She said, huh Twilight.. nice name.

“I’m Rarity darling. But tone down the black on your costume please?” Rarity said, this made me chuckle in my head. But I can't change it now.

“I’m Pinkie Pie! Wait, when will you come back?” Pinkie said to me.. okay, good thing I have a mask that hides my expressions, but I'm just raising my eyebrows as of now. What does she mean come back? Also, obvious name.

“What?” Was all I said. Pinkie just wrapped her foreleg around my neck and gave me the past on the back while saying, “Tsk tsk tsk.”

“It's okay, I'm sure the directors will bring you back.” Okay what now? I..I don't understand. Thank Twilight for pulling her back with her telekinesis.

“Don't mind Pinkie nor question her antics.” She whispered to me. The yellow mare then spoke up.

“I’m Fluttershy.” She said, clear for me to hear it. I'm guessing she's more confident around me.

“Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow said to me. Sounds gay.

“Ah’m Applejack, Ah’ll be keepin’ an eye on you.” She said to me with distrust. Shit she’s irritating me. Also Applejack? You cereal loving basta-

AND WE’RE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!” HOLY SHIT THAT'S LOUD. But lucky for me it wasn't hurting my ears thanks to my mask.

“Ah'm Apple Bloom!” Yellow kiddo said.

“I'm Sweetie Belle.” She smiled at me.

“And I'm Scootaloo. Thanks for saving us as well mister.” She thanked me. Wow, what a series of girl names. Well guess it's my turn. I’ll reveal my real name for another time. I decided to use my deep voice to keep my character.

My name, is Zoom.” I said. None of them flinching at my response. Probably they got used to it already.

“Yer lyin’!” Applejack yelled at me. Boy, she got me worried there for a second.

What makes you say that?” I responded.

“Ah'm the Element of Honesty here and Ah I can tell if yer lying or not.”

Does this voice SOUND LIKE IT’S LYING?!” I yelled at her, making her shake a bit. Twilight however backed her off a bit by extended her hoof. Thank you Twi, I don't want this conversation to even continue.

"Anyway, we're still so sorry for attacking you." ... I kept on saying that hear me out. Are you horsies deaf?

"It's okay. I can understand." No I don't.

"Even though we apologize, it's not even enough to fix it." Reminds me of Oliver's words when he was saying sorry to Laurel.

Am I spoiling something to other people here?

"So." Rainbow spoke up. "What are you and how did you get here? I can tell you're not from this world."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Because there's nothing like you here." She said.

"Never seen a bipedal creature?"

"Well there are the apes. But you have to be different than them." Sparkle said. "Rainbow is quite right, you're nothing from this world and nopony has ever seen anything like you that has blue lightning running around their body." That's a fact.

"So what are you doing here?" She asked.

Should I tell the truth or lie to keep character?

Meh, I'll lie to them. Like they're important to me anyway.

"I came here by mistake. I can explain my powers, but I can't tell you my race's history." I said, I mentally inhaled and exhaled and got ready to tell this story.

"I used to be a serial killer. Now I'm reformed. I reformed when I got my powers. One night on an asylum that I was in, a machine named 'The Particle Accelerator' made in a laboratory called S.T.A.R Labs, exploded. The dark matter of the machine spread out to the entire city, it reached us, it reached me. While they were electrocuting me, the shockwave of the explosion impacted us, the dark matter reached me. I was the only survivor, I regained consciousness and looked at myself, whereas I gained my superspeed. Or the so called speedforce is within me now. I had saved lives, by killing the ones who take them away. I wanted to get faster, because I wasn't fast enough to save some people in my life. I took a speed drug V-5, or Velocity 5. I took it so much that I became faster and that my lightning became blue. I became so fast that I was able to travel to another earth, and time travel. One night I was chasing my enemy, where all of a sudden a big hole in the sky appeared. More likely, a wormhole, a singularity, opened up and sucked me in. That's where I ended up on another Earth. The first Earth."

"You were a killer?" Fluttershy asked while backing away.

"It's okay, like I said, I am reformed." I reassured.

"What Earth were you on?" Twilight asked.

"Earth 2." I said. "Ahem, anyway.. I found a city where I can be myself from there. At night I fight crime and find other meta-humans like me. While I was testing my speed, I ran so fast with my tachyon device that it broke while I made a breach, to this planet."

"Equus." Rarity said.

"'Yer lyin!" Applejack yelled. The more she gets angry at me, the more I get pissed at her.

"Applejack, why don't we just propose a truce?" I suggested, it took her while that she had to think, then eventually decided.

"Fine." She said, raising out her hoof, as I shook her foreleg with my hand.

"You know what, let's head back to a place secluded and not out in the open because.."

"Danger. Right right." I said continuing Scootaloo's statement., before we made our way and walked/trotted through the forest.

Author's Note:

It took me that long to update. Anyway updates will be slow because life.

But thanks for sticking this long. :heart:

P.S Add a Zecora emoticon

Comments ( 11 )

Why is everything toward the end bold?

7864278 Whoops! An accident!

I'll fix that don't worry, thanks for that.

I'm actually planning my own Flash Displaced with The Reverse-Flash. Except... it's NOT Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne... it's Daniel West from Earth Prime:


Perhaps we could have our speedsters square off one day?

7978913 Interesting....
It may be a good idea, but I don't even know where to start.
I might look up about Daniel West, maybe even read the comics about him.

Either way, it's a good idea but I don't know how to kick it off.

whens the next chapter?

8027861 Be patient dude. The train is about to come to the station in a week.

ok sorry just excited

This story really caught my interest, and I’m glad I read it. I’m really excited about the next chapter.

>From the TV show, The Flash
The Flash was a comic first!

Also, good fic. Liked and followed.

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