• Published 29th Jun 2012
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The Jerk - Perception Filter

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Chapter 25

The Jerk
Chapter 25

Rainbow scoffed.

“Yeah right, you can’t do anything.”

“Okay, prove me wrong.”

There was a silence in the air.

“Okay, I can’t prove you wrong, but how are you going to get me out of here? Think about that, tough guy.”

I smiled.

“Don’t panic.” I said, walking over to the pony. I picked up the chains binding her to the wall and tugged by arms and snapped them easily. She looked at me in shock.

“How did you do that?!” She asked, an incredulous expression on her face.

“I told you I could do anything. What? Didn’t believe me?”

“NO!” she shouted. “I thought you were joking around!”

“Well I wasn’t. Deal with it. Now, if you two are down here that means that the other Bearers have to be down here too. I’ve been recording the mapping of these tunnels, and up ahead there are two branching paths.”

Rainbow had gotten up by now. She looked to be in a lot better condition than Rarity was, and could stand on her own.

“So, your point?”

“We can only go down one of them genius. So, which way do you want to go?”

“Well, I don’t know!” Rainbow said, exasperated.

“I’m tired of choosing. Every day in my life, it’s choices, choices, choices. Goddamn it’s annoying. So, I’m giving the choice to you; now choose.”

“Well... I choose left.”

“There is no left.”

“What? You said I had to choose a direction to go in!”

“Yes,” I replied. “But there isn’t a “Left” there’s right, and forwards.”

“That would’ve been helpful to know earlier,” she grumbled.

“Yeah, it probably would have, but it’s less fun that way.”

Rainbow continued grumbling, but begrudgingly pointed forwards.

“Okay then! Forwards it is.” I bent down and picked Rarity up and threw her over my shoulder once again, but I didn’t walk more than one step before Rainbow voiced her complaint.

“Hey! Are you planning on carrying Rarity like that this whole time?”

“Well, yeah.” I shrugged, or at least as much as I could with a pony over my shoulder. “It’s the most efficient way to carry somebody who’s weak... Or at least I think so... It’s been awhile since I’ve done anything like this.”

“Well, for your information, that is not the most efficient way to carry somepony. It’s probably pretty uncomfortable. The best way if over both shoulders for an Earth pony.”

“And how would you know that? I’m not a pony, as you can plainly see.”

“I dunno, you just seem like an Earth pony to me.”

“Well what made you such an expert on Earth ponies then, Ms. Winged?”

“Hey! My name is Rainbow Dash!” she exclaimed angrily, glaring at me.

“Whatever, Ms. Wings.” But I relented slightly and repositioned Rarity over both my shoulders. Even if I didn’t want to admit to a pony giving me good advice, this was much more comfortable for me, and probably for Rarity as well. So, with Rainbow Dash off my back, I began walking forward, and I heard her quiet hoofsteps behind me. The tunnel was dark just as the rest, and I turned on my Pip-Boy light and we walked in silence. I casually glanced over my shoulder and saw Rainbow looking nervously at the shadows reflecting off of the smooth cavern walls. Seems like she was afraid of the dark.

While I filed that little piece of information away for later, my shoulders began to tire and I set Rarity down on the ground to take a break.

“Hey, what gives?” Rainbow complained. “Why are we stopping?”

“I’m tired. I haven’t eaten in three days and I’m not made of stamina.”

“Really? You wuss!” She smiled bravely. “I haven’t eaten in a few weeks and I’m still going strong!”

“Well, you’re not the one carrying a fully grown pony, so shut your fucking mouth.” Rainbow obliged, but was still smirking at me. I took a few deep breaths and sat down against the wall. Rainbow stood there, alternating between staring at me, and Rarity, who was snoozing lightly on the ground. I patted the ground beside me. “Come Ms. Wings, join me.”

“My name isn’t “Ms. Wings”, it’s Rainbow Dash.”

“Well, I guess you’re just gonna have to get used to it.” I said cockily, and she shot me another glare. “What?”

“I said, my name is Rainbow Dash,” she implied, taking a threatening step forward.

“Oh really?” I smiled. “Well, according to my sources, which are quite reliable, Ms. Wings, your name is Ms. Wings.” Her glare intensified.

“My name, is RAINBOW DASH!” She screamed, and lunged at me. I was surprised by the action and she had the element of surprise, so she managed to land a few blows across my face before I leapt up and grabbed her neck and slammed her into the ground.

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” I screamed at her, tightening my hand around her windpipe. Her face was progressively changing color as she started swatting at my arm. I let her go, and she gasped for air as I stepped back.

“What the FUCK was THAT?!” I yelled at her. She looked up at me briefly before turning away. I looked at her, completely confused, but my anger was fading away at the ashamed look she had. Whoever the fuck invented sad ponies was in for a world of hurt. I bent over and tried to pick up Rarity, who was awoken by my shouting, but before I could, she swatted my hands away.

“What?” I gave her a confused look, and she glared at me, pointing to Rainbow Dash. “Her?” She nodded. “No,” I said sternly. “I’m not apologizing to that... her. I’m not apologizing to her. She, attacked me.” Rarity crossed her arms and spoke again, her voice hoarse as ever.

“Go talk to her.” I looked back at Rainbow, who was sulking in the corner. I still couldn’t fathom why she had attacked me, after all I was only poking a bit of fun. I sighed and walked over to the cyan pony, who was refusing to look at me.

“I’m not going to apologize for defending myself, but I will apologize for making fun of you.” She turned her head away and still refused to make eye contact. “I’m sorry for making fun of you,” I said. “I hope you can forgive me. If you don’t that’s your choice... I’ll wait for you. Whether or not you forgive me, I’m not going to leave you down here.” I turned around and walked over to Rarity and sat down and put my chin on my knees.

I felt something touch my leg, and Rarity was gently patting me.

“You did good. Rainbow has been through more than you can imagine.”

I shook my head and offered a sad smile.

“She would be thankful if she’s seen some of the things I have.” She didn’t pursue the subject. Eventually, I felt myself nodding off and I fell into a light sleep. It has been so long since I’ve had a peaceful sleep, and this was no different. Unconsciousness doesn’t count. I was dreaming something I thought I got past a long time ago. I was in the vault, the one I was born in, and I remember waking up with Amata yelling in my face to get up.... I killed those asshole vault police that day, but... It wasn’t how I imagined it would be. It wasn’t satisfying to kill those fuckers, just... Sad. I was so sad, when I saw them fall over.

Seeing them fall over, knowing that their collective experiences that made them, them, were gone forever. I stared at the first one I killed. I can’t remember his name, but he was standing outside my door and I had to kill him to get by. I stared at his body for god knows how long, and I simply walked away. I stopped caring after the first life I took. I don’t know how I found the drive to keep going, but it was there; I just didn’t care anymore. I didn’t care if that specific asshole I killed in the Wasteland was begging for his miserable life, yelling at me to spare him.

Maybe that’s the secret. That’s why I don’t care, because I don’t care what happens. In the long run, it doesn’t matter anyways. I awoke when I felt something poking my leg. I groggily looked around and panicked for a brief moment before I remembered where I was. I looked to my right and saw Rainbow looking at me.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“I’m sorry too.” I got up, and stretched. “C’mon let’s get going.” I looked at the dark tunnel ahead of us. “We have a lot of ground to cover.” I looked at Rarity again, who was giving me a small smile. I bent down and picked her up, slinging her over my shoulders. I started walking, and I heard Rainbow’s silent footsteps follow me, treading warily. The tunnel we were in, which was once fairly large, even for a human, was slowly closing in the farther we went, and I eventually found myself stooping down to stay standing.

“Okay,” I said. “This isn’t going to work.” I was having a hard time walking like this, bent over and trying to support Rarity. I dropped to one knee and gently slipped her onto the ground.

“Well,” Rainbow said.”What are we going to do? Rarity can’t walk on her own, I can’t carry her, and this tunnel is too small for you to keep going.”

I thought about it for a few moments, rubbing my chin.

“Okay, I got an idea. You stay here with Rarity. I’ll crawl to the end, see if it leads anywhere. Okay?” Her face paled visibly and she started shaking her head furiously.

“What?” I asked, exasperated. “I don’t see the problem.”

“D-don’t leave me here.” I blinked. Okay, she was more afraid of the dark than I realized.

“Okay, I’m not gonna leave you here. You have Rarity, and I’ll be back soon. I promise I won’t leave you here.”

“P-promise?” She asked, her face portraying a deep fear.

“I promise. Just sit tight, I won’t be more than five minutes.” My thoughts flashed back to the dark tunnel back at base, when I told the three gods I’d be back soon, but I shooed them away. I dropped onto my stomach and started crawling forward as the ceiling began to close down on top of me and the ponies left my field of light.


“He’s been gone for a few minutes... Do you think he’s okay?”

“Rainbow, darling, I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

“But what if—”

“He said he wouldn’t leave us here. He promised.”


“Shush!” Rarity said, and Rainbow complied. “He won’t leave us. He wouldn’t have freed us just to leave us here.”

Rainbow was leaning on Rarity, whom was stroking Rainbow’s mane in a comforting manner.

Poor thing,’ she thought. ‘She must be terrified.

Rarity had long known of Rainbow’s fear of the dark, as well as the rest of her friends, but it had never been this bad. Being chained up alone must have done a number on her. Rarity continued to stroke her comforting hoof through Rainbow’s mane, keeping her comfortable for a few minutes before they heard a scream of fear from far down the tunnel.


I was crawling through the increasingly narrow tunnel, before it abruptly and opened into a small room, with a roof just high enough for me to stand. My light encompassed the whole room, and it was completely empty. I mean, what was the point of a large empty room after a completely pointless tunnel. I was about to turn around and leave when something dripped on my head. Looking up, something was looking at me with giant purple eyes and was drooling on me. It dropped down, I got a flash of green and I screamed.

Author's Note: