• Published 6th Nov 2016
  • 872 Views, 5 Comments

Friendship's New Flight: Change in Direction - Masterob

Rumble must adapt to some changes, especially some big ones Twilight and Thunderlane have planned.

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Accepting the Change

Rumble ran to the lake in the park where he sat at the edge and sobbed a bit, his tears dripping into the water.

"I hate this...I miss Rainbow Dash...why did Soarin have to come in and screw things up!?" Rumble shouted in sadness and anger. He slammed his hoof down, "Now my life sucks! Ponies hate me and I have to deal with Twilight! This isn't fair!"

He slammed the ground with both hooves and kept crying, "Damn Thunderlane, why couldn't he just work things out with Rainbow Dash?She didn't mean to break his heart, she made a mistake, she's only equine...Rainbow Dash, I miss you so much. Why did this have to happen?"

Rumble's tears flowed like a fountain, then a voice behind him called, "Rumble? What's wrong?"

Rumble turned around and saw Derpy, she looked very sympathetic for the teen colt. Rumble still felt some worry about her, "If you're here to tell me off or whatever, then do it, I don't care anymore."

Derpy shook her head, "I'm not here to do that, I came because I heard crying, then I saw you. Rumble if you're sad, then I wanna help you."

"But..." Rumble felt at a loss for words. Why is she being nice now?

Derpy held her hooves out, "Come on Rumble, you need somepony to hug, and I'm that somepony."

Rumble, despite having felt nervous around her earlier, decided to take her offer as he trotted to Derpy and hugged her close, "I hate my life! It's become the worst!"

Derpy rubbed his mane, "It can't be that bad"

"It is...but maybe I deserve it, I'm an awful colt, I hurt too many ponies, I was so selfish!" he cried onto her shoulder.

Derpy simply patted his head, "Rumble...you just made some mistakes"

"Everypony keeps saying that, but my mistakes caused too much grief! I'm gonna end up like Trixie and Lightning Dust, hated by everypony. Maybe I should just run off with them, or just leave Equestria forever, life would be better without me."

Derpy patted him more, "That's not true, you have to know that no matter what happens that we'll always love you, if we didn't love you, we wouldn't care as much what you did. Maybe some of us were a little tough, maybe I haven't been too nice with you, but it doesn't mean I don't love you still."

Rumble looked to her with surprise, "How can you love me! I disrespected you and had slept with Dinky. You don't have to love me...oh wait...I get it, you're being kind to me so I would feel even more down."

Derpy shook her head, "No, I love you because you need it, Listen if I was hard on you it's because I want to make sure you don't repeat your mistake, I'm just worried about you."

Rumble looked up, "I love you too", he hugged her, "I'm so sorry"

"I know you are..."

Derpy just sat there with Rumble, stroking his mane a bit, she then kissed his head. Regardless of how much he's growing, to her he's still the same little colt that he's always been. Good thing he's still pretty small, it's easier to hug him, but that had to come to an end soon. "We need to get you back home."

"Get me to Twilight's, she's looking for me, I kinda ran away," Rumble said while rubbing his head sheepishly.

Derpy gasped, "You should know better!"

Rumble's ears drooped, "I told you I was a bad colt."

Derpy gave him a playful glare, "Don't worry, we'll be here for you, just don't do something like this again young colt."

Rumble nodded and walked with Derpy, but he stopped a moment, "Can you do one thing for me though before you go home?"

Derpy nodded, "Sure, what is it?"

"Twilight might ask you to send some letters, but I need to send a letter myself...I need it to get to Rainbow Dash," Rumble said.

Derpy nodded, "Sure thing my little muffin"

Rumble raised his eyebrow, "I thought Dinky was your little muffin?"

"I like having more than one type of muffin," Derpy said with her usual happiness.

Rumble chuckled and kissed Derpy's cheek, "You're so amazing."

"Thanks Rumble, you're still the sweetest little colt in Ponyville," Derpy said as the two made their way to Twilight's home.

Once Rumble got inside, all the mares approached and hugged him.

"We're so glad you're ok!" Flitter said.

"Don't scare us like that!" Applejack said.

"You had me worried a bit kid", Amethyst said.

Soon Twilight herself gave him a personal hug, "I'm so glad you're ok!" then her cheerful demeanor dropped for a serious one, "You're in a lot of trouble!"

Rumble groaned, "Great."

Twilight ruffled his mane, "We'll talk about this later though, right now I need to make an announcement to everypony", she cleared her throat, "Since I already told Rumble I figure it's best to tell all of you right now", Twilight approached Thunderlane, "Thunderlane and I are going to get married in two months."

All the mares had a jaw drop moment, this seemed very sudden. Spike however knew it was coming, so he wasn't as surprised.

"Wait! when was this decided?" Applejack asked.

"I proposed to Thunderlane last night during our date, we spent all night and all day discussing it, once everything was ironed out, he accepted the proposal. I'm gonna be sending out letters to Pinkie and Rainbow Dash so they can come to the wedding," Twilight said.

That made the mares feel unsure, "Rainbow Dash? You really think you wanna invite your fiance's ex-girlfriend?" Applejack asked.

"We know it could get awkward, but Rainbow's our friend, it's her choice if she wants to come or not, I won't blame her if she didn't. I just wouldn't feel right not inviting her, it might make her feel even more left out and I'm kinda hoping this will help her get over some things faster,then maybe we can reform that bond we all once had," Twilight explained.

Applejack wasn't sure how well this would work out, knowing Rainbow Dash, she might take it as an insult and throw the invite back at her, but decided to go along with this for now, if anything she'll do her best to straighten everything out. "Alright Twi, we'll trust you on this."

"Oh and don't tell my brother until I send the invites, I want a little payback", Twilight said with an evil smile.

The other mares nodded, though they had mixed feelings about this. While they were happy for Twilight, in Cloudchaser's mind, she still was unsure about Twilight having influence over Rumble and possibly causing too much stress. For Applejack it just didn't seem right since it seemed a bit fast and she knows Rainbow won't like it. For Rarity she wondered what this meant for the group.

Later on Twilight gave some letters to Derpy for Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, though before Derpy took the letters home, Rumble gave her a letter of his own for Rainbow Dash.

As promised, Twilight gave Rumble a lecture about running off like he did and warned him not to do this again, which Rumble just nodded and agreed, not caring too much about her opinion.

Later Rumble and Thunderlane went home, they had to get ready to move their stuff into Twilight's place especially since Rumble had the Sweetie Belle treatment here, he usually stayed with his brother like Sweetie Belle stayed with Rarity. Unfortunately for Rumble, due to his running off and 'mouthing off to Twilight', was grounded to his room for the first week, as if she wasn't on his bad side enough.

Derpy had sent the letters to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash as requested by Twilight. When Pinkie got hers, she and Cheese had a mini celebration.

"Wedding party!" Pinkie shouted.

"This will be fun!" Cheese shouted.

"We'll need balloons, cakes, streamers...!"

"Confetti, Presents, Chocolate...!"

Both then spoke at the same time, "AND MUSIC!"

Pinkie sighed happily, "Never thought I'd see Twilight get married, it's so great to see."

"I wonder what their future will be like as a married couple?" Cheese wondered.

Pinkie grinned and stood heroicly as she spoke in an accent. "The Future is theirs to decide!"

Cheese looked confused, "Huh? Why are you acting silly?"

Pinkie sighed a bit. "Still not Shulk time I guess."

The two ran shrugged that bit of conversation off and ran to make their preparation, taking note of their plans at lightning speed.

Meanwhile while in her room doing her wing-ups, Soarin had approached Rainbow Dash with the letters.

"Hey babe, you got two letters, once from Twilight, and one from your friend Rumble," Soarin said.

Rainbow grew curious, "Huh? Both at once?"

"Derpy personally delivered these, she said to read Twilight's first, don't know why though," Soarin said.

"Right, I'll trust her," Rainbow Dash said, taking the mail.

She read Twilight's letter first and felt her heart sink, even though she's with Soarin, part of her still longed for Thunderlane, her biggest regret was cheating on him.

She then read the other letter, the one from Rumble, which ached her in a different way.

'Dear Rainbow Dash, I'm sure you got this letter with the other letter Please you gotta come back Rainbow Dash, I don't want my brother marrying Twilight, she's no fun. I want you to marry my brother, you were always so fun and so caring, I really wish you come back home so things go back to normal. Please Dashie...I love you, I miss you, I want to feel your hugs and kisses like you used to give me, even if it did mess with your tough girl reputation. That just shows me how much you really care about me to not care about that, just as long as you can geta smile on my face, I miss your smile, even the confident looking ones, it just shows how awesome you are. But I'm miserable without you, the only way for this to have a happy ending is if you return, if you come back to us. I hope you come back soon, Love Rumble'

Rainbow felt a tear drop come and it landed on the letter, "I love you too Rumble", she hugged the letter as if it were the young colt.

Soarin noticed her sadness and decided to leave her be for a moment, he walked out the room while Rainbow continued hugging the letter, "I miss you Rumble...but I don't know if I could give you your happy ending."

She then looked to the stars, thinking of Rumble as she did so. Rumble did the same thing from Twilight's balcony. Both missed each other so much, and both longed to be with each other again. They can only hope to get that wish soon. But one thing's for sure, things are changing a lot, handling it won't be easy, but they know they have to try. They each made one final plea, as if making a wish upon the stars.

"Please...come back to me."

Author's Note:

Has the change truly been accepted? Or is there more to come? We'll have to see.

Comments ( 4 )

The next one should be interesting.

I think you where a little too quick in your writing the story but I did like it the bossy Twilight step mother/Sister in law and Rumble dreads that when it will happen. I like that Spike doesn't get along with Rumble either which help blow things out of proportions I hope there will be a sequel too. I hope the Rumble resist until the bitter end until he finally gives in to her. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for the critique and the comment, and yes I have a sequel planned, it's pre-written but I still need to edit so it doesn't look too sloppy, hopefully I can have it out soon.

Still following this series very closely.

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