• Published 7th Nov 2016
  • 294 Views, 4 Comments

Ersatz Sisters - Kix

Two unicorns, one a full grown mare and the other a teenaged filly meet in an extrodinary setting. What started as just training may become something deeper

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Chapter One; First Day of Training

Eclipse POV:

I slowly awoke from my heavy sleep, taking a quick look around. It appeared I was in a small bedroom, with that same mare sleeping in the other bed. I got up quietly, wanting to take a look around from where I was. It appeared to be as ship quarters of some kind.

“Well then, morning Eclipse.” Dark said to me. “You are correct to say your on a ship. That mare carried you and put you to sleep.”

So, this is where she wants to train me?

“No, something else is going on. However, for now it’s good to stay.” We went on like this for some time before I saw Nightmare wake up.

“Morning Eclipse. How did you sleep?” She asked me.

“Well, even if I was forced to, great.” I told her, walking out the door, seeing the rest of the ship. Nightmare followed me.

“Are you ready to begin the training?” She asks as she steps up next to me. Her quick glance down at me as she wraps an arm around my shoulders, bringing us closer. This made me feel extremely awkward as she pulled us closer. “Was that the first time you had a decent night’s sleep? You slept for nearly twenty four hours, which is remarkable. Even at its strongest, my sleep spell lasts for only ten to twelve hours.”

“I was exhausted from the spar, what can I say?” I replied to her, trying to push myself away from her.

“Alright. Well, let’s get you fed before you topple over, then we will begin.” She led me to a small dining room, where I sat down, watching her make something.

We ate a quick, silent meal, as I didn’t feel like talking to her yet. I was too busy trying to find out what this feeling was that I had when I was around her, but I wasn’t able to place my finger on it.

She led me back up to the main deck of the ship, where I waited on her. As she turns to face me she pulls a round object out of her pocket and hovers it between us. “This is a specialized ball used to train young unicorns. This one is set for one pound, plus or minus five ounces. It is used to teach unicorns how to apply an even amount of magic to an object. Now, take it using telepathy.”

I pick it up with my magic as she saids, holding it with ease. However, soon the ball falls apart, shattering on the ground. She picks up the pieces and with ease puts it back together.
“What happened?” I asked her.

“Try to apply just one pound of force, focus hard. I know you can do this. If you apply too much force, it falls apart. Apply to little, it will fall out of your grasp.”

I go ahead and try once more, forcing myself to use less magic. This time, I just dropped the ball. She holds the ball back towards me, her hand resting on my shoulder as she offers a comforting smile. “For this part of your training, there is nothing I can do to help you. You need to figure this out all on your own. Once you can maintain the pressure without concentrating and be able to hold it while doing other tasks, we’ll move on to the five pound weight. We will continue this until you can handle fifty pounds.”

I try to control my magic easier, feeling the dark magic flow, I go ahead and pick up the ball once more. We continued this for hours, but I still felt the same. I was soon able to lift the ball around easier, and could even hold two objects.

“So, why am I stuck at such an early level and what is the point of it?” I asked, very annoyed by this act.

“The reason I am starting you with this exercise is because while are powerful with your magic, you have no control over how much you expend. By doing this exercise, and continually repeating it, you will get more accustomed to managing your output, which means you will be able to control how much energy you put into your spells.” As she speaks she pulls out a larger version of the ball I was practicing on in her own black aura, holding it steady. The weight on it says one hundred pounds. “For now you can rest and get yourself something to eat.”

I go ahead and take her advice, walking back to the kitchen.

"She's treating me like such a foal.” I said in a pout.

“It could be worse. Just put up with it” I knew they were right, but I’m not some weak unicorn foal. I grab a bite to eat and wait to see what her next 'training’ is.

“Besides, you get free shelter and food.” One of them pointed out to me.

Yea but she’s treating me weird, it bothers me.

“You mean like... like a sister almost?”

Yes, it’s just... off putting.

“I think its cute.”


“Sorry, sorry. But it is cute.”

Yea well, I just need this to be over.

“But once your done, everything should be safer.” This conversation when one while I ate, which soon made me feel a bit more at ease, knowing I was still not alone.

Eventually she joins me, quickly fixing herself a meal before joining me at the table. “Trust me on this, Eclipse. You are doing a lot better than I did with these things. I had to figure it out on my own, without any kind of encouragement or support. I know you can do this. I promise you that the payoff will be worth any frustration you may be feeling.”

This bugged me, her attitude. I needed to ask her.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” I went out to ask her.

Her tone and demeanor changes a little as she prepares to answer by taking a deep breath. “I know what it is like, to be alone with noone to look after you. To have to struggle to survive and train yourself to do practically everything you know now. I know how hard it must be, being on your own and having to constantly watch your back.” She leans forward while swirling her mug around slowly. “I truly want to help you as best I can. When you are finished you are free to stay with me, or go. But I will promise you this, the training will be very intense after you get done with this first part.”

I pondered upon what she said, whose response surprised me. However, I decided to keep quiet for now.

“What is next then?” I asked her, ready for it.

“Eager? Next we will see how long you can keep up the pressure. Once I am confident you can hold it with ease while engaged in other activities we will move on to the five pound weight. We will continue this until you can competently work with the fifty pound weight. Which is twice as high as ninety per cent of unicorns in your age range.” She explained to me as we finished eating.

I sighed ”Let's get this over with, I'm ready.”
I was not too happy to be doing this, but it had to get done. I will survive it.We went back over to the ship’s deck, and there she handed me another ball to hold in my magic. This went on for some time, and soon I was even using a weapon while using my magic. however, I felt ready to pass out from the strain.

“Alright you, that is enough practice for today. Go get yourself cleaned up and then we can either talk and get to know each other, or we can go do something in the nearby town.” She takes the ball from me while dissipating the weapons, her arm on my shoulders steady me.

“Let's just head into the town.” I told her, standing up. Would be nice to head into town, and hopefully, learn a bit more about this mare. I head into the bathroom to wash up, making sure I keep an eye on her, leaving the door open a bit.

"You don’t want to spend time with her?”

Please, I have enough of her as is.

“She does seem a lot like you Eclipse.”

Yea well, town is the better option, and we can spend, ugh, time with her. We went on some more while I cleaned up and took a shower. It’s been forever since I had a good shower, and having fight after fight made me sweaty. I soon walk out, putting my cloak and cloths back on, and head out to where she was.

As she turns to face me she frowns a little while looking me over a little. Soon she manipulates a nearby shadow and forms a new set of clothes in my size. “Go ahead and put these on. We are gonna get you a new wardrobe while we are out. Just do not stray too far away from me, or they will disappear.”

After handing the clothes off she heads down below and soon the sounds of the shower reaches my ears. The shadows form around me, soon forming the shape of a very simple shirt with a pair of shorts. I also make sure to put my cloak back on, and soon I was wearing new clothes. I didn't see the big deal with my old clothes, but I didn't make a big fuss, considering i had my cloak on.

“Ready to go, Eclipse?” The older mare asks as she steps back up from below, wisps of shadows forming around her into a leathery looking bodysuit and boots.

“Yea I suppose, let's head into town.” I told her.

“However, before we go we have to disguise ourselves. You aren’t the only one with a bounty on their head.” Yet again I am surrounded by shadows along with herself. Once they finish swirling her horn is gone and her coloration has changed. Her fur is a dull pink while her mane and tail are now bright white with a red streak.

“I've never had to worry about that before, even with the bounty. Why now?” I asked her. I was wondering why she insisted on using spells on me.

“Hiding is a better way to keep a low profile than a cloak. If you can avoid a fight or drawing attention to yourself, that is the better option at times. Knowing when and where to fight is more important than knowing how to fight.” With a smile she teleports us off the ship and just beyond the gates of the abandoned shipyard.

What she said made sense, but I didn't like all of her shadows over me. It made me feel watched. The shipyard didn't seem very active at the time.

“Do we have to make up names too?” I asked, looking at my blue fur with a yellow and green mane.

“Hmm, not really. We can carry on like a pair of sisters, though nicknames might be possibly needed for the ruse if somepony else butts in.”

“Wait, sisters?!” I yelled and asked, caught off guard.

“Told you she treated you like a sister!"
Ugh, why all this nonsense?

“We have to play along, and it does help.”

“Besides, this magic is what we need.”

But sisters? Ew. They all reacted along with me.
“How about just friends or student teacher?” I asked. Sisters was just weird to me.

At my question she laughs a little while guiding me into the town. “If we were to act like friends or even as student- teacher, I could get into a lot of trouble. It is generally frowned upon when a teacher hangs out with a student outside of school, and a mare my age being friends with someone who looks as young as you do could drawn unwanted attention. Plus, it is the best way for the both of us to act naturally.”

I sighed, and tried to put a smile on my face, “Very well, big sis.” I said in a cute voice, almost ready to puke, as we headed into town.

Moonshade PoV:

'Hmph, seems you were a bit too eager to go with the sister sister act. She looks unhappy with that, even if your reasons are sound.’ I can hear the smugness in the words as I lead the filly down the street. 'However, she is a pretty astute student, a good mixture of eagerness and ability.’

I guess I did push a few things too far. Maybe next time it happens, warn me. Soon we find ourselves approaching a crowded street filled with ponies of every kind and of every color available. “I am curious, what do you do to help you relax and what do you find helps you to focus?” I asked filly.

“Well, focusing is quite easy for me. Relaxing on the other hand, not sure.” My hand grips her shoulder gently so I can keep track of her. It doesn’t take long for the large mall to come into view. Unfortunately, judging by the crisp uniforms it seems that there is a local training base and it has freed its students for a day pass. I can even pick out a few off duty guards in civilian clothes, judging by how they are walking and the high and tight mane cuts on the stallions.

With a deep breath I work to keep myself calm while giving Eclipse a quick glance. ‘Hmm, you know, getting into a fight would be fun. Specially if we can kill off a few of these recruits.’ With a glance back to the filly, I notice she is more distracted by the guards then the recruits, her eyes darting from place to place rapidly.

It might sound like that, but if there is a training base, there are more soldiers nearby who could be on us in seconds. I know I’m good, but even I can’t take on a battalion on my own. And besides that, Eclipse is in no condition to fight.

I offer her a comforting squeeze and smile as I lead her to the large shopping center. I noticed the small filly looking around like it was her first time in a mall. “Overwhelming, isn’t it? Come on, this way.”

I lead her over to the first discount clothing store we find, ignoring all of the fancy, high end fashion stores. Hmph, a punk store, seems it would fit with her style. Looking over a few of the items, including an interesting skirt I can’t help but rethink my position. “Okay sis, go ahead and pick out whatever outfits you like. Get yourself at least seven to nine changes of tops and pants or skirts.”

I watch as she walks around, letting out a soft laugh as she doesn’t seem to have any idea of what she wanted. She ends up picking out a red jacket with a white shirt with a sloppy pair of jeans, a sleeveless black tank top with a black pair of pants, several pairs of black and purple shirts, a couple pair of jeans that seemed to big, and a couple of jackets to go along with some empty t-Shirts. She also picks out one skirt before walking over to me.

I continue to browse through a couple of the clothes myself, my fingers run along a black leather corset with studded straps along the ribs, a zipper going down the center and a couple small chains attached to various spots. “Go and try them on, make sure they fit before we get them.” Picking the top off of the rack my gaze finds a matching, pleated skirt with the same kinds of decorations.

As I head to the changing rooms, the corset and skirt in hand, I gather up a pair of regular, black pants with leather straps along the left leg along with a plain black t- shirt.

Before I try on my chosen outfits I stand outside the dressing room Eclipse is in. “Everything fitting alright in there, sis?”

“Yea sis, though they are a little big. I don’t think we can find anything to fit me however.” She calls back from her stall.

“Alright, which outfit did you like the most that ended up fitting the best? Put it on and let me see it.”

“Alright then sis.” She said, and I heard her messing around, putting on new cloths. She soon walked out wearing the black tank-top with a pair of sloppy, but tight, pants. “Well?” She asked.

“If you like those, then go ahead and find yourself a pair of shoes or boots while I try on these outfits.” Locking the door I first slip on the corset and skirt, checking myself out in the mirror. The corset is a bit tight, but easily fixed, I like how the skirt fits, though. The pants also fit pretty well, but the shirt… too tight. “Almost ready?”

“Yea, just trying on a pair of shoes I found.” She calls out as I step out of the stall. I can’t help but laugh to myself quietly as she is sitting on the ground, trying to put some shoes on. She doesn’t seem to know how to put shoes on, seeing that she was having a hard time of it.

‘Wow, she is a mess if she does not know how to put shoes on.’ I just give my head a shake as I approach her, kneeling in front of her as I take one of the shoes.

“Nopony ever taught you how to try shoes before? Here, let me help.” Taking her left foot I grab the matching shoe and places the sole of the shoe against the bottom of her foot. As expected, the shoes she chosen are a few sizes too small. “Do you like these style shoes? I can see if they have them in a bigger size.”

“Sure, you can look. I wouldn’t know where to start anyway.” She says, her tone a mixture of annoyance and frustration. Patting her knee I get up and find a couple pair of shoes that match the pair she picked out but a couple sizes larger. Before I go back to her, I grab a pair of combat style boots adorned with crossed leather straps.

After only the second pair of shoes I picked, we find the right size for her, and I show her how to tell which shoe goes on the proper foot by using the arches. I even show her how to tie the laces before undoing them and letting her try it on her own. I watch her try time and time again, and unfortunately she seems to be getting very, very frustrated with each try. It takes her almost ten times before she finally gets it right.

After paying for everything, and letting Eclipse walk out of the store in her new outfit, we make our way to the food court. “Why is it that you get so easily frustrated?” I ask her, curious.

“Honestly? I don’t like wasting time with pointless and trivial matters. I feel like why should I bother when I can be doing other things? Same with interacting with ponies. Why should I bother?” She replies, looking around some more and avoiding all eye contact.

With a chuckle I turn her to face me. “I can understand that way of thinking, especially with ponies, but there are certain things you cannot avoid just because you find them trivial.” With my arm again draped on her shoulder I guide her over to the ice cream stand. “You need to learn how to at least tolerate what you find pointless and trivial.”

“I’m well aware of that fact. I know how to tolerate it, doesn’t mean I have to like it or enjoy it, even if I could.” She quickly says in a defensive tone.

‘You’re loosing her if you keep this up. Get her too frustrated and she will leave.’

Thanks for stating the obvious. “If you let yourself get frustrated so easily all the time, then it will only serve as a detriment to your training and an exploitable weakness that can be used by your enemies. Hmm, I’m in the mood for a… double chocolate sundae, what about you?”

“I’ll take a vanilla strawberry swirl I guess. And you don’t think I’m not well aware of that fact? I don’t let it bother me in combat, heck I’ve grown so used to it that it doesn’t even affect me.”

“You don’t think it affects you? I was watching you as you tied your new shoes, I could tell it was. I am here to help you, but I can’t if you keep yourself bottled up and won’t talk to me.” As we sit down with our desserts I look her directly in her eyes. “I understand how difficult it must be, to go from living alone to being with another pony. To have to trust another being so suddenly.”

In a strange tone that I haven’t heard her use before she replies. “Open up? There is nothing to open up about, I have nothing to tell. And I was never alone in the first place.” She says that before grabbing her doll from her bag, “I have Nightbeam. And you honestly think I don’t trust you? You have proven to me that you can be trusted.”

Okay, we are not getting anywhere with this line of conversation, and if I bring up her lie, it will only make things worse. With a sigh I work on finishing my sundae quietly, thinking about how to get her to open up. ‘You are doing such a good job so far. You should just try and go back to training her magically and not waste time being all buddy buddy with her. It is obvious she does not want that.’

I guess you’re right, though I wanted to at least try. Maybe the timing is just off. As we finish I guide the filly up to one of the upper floors, finding a store specifically for colts and fillies. “This store should have clothes that would fit you better, go ahead and find yourself a couple outfits.” I keep my voice neutral and professional as I wait for her by the counter.

She seems to take notice of my changing demeanor and attitude as she goes inside, and I can swear I hear her whisper something that sort of sounds like ‘Please, don’t change.’ She goes into the store with her head lowered some and tries on clothing similar to what she has on now, and thankfully they seem to fit much better.

“Also, don’t forget you are going to need new socks, bras and underwear as well. I’m sure one of these mares can help you with that more than I can.” I take the pile of clothes in her arms and set them on the counter next to me as one of the sales ponies approaches with a wide smile.

“Hello, and welcome. Did you say you needed help?” The mare is young, probably only a few years older than Eclipse with a dull yellow coat and a dull orange mane with a reddish streak in it.

“Yea, she needs help finding bras that will fit her properly, along with some underwear, nothing too fancy, just functional. Maybe also include a couple sports bras and boxers with athletic shoes.”

“Alright, follow me young mare.” The sales pony ushers Eclipse over to where they have have the undergarments on display.

As the sales pony was doing her thing, Eclipse seems annoyed, but docile as she just stands there letting it happen. She doesn’t seem to care about trying on the cloths with another mare near her, and soon they find what she needs in near silence. As they are off doing that I grab a couple packages of plain black socks that should fit. It seems Eclipse’s attitude has an effect on a lot of ponies around her. I watch as the mare that was working with Eclipse approaches another filly, her smile from before is missing, only to be replaced with a frown.

With the bags in my right hand joining the bag from earlier we find our way to another store, my left hand hanging limply by my side.

Comments ( 4 )

Welp this could be not good.

Where is the prequel link???


How so?

Grr, thought it would show up, the link will be reposted in the long description

7704448 What do you mean?

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