• Published 19th Nov 2016
  • 4,889 Views, 442 Comments

What is a Tatzlpony? - Skylight77

Fluttershy discovers a creature she's never seen before. It looks like Rainbow Dash, but it looks off. And why does she feel so strange taking care of it?

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Chapter 3: Transformation (Revised)

Fluttershy had managed to escort Rainbow to the Crystal Castle in Ponyville. Hiding Rainbow’s form during the travel was simple. All she needed was a robe over her body. It covered her tail well enough, and anypony who saw her eyes would think it was just paint, or at least a tattoo. And since the markings formed a lightning bolt, it actually fit her quite well.

The difficult part was explaining all of this to Twilight. All three ponies were in the library section of castle. While Rainbow was lying down with her robe removed, Fluttershy was explaining everything she could about her encounter with this creature, leaving out the part she still believed was a dream.

“So, let me get this straight,” Twilight started, putting a hoof to her mouth. “You met a creature that you’ve never seen before just within the Everfree Forest. That creature, was her.” Twilight paused to point at Rainbow. “She looks just like Rainbow Dash, but you’re not sure if it’s her because she can’t remember anything. And you believe something must’ve happened to her in the Everfree Forest to cause her to transform into this creature?”

Fluttershy nodded and started brushing Rainbow’s mane with a hoof to keep her relaxed and content. “It has to be her, right? I mean… when I spoke her name, she shared me a berry, and became…” She was about to say, ‘loyal and obedient’, but stopped herself as she blushed from the thought. “Um… she recognized it, and followed me to my cottage.”

Fluttershy stopped the petting and Rainbow opened her eyes. She looked at Twilight who was looking back at her. “She does look like a pony, but I’ve never read anything about ponies of this species.” Rainbow didn’t seem to respond to Twilight’s words. But at the same time, there seemed to be no hesitations from her either.

“I figured the best thing to do was to find a way to cure her and fix her memory. You can do that, right?”

Twilight smiled and nodded at Fluttershy’s question. “If she really is Rainbow Dash, then this is just a simple case of transformation magic. Do you remember when I casted a spell on us to transform into breezies?” Fluttershy nodded and squealed in glee remembering it.

“You see, for that spell to work, I would need a sample of the creature that I’m transforming somepony into. But when the spell works in reverse, it will transform them back into their original form, without needing a sample.” Twilight started walking forwards. This alerted Rainbow and made her look to Fluttershy, who looked back with comforting eyes. “If she really is Rainbow Dash, then this spell will return her back to normal. And if she isn’t, then it won’t do anything. No harm, right?”

Fluttershy turned to Twilight and nodded. "And will her memory return?" Twilight nodded.

After the confirmation, Fluttershy looked back to Rainbow and motioned her hoof upwards, making a signal to stand up. Just like an obedient pet, Rainbow obeyed, uncurling her tail and standing up. “Don’t worry, Rainbow. This may feel strange, but it won’t hurt. You’ll be back to normal soon.”

Fluttershy gave Rainbow one more tap of assurance before backing away, allowing Twilight to do her thing. The assurance let Rainbow look to Twilight as she approached.

Before the spell started, Fluttershy watched. For some reason, an odd feeling started stirring in her stomach. It was like she didn’t want to see Rainbow turn back. She put a hoof to her stomach and took a deep breath, having no idea why she was feeling this way. This was Rainbow Dash after all. She was no animal. And Fluttershy knew that this was best for her.

But another odd thing came up. Twilight hadn’t started her spell yet. She and Rainbow were just staring at each other. Why were they just staring? And then, Fluttershy could’ve sworn Twilight’s last blink was rather rough. But after that blink, she started casting her spell.

Fluttershy watched as the spell was being casted. For some reason, every detail of the casting was very clear to her. Rainbow's body glowed. Her eyes grew before closing. A white ribbon-like aura surrounded and covered her body. Her entire form was disappearing within that ribbon.

The feeling in Fluttershy's stomach grew more upsetting as she watched the details. The last thing she saw disappear was Rainbow's mane. Half of her mind was hoping this would work, while the other half didn't. She didn't know why, and she was hoping that the half of her mind that wanted the spell to not work would stop.

Suddenly, there was grunting coming from Twilight. It snapped Fluttershy out of her thoughts. Seeing the stress that was put on Twilight’s horn made her cover her mouth and lightly gasp. Magical particles were appearing and separating between both ponies.

And then, the magical particles burst into a flash of light. Twilight yelped and flung back while Fluttershy’s eyes winced. Despite Twilight’s magic being disconnected, the aura continued to swirl. As Fluttershy looked back, more confusion dawned upon her. Something had appeared from the flash of those magical particles. But before she could make out what it was, Rainbow’s body flashed, dissipating the aura that surrounded her body.

When the lights left, both figures fell to the floor. Fluttershy released a loud gasp as she saw both figures. On the left, Rainbow was there, but her body had changed. The lightning bolts had disappeared from her eyes and her Cutie Mark. Her tail was no longer lizard-like. It had retained its collection of long hairs with all the colors of the rainbow in its proper pattern. She seemed to be asleep, but back to normal.

Fluttershy was relieved, but seeing Rainbow back wasn’t what she was so surprised about. Right next to Rainbow, laid a very familiar white bunny.

“Angel?!” Fluttershy shouted and rushed towards him. He too seemed to be asleep as well. “Angel. How did you get here?”

That was when Twilight recovered from her shock and picked herself up. She grunted and wiped her forehead. “Angel was here?” After seeing Angel laid flat on the ground next to Rainbow and Fluttershy, she walked over to them. “That must’ve been why I had such a hard time casting that spell. I wasn’t expecting him to be around.”

Fluttershy looked to Angel and nudged him with a hoof. She could feel that he was still breathing like he was just asleep. But oddly enough, his fur felt a bit damp. Looking to Rainbow, she noticed a similar sleeping motion. Seeing both of them asleep, she turned to Twilight and asked. “They’ll be okay, right?”

Twilight nodded. “It looks like the spell worked. Rainbow Dash is back to her old pony self. But because of Angel’s presence, my magic must’ve knocked them.”

Fluttershy moved over to Rainbow’s body and asked. “What about her memory?”

“They should return as well. Whatever magic was used to turn her into that creature also affected her memory. But if it doesn’t come back, don’t worry. I know a memory spell for that.”

Fluttershy looked down at Rainbow’s sleeping body, a strange feeling going through her stomach. It made her feel a bit sad. Why was she feeling this way? This was right after all. She should be happy. And yet…

“Okay,” Fluttershy replied as she bent her head down to Rainbow’s body. “But I still want to take her home.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow as Fluttershy picked Rainbow up. “Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy grunted as she lifted the weight of Rainbow’s body against her back. With her shaking legs, she thrusted her back upwards, allowing Rainbow’s body to jump and turn to plop, facing her direction. Breathing carefully, she turned to Twilight.

“I just want to make sure that when she wakes up, she’s okay.”

Twilight looked at Fluttershy for a few seconds before nodding in approval. She sparked her horn, which made Fluttershy feel her weight get lighter for a brief second. Rainbow’s limbs were just moved to a more comfortable position for her to carry. Then Angel was lifted from Twilight’s magic.

“Alright then, Fluttershy. I’ll look after Angel and take him home for you when he wakes up.”

“Okay,” Fluttershy nodded and turned to the door. After grunting from a few steps, she made her way out the door, with Twilight opening it for her with her magic.


The sun was setting as Fluttershy carefully walked her way to the direction of Rainbow’s cloud house. Normally it would be a beautiful sunset to stare at as it lowered over the horizon. But today, clouds messily scattered the skies, blocking the rays that the sun would shimmer. It also didn’t help that the winds blowing from those clouds made it harder to admire. Without Rainbow Dash to tend to the skies, the weather wasn’t as beautiful as it used to be. It wasn’t necessarily bad weather, but it was a noticeable difference. Now that she was cured, the skies would regain its beautiful rainbow.

But as Fluttershy thought to herself, her stomach dropped. Many questions kept filling her mind, many questions she wanted to have answers to.

Why did that strange dream about Rainbow Dash come? What sort of creature was she? How did she turn into such a creature? And the one thing that bothered Fluttershy the most, why does her heart beat so fiercely when taking care of Rainbow Dash? Even now as she carried Rainbow across Ponyville, it beat fast. But it beat faster when Rainbow was that creature.

No matter how much she thought on them, the answers never came. She looked down, causing Rainbow’s mane to brush over her forehead. More questions spawned. How was Angel with Rainbow without anypony knowing? Since Rainbow’s tail wasn’t a collection of long hairs, he couldn’t have hidden there, and her mane wasn’t long enough to hide him. And of course, why would Angel want to hide with her in the first place?

Fluttershy shook her head, leaving herself with a frown and a headache. It was clear these questions weren’t gonna be answered. Besides, her thinking time was over as she arrived at the meadow that held Rainbow’s cloud home above. She bent over and let Rainbow’s body slide off her back and to the ground, giving a good stretch with her back and wings with the weight disappearing.

But as Fluttershy looked up to the cloud house, something dawned on her that she hadn’t thought about. How exactly was she going to get Rainbow up there? Her ears dropped again thinking she had just made a mistake. Then she thought maybe the meadow was good enough? Rainbow liked to take naps outside on the clouds, and on trees. All she needed was a pillow, right?

“No,” Fluttershy said to herself. “I can take her up there. I can.” She allowed herself to say things that would brighten up her confidence. “My wings are stronger than they used to be. It’s because Rainbow Dash has been training me.” Moving to the front of Rainbow’s body, she wrapped her hooves around Rainbow’s hooves and spread her wings. “And I want to show her how much I’ve improved, even if she isn’t awake to see it.”

Releasing a heavy breath, Fluttershy engaged her wings. Rainbow’s body lifted off the ground, but her weight became noticeably heavy when her hinds legs went dangling in the air. Still, she was rising. Fluttershy continued stuttering heavy breaths as she beat her wings. She didn’t stop until her altitude rose above the cloud step to the front door. That was when her wings gave in and she fell backwards, landing both herself and Rainbow on the cloud.

Fluttershy panted, relieved that the strain was over. She opened the door before picking Rainbow back up and heading inside. It was much easier getting Rainbow to her bedroom and on top of her bed.

“Phew…” Fluttershy sighed. After tucking Rainbow’s body in with the blankets, she pat Rainbow’s mane. Watching Rainbow’s sleeping figure made her smile.

Taking one of the extra pillows Rainbow had, Fluttershy moved to the corner of the room next to the door. Being a cloud house, literally anywhere could be used as a bed. She took one last look at Rainbow’s sleeping figure before plopping herself down to the pillow, falling asleep.

Author's Note:

Note: This chapter was revised starting after the spell cast from the original so that Chapter 4 could be set up better. Besides that, there isn't anything much that would change the overall story anywhere else. I guess the main reason why I did the story the other way in the first place was so that Angel could get one more scene.

If you wish to re-read the un-revised version, click here. Type 'Angel' to access.

The revise starts after this paragraph:

That was when Twilight recovered from her shock and picked herself up. She grunted and wiped her forehead. “Angel was here?” After seeing Angel laid flat on the ground next to Rainbow and Fluttershy, she walked over to them. “That must’ve been why I had such a hard time casting that spell. I wasn’t expecting him to be around.”

Find any errors? Please notify.

Feed back and criticism are appreciated.

Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy.

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