• Published 11th Nov 2016
  • 741 Views, 20 Comments

Equestria Stark - Krieg cormac

Celestia and Luna are sent to the North by their father to be the wards of Eddard Stark.

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Chapter 1

“Where are we going Father?” Said a alicorn filly. She was as white as snow and had a mane that was light pink. She was followed by a younger filly. This ones fur a dark blue and her mane was a light blue. Both already had their cutie marks. The white ones was of the sun and the blue ones was of the moon.

This was Princess Celestia and her younger sister Luna. The heirs to the kingdom of Equestria. Princess of the Sun and Moon respectively.

“I'm going to take you to see an old friend.” Said their father, a alicorn stallion named Solar Flare. He had a white fur and had a mane of a orange that looked like a fire. They were riding on their father's back. They were still too young to fly this young distance North.

“Who? Have we met him before?” Luna asks. Celestia agrees with her sister. Her mind was already trying to imagine who this mysterious pony was. Was he old and all wrinkly. Was he young and vibrant. She couldn't wait.

Their father chuckles. “No. You wouldn't be able to forget him if you had ever saw him, but he knows who you are. He was there when you girls were born after all. Besides we are almost there.”

The, Celestia and Luna look up and see the biggest castle they had ever seen in their lives. Even bigger than the one in the Everfree plains. It's walls were cold and grey. It was magnificent. Celestia notices its subtle beauty. They could barely make out the figures of the ponies manning those walls.

Then their father starts to descend. He makes his way to what appears to be the courtyard and lands. Celestia and Luna then jump of their Father’s back. They use their wings to help prevent any injuries. Then, the door opens. A creature that Celestia had never seen before walks out with two ponies walking behind him.

Celestia looks at the creature's face and assumes it is a he. After all it had a beard that held hints of grey and white in it. He was wearing leather and she could see some chain mail on his. At his side he had what appeared to be a long sword. He also had a fur coat that was wrapped around him. He had an impassive expression on his face and walks up to them. Even though she is a young filly, Celestia can see the sadness and regret in his eyes.

“Greeting your grace. Wintertide is yours.” The creature said. He bends on what she assumes to be a knee. The other ponies bow as well.

“Don't be so formal Ned. After all we are friends. You kept all of Equestria safe from the danger of the North.” Her Father said. He then motions to Celestia and Luna. “These two are my daughters”

He points at Celestia. “This is my oldest daughter. Her name is Celestia.”

He points at Luna. “This is my youngest. Her name is Luna.”

“Girls this is Eddard Stark. He is the reason that we have all the peace that we have down in the south. He is the lord of this castle, warden to the North and Hand to the crown. I wanted to make it king, but since he serves the entire family so I made it crown.” Solar Flare explained. He then proceeded to pat the now standing Eddard on his shoulder.

“Of course, your gr- Solar. It is my duty. After all Winter is coming.” Eddard said grimly. “There is rumors of a rival empire being formed beyond our borders to the far north.”

“Don't worry Ned. We’ll deal with it when the time comes.” Her father says enthusiastically. “After all, how can they survive up there without help. They have no way of growing food or dealing with the brutal snowstorms. Besides if they do attack, we have you here.”

“As you say Solar. Follow me.” Eddard responded motioning them to follow him inside.

It was at this moment that she noticed his accent. It was unlike any other one that she had heard before. Realizing that he had replied, she and her sister nod their head at them. He then leads them inside the castle. Looking around, Celestia marvels at the the way it was design. It was more for defending than it was for show, unlike the castle of the two sister that was named after herself and her sister. Luna meanwhile was daydreaming, possibly thinking about knights and such. She looks at her father and sees that he is talking to Lord Eddard.

They then reach what appears to be a grand dining hall. There was food already at the table. Luna’s mouth starts to drool. They hadn't ate since they had first left the castle.

Seeing this, Eddard smiles and said “Go and enjoy yourself your highness. I imagined that you would be famished so I had the cooks prepare what we had.”

“Yes go ahead girls. I am going to speak with Ned. I will meet up with you guys later.” Their Father said.

“Of course Father.” The two sisters said in unison. They then both looked at each other.

“Snow Sword. Keep an eye on them.” Eddard commands one of the earth ponies that were with him. This pony had a deep black mane with a grizzled beard. His fur was white as snow.

“Of course my lord hand.” Snow Sword replied bowing his head. He moves to a position where he can keep an eye on the young princesses.

Lord Eddard then proceeded to leave with the King on his heels. They then disappeared as the door was closed behind them.

“What do you think they are going to talk about?” Luna asks preparing to stuff her mouth.

“I don't know Luna." Celestia replies to sister. She turned around to see her sister stuffing her mouth with grapes and apples. “Luna keep your manners. After all, we are guest in this castle.”

“Fine. You know you need to lighten up.” Luna replies after she had swallowed all the food. Celestia didn't even know how she managed to do that.

Celestia sighs, “I don't even know how to deal with you.”

“Well you can love me and hug me.” Luna replies in a sarcastic manner.

Celestia sighs again.

Eddard Starks study Eddard POV

“What is the real reason you are here. You don't normally come North with your daughters, much less on such short notice.” Eddard asked as soon as he knew that they wouldn't be disturbed. He moved to the chair that sat behind his desk. Off to the side was his family sword, Ice. A great sword, it is taller than any pony. Made up of valyrian steel; a gentle touch could result in a devastating cut.

Solar sighs and moves to sit in front of the desk. “I know, but things are difficult down in the south.”

Eddard sighs. Solar reminds him too much of Robert. His personality, always uplifting until he was forced to do something serious.

“Whats going on? Here in the North we don't receive much news beyond our scouting reports and major news.” Eddard said. He motions to the papers sitting on his desk.

“I need your help Ned. I can't tell you the details, but I need your help.” Solar begs. He seemed nervous. How could such a strong pony such as Solar flare begging. This, Eddard did not know.

“What do you need help with.” Eddard replies. He was really confused. He had never come to him with a problem such as this.

¨I want both of my daughters to be your wards.¨ Solar said after a pause. His face looked nervous. He was essentially asking Ned to raise his daughters for him. This would be a big responsibility. Then, he remembered Theon Greyjoy. No, the princesses weren't like him. They won't spend all their time whoring around. They will be raise properly.

“Ï accept. I swear that I will raise them as I would mine.¨ Eddard replies. He felt sad on the inside. He feared he will fail them like he failed Sansa and Arya. Leaving them without a father in that brutal world. No, he wouldn't fail them like he did them. For his daughters.

“Thank you Ned. You don't know how much this means to me.” Solar said. His mood changed considerably. He started to ramble, but Ned didn't hear any of this. He would have wards again. He would need to get tutors, teach them how to rule. Teach them honor and justice, train them into a good leader. Unlike that little brat Joffrey. He then started to hear Solar's voice again.

“I'll be back with them in a week. They have to get prepared of course. Ill send their stuff a couple days in advance." Solar continues. He seems very excited.

“Aren’t you going to ask them what they want. Or did you already ask them. What about their mother?” Eddard asks. He was wondering on how the little princess’s and the queen would react. Queen Midnight is very protective of her daughter.

“Ill tell them when I think it will be right. They will most likely be mad, but it is for the best.” Solar said. He seemed so confident and carefree when he is in a good mood. If he wasn't a alicorn, you wouldn't think that he was king. The couple difference between him and Robert were, he was faithful to his wife unlike Robert, he didn't drink as much, and he wasn't a fighter. Other than those differences, they would be exactly the same. Those were some major differences.

“Of course. We will prepare the castle for their arrival.” Eddard replied with a nod of his head. Then all of a sudden, a large noise sounded out. It sounded like a scream. A manly scream. Seconds passed, when Snow Sword rushed him. The normally composed pony was a mess. He was covered in fruits and vegetables. He had a banana peel on his head, and his fur was covered in a assorted jelly and mashed up fruits.

“My lord, my king. He said bowing. A couple pieces of food fell down and hit the ground comically.

“What happened Snow Sword?” Eddard demanded. “Why aren't you with the Princesses.”

“That is the reason I am here my lord.” Snow Sword said as calmly as he could. “Princess Luna decided to have a food fight. Her sister tried to stop her, but their is nothing we can do now.”

Eddard sighs mentally. She is definitely like Arya. He looks at Solar and sees a smile on the king's face. The answer was clear on his face. There was no trouble in the south. He was just a lazy father. Either way, he gave his word and Starks never go back on their word. He motions Snow to lead the way. Snow took the lead while Ned and Solar walked behind him walking side by side.

“I can't believe you tricked me Solar.” Ned grumbled. His footsteps could be heard throughout the hallway.

“Hey it's not my fault that you fell for my good acting. I had to practice that for several month.” Solar laughed out. “Soon I won't have to deal with any shenanigans. I know that you will straighten them out and make them into proper leader.”

Eddard sighs again. Right before they enter the hall, several ponies ran out covered in food. They paid no ming to the newcomers. Then Eddard and Solar went inside the grand hall. Snow decided to not interfere with this problem.

“Hahaha. I'm queen of the castle. I'm queen of the castle. Hahaha.” shouted a very happy Luna. She had stacked up several tables on top of each other. Eddard had no idea how she had managed to do that. Some of the newer squires had helped her forming a wall of flesh and fur around it protecting her.

Across the hall was Celestia was leading some of the older pony at arms and squires. They were attempting to subdue the younger princess. They had formed a circle around the stack of tables.

Eddard sighs and walks to the side with Solar following him. He moved to sit on one of the nearby chairs that were relatively intact. This would be interesting. As the futures rulers of Equestria, they would need to know how to rule in times of war. This would help them out in the long run.

“You're going down my dear sister.” Celestia said. She was marching up levitating a huge piece of corn. The ponies behind her grabbing anything that could resemble a sword or a spear. The unicorns were wielding them with their magic, while the pegasi and earth ponies used their mouth.

“You'll never get me. Charge my minions.” Luna cackled. So she was that type of leader. She had managed to convince some of the younger ponies to follow her, but she wasn't very skilled in military matters. She seems to be very charismatic, but very hot headed. Kinda like Renly, youngest of the Baratheon brothers.

Celestia on the other hand wasn't like her sister. She was calm, and she had direct control over her soldiers.She directed them where they would be covered in the less amount of food. She looked more similar to Stannis. She had a aura of authority that made ponies want to obey her.

Eddard just sat there with solar by his side. They only moved when a piece of food, came near them. This was a very interesting. Of course he would have them clean up and put the things back to where they belong. This would be part of their discipline schedule.
Soon only Celestia and Luna were the last ones standing. The rest were on the ground groaning in pain and eating off of their fur in boredom. They circled each other. Neither one said a word. Then Luna made her move and charged at Celestia. She was wielding an oversized leek.

Luna made an overhead strike, to which Celestia blocked. She tried again with a stab. Celestia moved out the way. Then Luna proceed to slash wildly barely giving Celestia time to block. Eddard noticed that Luna was the faster of two and the more aggressive one as well. Celestia however, was the smarter fighter. Eddard looked at Solar wondering how had they learned to fight. A smirk meant that he had taught them in his spare time. He then turned his attention back to the fight. The little fillies still haven't noticed their audience.

Celestia then managed to get Luna into a corner. Luna began to tire from moving very fast for someone her age. Celestia then aimed her now destroyed piece of corn at Luna’s neck. Sighing in defeat, she threw down her equally destroyed leek.

“The defeat has been doubled.” Celestia chuckled “For you.”

Then they heard clapping. Turning around, Celestia saw that they had a audience. Her father and Lord Stark were walking towards them. Her eyes turned into pinpricks. A princess wasn't suppose to act like this, but Luna gave her no choice and now she would be given alongside Luna. she turned and glared at Luna; who then smiled a smirk that made her want to punch Luna in her clean white teeth. Celestia then turned back to the incoming adults.

“Excellent fight girls.” their father said. Celestia and Luna beamed at him. Until he continued his sentence. “But as you know, this isn't our castle, so you two are grounded. Plus you two are going to have to clean up. Along with the other participants.” He had a cheshire smile on his muzzle.

He motions Eddard to speak. “You two are to assist in the cleaning.”

“Very well father.” Luna and Celestia said in unison. They both glared at each other again.

“Anyway. I have news for you girls. I was going to tell you later, but i might as well do it right now.” Solar told them. “You two are going to be wards here at Wintertide till you are of age. You will be the wards of Lord Eddard.”

Luna and Celestia were both shocked. If there were any flies around; they would easily be able to fly all the way in and out. They had never expected this. They were going to be stuck in the middle of nowhere for years. The coming of age was six and ten years of age. Celestia will be here for ten year; while Luna will be here for 12. For any other type of pony that would be a long time. However, they were alicorns and they lived for a millions of years. They would watch their friends come and go. Still, Celestia and Luna still didn't know that as that information would shock them. So in their minds, that would be a good chunk of their lives. A large chunk of their lives.

“When?” was the only thing that came out of their mouths.

“One week.” was the only reply that they needed. That was not a lot of time. They would be busy the entire week. They may not even have the time to do most of the important things that needs to be done.

“Why?” was the next question that they asked. What is the reason that their father is sending them away?

“So you can learn to rule in the future. Lord Eddard will teach you honor and justice. He will give you lessons that will help you for MANY years to come.” Solar answered. Though of course, that wasn't the real reason.

“Ok father.” Celestia answered. Luna remained quiet. They knew that arguing with their father in front of plenty of other ponies would be a bad idea. They would be grounded for that important week and they do not want to spend their last week in trouble. Besides this, when their dad put his mind to something, he will do it.

“Alrighty girls. Say goodbye and hello. Goodbye because we are leaving right now, and hello to your new home.” their father said. “Farewell Ned. See you in a week's time.”

Solar then walked out with Celestia and Luna following behind. She and Luna jumped on top of the their father. Before they lifted off. She heard “Farewell Solar.”

As her father carried her and Luna, she looked at the fleeting distance between them and Wintertide. Her future home.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone. Cookie to whoever finds the reference. Now I know it's been awhile since I wrote anything, but I have been going through some family troubles. One of my friends edited this so hopefully he caught some mistakes at least. Don't worry, I'll still continue Scipio. Till next time.