• Published 6th Mar 2018
  • 4,894 Views, 233 Comments

I Don't Need Magic - Undome Tinwe

Fifteen years into the future, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer reunite to stop a thief from bringing magic back into the world.

  • ...

Chapter 21: Paradise Lost

For the umpteenth time that afternoon, Twilight wished she had Cadance with her to help as she tried to put on her make-up, or that she'd brought her own streamlined set of beauty products instead of the absurdly large collection of samples Rarity had gifted her with. Her former babysitter had helped her out with this kind of stuff when she was a teenager, and afterwards she hadn't needed that level of expertise anymore.

Twilight had never cared to do more than make herself look professionally presentable, but tonight she wanted to look as good as she possibly could for Sunset. She had absolutely no doubts that Sunset would stun her into speechlessness when she arrived to pick her up, and she wanted to make sure she could at least stand beside the CEO of Equinox Labs without feeling self-conscious, which, given how ridiculously attractive her girlfriend was, would be quite the tall order.

Scanning through the multitude of guides she had opened on her computer, Twilight eventually decided that she had done the best she could and that any further attempts to beautify herself would likely have adverse consequences on her appearance.

With one final exasperated glance at the mirror in the hotel bathroom, Twilight returned to the main area of the suite to resume working on finalizing the test her students would be taking next week. Dinky and Moondancer had done a wonderful job taking over for her, but she still needed to check to make sure everything was going according to plan. If all went well, she'd be back in time to supervise the examination herself.

That last thought gave her pause. Her time here in Canterlot had been a wonderful vacation – threats of world domination aside – and her budding romance with Sunset a fairy tale right out of a storybook, but soon reality would come crashing down, and they'd be separated once again as Twilight was forced to return to her life. Sunset, too, had responsibilities as the head of Equinox that couldn't be ignored.

Whether their relationship would survive outside of this little timeless bubble they'd constructed remained to be seen.

A loud knocking sounded from the door. Twilight shut down her computer, made one last attempt to smooth everything out, took a deep breath, and then opened the door, her jaw dropping as expected as her visitor was revealed.

If Rarity had designed Twilight's dress with Sunset in mind, then the masterpiece of a dress that Sunset was wearing was a perfect mirror of hers, created to evoke Twilight's own appearance. Purple and pink danced along the layers of the dress, creating shifting aurorae in the frills around the legs and torso. The colors lightened into a soft lavender as they flowed up along her breasts before narrowing into a tight collar of fabric around her throat, the shape displaying the graceful curves of her shoulders.

And of course, Sunset herself was a total knockout, having put on a light coating of makeup to enhance her already alluring features and tying her hair up in a loose ponytail. Under the light of the afternoon Sun, she looked absolutely radiant, an otherworldly spirit made flesh, which Twilight supposed wasn't too far from the truth.

"Wow." Sunset was wearing her usual casual smile, the one that brightened up her face more than any lipstick or eyeshadow could. "You look great. Rarity really outdid herself this time."

Twilight managed to regain enough of her senses to reply with a vague "Thanks." Taking a moment to compose herself, she provided a more articulate response. "You're looking quite magnificent as well."

Sunset shrugged. "Glad you approve." She held out an arm to Twilight. "Ready to go?"

Twilight snaked her arm around Sunset's, feeling a bit giddy at the idea of finally fulfilling her teenage fantasies. "After you, m'lady."

"You're in a good mood tonight," Sunset commented as they walked down the corridor towards the entrance of the hotel.

"I'm still riding the endorphin high from last night," Twilight replied, snuggling closer to Sunset. "I also appear to be feeling unusually affectionate, likely due to your absence from my life for the past sixteen hours or so."

"Mhm. I missed you too, Twilight." Pushing out the entrance doors, Sunset revealed a sleek, expensive-looking limousine, large enough to house a dozen occupants. A well-dressed man stood next to the vehicle, holding the door open.

After climbing into the car, Twilight allowed herself to sink into the soft leather seat across from Sunset. "I could get used to this," she said with a contented sigh, sipping from one of the Champagne flutes that had been waiting for them on a small tray.

"Go ahead," Sunset said as she draped her lithe form over her own seat. "What's the point of having all this money if I can't use it to pamper the girl I love?"

"You make me sound like a trophy girlfriend," Twilight said with a roll of her eyes even as she felt her heart warming at Sunset's words.

"You could be, if you wanted." Sunset placed a hand on Twilight's thigh as she spoke, her voice low and husky. "Spending your days being pampered or hanging off my arm, not having to worry your pretty little head about anything. And at night..." The hand slid upwards, slowly tracing a line towards the hem of the dress until Twilight slapped it away.

"Very funny, Sunset." Twilight smoothed out her dress as she met Sunset's playful smirk with a small smile of her own.

"Can't blame a girl for trying, can you?" Sunset shrugged. "I just want to have you by my side forever. Is that too much to ask?"

"Yes," Twilight replied flatly. "I do have my own life to live, if you recall, even if I'm putting it on hold to carouse around in Canterlot with you."

"I guess I can't convince you to move here, huh?" Sunset brought her own flute to her lips, sipping at the clear liquid sloshing around inside.

"Despite how far our relationship has gone, we've still only been dating for a few days," Twilight pointed out as she settled back into her seat. "I'm not about to give up everything I've built in the last fifteen years to jump into your arms. Besides, it's not like we won't be able to see each other at all – it's only a few hours' drive between Hayvard and Canterlot."

"It's even faster by helicopter." Sunset pulled out her cell phone and began typing on it. "I'll have to remember to get another one – Starlight'll probably get pissed if I'm taking it over all the time. We'll have to work out something in the long-term, though." She returned the phone to her purse before shifting her gaze to Twilight, a thoughtful look on her face. "Hmm, Equinox is due for an expansion, and opening an office right next to Hayvard would be a great business move."

"I'm sure your Board of Directors would love you making decisions about a billion-dollar company based on geographic proximity to your girlfriend."

"Eh, I have a controlling stake in Equinox. And it is a good decision, in terms of connections and networking." She picked up her drink and sipped lightly at it, the muscles of her throat flexing hypnotically. "Speaking of networking, we're gonna need a cover story for the Exhibition today. Can't exactly tell everyone that we got together while chasing down a Siren that stole a magic journal from me."

"We can just use the same one from before, about me helping you out with a secret research project," Twilight said. "It's not even a lie, and I'm sure you'll be able to get some new breakthroughs out of the work we're doing to market soon. Maybe the dowsing thing?"

"Yeah, that could work." The car began to slow down, and Sunset downed the last of her drink, with Twilight following suit. "Well, here we go. You ready for our first event as a couple?"

"Sure." Twilight felt the limo grind to a halt. Despite the soundproofing, she could hear the murmuring of the crowd outside their metal enclosure. "Are you ready to tell the world that you're dating a lowly professor?"

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Weren't you the youngest tenured professor at Hayvard for a while? Not to mention everyone seems to think it's just a matter of time before you get a Nobel prize. Not exactly what I'd consider 'lowly.' Besides, I already said I would shout your name from the top of a mountain to let everyone know we're dating. I can't wait to show you off and make them jealous."

"How sweet." The sound of a latch being unlocked preceded the opening of the door, revealing a small crowd of reporters with cameras and what appeared to be audio recording devices. "That's a lot of people." Twilight shrank back a bit at the sudden onslaught of noise. "I didn't realize you were such a celebrity."

"The Exhibition is bringing in the crème de la crème of Canterlot, and a bunch of other places too," Sunset said as she climbed out of the car and into the light of day. "You going to be okay?"

"Of course," Twilight took Sunset's proffered arm, pulling herself into a standing position next to her girlfriend, "this isn't my first rodeo. I was just a little surprised." There wasn't time to say anything more as they stepped out into the crowd.

As Sunset had said, it seemed that they were more interested in other prey, and Sunset and Twilight managed to get into the entrance of the hotel with little more than a few photos taken of them. Twilight idly wondered as to who would even want those pictures before they made it into a beautiful and mostly-empty foyer.

The receptionist recognized Sunset, and after confirming that Twilight was on the guest list, had one of the hotel staff lead them to the elevators, where they climbed up to the top floor. Twilight mostly stayed silent, letting Sunset's incredible charisma win over everyone she talked to.

Twilight knew how to play politics when necessary, but seeing Sunset in action was something else, her loving, caring girlfriend pouring sincerity into each of her words as she built a genuine rapport with the staff of the hotel. It had been a while since she'd seen so many smiles on the normally straight-faced employees.

When the elevator opened, they found themselves looking out at a beautiful rooftop terrace, dressed up to the nines with neatly trimmed flowers and hedges sporting decorations of satin, velvet, and streamers. The latter made Twilight do a double-take before she remembered that Pinkie was the one organizing the event. In that context, it was actually incredible how classy and refined the place looked.

From an initial perusal, about half the guests had already arrived, milling about the numerous large dining tables in elegant formal attire and mingling with one another. Before they could seek out their own table, however, a familiar-looking couple approached them. "Ah, Miss Shimmer, it's good to see you again," A blue-haired man with skin as white as Rarity's said as he shook Sunset's hand. "It has been dreadfully dull attending these events in the past weeks without your presence. I trust you enjoyed your vacation?"

"Hey, Fancy Pants," Sunset replied. "Yeah, my vacation was pretty great. It was nice getting away from all of this for a bit."

"Understandable. The rigors of industry can be rather taxing at times." Fancy Pants' gaze shifted towards Twilight, a calculating look in his eyes. "And I see you've brought a friend to this little soirée of yours."

"Yup." Sunset wrapped an arm around Twilight's shoulders. "Fancy, Fleur, I'd like to introduce you to Doctor Twilight Sparkle. She's a professor of physics at Hayvard University and she's been a valuable research partner in a recent joint venture with Equinox."

"A little more than research partners, I should think," Fleur said with a small titter, "or do my eyes deceive me?"

"Perceptive as always, Fleur," Sunset replied. "Twilight, this is Fleur Dis Lee and Fancy Pants, from Pants Enterprises."

"Enchantée, professeure." Fleur reached out her hand for a handshake. "You have chosen a remarkable woman to share your heart with."

"Indeed," Fancy Pants chimed in. "I've never met an entrepreneur who blends smart business sense with a genuine desire to make the world a better place quite like Miss Shimmer."

"As if you aren't one of the biggest contributors to tonight's show," Sunset replied, that easy smile brightening up her face again. "Face it, you've got that same generous streak in you, as much as you like to drive a hard bargain."

"I'll take the compliment, as long as you don't think it means I'll go easy on you." Fancy turned her attention back to Twilight. "Doctor Sparkle, I believe I've heard your name before from some of my more academically inclined associates. They say you've done some extraordinary things in the science of materials. Would that have anything to do with the work you've done with Equinox?"

"I'm afraid we're still not at the stage where we're ready to reveal our discoveries yet," Twilight said coolly.

"I don't suppose I could tempt you into an early reveal?" Fancy was speaking to Sunset now, though he kept his body language open to both of them.

"Sorry, not this time," Sunset replied with a chuckle. "You'll just have to wait for it like everyone else."

"Very well, I'll be ready to negotiate a price with you as soon as you release your next miracle." Fancy's eyes darted past the couple, focusing on something behind them. "Now, if you'll excuse us, I believe I see the Riches over in the back. Filthy still owes me some money from a bet, and I intend to collect. It was capital seeing you again, Miss Shimmer. And welcome to Canterlot, Doctor Sparkle – I look forward to speaking with you again."

As the couple took their leave, Twilight and Sunset continued their journey through the terrace, stopping every so often to chat with the other guests. Once again, Twilight let Sunset speak for the most part, mostly because she wasn't familiar with anyone here – this Exhibition had attracted a different set of guests than the events she normally attended. As such, she was content to hang back and watch Sunset mingle with the crowd, accepting the customary felicitations on her new relationship status.

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" Twilight asked as they finally reached the designated VIP table.

"Huh?" Sunset sat down next to Twilight, staring at her with a raised eyebrow while she took a long drink of water. "Ah, that feels so much better," she said with a contented sigh. "Anyways, what were you saying about me enjoying something?"

"All of this." Twilight made a large sweeping gesture with her arms. "The mingling, the politics, making deals and connections. I've talked to a lot of people from industry before, and none of them were that good at making people eat out of their hand. When you said your talent was leadership, you weren't kidding."

Sunset turned away from Twilight, and Twilight could have sworn the other woman was blushing. Still, when she spoke, her tone was still casual and easy. "Yeah, there's a reason my cutie mark has that whole duality thing going on in it. I'm not the kind of person who can spend all day in the lab."

"It'd be a huge waste if you did that," Twilight commented. "I think you made more of an impact in the past ten minutes of deal-making than most scientists will manage in a year of research. Being able to develop technologies to change the world doesn't matter much when you can't get people to adopt them. It's way too easy to forget that when you're inside the lab."

"Well, I'm glad I'm here to pull you back into reality." Sunset leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss against Twilight's cheek.

"I see I've come at a bad time."

Sunset jerked away from Twilight as if burned, and both of them turned to face the unexpected intruder. "Hey, Starlight." Despite her casual tone, Twilight noticed a tightening of Sunset's shoulders as her entire body stiffened. "How's it going?"

"Oh, the usual." Starlight mirrored Sunset's cool tone, and a chill spread up Twilight's spine as an undercurrent of something she didn't understand passed between them. "Everyone's mixing business and pleasure and gossiping between negotiations – by the way, Prim Hemline wants access to Evershine once the exclusivity contract with Rarity runs out."

"That's fine," Sunset replied. "Anything else?"

"Golden Wish wants you to sell the rights to an autobiography again, but I told her no, as usual. Also, apparently there's a rumor going around that you and Dr. Sparkle are a couple now. Like, in the dating sense, not just research partners." Starlight glanced between Twilight and Sunset, a look of disapproval on her face. "I guess that rumor was true."

Sunset looked like a kid caught with her hand in a cookie jar. "Sorry, I was going to tell you, but it slipped my mind."

"I see." Starlight voice grew even colder, and Twilight felt a weight settle in her chest at her impassive stare. "I suppose congratulations are in order. May your days be filled with wonder and magic."

Twilight didn't miss the odd emphasis on the last word, but she decided to ignore it. "Thanks," she said sincerely, "I hope to get to know you better in the future."

"I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other in the days to come." Starlight inclined her head slightly before turning to look at something in the distance. "Now if you'll excuse me, Jet Set wanted to talk about the latest advances from our aeronautics department."

As Starlight strode away into the crowd, Twilight felt her breathing return to normal. "Well, I guess not everyone's happy about us being together."

"Sorry about that. Starlight's just worried for me." Sunset smiled sheepishly. "She can be a little protective sometimes."

"It's fine." Twilight pulled away slightly from Sunset. "I get it. She doesn't want to see you get hurt by me again."

"Hey now." Sunset reached over and placed a hand over Twilight's. "It's going to be different this time. We're not the kids we used to be."

"I still worry about that a bit," Twilight admitted, her eyes downcast. "The past few days have been, well, magical, but the long-term will present a whole other set of issues."

"And like we promised yesterday, we'll meet each one of those issues head-on." For a few seconds, Twilight and Sunset simply sat in silence, losing themselves in the warm love they shared.

"Oh darling, aren't they just the most precious couple?"

This time, the interruption came in the form of a much friendlier voice. "Rarity, Fluttershy!" Twilight waved at the incoming pair, a wide smile on her face. "It's great to see you again! How has the Exhibition been going for you so far?"

"Oh, it's been absolutely marvelous, dear." As Rarity approached, Sunset and Twilight both stood up to give her a hug. "The rumor mill has been positively churning all afternoon." A playful twinkle danced in her blue eyes. "Your blasé announcement of your romance has set all the guests atwitter, and they've been dying to know more about how the great Sunset Shimmer's heart was stolen away."

"I'm glad you're having fun," Sunset said as she disentangled herself from Rarity. She turned to face the other newcomer. "How about you, Fluttershy? Still hiding behind Rarity?" There was no mockery in her tone, only curiosity.

"It's... nice, being with Rarity," Fluttershy said in her usual demure fashion. "I've gotten better with the mingling, but I still don't like it, and Rarity's done such a great job promoting our cause."

"I understand," Twilight said to Fluttershy as the two claimed the seats next to her. "I don't like it either, but sometimes you just don't have a choice."

"Mhm." Fluttershy carefully unfolded the napkin set out in front of her and placed it on her lap. "I just think about all the animals who need help – it helps to keep me going."

"It's the same for me," Twilight said. "We need the funding to keep doing what we do, so we put up with it."

Once Rarity and Fluttershy had both settled into the VIP table, Rarity leaned over to speak to Sunset and Twilight. "And how goes your quest to save the world? Are you any closer to finding Adagio?"

"It's going great," Sunset replied. "We should have everything wrapped up in a couple days without needing any help."

"Well, Rainbow Dash will be devastated," Rarity said with a grimace, "but I for one will be glad to have this ordeal over and done with. Even if I'm not contributing to your efforts, the knowledge that all I hold dear might be destroyed is quite the sword to have hanging above one's head."

Any further conversation about Adagio was stymied by the arrival of the other guests who had seats at the VIP table. Fancy and Fleur were the first to arrive and, after exchanging greetings, they proceeded to enmesh themselves in a complex discussion about the fashion industry with Rarity that Twilight was unable to follow. Jet Set and Upper Crust were next, settling next to Sunset and taking up her attention with their own negotiations, leaving Twilight and Fluttershy to sit quietly together, as they preferred.

The sound of a microphone being tapped echoed through the speakers and silenced the crowd. Looking towards the small stage at the edge of the terrace, Twilight saw Starlight tapping the microphone in her hand. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," she said, her authoritative voice sounding out crystal clear through the speakers. "On behalf of Equinox and Carousel, I would like to welcome you to the first ever Wings of Kindness Exhibition Show!"

Starlight paused for the polite applause that followed. "We are very grateful for your generosity today. Your donations will help provide homes for countless animals in need, and even more importantly..." The speech was pretty standard, with Starlight thanking all the patrons for their donations, explaining a little about Carousel and Equinox's commitment to responsible business dealings, and then hyping up the Wonderbolts show.

Twilight mostly tuned it out as she thought about how to adapt some of the things she'd worked on with Sunset into research projects. The cover story they'd constructed on the ride to the exhibition had reminded her of her own duties as a professor, and she'd need to have something to show for her time in Canterlot.

"...And now, without further ado, let's get this show on the road! Or in the air, as the case may be." Twilight looked back up towards Starlight as the final words of the speech were spoken, filing away thoughts of science for another time.

After another round of applause, Starlight returned to her seat, and soon afterwards a loud, swelling fanfare began playing from the speakers. At the same time, in the distance, a triangle of dots soared through the sky towards their position.

Twilight had seen the Wonderbolts perform numerous times on television, and had even had the opportunity to see part of a show from her office once when they came to perform in Cambridle. She had always been amazed at the feats of aeronautic prowess they managed to pull off, at the way they were able to push the technology of flight to its limits.

Nothing could compare to seeing this performance. As the sponsors for this show, the guests on the terrace had the perfect view of the aerial dance as the half-dozen planes that made up this squadron circled about the building, weaving an intricate pattern of loops, dives, and other manoeuvres that Twilight couldn't name. Twilight had to force herself to remember to breathe as she took in the awe-inspiring sight of one death-defying stunt after another.

A few minutes into the show, one of the planes detached from formation in a corkscrew dive, pulling up just in time to fly far too close to the crowd. A deafening roar rang out through Twilight's ears, followed immediately by a rush of wind powerful enough to blow her napkin onto the floor. As she watched the metal blur pass by in temporary silence, she swore she saw a rainbow insignia painted on the side of the plane.

Looking around, she saw the crowd in various states of shock and awe, most of them bending down to pick up something or other that had been blown over. Beside her, she saw Sunset watching the departing plane with a wry smile. "Every single time," she said, Twilight barely making out the words as sound began to return to the world.

"That was Dash, right?" she asked a little too loudly, still trying to get her ears to work properly again.

"Yeah." Sunset stared off at the plane as it circled back to rejoin the main formation. "She's always had a reputation for being a daredevil, even among the Wonderbolts, and she's always the one pulling off the most dangerous stunts. It helps that she's also the best pilot in the squad, probably in the world."

"It was very impressive," Twilight said, giving her own head a few shakes as the world returned to normal. "Being able to see this in person is really something else."

"Heh, you should've seen the shows the Wonderbolts put on back in Equestria," Sunset said, her voice lowering so that the others wouldn't hear.

"They have a counterpart too?" Twilight paused for a moment to think. "I guess that makes sense, though I'm still trying to figure out what a magic-powered plane would look like."

Sunset shook her head. "Not planes, pegasi. We're ponies, remember?"

"Oh right." Even despite yesterday's conversation, it was far too easy to forget just how alien the other world was.

"Yeah. I mean, planes are impressive, but it's nothing compared to seeing a squadron of pegasi flying in tight formation. Ponies are also a lot more manoeuvrable than giant metal vehicles, and they can do things like dance a waltz in the skies or shape clouds into set pieces for their shows." Sunset's eyes were wide, clouding over a little with emotion. "You haven't seen an air show until you've seen an Icaranian Sun Salutation."

"I can't even begin to imagine." There was that slightly surreal sensation again, as if she were floating on air. Seeing the wonder in Sunset's eyes made her heart flutter in ways she'd never felt before. "I'd love to see it one day." The words came out before she even had time to think about them.

Sunset's head turned sharply towards Twilight. "I'd love to show it to you one day," she said, a wide smile on her face.

With nothing more to say, they returned to watching the show, Sunset wrapping an arm around Twilight and pulling her close. Twilight didn't mind the gesture, enjoying the feel of her girlfriend's body against hers. As the dazzling display continued in the sky, Twilight couldn't help but think about the future.

She'd meant the words she'd said, she realized. One day, she wanted to travel to Equestria, to see the world that Sunset called home. However, it would take time before she could convince Sunset not to bring magic back with her, and until then, that dream couldn't be realized.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Starlight staring at her, hostility clear on her face. She turned away when Twilight met that stare, and Twilight sighed to herself as she realized she still had a long road ahead of her, with so many complications to deal with.

All too soon, the show was over, the winged performers returning to their base in perfect formation. As the buffet tables were set out, the mingling commenced anew, with everyone getting up to stretch their legs and make new connections.

Twilight mostly stayed with Sunset as before, letting her do the talking and occasionally breaking off to chat with Rarity and Fluttershy. A few times they were joined by Pinkie and Applejack, who had popped out from the kitchens and wherever it was Pinkie was organizing the event from, respectively.

It was just like during the welcoming party a few days ago, with them catching up with the past and making plans for the future. By the time Rainbow Dash arrived in a stylish dress uniform, Twilight had already promised to visit Fluttershy's sanctuary and Sweet Apple Acres the next time she came to visit Canterlot.

The daring Wonderbolt had taken the initial fanfare of her arrival with her usual cocky grace before moving over to where Twilight was sitting with Sunset, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity.

"Wow, looks like the gang's all here, huh?" Rainbow Dash said as she swaggered into the conversation. "So how'd you like the show?"

"It was marvelous as always," Rarity replied before pouting. "But did you have to pull off that stunt of yours? My coiffure is still traumatized from your little flyover." To emphasize her point, she gently patted her voluminous hair a few times.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Eh, it still looks good. Besides, you gotta make sacrifices for awesome, right?"

"Quite." Rarity glowered at Rainbow Dash, who ignored her in favor of studying Sunset and Twilight.

Her eyes narrowed as they saw the pair holding hands. "So Rarity's text about you two hooking up wasn't a joke, huh?"

"Nope." Sunset released Twilight's hand and instead lopped an arm around her, pulling them together. "It wasn't a joke."

"Then the part about you fighting Adagio happened too?" Rainbow Dash was clearly unamused.

"Yeah, sorry about that. There wasn't any time to call you, and we really didn't expect to be getting into a fight."

"Well, next time, lemme know, okay?" She looked to both Sunset and Twilight, meeting their gazes with an unexpectedly serious expression. "I don't want to see you hurt."

"Well, we're hoping to catch Adagio tomorrow, actually," Sunset said. "We set a trap for her outside Canterlot High and we're expecting her to fall for it in the morning. I can give you more details later if you want to be there."

"Yeah, definitely. I'm gonna be there for you guys this time." Twilight barely caught the faint tinge of regret in the words. Abruptly, Dash's expression shifted back into a casual smirk. "So, Twilight, how'd you like the show? You haven't seen a live Wonderbolts performance before, right?"

"I haven't, and now I find myself really regretting that." Twilight clasped her hands together. "You were amazing. I've never seen someone with that level of control over an aircraft. I always thought you would end up in sports, but I can see that you've definitely made the right career choice instead."

"Heh, I used to think I'd end up playing soccer or baseball or something too," Dash replied, "but after actually being able to fly for a bit, I realized that was what I wanted to do with my life. The ground just wasn't for me. There's a quote I really like, you'll probably like it too since it's by some old science-y guy. Lemme see if I can remember it." Dash pressed her hand against her forehead, frowning.

"Oh, right!" A look of intense concentration graced Dash's features. "'When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the Earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.' Yeah, that's it." She looked ridiculously proud of her recitation. "That guy must've been one hell of a pilot."

"That was Golden Ratio," Twilight said dryly. "He died a couple hundred years before the first plane was invented."

"Huh." Dash shrugged. "Well, for a guy who never flew he really nailed the feeling. I mean, being in a plane is nothing compared to having wings, but it's still pretty awesome. Anyways, I'll be there tomorrow, and if we gotta use magic against Adagio, I could always stretch my wings again."

"I don't think that will be necessary, but I guess we'll see." Twilight wasn't looking forward to dealing with a second person who seemed to be in love with magic, but she couldn't deny that she was a bit relieved to have someone with actual combat training with them in case things turned out like the warehouse again.

Before Dash could respond, a new voice joined the conversation. "So sorry to interrupt this little reunion, but it's about time for the speeches." Twilight turned around and saw Starlight standing a short distance away, her arms crossed and her foot tapping against the ground impatiently.

Sunset walked over towards her, looking like a chastised child. "Sorry about that. I lost track of time."

"Oh, right, speeches." Pinkie grabbed Sunset's arm and pulled her away. "I gotta go make sure that all my little helpers have the schedule right. Bye girls!"

With that farewell, everyone began to disperse. Applejack had to return to the kitchens to ensure that the catering was going as planned, and Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy had to go and mingle with the crowd. That left Twilight and Starlight standing awkwardly next to each other.

As Starlight began to walk away, Twilight called out to her. "Wait, Miss Glimmer!"

The other woman turned around. "Yes, Doctor Sparkle?"

Twilight stared the frowning woman in the eye, holding her own under her withering gaze. "I just wanted to say thank you," she said, trying to put every ounce of sincerity she could into the words. "I can't begin to imagine how bad it must have been for Sunset after she lost her magic. Thank you for being with her and helping her get to where she is today."

"I don't want your thanks." Venom dripped from her tone. "Unless you're willing to back off from Sunset, that is."

"You – you don't have feelings for her too, do you?" A sinking feeling settled in Twilight's gut at the thought of having to fight Sunset's best friend for her affections.

Starlight let out a startled laugh. "Of course not. This isn't some dumb high school movie, as much as your lives seem to revolve around your teenage years. I just don't want to see you ruining Sunset's destiny again."

"I won't," Twilight promised. "Not this time."

"Hmph, that's what Sunset said too. I suppose we'll see if history repeats itself. Have a good evening, Doctor Sparkle." With that, Starlight walked away, her poise cool as ice.

Well, it seemed that reconciling with Starlight wouldn't be as easy as she'd thought, Twilight mused as she watched Sunset step onto the stage. Still, she had all the time in the world to settle things with Sunset's President and prove her wrong. She could ask Sunset for help later if it came to that.

History would not repeat itself, if she had anything to say about it.

"Good evening, everyone." Twilight looked up to see Sunset standing on stage, looking radiant framed by her namesake. "I hope you're all enjoying yourselves, and if not, now's the perfect time to sneak out while we get through all the boring speeches." A small rumble echoed from the crowd as the guests chuckled politely.

"When I first founded Equinox, it was with a purpose. I had all these ideas that I wanted to share with the world, ideas that I thought would make it a better place. And over the years, I've been joined by a wonderful team of people, each with their own great ideas, and I like to think we've really helped make a difference in the world."

Sunset shifted a little to the right as she spoke, so that from Twilight's angle the sun was positioned right behind her, its blocked light surrounding her in a brilliant corona. "But that's not to say that we should rest on our laurels. There's always more to be done, and during my vacation, I realized that Equinox has been too insular for far too long. We've held events to raise money, and we have many initiatives that give back to the community, but we've never stopped to see what kind of great ideas others might have."

With the sunlight being shielded, Twilight could see the faintest twinkle of stars in the sky as the day turned to night and Sunset continued to speak. "It's time we looked outward, to work with others to come up with solutions to make this world a better place. Equinox has already revolutionized all our lives – imagine how much more we can do together.

"A bright future awaits us. A future of wonder and magic that I promise will transform our world. And in that vein, I propose a toast. To new beginnings!"

It was only then that Twilight noticed that Sunset was still holding a wine glass. She raised it into the air, and the crowd responded by doing the same. "To the future of Equinox and beyond!"

There was a louder applause as Sunset took a long sip from her glass. "Thank you, everyone, for your support and your generosity, and please enjoy the rest of the night." With that, Sunset stepped off the stage, handing the microphone over to Rarity so that she could thank everyone on behalf of Carousel.

Twilight didn't pay much attention to Rarity, however, as there was something much more interesting happening to the side. Next to the stage, Twilight saw Sunset step down, only to be approached by Starlight Glimmer, who looked absolutely livid even from a distance. She grabbed Sunset's arm and leaned over to whisper into her ear. Sunset wore a look of confusion as she followed Starlight towards a nearby stairwell.

It wasn't anything worth worrying about, Twilight thought to herself as the two of them disappeared behind a door. Starlight probably just got some bad news about something happening in Equinox and needed an emergency conference with Sunset. That kind of stuff probably happened all the time in the corporate world. It'd sort itself out.

And yet, something about the whole situation seemed off. Sunset and Starlight's words both came back to her.

"A future of wonder and magic that I promise will transform our world..."

"I suppose we'll see if history repeats itself..."

It was probably nothing. But if it was something, then Twilight was going to make sure that the cycle was broken. Starlight was a bit too similar to the person Sunset was before for her tastes, and she didn't want her going down that same dark path.

Resolved, Twilight followed after them. She descended the stairs in silence, the sounds of the partying crowd growing fainter with each step she took.

When she reached a door that was still ajar, she went through it and found herself standing in a kitchen, with a surprised Applejack facing her. "What're you doing here, sugarcube?"

"I was looking for Sunset and Starlight," Twilight explained simply, not wanting to sound too clingy.

"She went down thataways," Applejack pointed towards one of the doors before looking at Twilight with concern. "Is everything alright between you and your gal? Starlight seemed mighty steamed 'bout something when they came through."

"It's probably nothing, but I want to be there just in case I'm wrong."

"Well, good luck to ya, then." Applejack tipped her hat to Twilight before returning to whatever she was doing in the kitchen.

Twilight continued her search for Sunset, going through the door and reaching a twisting series of corridors lined with metal and naked wood. As she walked down the corridor, she heard what sounded like shouting coming from one of the open doors.

"You're reading way too much into this, Starlight." Sunset's voice, annoyed and impatient.

"Am I?" Starlight's snide response, her voice rising as she spoke. "Between you hiding your tryst with Dr. Sparkle from me and going off script to talk about new beginnings and changing how we do things – which you didn't discuss with me beforehand, I might add – I'm not exactly sure what kind of message you're even trying to send me."

Twilight took a few more steps forward as Sunset's petulant retort echoed off the uninsulated walls. "I already told you I was going to expand our outreach programs to work more with people from outside Equinox."

"And I'm sure that decision had nothing to do with your new lover. You can't possibly think that you aren't being influenced by her." Twilight quickened her pace, ready to defend her girlfriend from Starlight's accusations.

"You've got it the other way around. I've already talked her into going to Equestria with me – it won't be long until she's completely on-board with us. Like I said, she's going to be our most valuable asset once she's on our side." Twilight stopped a few feet from the door, suddenly frozen in place as she waited for the conversation to play out.

"Long-term goals are great, but as you'll recall we'll have the greatest opportunity to bring magic back into the world within the next few days. How exactly are you going to convince Doctor Sparkle not to destroy the medallion, the journal, and our best chance at achieving our goals?" Twilight found herself very interested in Sunset's response to Starlight's question.

"I've already modified the neutralizing matrix so that our disc will transfer the spell into itself while it destroys Adagio's focus. I'll grab the disc later and keep in somewhere safe. Twilight won't even know about the swap, and it'll buy me more time to talk some sense into her. After I do that, I'll tell her the truth." Sunset spoke with her usual confidence, but this time the sound was grating to Twilight.

"And when will that be?" Starlight asked.

"Yes, Sunset, when were you going to tell me about your deception?"

As Twilight made her dramatic entrance, she saw Sunset turn to face her, mouth hanging open in shock. Beside her, Starlight looked surprised as well, though she was hiding it much better.

"Twilight?" Sunset asked, panic flashing in her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw you leaving with Starlight and I followed you," Twilight said evenly. "Starlight's behaviour worried me, and I wanted to check up on you. Guess I should've been more worried about myself than you." Fire stirred inside her as anger and betrayal burned her heart. "Is this the part where you tell me that it's all a misunderstanding?"

"Depends on how much you heard," Sunset replied, recovering swiftly.

"You modified the design of the neutralizing matrix to steal Adagio's spell instead of destroy it," Twilight said. "I assume you've done this because you want to cast Adagio's spell or some version of it yourself at a later date." She glared at Sunset, waiting for her response.

Sunset deflated a little, her shoulders drooping slightly. "Then no, you heard it right the first time. But I swear I was going to wait until we could figure out how to modify it together. Me and you, together, just like we've been doing in the lab."

"And what if I never agree with you?" Twilight demanded, stepping forward. "What if I'm never okay with casting that spell? What then?"

"I'm also interested in the answer to your question." Starlight's voice had a dangerous edge to it, like a tiger getting ready to pounce.

"It wouldn't have come to that," Sunset said. "You already said you wanted to visit Equestria one day with me, remember?"

"Yes, visit," Twilight said. "But not to bring magic back with us. So the question stands: would you still cast the spell if I never agree with you?"

"No." Sunset stared Twilight straight in the eyes as she spoke. "I would wait until I had your agreement. All I wanted to do this time was buy some time to convince you, time I didn't think I had last time. That's all."

"I see." Starlight responded before Twilight had the chance to, her words coming out with a chilling calm. "In that case, I'll have my letter of resignation on your desk Monday morning." With that, she walked away from Sunset and Twilight, her movements looking stiff and mechanical, as if controlled by a puppeteer.

"Wait, Starlight!"

The woman in question turned around at Sunset's words. "Don't bother," she spat, the ice in her voice finally thawing into burning anger. "You've made your lack of conviction clear. I still remember the promise we made, though, and I'll make sure we achieve our vision, even if I have to do it myself."

Neither Sunset nor Twilight spoke as Starlight walked away once again, disappearing around the corner until the only evidence of her presence was the rapidly fading sound of her footsteps against the concrete floor.

When the steps finally grew silent, Sunset turned her attention back to Twilight. "Well, that could've gone better," she said, the humor in her voice sounding hollow to Twilight's ears. "You believe me though, right?"

"I – I don't know." Twilight turned away from Sunset. "You lied to me. Again. I want to trust you – I was starting to, but now..."

"Did you really want to trust me?" Sunset's piercing question was delivered like an arrow to Twilight's heart. "Because I haven't seen anything to prove that. You've insisted on following me around, making sure I didn't try anything again. The first time we ran into magic in the wild, you pulled a damn ultimatum on me."

"I followed you because I care about you!" Twilight shot back, anger erupting again.

"Really? Is that why you were sneaking around after me and Starlight?" When Twilight didn't answer, a grim smile graced Sunset's features. "Yeah, that's what I thought. You haven't even bothered to listen to any of my arguments. You've been stubbornly holding on to your own beliefs, just like you always have. Face it, you don't want to trust me, you just want to be right, just like you always were. I've tried to change, but you won't see it."

"Have you changed?" Twilight asked, her voice sharp as a blade. "I still see a power-hungry woman who's so convinced she's right about everything that she won't trust anyone either. Don't think I haven't noticed that you haven't been listening to my arguments either. I've tried to make concessions, but you haven't budged."

"And there you go again, trying to take the moral high ground," Sunset said with a roll of her eyes. "You're still the self-righteous coward you were all those years ago."

Twilight flinched. "And you're still the same selfish brat!"

A tense silence filled the room as both parties glared at one another. Finally, Twilight sighed. "I guess we're right back to where we started. We always knew this wasn't going to work." She turned around, her heart burning with an empty pain. "I can't stop you from bringing magic back to this world, but I don't have to stand by you either. Goodbye, Sunset."

Something snapped in Twilight's soul, and the agony was so great that she couldn't think of anything else except getting away from Sunset's presence.

As she began to move towards the door, Sunset's voice called out to here. "If you walk away now, then things really won't have changed. You'll still be the girl who ran away from all her problems rather than face them."

Twilight paused. "Then so be it," she said softly. "I can't go through this again."

With that, she left the room, just in time for the first tears to fall.

Author's Note:

Now that we're in the final stretch, I'm going to post chapters daily until the story completes. Expect Chapter 22 tomorrow.