• Published 13th Nov 2016
  • 695 Views, 6 Comments

Advance of Night - The Lord Inquisitor

Corporal Bastion, a FASTAC with the elite Lunar Rifle Regiment, is a pony on the run. On the run from his past mostly, however his past is not something he can run from. Not when the fight of his life is beckoning.

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Chapter 5: Medically minded Princess

Army Medical Centre, Eastfather barracks, Canterlot.

The two princesses gaze into the recovery room, their faces grim as they gaze at the storm-cloud grey pegasus with a short black mane that has been cropped close down the neck. The pegasus's wings and fur show signs of damage, patches of skin are visible where fur has been scorched away. The pegasus is asleep, an oxygen mask clamped over his face. The machines strapped to the pony blip and hum gently as they take various samples. Long leads hang from the pony to the machines. Stacked in one corner is a battered and cracked set of combat armour, scorched and charred from the heavy onslaught of fire that it had taken. Ceramic is strong, but nopony expected it to withstand the kind of punishment that the Grenadiers inflicted upon it. Five hundred rounds of training ammunition were fired in thirty seconds into plating designed to take a maximum of two hundred and fifty over the course of its operational life.

The two alicorns are very different from each other in appearance. One is a rich midnight blue where the other is a brilliant pale pink in colour, and the first has a long flowing deep blue mane that glitters with stars whilst the second princess has a simple tri-coloured mane that hangs down her neck in glorious curls. To look upon them, none would know they were related. Princess Luna, the ultimate commanding authority in all matters concerning her beloved regiment, is not happy at all. “What news do the doctors bring?” She asks her niece.

“He will make a full recovery.” Princess Cadence says after a second, “Corporal Bastion is very lucky indeed, as are his two colleagues. His radio and vest took most of the fire, as did the camouflaged fabric over his wings.” The periwinkle coloured mare extends a wing, folding it over her aunt who sighs and relaxes into the comforting gesture, her starry mane billowing slowly and languidly, her expression drawn and mournful.

Princess Luna sighs softly “Those are glad tidings Mi-Amore Cadenza and thy words should inspire me to joy, yet I cannot find it in my heart to be joyous to see my soldiers in so grim a state.”

“Shining Armour sends his apologies-”

“None are needed, the Grenadiers acted properly to neutralise the threat though their fire discipline could stand to improve. Nay I do not hold he or his regiment to fault for this. Accidents happen in training, this is an accepted fact among military professionals. So was it before my exile and so it is now. However that makes it no easier to see my sworn defenders laid low for feats of bravado intended to win my favour.” The Night princess sighs mournfully, her tail twitching faintly. “Am I such a ruler, Mi-Amore Cadenza, that my subjects would commit feats of suicidal bravery for naught but my approval, Am I a bad pony because I approve of this... stunt?” She turns to the princess of Love, who sighs comfortingly.

“Princess, no one blames you for this, or your regiment... the Lunar Regiment is well known as a bunch of hard-flanks who like pushing themselves.” Cadence says reassuringly “And I suppose, from a military standpoint, there's a lot to approve of?”

Luna nods grimly, her mouth setting into a thin line.
“From a military standpoint, there is much to approve of. I lost three additional ponies and a position that would have fallen anyway in exchange for a general of the enemy forces. The company that I lost defending such a place is easier to replace by far than a pony of Shining Armour's stature. Not only do the enemy lose a valuable and experienced commander, but the damage to their morale is equally crippling.” Luna says, placing a wistful hoof upon the glass of the treatment room, then her eyes flick upward to Cadence's own eyes which are flickering around nervously.

“Thou be more tense than a farmer a'fore the swarming season, there is something thou art keeping from me Cadence.” Luna says archly after a moment, and Cadence sighs, finding no easy way to say what she needs to.
“His wings took most of the fire, and the doctors... well they do not think he will ever fly for a while.” The Alicorn says sadly and Luna nods shortly, her face falling. Cadance clears her throat quickly

“It’s not that bad, they say he could fly in six months or so, it’ll just take a while before he’s fully flight capable.”

“I see, my thanks Mi-Amore Cadenza, and also my gratitude to thee for thy sweet words, they are a much-desired solace to me in these sore times.” Luna's head drops and her wings droop upon her back, her mane's languid flow slowing to a crawl. Cadence sighs gently.
“It is not as bad as it could have been,” Luna says suddenly “Thy husband, Shining Armour, he also took-”

“Shining Armour's fine, his pride is about the only thing that the dumb colt hurt today,” Cadence cuts across her elder, her tone cross, “I told him he should stay back and let the company commanders do their job, maybe now he will actually listen... Oh, I'm sorry, that sounded-”
“Nay Mi-Amore Cadenza, thou art right to look for the brightness in such matters, and it is good that thy husband will be where generals ought, thou art his wife and thou does not wish him to come to harm in his occupation.”

“You are too wise for your own good auntie.”

“It comes with years Mi-Amore Cadenza, however though I appreciate thy effort to give me succour, I would ask thou to give me peace for a moment.” Luna sighs softly and Cadence nods grimly, before turning on her hooves and trotting mournfully down the corridor, leaving Luna gazing into the treatment room at the bed of Corporal Bastion, B Company, Her Lunar Majesty's Royal Regiment and very nearly the first pony to die in her service for a very long time.

The corridor is silent but for the gasping sobs of the Princess of the Night.

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