• Published 19th Nov 2016
  • 994 Views, 15 Comments

Twilight Sparkle and the School of Hogwarts - DerpymuffinAuthor

In the world of Equestria, people are unaware of the many wizards and witches that hide beneath the surface of society.

  • ...

Welcome to Hogwarts

Author's Note:

This story does not contain any characters from the Harry Potter series. The pets have been altered to suit the rules of the universe in that series. The characters have been sorted based on my judgement of their traits and what suits the story.

Equestria, a rich, beautiful country defined as being full of harmony and friendship.

However, beneath the surface of the cities and small towns, rainbows, and the many celebrations of the country’s rich history, you would find something much more interesting.

A world of magic.

It was late in the morning at Canterlot Crown Train Station. It was an oddly busy morning, more than usual. Those that weren’t fully engrossed in their own thoughts would notice the large amount of people in robes and pushing trolleys full of trunks and animal crates.

Among the throng of robed individuals was a couple, walking alongside their daughter who was pushing a trolley along like the other children in robes.

"You know, I doubt our appearance will help us blend in with all the Muggles." The father, an older man with blue hair that was neatly swept back. It was a lighter shade of blue than his robes which bore two crescent moons (one smaller and a different shade than the other) on the part that covered his thigh. He gestured to the people who weren’t wearing robes, but attire that was suitable for whatever it was for them to go about doing.

"Calling them Muggles doesn't help much, either." His wife responded, although her voice didn't betray the warmth in her eyes when she looked at him. She had light purple hair, already streaked gray. She was shorter than her husband by several inches, but it wasn’t a huge difference.

Between the two of them was a small girl with a lanky frame and evenly trimmed purple (a deeper purple than her mother’s) hair that boasted a streak of hot pink. She was bouncing as she walked, eyes wide as she took in the surroundings. The Muggles that stepped onto trains to continue on with the lives she didn’t understand but wished she did.

The girl was pushing a cart that had a large trunk that was double her size and had a small metal cage perched on the top, with a large fluff of brown-beige feathers sitting inside.

"There, Platform nine and three-quarters. We're close. Come on, Twilight. Shining's already on board and waiting." The man pointed in the direction of the sign and then pointed to another that read 'Platform Ten.' There was only a large brick barrier between the two signs, surrounded by several other people wearing robes.

"Now, Now. Go on Flutters. No need to be worried." A sweet voice came from a short woman that was standing by the barrier, a man of only an inch taller standing beside her. Her hands were settled on the back of a young girl that was a few inches taller than Twilight and had much longer, pink hair. The woman seemed to be trying to usher the young girl forward towards the barrier, but she simply clutched the handle of her trolley tighter.

"Yeah, Fluttershy. Come on!" Another girl, who sounded far more confident, was pushing her cart ahead of Fluttershy. Her hair was streaked with all the colors of the rainbow, like the man who stood next to her. He was a broad-shouldered man with a more muscular build than any other man Twilight had seen in the station. The girl was wearing Muggle clothes, but she clearly wasn’t one of them if the animal cage and trunk in her trolley were anything to go off.

Twilight and her parents stopped near them, Twilight peering around her cart to get a better view.

"W-What if I stumble, or-or bump into someone and knock their things over!?" Fluttershy squeaked, not seeming to notice the rainbow-haired one frown.

"C'mon Fluttershy, look, we're starting to hold up a line."

This remark caused the other to whip around, her extremely long hair whipping around her and her wide blue eyes looked full of fear. "O-Oh no! I'm- I am so, so sorry!"

"It's alright. We're not in any particular rush." Twilight’s mother reassured, smiling in a way that seemed to calm down Fluttershy a little.

"Well, we will have to be if we don't get on that train soon!" The rainbow-haired girl responded, turning and starting to push her cart at ahead of her while going at a running pace. Twilight, let out a small gasp as she sped towards the barrier.

Twilight half expected the girl to crash directly into the wall, but she didn’t. The girl, cart and all, phased right through the barrier as if it wasn’t even there.

"See Flutters? It's perfectly safe." Fluttershy's mother reassured, brushing back some of her own large, magenta curls and gently pushing her daughter towards the wall.

"H-How about those others go?" Fluttershy whispered hurriedly, glancing towards Twilight briefly.

"All right." Fluttershy pulled her cart out of Twilight's way. Twilight nodded her thanks to Fluttershy before pushing forward, trying to push down her growing feeling of worry as the wall grew closer and closer.

At the last moment, right before her cart reached the barrier, Twilight squeezed her eyes shut

When she didn't feel her body slamming into her cart as it smashed into the wall, she started to slow and hesitantly opened her eyes.

She immediately spotted a large scarlet steam engine, which was currently resting alongside the platform which was packed with many other kids with carts and trunks, being kissed or hugged by friends and relatives before boarding the train.

Twilight saw many different animals in this space as well. Cats striding around, somehow avoiding the mass of moving people that were currently ignoring the smoke that drifted over their heads from the engine, owls loudly hooting from their cages, rats squealing as their cages were jostled about.

Twilight turned to look behind her, seeing a wide crystal archway that opened up to Canterlot Crown Train Station behind her. Platform Nine and Three-Quarters was spelled out in gold above it.

Twilight's gaze however, was not kept to the archway, and instead shifted to the rainbow-haired girl from before who was being flanked by her father as they approached the crowd around the steam engine.

Twilight began to push her cart towards the large train, watching as the students waved out of windows and their trunks were loaded onto the train. Twilight was stopped when her parents ran up behind her, wrapping their arms around her and beginning to remind her about things.

"Now, you better obey all the rules and not cause any trouble, you hear me?" Her mother said firmly and Twilight nodded.

"And don't forget to write, okay?" Her father’s voice was softer and a little shaky, but before Twilight could respond, her mother had pulled out her watch,

"Oh! You need to get on the train now, sweetheart!"

Twilight did not object to escaping the rather loud environment, watching her mother levitate her trunk out of her trolley and into the train carriage.

Twilight’s father picked her up, setting her down on the top step and ushering her inside before he stepped back onto the platform. Twilight held out her arms as her mother placed Owlicious’ cage into her arms.

Her parents started shouting goodbyes as the carriage door slid shut and Twilight stepped back further into the carriage, placing a hand on her trunk. There were a couple older students still milling about near one of the compartments ahead of her.

Ignoring them, Twilight began to shove her trunk down the train carriage, pausing next to each compartment to peer inside and see if there were any other first years inside. So far, all she saw were older students, and so she took one of the very last compartments, which happened to be completely empty.

She shoved her trunk into the compartment, frowning at the overhead storage shelves that were far too high for her to reach, let alone put her trunk in. She was glad when she noticed there was space underneath the seats which was where she wedged her trunk before taking a seat, setting Owlicious’ cage down beside her. The owl cooed softly and Twilight smiled at him before leaning against the wall and staring out the window at the platform next to the train.
It took Twilight a brief moment to notice that the train was beginning to move and that the crowd on the platform was entirely adults and some extremely small children that hadn’t received their Hogwarts letter. Some of them started running as the train picked up speed until it completely vanished into the tunnel.

Twilight was silent, watching the houses of Canterlot blur past, her focus now on the new destination as her finger gently stroked the feathered ball in the cage, only to be jerked back to full awareness by the opening of the compartment door.

"Hey, mind if ah' sit here? I can't find a seat anywhere else."

"Not at all." Twilight replied, looking at the girl who shoved her trunk under the seats as well before sitting down across from Twilight. Her blonde hair was lazily tied towards the end with a red ribbon, and her tanned skin was covered in freckles. She was bigger than Twilight, her arms seeming much thicker than Twilight’s.

She smiled as she adjusted her over-sized stetson hat and then held out her hand in an offered handshake. Twilight took it, now noticing how the stranger’s hands were bigger than hers.

"Name's Apple Jack, but you can call me AJ. What's 'yers?"

"Twilight. Twilight Sparkle."

"Nice ta' meet ya, Twilight. What'cha got there?"

Twilight looked down at the cage by her side, the creature inside it looking curiously at Apple Jack.

"Oh, this is Owlicious." Twilight pulled the cage onto her lap.

"Aw, he's a cute lil' guy. I have a cat, her name's Winona."

As if on cue, a cat crawled onto Apple Jack's lap (seemingly from nowhere), purring. The cat was mostly brown with large white patches.

"She's very cute." Twilight paused when she noticed the cat was wagging her tail like a dog. Apple Jack frowned when she noticed where Twilight’s gaze was focused.

"Can ya' keep a secret?" Apple Jack leaned forward, her voice a low whisper.

"... Yes?"

"Winona ain't a cat. She's a dog. My Gran used a spell on 'er 'cause I could'n bare the thought of takin' an owl or a toad over Winona." Apple Jack stroked the cat’s head and it leaned into it.

Twilight was quiet as she stared at the cat, slowly thinking over the information.

It was so strange to her. She ran over all the rules that she had read over in her head, trying to figure out if turning a dog into a cat was against Hogwarts’ rules, but she could only remember a rule about not being allowed to transfigure yourself or another person. Nothing about transfiguring a favorite pet.

Not that any average first year would know how to properly perform a transfiguration spell of that level of complexity.

"Aye! Winona!" Twilight was pulled out of her mind as Applejack started yelling, grabbing at her dog-turned-cat who was now sniffing at a very uneasy Owlicious. The owl’s feathers were ruffled and fluffed up as he attempted to get as far away from the other animal as possible, which was a fairly difficult task considering he was still in a cage.

Twilight lifted Owlicious' cage over her head, watching as Winona intensely stared at the cage, before her dark eyes turned to Twilight’s. Before a staring contest could break out, Apple Jack pulled her pet into her lap by the scruff of Winona's neck and began to scold her.

"Excuse me? Is this full?" Apple Jack stopped, looking over to the compartment door which had been opened by a few inches.

Twilight looked up as well when a girl peered through the opening, half of her face hidden behind long pink bangs. Only to duck away as a familiar girl swung the compartment door open and entered the room. Twilight set Owlicious’ cage down next to her.

"The train's been goin' for a while now. Why are you just now findin' a seat?"

"We had a seat but some knucklehead kids took them when I went to change into my robes."

"I-I'm sorry Rainbow-" Fluttershy started but her friend stopped her.

"Fluttershy, stop apologizing. You tried, and that's fine." The rainbow haired girl's voice had shifted to a gentler tone but it vanished when she looked back to the others.

"Mind if we sit with you?" Fluttershy whispered and Applejack nodded to the two empty seats beside her and the two shuffled into the booth. Fluttershy was holding a small fluff ball in her hands. Due to Owlicious' sudden interest in the small creature, Twilight was sure it must be a rodent of some sort.

Winona crept over to Fluttershy sniffing at the fluff ball in her hands. Fluttershy's eyes turned to her. "No, No. You can't eat him." She whispered and Apple Jack snapped her fingers.

"Winona, come 'ere." Apple Jack’s tone was firm.

Fluttershy and Rainbow looked at Apple Jack as though she had just tried to summon a broomstick, but the cat didn't notice, it simply leaped over to Apple Jack's side and leaned against her. Apple Jack scratched her head and smiled at the purring animal.

"Isn't that how you call for a dog?"

Apple Jack looked up from her cat and stared at Rainbow for a long moment. However, before she could make up a reason (or tell the truth, Twilight wasn't sure which) a plump woman appeared, pushing a cart, at the now fully opened compartment door.

"Would you like something off the cart?"

Twilight fished around in her pockets, pulling out a small bag full of coins before looking up and noticing that Rainbow had abandoned her seat to grab some of the food. Twilight got up and followed her into the corridor, The two got as much food as they could get. Rainbow had already started to cram some of the candy into her mouth while Twilight uttered a quick ‘thank you’ and shut the compartment door.

Twilight dumped her candy onto the empty space next to her seat. Rainbow was fishing around and eating some Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans as she handed a pumpkin pastry to Fluttershy who offered some to her rat who was more than happy to have some.

Twilight noticed how Apple Jack didn’t have anything to eat, so she offered her one of the cauldron cakes she had bought.

“Thanks!” She snatched the cake out of Twilight’s open hand and quickly started eating. Winona sniffed at it but Apple Jack scolded her, telling the cat that a cauldron cake would probably make her sick.

"Hey, do you have a Luna Celnis?" Rainbow Dash muttered, swallowing a mouthful of what Twilight assumed was a Chocolate Frog, due to the headless chocolate body that she was holding.

"Ya'. Do ya have a Celestia Celnis?" Apple Jack rifled through her pockets before she held up a card and Rainbow Dash nodded.

"I had three, but then I gave one to Fluttershy. So I only have two now. I'll gladly give you one."

"Thanks." She said as the two swapped the cards.

"So.. Do you have any relatives in Hogwarts?" Rainbow asked, swallowing the last of her chocolate frog and wiping her hands on her jeans beneath her robes.

"'Ah have plenty." Apple Jack replied, Winona trying to lick the crumbs of the cauldron cake from Apple Jack’s hands. "Cousins, nieces, nephews. It's in mah' family to go to Hogwarts. Mah' older brother, Macintosh, is here though, starting his fifth year."

"Wow.. My brother is here, he's starting his third year.." FlutterShy whispered, immediately finding her rat much more interesting when the others looked her way. Rainbow decided to pick up on the dropped off sentence.

"His name is Zephyr Breeze... And he's a lazy-"

"Rainbow." Fluttershy hissed, not appreciating the insult to her brother.

"Well, my brother is actually here. He's starting his fifth year. He's a prefect too-" Twilight started, wondering if her brother would come looking for her during the train ride.

"Your brother's a prefect?" Rainbow sounded very interested by that information.

"Yup!" Twilight was rather proud of her brother/

"Wow. My dad hopes I make Captain of the Quidditch team. I honestly hope so too." Rainbow slumped back in her seat, ruffling her hair for some odd reason.

"You know you can't try out for Quidditch if you're a first year?" Twilight asked and Rainbow let out an annoyed groan, her face pulling a pout.

"Yeah. It really sucks."

The compartment fell into silence as the others snacked on food and watched the countryside fly by. It was a long time and Twilight had begun to doze off when someone slid open the compartment door.

"Excuse me? Has anyone seen a toad?"

Everyone turned to the door, and a girl with vibrant pink curls was standing in the doorway.

"Pinkie, Dear. I doubt they would have found your toad. Gummy can't have possibly made it all the way back here." The voice was light with a prominent accent, one that sounded a little familiar to Twilight.

Another girl stood behind Pinkie, her purple hair was so curled and well done, that it was unlikely to naturally look that way. She also wore blue eyeshadow and crimson lipstick that made her look much older than an eleven year old usually would. Twilight had never seen such a young girl wear that much makeup before, outside of pictures of little girl pageants that wound up in the newspaper.

"Oh! We haven't met! Hi! I'm Pinkie!" The girl spoke so quickly that it was nearly unintelligible. Twilight stared wide-eyed as the girl seemed to Apparate in front of her, shaking everyone's hand, upsetting Fluttershy’s rat in the process.

Winona seemed to be the only pet that wanted anything to do with the girl, leaping to her paws and meowing at Pinkie.

“Aw, you’re adorable!” She cooed, scratching Winona’s head and chin. The cat seemed particularly happy about it.

"Well, since we're here, my name's Rarity. Rarity Belle." Rarity stepped into the compartment, not nearly as enthusiastic as Pinkie was. She looked at each girl in the compartment in turn before looking directly at Apple Jack and pursing her lips.

"Oh, are you... An Apple?" The way she said it implied being an Apple wasn’t a particularly good thing, which Twilight didn’t quite get.

"Yes. Mah' name's Apple Jack. How’d you know?”

"Well, I overheard someone talking about the Apples. Said something about them being everywhere an-"

"Slytherin," Rainbow hissed, earning a confused (and slightly started) look from Rarity.

"What?" Her voice was very smooth.

"I'll bet you five Knuts those are Slytherins." Rainbow said harshly crossing her arms.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy scolded, receiving a small look of surprise from Twilight and Rarity. That had been the firmest her voice had gotten since Twilight had met her. Rainbow only frowned, not answering as she slumped down in her seat.

"Can I have some? I ate the last of my beans and frogs about twenty minutes ago." Twilight nearly leaped out of her seat, having not realized Pinkie was standing incredibly close and looking at the small mound of candy in the seat next to Twilight.

"Sure." Honestly, Twilight felt like this girl didn't need any more sugar than what was already in her system but Twilight definitely wouldn’t be able to finish all of this on her own and she couldn’t say no without looking greedy. Pinkie took the seat on the other side of the candy mound, snatching up a pastry and wolfing it down.

"Me and my sister, Marble, are starting our first year! I hope that I get Hufflepuff like my sister Maud!" Pinkie began to speak in between mouthfuls, and Twilight took the time to play a small game with Owlicious using some of his treats which she kept in her pocket.

Rarity sat down beside Pinkie, attempting to get the hyperactive girl to use her manners while she also started talking to Twilight in between the lapses of silence that came from Pinkie stuffing her mouth full of Twilight’s sweets.

Through their conversation, Twilight learned that Rarity was the first daughter of a pure blood witch and a (non-pure blood) wizard and that she had a younger sister (Apple Jack pointed out that she also had a younger sister, but that was the most she really said to Rarity.) As well as a cat named Opalescence, whom she had left in another compartment. The entire time, Rainbow watched her with a faint scowl.

Eventually Rarity had gone silent after she ran out of things to say about herself and her attempts to talk about fashion had failed to hold their conversation.

Only when Apple Jack extended an invitation to conversation about pets (“what kind of cat do you have?”) did Rarity speak again, joined in by Rainbow who started talking about her pet toad, although Twilight was more occupied on trying to understand whatever it was Pinkie was talking about.

Pinkie had eaten a little over half of Twilight’s snacks when Rarity decided to pull her off the seat and push her out of the compartment. Before she shut the compartment behind her, she made a short promise to talk to them again soon. A promise that Rainbow Dash criticised under her breath in a rather crude manner.

"So... What house do you guys think you'd be in?" Twilight eventually asked after finishing off a pumpkin pastry. The group had not encountered the subject, and now that Twilight could see the faint outline of the castle among the steep hills of northern Equestria, she was starting to wonder.

"Well, most've my family is Hufflepuff. There've been a couple Gryffindor over the generations though." Apple Jack was stroking Winona, gazing out the window at the silhouette of the castle.

"I hope I'm a Gryffindor. My dad was a Gryffindor and he's says I'm a lot like him, so I bet I'll be parading about with the Captain badge for Gryffindor in a couple years!" Rainbow sat up, puffing out her chest proudly. Now that Rarity was gone, she seemed a lot less grumpy.

"I don't know if I would fit in at Gryffindor... Maybe Hufflepuff..." Fluttershy murmured softly, stroking her rat (Angel, she had said his name was).

"That does sound like it fits you, Fluttershy." Twilight murmured, pondering over her own future house while she stared out the window at the passing forests and rivers among the hills. Owlicious softly cooed from his spot next to Twilight.

"What house is your brother from?" Rainbow looked up from her book (She had pulled it out a little bit ago) which Twilight could not see the cover of.

"Gryffindor. Do you think I'd be a Gryffindor?" Rainbow shrugged at Twilight’s question.

"You could fool me."

Twilight was quiet, wondering if that was a compliment or not.

"I do know, for a fact, that I wouldn't wanna be a Slytherin." Rainbow was scowling at her book, as though something offensive had appeared on the page.

"Why not?" Apple Jack had turned her attention to Rainbow, frowning.

"You know the saying. 'There's not a single witch or wizard who went bad that wasn't in Slytherin.'" Twilight had never heard such a saying before, but Rainbow said it in a way that seemed to imply she heard it quite often and firmly believed it.

"Well that ain't a very nice saying!"

"Well it's true!" Rainbow raised her voice, causing Fluttershy to slightly curl inwards.

"Rainbow, that ain't true and we all know it! There've been bad wizards from every house and there must be at least one good Slytherin in that castle."

Rainbow snorted, "You just don't see it yet. You will... Just you wait." and abandoned the argument, which Twilight and Fluttershy were both grateful for.

The silence didn't last long, as Rarity appeared once again at the compartment door, only she was wearing dark robes and her makeup seemed to have been touched up a bit.

"You lot should get ready. We'll be at Hogwarts soon."

Without much more than a polite wave, Rarity slid the door shut and her silhouette slipped away. Rainbow snapped her book shut, sitting up.

"We will arrive at Hogwarts in about five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train. It will be taken to the school separately."

Apple Jack's eyes widened as she looked at Winona, who was happily dozing on her lap.

"I can't jus' leave Winona 'ere. They'r-" Apple Jack was about to say more, but realized the other two were unaware of her pet's situation, so she quickly shut up. Rainbow cast her an odd look.

"I can't leave Angel! He'll be terrified!" Fluttershy clutched the rat closer to her chest, causing it to squeak loudly.

Twilight sighed, noticing the scenery outside had begun to slow down. She nudged Owlicious’s cage and pushed a small treat between the cage. "Be good, Owlicious. I'll see you soon."

She turned to look at the two girls who were arguing about their pets, Rainbow trying to squeeze past them.

It seemed she would need to convince them to leave their pets on the train.

Twilight did her best to run, trying not to trip over her robes as she did. The other three were close behind her, Rainbow taking up the rear as though the other two would spin around and try to grab the pets they had left on the train.

They stopped near the back of a large crowd which had swarmed around the front door as the train stopped and the crowd made their way out to the platform.

Twilight's body shuddered as the temperature made a dramatic drop, matching the dark and cold tones of the sky above them. Everyone gave a collective murmur of joy as a towering man walked over, holding a brightly lit lamp.

"First years! First years over here!" He began to wave around until the crowd had split in two.
When it had, the man turned and began to lead the first years off the platform, repeatedly warning them to watch their step as they walked down was a very narrow pathway, which they could not see very far past due to the darkness.

All Twilight could hear were the footsteps and the short comments about the cold and the pathway.

"A little further." The man called as they turned a bend. The man stopped, lowering his lantern as the group of first years all gaped at the sight before them.

The path opened to the edge of a lake, which looked nothing more than a lake sized pit mirror of the night sky. Atop a mountain on the other side witch shining windows, perched a castle.

Everyone approached the boats at the edge of the rickety dog, pushing and shoving to try and get there first.

"No pushing! I don't want to have to haul any of you out of the lake and I doubt you wanna get in trouble on your first night at Hogwarts for hurting somebody. AND ONLY FOUR PER BOAT!"

Twilight smiled, watching a large group of chattering kids who had rethought the idea of all piling into one boat and upsetting the man.

Twilight saw Apple Jack waving from a boat which was already mostly full with Rainbow and Fluttershy, and she jumped in before someone else took her place.

"Everybody ready? Alright, off we go!"

The boats began to move towards the castle, as if they all were attached to invisible strings that pulled them forward. The lake rippled beneath them, the stars shifting along. Twilight watched, eyes wide with a smile.

The only sound were the hushed whispers of some of the students and the crickets that hid in the dark foliage around the lake. Twilight was quite pleased with the silence, staring up and studying the large silhouette of the castle itself, some details showing up in the moonlight, although most were drowned out by the shadows cast by it.

"Heads down!"

Twilight ducked as they approached the cliff, having momentarily been caught up in the sight. She felt Apple Jack shiver beside her as ivy, which was draped over a large gap in the cliff face, brushed the top of their heads. One kid squealed, the voice echoing and unpleasantly loud in the previously undisturbed silence.

Thee boats continued down a dark tunnel, the man’s lantern shimmering on the stones, until they eventually reached something resembling a harbor. Or as close as it could get. There were a couple rickety-looking, moss-riden posts, the bases of which were buried in the shore.

Twilight followed as Rainbow and Apple Jack climbed out of, their feet shifting rocks and pebbles as they climbed up the shore. The man quickly took to tying the boats to the posts, setting his lantern down on one of them.

"Yeah, he was hiding in my bag when I found him!" Twilight turned to see Pinkie Pie, happily talking to some young boy with wild brown hair that she had never seen, his hair in a similar hairstyle to Pinkie. Of course, that hairstyle being wild curls.

"Gummy is a sly little toad, he is."

Twilight spun around as someone grabbed her arm, her posture relaxing when she saw it was Apple Jack. She stumbled as Apple Jack began to pull her in the direction that everyone was heading, which was a passageway that the man had revealed with his lamp after he had finished tying the boats to the posts.

“Alright, everyone, this way! No shoving!” The man called as he entered it, climbing up while his lantern reflected off the old stones and the hair of the first-years as they followed up. It was cramped, Twilight nearly falling onto the steps only to be saved by the firm grip on her forearm.

She took in a deep breath of the cold night air as passageway opened up to a large patch of damp grass, glistening in the light of the lantern. It was the only light source in the big shadow cast by the grand castle that was so much bigger now than it had seemed before. Apple Jack released her hold on Twilight’s arm.

The man beckoned to the first years and led them up a stone stairway. There weren’t any walls around it, so Twilight didn’t feel as nearly cramped in with the other students as she had been before in the passageway.

The group stopped in front of an enormous oak door, covered in engravings that were either runes or purely decorations, Twilight couldn’t tell. The man that had been guiding the first years took a quick look around, counting the young students.

When none of the students appeared to be missing, he turned back around and knocked on the big wooden door.