• Published 28th Nov 2016
  • 762 Views, 10 Comments

Staying in the shade - Jonny Bench

Not many ponies have met night shade and lived. A skilled mercenary who is willing to take on any job. However, his next job may be his last, and not for the reasons you may expect

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Date: Oct 7, 4 ALR
Place: back alleys of Manehatten, next to an old warehouse
Objective: send a message that can’t be ignored
Plans: L.E.T.S.P. (Lots of Explosives That Start Panic)
Time: 22:37 hours

“… and then I said to him, you must be the most holy man on Equis now!” One guard said to the one sitting next to him, causing the both of them to erupt in a bout of laughter
“Hahahah… anyway, that’s how i lost my job and ended up here, how about you al?”
“Oh, that’s an easy one king! As you know, I am a radical yes. So one day, i go out to purchase supplies from nearby town to help us make statement. When I get back, encampment is burned to ground, and my comrades are captured or dead. Next day, I get phone call from somepony looking for others to join his gang. That is how i come to work under boss man.” “Al” explains to his partner. The two door guards continue to talk about their past, before moving on to weather and sports. However, while they are chatting, they fail to notice the shadow being cast upon them from the warehouse

“What do you mean, The Boulder is better than John cya? John Cya has won almost every fight that they’ve been in!”

“Yeah? Well if the fight’s weren’t so scripted, then The Boulder would wreck John Cya in ten seconds flat!”

“Personally, I must side with him, John Cya is a much better wrestler than The Boulder.”

A third voice coolly interjects, causing both of the stallions to jump in fright

“Wh-who’s there?” Al says timidly as both he and king stand back to back, searching the alleyways around them. Suddenly, something falls off of the roof, landing next to the two ponies. They turn to look at what fell, but see that it’s only a rock. They both let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding. However as they turn around, they are surprised to see what appears to be a young colt standing in front of them, holding a tattered brown piece of cloth around him, shivering in the crisp fall air.

“Hey, come’ere kid, we won’t hurt ya!” King says to the colt, causing the the youngling to back away. King steps towards the colt cautiously, as not to frighten him.

“Come on, kid, I don’t bite.” The stallion says, trying to coax the colt towards him again. Suddenly, a large bang is heard, followed by a flash of light.

“What the heck…”

“I’m blind!” Al shouts as he stumbles about while rubbing his eyes with one of his forehooves. As King moves to help his fellow guardspony he is struck from behind, just at the base of his neck, causing him to crumble to the ground instantly.

“King, are you there?” Al shouts as his eyes readjust to the lighting in the alley. Before he is fully adjusted though, he feels something hit him right in the back of his right forehoof, forcing him down on one knee. Before he has time to react, he too is hit in the base of the neck, rendering him unconscious as well. When both ponies are out cold, the colt from before scans the area for any sign of security cameras and ponies who may have heard or seen the flash bang. Once the coast is clear, he removes the cloth from his head, revealing a colt with a hazel colored coat, and a two tone violet-yellow mane. Moving quickly, he rushes over to the door of the warehouse, picks the lock, and quietly walks inside. He then pulls out a flashlight, and starts to examine some of the numerous boxes, looking for something specific among all of them. He comes to a stop next to a box labeled “experimental” and prys the lid off using a crowbar he had hidden under his cloth. He smiles as removes the contents of the crate, and puts it into a saddlebag he had hidden within the depths of his cloak. Once the items have been secured, he removes a small sphere from the outer pocket of the bag, throws it into the crate, and puts the lid back on it. With his task complete, he gallops back to the entrance of the warehouse to make his escape. When he reaches the door however, he puts his ear up to it to listen to see if the door guards have woken up. Hearing movement and voices from outside the door, he pulls a small box out from his bag. The box has a short antennae, with dials and a view screen on it. He pushes a small button on the side, then turns one of the dials until it has 1:00 on it, before setting on the ground and pushing another button on the side of it, causing the numbers on the view screen to decrease at a steady rate.

“1, 2, 3, go!” He says to himself as he kicks the door open and bolts down the alley he arrived from. The noise from the door being kicked out, jerks the two guardsponies to their senses

“Hey, you get back here!” King shouts as both he and Al take off after the colt. The colt continues to run, jumping over trash cans and fences with the two guards lagging behind.
“Hey, look! That alley’s a dead end! We got him now!” King says as he and his partner both reach the last alleyway that they had seen the colt go into. When they entered the alley though, nopony was there.

“What the, I thought that he went down here.”

“He must’ve tricked us. Come on, lets get back to the warehouse before the next shift gets there, we’re in enough trouble as it is!”

“Ha, nothing will be able to upset the boss more than leaving our post to chase after some stupid kid!”

Suddenly, a large flash of light is seen followed by a deafening explosion and large tremors shaking the earth. Both guards throw themselves to the ground to brace themselves against the force of the explosion. After a minute or two of waiting, al speaks up.

“That was huge! Somepony must’ve tampered with the chemicals in the warehouse, they’re highly volatile, or at least were.”

“Do you think it was that colt?”

“No, it would’ve taken either a bomb placed outside of the container to cause the explosion, or he would’ve needed to cut through 6 inches of celesteel. There is no way that he had the resources needed to cause the explosion!”

“We need to go find the boss and tell him about this, he’s not gonna like it one bit.” King finishes as the two guards gallop off to find their employer. Meanwhile, on a rooftop above the alleyway, the colt looks at the rubble that remains of the warehouse through a pair of binoculars, while holding a radio transceiver to his mouth and saying

“Mission complete, I’ll meet you at the same place as before.”

“Roger that, over and out!”

Date: Oct 8, 4 ALR
Place: The Drunken Oyster
objective: meet with previous employer
Plan: recieve payment, use force if necessary
Time: 0:00 hours

“So, jobs done. I’m untraceable. I was only noticed by the door guards, and they believe that i was some random colt on the street looking for a quick buck. They’ve got nothing on me.”

“Do you have the goods?”

“I do Miss Pommel. Sixteen concealable firearms, completely undetectable, with a built in cloaking device. The Polomare’s have also received your message bright as day, with no way to prove you were involved.”

“Well done Mr. Shade. I am pleased with the quality of your work.”

“It was my pleasure ma’m.”

“There’s something that you might want to hear though shade, the princesses are looking for you.”

“They’re finally trying to lock me up eh?”

“Actually no. From what I’ve heard, they want to hire you for a job.”

“Really now? I guess I’ll have to go pay them a little visit. Well, i must be going now, princesses to interrogate, ideas to create!”

“Wait, shade what about your payment?”

“Keep it Miss Pommel. I have no use for it. Especially if the princesses want me for a job.”

The colt says as he finishes his conversation with his previous employer and hands her the bag of experimental weapons, while keeping one extra one for himself. He proceeds to walk out of the bar before disappearing into the night.

Author's Note:

I have decided to start up a new fic with my OC, but he has a few changes. I hope you all enjoy it and i promise to work on my other stories more often. Until next time see ya!