• Published 30th Nov 2016
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Memoir of Misery - Silvak

With her memories returning, Sapphire has to endure the mystery of why she is receiving visions of monsters that Equestria never seen before, as she continues to try to make a new life for herself while searching for her old one.

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Chapter XVI: Influence

As Cadance looked at Sapphire with utter shock, the door burst open as two unicorn guards followed by two pegasi guards rushed into the room. The unicorn guards' horns lit up with their magic as one of them said, "Princesses, where is the assailant‽" Before Sapphire could give a response, her eyes widened as the pegasi guard rushed the two of them, one of them tackling Sapphire to the ground as he covered her body with his own while Cadance had her wits returned to her in time to stop the guard with her magic.

"Guards, there were no attempts at our lives. We merely were exploring Sapphire's magic when we came upon a surprising outcome," Cadance explained, causing the guards to nod in acknowledgment as they saluted her.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding, your majesty," said the guard that was on top of Sapphire as he got off her, using a wing to help her up to her hooves.

"It's... um... okay, you were just trying to protect us," Sapphire said, as the guard gave her a salute as well before they all left the room. Turning her head towards Cadance, Sapphire asked, "Is that a regular thing?"

Looking at the wall with the indent, Cadance answered, "Only when there's danger, though... to think that you can put a hole in the wall with just some water can be a scary thing. I don't think it would be a good idea to see just how far your special talent can go... could you do that before?"

"Hmm... I don't know... I mean, I never tried before. Though it wasn't much of an effort to do that," Sapphire stated as she rubbed her chin in thought.

"If that wasn't a drain for you, then I rather not see what you do on a level that can," Cadance stated as she shivered at the thought before sitting up straight as she brought a hoof to her chest. She took in a deeper breath before letting it out as she straightened out her leg.

"Umm... what are you doing?" Sapphire asked as she tilted her head at Cadance's action.

Smiling as she looked at Sapphire, Cadance answered, "Oh, just a breathing exercise to help clear my mind. Normally I do it for stress, like the stress from the idea of you having some rather potent means to cause quite a bit of destruction."

Ears pointing straight up in surprise as her eyes widened, Sapphire lifted her forehooves into the air as she responded, "Wait, I would never intend to use my magic for something like that!"

Keeping her smile, Cadance said, "Oh, I know. Deep down you're a good pony, albeit one that has some confidence issues, yet cares enough about other ponies. That's why you're afraid of having royal responsibilities since you don't want to ruin anypony's lives."

"Including my own, though I doubt that what you just said is actually correct," Sapphire replied, feeling skeptical about Cadance's statement.

Rolling her eyes, Cadance stated, "Say what you want, you're still an alicorn, and they tend to have some kind of special destiny for them. Otherwise, there would be a lot more of us in Equestria. However, there is one thing that we should discuss in regards to you being an alicorn."

Groaning, Sapphire ran her hooves over her face as she asked, "Can we please stop talking about the things that I have to do as a princess?" as she scowled at Cadance, causing her to rear her head back at that.

"Well, this is a rare experience. Only my aunts, and Blueblood, are willing to scowl at me like that," Cadance stated, causing Sapphire's scowl to deepen even more. "Anyways, I'm not talking about what you have to do, per say. I was more focused on that since you're an alicorn princess, you have to be an princess of something in particular."

Dropping her scowl, Sapphire raised an eyebrow as she replied, "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, as you probably know, hopefully, Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna are the princesses of the sun and moon respectively, and I'm the princess of love. For your case though, you could be the princess of water, or perhaps the seas?" Cadance answered, to which Sapphire just gave her a half lidded stare.

"I’d rather be the princess of lunch breaks instead," Sapphire stated with a roll of her eyes, to which Cadance let out a giggle at that.

As Sapphire gave a frown in response to her reaction, Cadance stopped her giggling as she explained, "Oh, that might be something you can actually take based on how much you eat. Regardless, there is a good reason why Celestia is making you a princess despite how much you dislike the idea of it."

Raising her eyebrow again, Sapphire asked, "And what reason is that?"

"The reason is that as an alicorn, ponies are going to be naturally attracted to your presence and your actions, whether it is for good intentions... or bad ones. Even if you weren't a princess, your status of an alicorn would still put you in the spotlight wherever you go. But as a princess, you would be permitted the actual means of getting some kind of privacy for yourself that you wouldn't be able to have if you were to return to your home. Furthermore, I hate to say this, but some ponies out there would actually want to capture you just to use you since you're an alicorn, but as a princess you would be entitled to at least some personal guards that would work to ensure your safety," Cadance explained as Sapphire blinked at that before looking at a wall in silence for a moment.

"I... didn't think of things that way..." Sapphire finally muttered as she rubbed the side of her head. "Sweet Luna, Veritas was right about my life being full of misery from all of this."

Sighing, Cadance placed a hoof on Sapphire's shoulder, saying, "Sapphire, you shouldn't let Veritas’s prediction get to you. Only you can decide if your future will be miserable or full of joy and happiness. And I say, how about you spite Veritas by making your life happy instead?"

Without looking at Cadance, Sapphire took a deep breath before replying, "You're starting to remind me of Celestia with that putting your hoof on my shoulder bit."

Pulling her hoof back, Cadance let out a snort as she said, "You really like to look at the negatives, don't you?" Seeing Sapphire frowning at her again, Cadance stood up and walked over to a table before sitting down next to it. "How about we do something to keep your mind off all that stuff for the time being. It's time for us to see how your Earth Pony magic is doing, so how about a friendly game of hoof wrestling?"

"Cadance, what's wrong with your foreleg?" Celestia asked as looked at Cadance with concern. She was rubbing her right foreleg with her other hoof while Sapphire was picking out some pies from a cart for lunch.

"Well... let's just say that it might not be a good idea to challenge Sapphire to hoof wrestling. She sure does have one wicked foreleg there," Cadance answered as Celestia turned her attention to Sapphire who had half of a blueberry pie in her mouth.

Eyes widening at the unexpected attention, Sapphire sucked in the rest of the pie into her mouth, swallowing it instantly to Celestia's mild disgust before saying, "Don't give me that look, she was the one that challenged me to see how strong I was. How am I supposed to know that I would hurt her like that?"

Shaking her head, Celestia stated, "Well, that's one new thing for us to know about you. Though, I have some news that I believe you would enjoy to hear."

Pausing at her third pie, Sapphire said, "You found me some isolated island where I can live out the rest of my days privately?"

Looking at Sapphire like she had grown a second head, Celestia answered, "No... I informed Twilight and the rest of your friends about your... 'ascension'? Revelation? To be perfectly honest with you, I don't know what to call that moment exactly. It's not something I would ever saw coming."

Blinking in surprise, Sapphire said, "Wait, my friends are com—" before the dining room doors burst open as Sapphire was tackled out of her seat and onto the ground by somepony. Looking at her assailant, Sapphire's eyes widened as she saw it was actually two ponies by the names of Pinkie and Twilight.

"Oh wow, you really are an alicorn! And here I thought this was a prank done by Princess Celestia! Wait, does this make you a princess too? Can I throw your 'I became a princess' party now‽" Pinkie asked as she hopped off Sapphire before throwing her hooves into the air as confetti exploded from behind her, much to the surprise of the other two alicorns.

"I can't believe it, you are an alicorn! This is amazing! To think that you're the fourth alicorn Equestria’s ever had, and you actually hid your wings and magic from everypony! How were you able to do that in the first place‽" Twilight added as she pulled Sapphire up into a sitting position before taking out a measuring tape along with a quill and notepad as she started to take measurements of Sapphire's wings.

"Umm... girls..." Sapphire started to say until her eyes widened as Rarity rushed into the room. "Oh no..."

Clapping her hooves to her face, Rarity let out a gasp as she cried out, "Oh sweet Celestia, it's true! You are an alicorn, Sapphire! But that means that I had a princess living underneath my own roof! Oh, you should let me make your dress for the coronation, and then I'll be famous for making a dress for a princess!" as she squealed with excitement.

Hearing the sound of more hooves coming into the room, Sapphire looked in terror at the dining room doors, expecting the rest of the Elements to come rushing in to tackle her or something similar to that. However, Sapphire instead was pleasantly surprised as Fluttershy and Applejack casually trotted in instead with Rainbow hovering right above them. Applejack then ran an eye up and down Sapphire before commenting, "Well I'll be, you're actually an alicorn after all Sapphire. And to think, I actually had you workin' on my farm."

Letting out an annoyed snort, Rainbow said, "I still say this is some prank. I mean, why would a pony that has a fear of clouds have wings? It's like having the total opposites of one another," as she threw her hooves out in frustration.

Snorting as well, Sapphire said, "Well, it's nice to see that there is one pony that I can agree with on this matter," before Twilight's face appeared before her own, causing her to let out a small shriek of surprise.

"Sapphire, can you tell me what magic you used to hide your wings? How did it feel to have them return to you? Can you tell me how your sides felt before the spell was finally removed?" Twilight asked as she had this kind of manic look that made Sapphire think that she might end up on the surgery table.

Before Twilight could ask any more words, Celestia lit her horn up, lifting Twilight away from Sapphire as she said, "Girls, girls, I know you all have so many questions to ask Sapphire since she's an alicorn now, but you should give her some space. This is a trying time for her and she doesn't need to be crowded like that. Now, how about we all calm down and have a nice lunch? Then you six can have a calm and collected talk about all this."

Ears folding against their heads, with even Fluttershy doing so despite the fact that she hadn't said a thing yet, the Elements muttered their apologies before taking their seats on the table. As they did, Pinkie sat down right next to Sapphire as she said, "Hey, do you still want my 'Congratulations on becoming a princess' cake?" as she lifted up a white box that she had apparently pulled out of nowhere.

"Pinkie, as nice as your gift was, I think Sap—" Celestia started to say before Sapphire grabbed the box.

"Yes, I do!" Sapphire said as she opened the box before using her magic to pull out a blueberry cake that she started to devour like some kind of starved wild animal.

Applying her forehoof to her head due to the sight, Celestia shook her head as she muttered to herself, "Yes, go ahead and eat the cake without asking me if I want a slice. It's not like I don't want any in the first place, no..."

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