• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
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Wise Cracker

Just some guy, riding out his time.


This story is a sequel to Junior Flight Camp: The Crusader and the Bullhead

(Cover art relevant to chapter 19.)

It's been a few months since Scootaloo learned to fly at Flight Camp, and she still hasn't brought her flying buddy over for some strange reason. But an opportunity presents itself: the Warrior Meet, a gathering of martial artists from all over Equestria and a chance to get lessons from the best. Surely that's enough reason for the little martial artist to finally come to Ponyville?

But a lot has changed since Flight Camp, and Scootaloo is reluctant to admit just what. As if that wasn't enough, the girls have to contend with an armoured alicorn prince and a ninja school hiding an even greater threat... one closer to home.

It's a whirlwind journey of self-discovery, complete with action, drama, comedy, and, of course, flashbacks interrupting the action, drama, and comedy! Also weekly updates! Expect a chapter every Saturday, and exclamation marks in the chapter titles, like any good manga.

Chapters (27)
Comments ( 99 )

Been a long time since we heard of what's-his-face (Willow Wisp or something like that). :derpytongue2:

Looking forward to reading this.

Silly pony. His name's not Willow Wisp...

Why didn't I think of that, though? No, Willow is the one from Filly Funtasia.

It's been two years or so, be glad I still remember him at all. Just don't ask for details. Or names.

Ooh, more of this story. Interesting intro, very intriguing first chapter, tantalizing hints of Best Pony backstory...

I have no idea where you're going with this, but I look forward to finding out.

I fully approve of an all-seeing Best Pony.

As for the fight scene, very cool stuff, though I knew he was going for a noogie at the end. Didn't anticipate him being Dash's dad, though.

This is definitely getting very interesting. And I'm guessing that this "Master Lee" character isn't going to spout off about the fires of youth.

No, no, this isn't that kind of Master Lee. It's actually a pony from the show. One you know. In fact, I'm not even sure if they use that alias early on.

Say the name out loud a few times. Who do you know who's called 'Lee'?

Huh. I do love how you're portraying Dash's dad, to say nothing of the Iron Maiden, but I genuinely have no idea what you have planned here. This is going to be one heck of a ride.

Don't be silly, girls. Kappaweirdal is a weapon-based style that uses cucumbers and accordions.

Ooh, very interesting look at Dash's past. Says a lot about what can go wrong with the Heart.

And so we come to ninja trials. This should be quite interesting. I look forward to seeing who makes the cut, and what has Scootaloo so terrified.

He's a ninja, you guys. You didn't expect him to be straightforward, did you? Also, nice to have someone show Applejack her unthinking hypocrisy. I don't blame her for it, but it's still pretty obvious from an outside perspective. (Of course, she can't help but use her inborn abilities, so it's a bit more complicated than that, but that's hardly the point of any of this.)

In any case, very nice action sequence with some deeply intriguing foreshadowing. Looking forward to the next issue.

Huh. Would it still be called the Monkey Mind when the students are four horses and a lizard?

In any case, interesting stuff. Feels a bit weird to have such a heavily bipedal focus, but it's not like there are any reference materials for quadrupedal martial arts. Well, none that I know of, anyway. Definitely looking forward to that upcoming showdown.


Would it still be called the Monkey Mind when the students are four horses and a lizard?

More importantly, would it be considered racist towards monkeys? :rainbowlaugh:

You bring up a good point, actually. The only reference I can think of for four-legged martial arts would be Them's Fightin' Herds. Other than that, maybe there's a dinosaur cartoon I'm not aware of that covers the subject? I did kind of start brainstorming something about it for the reindeer novel, but I haven't gotten very far yet. You'd really need to start from stick figures as visual reference and see what moves are universal: punches, kicks, headbutts, and so on. Work from there.

Other avenues to consider: Niko and the Way to the Stars, maybe? The Flying Forces do fight in the sequel, and Tobias is kind of a bad-ass once he gets going.

Anyway, part of the reason I use bipedal is because supposedly, the origin for martial arts is either Chineigh or Neighpon. Panda country. The other part is that Warrior's Heart is inspired by kundalini, which in turn focuses on the spine. A straight spine is the standard.

And no, the pandas don't call the Neighpon the Neighpon. That would be silly. They call it 'Japanda' instead.

Most interesting. A little more information on Hammer, a nice action scene, Apple Bloom proving she really does have the chops for this sort of thing... Yeah, this worked quite well. Definitely looking forward to the Whimper flashback.

Well now. Ash is going to need to have a talk with those two, though I'm not sure what he can say to get their heads in the now.

Meanwhile, Bogsdown still sounds like my personal hell. Though at least that flashback gave us "the dance squads pretty much own the streets," which is a beautiful phrase.

Looking forward to more, especially since I'm not sure if you'll go for the obvious approach or a shocking twist.

Welcome to Cobra Kai, Whimper. Enjoy your stay.

As for our Water stylists, as ever, those two have a lot to learn from one another. The catch is getting them to a point where they can actually absorb the lessons. That may take some time.

Protip: If you want to convince someone that the two of you have never met before, don't refer to them by name before you're introduced.

In any case, further progress, further backstory, and a most unexpected adversary. This will be a very interesting challenge circle indeed.

It's little things like that I enjoy putting in, just to see if people notice. Totally wasn't an accident that I forgot to edit out :scootangel:. But obviously he doesn't have a history with the girl. He, umm, he read about her when that gossip column thingie happened, and he saw her picture there. Lots of ponies did. That makes sense, right? :unsuresweetie:

Full disclosure, I've got a Spike preference here, and if this story didn't have a Spike tag I might have given it a pass (but I've been enjoying the rest too), so... Spike's "style" here seems a little barebones compared to the others, and it didn't really include much characterization for him.

On the other hand, if Spike was a late-game inclusion, I appreciate that you're using him as a supporting character but are determined to give him characterization and include him in the actual story. "Spike is in this story but uh... he's just around while everyone else is important to the story" is pretty common.

And is Silver Spoon just in full-spin mode all the time? Just "I left out we made fun of them at the party, and invited them specifically to do so."

I doubt that even her master would even care if she was a bully, since his whole M.O. is making them. Maybe instead say "then if you've already won, stop worrying about it."

(edited for clarity, and to avoid rambling... possibly in vain)
I can say without spoiling it too much, that part of the reason Spike isn't centric in POV here is because the story's central focus was always on the CMC, specifically Apple Bloom trying to wrap her head around things. Spike is neither in the CMC nor in Whimper's clique, and shifting the POV that way also let me add a layer of 'alien' ness to how he experiences things. His response is seen from outside, through pony eyes.

Easiest way to ckassify Spike in this story is to look at the Aqualad remarks regarding Rumble again. Rumble is the sports team guy, Spike is the sports team dude. He doesn't take it as seriously as the rest, making his perspective on things different, and that'll continue throughout, for a good reason. I do make him act like a character, in that others wouldn't have fit, but he doesn't have any major arc, I don't think, unless you count his fighting skills (which will be towards the end, obviously). There is also some vital information Spike has that the ponies don't (having consorted with Royal Guard ponies and all). So he does have some important functions to the story, he wasn't tossed in as an afterthought, not in the big scheme of things. He just popped up during the outlining stage and that required revisions of concept. He was still written in, not edited in, is what I'm trying to say :twilightsheepish:.

The Fire style includes mental imagery, like Water style did. But rest assured, the same way Scootaloo had a talk with Rainbow and Apple Bloom had her encounter with Hammer, Spike will have his talk. If it's not in the next chapter (they all start to bleed into each other when you keep re-reading them so often :twilightsheepish:) then it's in the next. The day isn't over yet.

As for Silver Spoon, maybe it's not so much her spinning it as it is not seeing things that way. The Feather Cloaks do have a habit of telling themselves how great they are, to further fuel their techniques and hone their focus. A Feather Cloak, by nature, can't admit to being wrong in front of an outsider as a result. It's not as blatant yet, but I'm going for a kind of cultish vibe.

Incidentally, if you are looking for a Spike-centered story, I have one of those, also. It's called Grabby, it deals with the 'greed growth' problem from a medical and practical perspective. Might be to your liking? Assuming you haven't checked it out yet? :unsuresweetie:

Well, the thing is... Spike indeed isn't in those cliques, because he isn't in anyone's clique. He's not Main 6. He's not CMC. He's not royalty or someone's family or sometimes even consistently treated like a child or an adult. So this mean... there are a lot of situations where it seems like the author says "Spike doesn't really belong in this group" so if he's needed he appears only as little as possible, not getting close to other characters, growing as a person, etc.

Edit: Had epiphany: mostly I'm just happy that he's a significant supporting character, because I don't see that all too often. He's either a central character (which don't get me wrong, I like) or just a cameo. Everything else is just me all on about speculation on why I don't see it as much as I'd like. :pinkiegasp:

But I have read Grabby, yes. I didn't make the author connection until now, though.

Parts of what Silver said ring "true" to what she might seriously believe, like the CMC getting "all the attention", but DT and SS really did mock AB for her lack of mark and continued to do so at the party, so that particular incident rings hollow.

The more I see of the Feather Cloaks, the less I like. At this point, we're going into negatives. I truly do fear for our protagonists. Silver may not be the hardest metal, but it can be sharpened all the same.

Also, very cool imagery with the meditation.

My goodness, but this is creepy. Even if you didn't mean to go for a cultish vibe, you hit it head-on. This is literally the worst possible choice Whimper could make, at least psychologically. The sad thing is that there are genuine physical benefits. You're really nailing the ambiguity angle; the Feather Cloaks are at once the best and worst thing to ever happen to Whimper.

As for that apology, I'm really not sure how it will go, though I have a feeling that Silver will dismiss it as insincere.

Spoony, you should really stop denying the potential of the Crusaders...

I think the Feather Cloaks just hit cult status. Only the master knows the truth. Everything that happens must be interpreted through the lens of the master's wisdom, or failure will consume you. Never doubt. Never hesitate. Never think for yourself. Ideally, never think at all.
This could go very, very badly in the near future. I'm just not sure for whom it will. Still, very proud of Whimper.

Also, very nice to see Spike get some answers. That's certainly an interesting reproductive strategy, though part of me can't help but wonder how the mother's biology knows both the day of the week and the month. In any case, looking forward to more.

The weird part is, part of the reason Whimper is so good is exactly because he doesn't think, at least not all the time, not anymore. Natural movement is slowed down by rational thought process. I've read bits and pieces about how there are actual martial arts cults, mostly inspired by Buddhism, but I never did any major research into it, so I didn't go any further into it. Another angle is the responsibility one Moongazer brought up with Rumble: if a student gets out of line, the master is held responsible. The higher the level, the more certain they need to be, doubly so with a style that encourages cockiness like the Feather Cloaks. It's also worth noting that a good ninja, a good spy, is a good actor. They need to stay in character, as a skill.

And yeah, the movie I got Spike's bckground from is available on YouTube. I'm told the English dub kinda sucks, but I can't say for sure. I assume the Friday the thirteenth thing is related to strokes of bad luck. Maybe they need the blessing from an Anti-Fairy. There's a crossover in there somewhere, someone should dig it out.

This would also at least imply that Spike's hatching day was Secret of My Excess, but his laying day was Spike at Your Service, and that's why he kept messing up.

Huh. And they said ponies couldn't strangle people.

Okay, you practise regular fisticuffs with Whimper for a bit, I’m going to go inspect the rest.

Wait, what!? :applejackconfused:

Okay, everything I thought I understood about this story just got turned upside down, and now I'm more intrigued than ever. Definitely looking forward to some answers. Sweetie asking Silver for pointers, on the other hand, I'm dreading.

Gosh darnit, I knew I made a mistake somewhere.

Should be hooficuffs instead of fisticuffs, huh? :trollestia: Oh well, pretend it's a term borrowed from the pandas.

So the feather cloaks basically told those other colts to antagonise whimper to try and make him join. Make him think they were right about his freinds.

:pinkiegasp: What? No, never. No ninja grandmaster would ever stoop so low, that would be a horrible thing to do, whatever makes you even think that? :pinkiesad2: You need to show some proof of that claim, sir.

In all seriousness, it's never stated in the story outright whether they did or not, but I am leaving it implied that it was Starfall, specifically, who set that up. In one of the versions where it got spelled out, the boys she got were stated to be from a stage club; aspiring stunt ponies. Ponies who can take a punch, even at an early age. Cutie marks and all.

It's also worth noting... not all his friends. Rumble and Peachy Pie, supposedly, 'respect' him, the Feather Cloaks just tell him to keep that air of fear about him when it comes to those two. If he'd been surrounded by ponies like that, there wouldn't have been any reason for Whimper to even think they're wrong. But he wasn't, so he has reason to doubt.

I think people are waiting for the inevitable return of Scootaloo rather than dwelling on Whimper, honestly. Can't have Silver Spoon jjust walking over everyone, now can we? :scootangel:

Not many fighters left to walk over, are there? I mean, after Spike, the only Nine Dragons student left is Rumble.

But don't worry, I think the fights leading up to Scoot's return will be entertaining, still. At least, I hope so :twilightoops:

Why oh why did I let this story fall by the wayside for so long? Amazing stuff all around, especially the moral victories over the Feather Cloaks. There is more than one form of strength, something that school cannot truly grasp.

Eagerly looking forward to more now that I've caught up.

Ash has a point. If Naruto taught us anything, it's defeat first, philosophize second.

Oh, you cheeky little... You got me with Ninja Narrative Ambiguity. Well played.

Still, it's deeply satisfying to see Scootaloo finally face Doldrum again. I just hope someone properly explains the situation to Cheerilee. She's so clueless, it hurts.

And if anypony’s bugging you, just let me know and I’ll get them to stop.

"There is this one filly."

Yeah, he'd never actually say that, but I can dream. Or it might just take him a while, once he has his thoughts together.

This was a very satisfying bout to see. Silver Spoon should be even more remarkable. And I do look forward to hearing how Bogsdown's been getting away with crewing over Whimper this much.

Exquisite from start to finish. From the perfectly named anti-turtle style to the tenth stance to the patched Sharingan to that counterargument by example of the Feather Cloak philosophy, this was a glorious chapter through and through. Tremendously satisfying. I can only hope Silver Spoon learns something from this. It's probably too much to hope that her instructor will.

Sorry, I hate to disappoint, but that's not going to happen, at least not in this story. The character arc for Scootaloo was for her to work out when confrontation and even violence are appropriate, as opposed to her being downright scared of fighting at all. It wouldn't make sense to have her outright fight at this point, certainly not against Silver Spoon.

Besides, Silver Spoon is down for the count, she's not going to be in fighting shape for a while.


It's really a matter of attitudes at this point. DW & the CMC certainly took the victory in the eventual physical test, now it needs to be done emotionally and mentally.

There are some aftermaths coming, yes, obviously. On Saturday, as ever :scootangel:


Of course there are, one of which is likely going to be Whimper's actual meeting with AB & SB (definitely going to be in the next few chapters, at least...)

I'm curious about Master Blazing Trails' opinion of Whimper now. We got to see what the group consensus was but he didn't get any words in. Is he annoyed over not getting Whimper? Is he actually shocked at how skilled he became on his own without Feathercloak instruction?

Huh. I hadn't thought about that too much, since the perspective shifted as hard as it did. Plus, I didn't want the Feather Cloaks to be completely irredeemable, with Silver Spoon still staying with them and all.

In general, I'd say Blazing takes the same attitude as he does towards Live Wire: the kid is on the circuit, he's outside the Feather Cloak sphere of influence, but still bound by certain rules. Blazing can still take advantage of the boy, but not exert as much control as he wanted. So it's a mixed bag. He definitely hates the fact that Whimper managed to master a style without Blazing's help, though. :twilightsheepish: Gotta give him that little jab, at least.

"Form 187?"
"Every i dotted, every t crossed. Even signed by Minister of Education Bone Shredder."

What, did you think I wouldn't get that reference? :derpytongue2:

In any case, it's a good thing Cheerilee got some direct experience with Whimper, because like it or not, she's going to have to deal with him in the future. Best that she comes to understand who and what he really is rather than just what Bogsdown says about him.

As for Whimper himself, hopefully a less sports-obsessed town will give him a chance to understand himself without all those contradicting signals.

And I do look forward to seeing Silver Bullet's reaction to his daughter's news.

Bonus points if said Minister is a bat pony. Because it's been a long time, but wasn't Bone Shredder a 1/1 that had both flying and echo? :twilightsheepish:

:rainbowlaugh: That's true, it is! And whatever else you can say about it, it definitely has black wings.

Silver Bullet did not do hugs. Silver Bullet was not a weakling.

Those two sentences next to each other say a distressing amount about Silver Spoon's home life.

Apparently that took a while, something about forms being signed, sealed, delivered, submitted to public inquiry and then being burned and buried for some reason.

I see Equestria has a few Vogons on retainer, or at least ponies with similar souls.

It's good to see Cheerilee see through the trumped-up reputation to the pony underneath. Likewise Applejack seeing his true character immediately.

Ponies and pirating do not mix.

I don't know about that; that was a fun comic.

I do like how the Crusaders have to keep careful track of which restraining orders expire when. They probably had to get a day planner.

A couple of weeks in Ponyville, and he’ll loosen up.

Not like anything ever happens around here.

Says the multiple-time savior of the world who lives next to an eldritch hellwood. :facehoof:

In any case, this was a most enjoyable continuation of Whimper's story. Sorry I fell off the wagon for about a month there. Suffice to say, this was a lot of fun to read, and I'm very glad you saw it through.

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